Mortal Prison Chapter 130: Qing Shi Ancient Sword, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

I rushed to the outside.

However, Da Bing and Ji Zi rushed towards the camp.

“What the **** are you doing?”

I was a little anxious and had to stop and grab these two tough guys.

“Don’t you want to meet up?”

The soldier slapped his head and said angrily: “Since you want to fight hard, you must be with the ANBU. There is strength in numbers!”

I jumped up and slapped Ya on the back of the head. This guy didn’t know what tricks he had learned when he was with the giant spirit. He was getting taller and taller. It was very difficult to hit him, and he had to jump up, but his brain was also weak. Just like his instructor, he became more and more showy. The more I looked at him, the angrier he became. I couldn’t help but jump up and slap him twice, and then said: “Who said we have to fight hard?”

The soldier became even more confused and scratched his head: “Don’t fight desperately? Then why did you jump up and roar so earth-shatteringly?”

“Those shadows are from ANBU. Each one has eight eyes. They look around everywhere when they are desperate. Can they do it without some momentum?”

I sneered and said: “There has to be an excuse when we look back. We were so jealous that we were accidentally scattered when we were raiding the formation!”

The soldier’s face turned red from holding back, and he scratched his head and ears. It seemed that he still didn’t understand.

Ji Zi came back to her senses and looked at me strangely: “Everyone is trying their best, and you want to run away again?”

“Who said I was going to run away? I also fought, and I wanted to fight my way out!”

I took a look at the camp, and saw that the shadows had already formed a formation, forming a circle. The ghost girls in the circle were teaming up with the giant spirits to deal with the corpse herders. They were on guard against these zombies, preparing to resist the zombie tide, and then I turned around. He said to Jizi: “This place is not safe. The four of us are too weak to play a big role here, but losing our lives is the biggest thing that will happen to us! Think about it, the people in ANBU are not good people. I sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and want to fish, but these monsters are not easy to deal with. They attack one after another. The night owl has not appeared until now. The outcome is unpredictable! The only way to kill them is to kill them now. Anyway, we are taking the initiative to rush towards them. After the tide of corpses, even if the ANBU goes back to investigate, they can’t tell us anything. I can finally see that these people are all perverts, and no one takes our lives seriously!”

The soldier finally understood, gave me a thumbs up, and grinned happily: “Xiaojiu, you are an old cunt!”

Ji Zi is still a little hesitant. After all, he was born in Liming’s family, and there is a natural sense of honor in his body, making him instinctively loyal to Liming and hating monsters. He will never regret it even after nine deaths. In his bones, he is like me. There is a difference between growing a bastard!

But after experiencing several things, I recognize him as a brother. This mission is a pit of fire. We can’t reverse the situation in the middle, and we have to fill the hole with our lives. I can’t just watch him jump down!

I didn’t try to persuade him, it didn’t make sense, so I simply raised the Nine Dragon Sword and rushed towards the corpse tide. After waiting for a while, the corpse tide was already close at hand. After turning around, I met a corpse with a mangled head within a few steps. , seemed to have died in a car accident, and the body was bought here. After cutting it into two pieces with a sword, my ferocity was aroused, and I roared and rushed towards the ocean-like tide of corpses behind me.

Ji Zi had no choice but to follow.

There are no zombies in this world, there are only corpses controlled by evil things. Unlike the zombies in TV series, they have no predatory instinct and everything they do is to carry out the will of the corpse herder.

The corpse herder is not interested in us now. It didn’t even notice that there were four of us little shrimps here. Its target was the ANBU, so these dead people were rushing towards the shadows.

We did not encounter a siege, but there were so many dead people that they formed a vast ocean. We were like a small boat going upstream. It was difficult to survive. I felt that if we were accidentally knocked down, we might be trampled to death!


Kill all the dead people in front of you!

I tore my clothes and wrapped the Nine Dragon Sword tightly in my hand with strips of cloth, fearing that I would lose the sword due to lack of strength!

The tide of corpses has no end, but my strength is getting weaker and weaker, and fatigue keeps coming.

“Are you still going to watch the show?”

An extremely sharp sound sounded, suppressing all sounds in the forest.

It is the voice of the corpse herder.

“Back to back, hold on!”

I decided not to break out. Something big will happen at the camp.

