Mortal Prison Chapter 125: Rescue, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Mortal Hell!

The underwater environment is very harsh. The closer to the land in the center, the more dangerous it is. A large amount of silt has accumulated, and the thickness is probably at least about one meter, and it is undulating. Such a ghost place is familiar with water properties. People are not willing to step on it easily. If they accidentally fall into the mud, it will be difficult to escape. Too many people have drowned.

I was extremely careful, but I still almost fell into the mud several times, which inevitably slowed down my progress. The air in my lungs became less and less, which made my chest feel hot and uncomfortable. Later, the suffocation even made me feel like my head was suffocating. Drowsy.

I know that I can no longer hibernate underwater. I have reached the limit of holding my breath.


When my head broke out of the water, it was right behind Gui Ji, no more than three or four meters away from her.

Gui Ji is a keen person, and she noticed me immediately with a flash of light from the corner of her eye.

But the situation was so urgent that we didn’t have time to make eye contact, because I made some noise after all when my water broke. Maybe the swamp demons in front of the campfire couldn’t notice it, but it was impossible to escape the one guarding Gui Ji. Sensing the swamp demon, the other party turned to look at me with confusion, but Gui Ji suddenly rushed to the forbidden cage and sprayed spit all over the swamp demon’s face.

“Seeking death!”

The Swamp Demon was furious, and without looking into the water, he rushed to the Forbidden God Cage, reached out and grabbed the broken devil nail nailed near Gui Ji’s shoulder blade, and pulled Gui Ji to the edge of the cage!


I heard Gui Ji let out a heart-rending scream!

The broken magic nails completely penetrated her and were wedged in her flesh. She was grabbed and pulled tightly against the cage. The pain was unimaginable.

I saw Gui Ji twitching all over, almost bending into a giant shrimp, and her whole face was deformed.

“Are you so **** impatient to die?”

The ugly, leprous-covered face of the swamp demon was pressed against Gui Ji across the cage. Its eyes were extremely cold, and its black and purple tongue stretched out and wriggled on Gui Ji’s face.

I can’t bear to watch this scene, let alone Gui Ji?

But I couldn’t go to the rescue because the soldiers were still ready. I was sneaking close to the swamp demon while looking anxiously in the direction of the soldiers.

They were more calm than me. There were many floating weeds on the water where they were, and they could poke their heads behind the floating weeds to take a breath without having to hold it in. They did it seamlessly and silently.

Finally, I saw three heads popping up on the shore closest to the bonfire!

The time is right!

I waved to Dabing and Jizi!


The willow leaf dart that had been prepared in Jizi’s hand flew out immediately. He controlled it extremely well, and just let the willow leaf dart explode among the people surrounding the bonfire!


A huge fireball swept around.

Several swamp demons were immediately ignited, rolling around to put out the fire, and some even had their faces burned directly by the flames, covering their faces and falling to their knees and screaming!

The soldier roared and rushed directly to the shore. When the pony-tailed swamp demon just reacted, he threw him to the ground and the two rolled together.

This is the smartest thing he did. The ponytail man is the strongest. Maybe the three of us can’t deal with it together, let alone the soldiers. But he is the strongest. If he gets close and hugs the opponent, even if the opponent is It’s hard to escape even with such great abilities.

As for the remaining miscellaneous fish, Jizi will take care of them!

The swamp demon guarding Gui Ji was hesitant. He was holding on to the broken devil nail on Gui Ji’s body with one hand, while paying attention to the chaotic fighting over there. It was obvious that he wanted to rescue Gui Ji, but he was worried that something might happen to Gui Ji.

This officer has a strong build and should be the most powerful being among these swamp demons besides Ponytail.

I landed on the shore quietly, and it was basically unaware of it.


I stabbed him in the back of the heart with a sword, instantly giving him a chill!

As the saying goes, it is better to stab with ten swords than to chop with one sword. It is actually difficult to slash and kill, but even the gods can’t stand it if you stab them in the fatal place!

Unexpectedly, this swamp demon turned out to be surprisingly strong. A sword that could stab a normal person to death failed to kill him directly. He roared in pain, turned around and hit me in the face with an elbow!

With a “pop”, half of my face was numb, blood kept flowing out of my nose and mouth, and even my head was blank for a brief moment!

The Swamp Demon suddenly turned around, preparing to give me a few more hard blows.

It was a little late, but it was so fast, and my reaction speed was pretty good. The moment it turned around, I suddenly jumped on his back, an arm tightly wrapped around his neck, and the cell energy was released to the maximum. His throat bones were strangled until his throat bones crackled. In extreme pain, he could only straighten his back.

I drew out the Nine Dragon Sword and stabbed him in the back.

Puff puff puff!

I could clearly hear the dull sound of the sword piercing the internal organs, and my abdomen was also warm. I guess the blood of this swamp demon was already gushing out.

The resistance of the Swamp Demon continued to weaken. It was only when he stopped moving at all that I finally let go of my hand. He had become a corpse and fell heavily to the ground.

I sat down on the ground. I had spent too much energy in the fight. This Swamp Demon was known for its strength. It was not easy to control him!

“Thank you.”

Gui Ji was sitting on her knees in the cage. She was exhausted from the torture just now, but she still looked at me seriously and said: “I was surprised when I saw it was you just now… Our grudge is over! ”

“Go away, I have a grudge against you, it’s just because you are looking for trouble! I saved you just because one more person in this **** place gives me more hope of survival!”

I stepped forward, took a look at her condition, and said, “How can I let you out?”

Gui Ji said: “Pull out the devil-breaking nail and smash the forbidden cage!”

I hesitated a little, afraid that she wouldn’t be able to bear the pain.

At this time, Namao saw that I had controlled Oni Ji and probably knew what we were going to do. He became anxious for a moment, roared and burst out extraordinary power from nowhere, knocking him down with two fists. The soldier who was pestering him like brown candy rushed towards me like a mad cow!

“It’s too late!”

Gui Ji said anxiously: “Quick!”

In fact, why should she remind you? The moment her ponytail got rid of the soldier, I lost all hesitation. I moved my hands very decisively. I grabbed the broken nail embedded in her flesh with both hands and pulled it out suddenly. This kind of thing must be done quickly rather than slowly. Two warm waves Blood spurted onto my face, but I didn’t care to wipe it away, and raised my sword to slash hard at the Forbidden God Cage.


The Forbidden God Cage is broken.

At this moment, I really released a fierce tiger. Gui Ji was humiliated. It is completely imaginable how much she hated these swamp demons. She roared with red eyes and rushed out of the forbidden cage. That ponytail is gone.

Mawei is very strong, but it seems unrealistic for him to defeat a Dawn instructor head-on…

I can even guess the fate of this ponytail…


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