The four of us hugged each other back to back and struggled to survive in the zombie wave, but I also had time to see the situation in the camp.

It turned out that after two instructor-level masters, Gui Ji and Giant Spirit, attacked together, the corpse herder could no longer resist it no matter how powerful it was. It shouted and screamed at the dark forest around it.

Sure enough, there are other things lurking here. The dark night gives such a dense forest the best cover, which is perfect for hiding dirt and evil.


A sharp long cry came from the sky, and a **** bird fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed. It quickly attacked the giant spirit and grabbed the giant spirit’s heavenly cap with its two sharp claws.

The giant spirit reacted quickly, its iron legs were like whips, and it suddenly whipped towards the big bird!


The big bird retreated with one strike, leaving only two black bird feathers floating in the air.

This blow was ineffective, but it distracted the cooperation between Gui Ji and the giant spirit, giving the corpse herder a chance to breathe and regain some of the situation.

To be precise, the one who attacked them was not the big bird, but the night owl that has never been seen. I have had contact with this thing, and it is unmistakable.

“Wow! Wow!”

A sharp cry like a baby crying echoed in the air, and more night owls appeared.

They not only harassed the giant spirits and Onihime, but also attacked the shadows of ANBU.

A night owl grabbed a young man into the sky and threw him down again. The man’s head fell to the ground and his neck was instantly broken and he died suddenly.

There was also a young woman who had her Tianling Gai snatched away with one claw. Her brain could be seen. When she fell to the ground, it all fell out, and colorful flowers splashed all over the ground.

The shadows were helpless against this extremely fast monster. They were in chaos for a while, their formation was completely destroyed, and everyone’s attention was on the sky.

The zombie tide went crazy and accelerated towards the camp.

“Up the tree!”

I immediately made a decision and climbed up a big tree nearby. These dead people would not climb trees, and they didn’t care about me. I finally breathed a sigh of relief when I got to the tree.

The soldiers followed suit and immediately climbed up several other trees.

“Xiaojiu, are you cheating on me?”

The soldier was riding on a tree branch and cursed angrily: “How many tree brothers are you working so hard this morning?”

“How dare you do it before?”

I said angrily: “Those shadows can deal with these dead people with ease. They seem to be fighting, but they are always paying attention to the surrounding situation. If we hide in the tree, we will be seen immediately. We will definitely suffer disaster when we return to the organization. You can’t get away with being accused of running away! It’s different now, they have too much time to take care of themselves, this is their chance!”

After saying this, I waved my hand and said: “Okay, let’s hide here for a while, and we’ll leave as soon as the zombie wave has passed!”

My eyes turned to the camp, and I could see it more clearly while lying on the tree.

The shadows suffered heavy casualties.

A shadow dies every moment.

After a while, Gui Ji became a little desperate and shouted viciously: “Emperor Li, have you seen enough of the show? Take action when you have seen enough!”

Is Emperor Li coming?

I almost fell from the tree, but suddenly I remembered that Gui Ji had been muttering that Emperor Li was not in the camp, but according to the previous agreement, Emperor Li would bring someone to visit in person this time…

In other words, Emperor Li is very likely really here, but he has been hiding!

Why didn’t I guess such a simple thing?

I want to slap myself in the mouth, sweat is already visible on my forehead, which means – it is very possible that what I did… Emperor Li saw everything! !

Before I could think too much, I saw a night owl swooping down from the sky and heading towards Gui Ji!


A blazing white light rushed out of the darkness.

That was a sword light!


Night Owl was chopped into two pieces in mid-air, and a large rain of blood fell.

This is the first night owl to fall.

But it is by no means the last one.

With another sword strike, a Night Owl who had grabbed ANBU members and was about to fly high into the sky was beheaded!

This is the second one.

In the jungle, a person slowly walked out.

With a green gown, a slim figure, and black hair hanging loosely on his shoulders, he looks like an ancient hermit, like a banished immortal walking in the jungle. Who else could he be if he wasn’t Emperor Li?

He was holding a clear and rustling ancient sword in his hand, and his gait was steady. Every step he took was bound to be a sword strike.

When the sword comes out, the night owl will be killed!

In an instant, there were six or seven Night Owl corpses lying on the ground.

Li Huang finally stopped, looked up at the sky, and said softly: “Your descendants are being slaughtered, can you still sit still?”


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