Monster Factory: 1390: Endless Space

Map number: X XX111.

Ye Qing named this place endless space, which means endless.

This is not so much a map as it is an independent space floating in space.

This space is a bit special.

First of all, it is independent of any map of the virtual world, and no portal or vehicle can reach this space.

It is located deep in the vast expanse of the universe, and the transparent walls surrounding it are impervious to wind, and are also implanted with codes that cannot be destroyed by any means.

Only the first-level administrator has the authority to enter here through the transfer method.

In addition to being unreachable, the most special place in this space is that it has an Super Computer server independent of the virtual world.

It is embedded in the virtual world and enjoys the same world engine as the virtual world.

But all data in Infinite Space is stored on a separate server, and the server will automatically take over more idle Super Computer servers according to the computing power requirements of Infinite Space.

In other words, if necessary, Endless Space can take over all the idle computing power of the entire Monster industrial Super Computer cluster.

Currently, the idle computing power of the Super Computer cluster fluctuates between 12% and 23% during the day. As the number of customer(s) in the virtual world decreases at night, the idle computing power will fluctuate between 30% and 40%.

This seems to sound exaggerated. A special map of merely with an area of ​​less than tens of thousands of square meters may swallow 40% of the computing power of the entire Super Computer cluster.

It’s not an exaggeration at all.

Because here you can challenge the physical laws of the world, and you can do things in the virtual world that the first level of authority can’t do.

For example, turning the entire space back in time, turning the entire space into a vacuum, or the more extreme absolute zero, or the hot temperature like the core of the sun.

Even the shell is absolutely zero degrees, and the core is an anti-physics monster with 10 million degrees.

As long as the computing power is sufficient and the model parameters are accurate, everything is possible here.

Entering the endless space, Ye Qing snapped his fingers, and the motorcycle suit on his body that was originally bought by Krypton Gold instantly turned into a white coat in the laboratory.

“Are you all ready?”

“It’s almost done. The robot intelligent programming framework is easy to set up. Now we are conducting a small-scale test of life scenes. With the advanced level of the sensor of the Watcher robot, it should be no problem.”

Electric Crystal pointed to the translucent operating panel floating in front of the seat, “The corresponding tools model library is also ready, and they are all brought from large merchants on Tmall Planet, with high accuracy.”

“Let’s get started.”

Electric Crystal stood up while nodding, and then it swiped on the operation panel.

A group of green 3D grid was thrown out from the panel display. When the 3D grid touched the transparent ground, it quickly expanded into a cold-looking newest model of Watcher robot.

Ye Qing also called up the operation interface of the endless space, tapped his finger, and all the surrounding transparent walls and floors immediately became a million-level dust-free purification laboratory built by the top testing institutions.

Electric Crystal selected a cradle from the huge volume model library.

In the cradle, there is still a newborn baby whose lanugo is not fully grown.

It’s a girl.

Ye Qing stepped forward gently and picked up the baby who weighed less than seven kilograms from the cradle.

The baby originally slept soundly, her small eyes were tightly squinted. She was hungry or swallowing her own saliva. Her small mouth closed together.

Ye Qing gently touched the baby’s cheek with her hand, feeling the external stimulus, the baby’s two thin eyebrows slowly lifted up…

Then he cried.

Ye Qing was a little frantic while calling the baby to be obedient not to cry, while using her arm as a cradle, gently shaking the cute baby.

Ye Qing coaxed for a long time as her relatives coaxed the child. The baby finally stopped crying. She chewed her mouth and fell asleep in Ye Qing’s arms with her head tilted.

He breathed out nervously, Ye Qing gently put the baby back into the cradle and covered it with a thin quilt.

This baby was created in endless space by Ye Qing and Electric Crystal together.

She has the same skin, the same body structure, the same reflex nerves, the same blood vessels, and the same physical system as the real baby.

Monster industry relies on Primordial Spirit hand products, and has unmatched huge volume data accumulation in terms of human physiological structure and neural reflexes.

Ye Qing and Electric Crystal compiled these data and shared comprehensive human body information of different ages from cooperative medical institutions before they created this cute baby.

It can be said that the baby is real.

She will cry when she is hungry, she will blow bubbles when she is full, and she will open an eye opener when she wakes up, and when she catches a cold, she will beat a tree. If you tease her, she may not laugh, but if you bully her, she will definitely cry.

When she falls asleep, her tender little hands will unconsciously grasp the quilt.

She is President big, she will be happy, she will be wronged, she will smile at you.

Looking at the baby falling asleep, Ye Qing disappeared even the extraordinary breath of handsomeness hidden between her eyebrows, replaced by gentleness.

“It feels like my own child, suddenly a little reluctant.” Ye Qing whispered, fearing that the loud voice would wake up the little baby.

Electric Crystal stood on tiptoe and looked at the cradle, and replied: “I am also a little reluctant. I am obviously a Legend(ary) monster with no emotions.”

“Reluctant to start.”

“But don’t worry about Boss, even with the slightest anomaly, the test will be terminated.”

“Then… let’s start.”


The watcher robot beside the suddenly lit up.

Its head is an angular golden-gray machine shape, and its eyes are black with optical sensor.

A boxy light curtain covers the robot and the baby together.

20 times the lapse of time is accelerating.

Ye Qing and Electric Crystal outside the light curtain are not affected by the lapse of anomaly. After a few minutes, the time lapse inside the light curtain accelerates and suddenly pauses, becoming the same normal time as outside.

The little baby woke up, she clicked her mouth, as if I would cry in the next second.

The black eyes of the Watcher robot looked at the baby, and the visual motion capture recognized the baby’s body movements and judged that she was about to wake up.

“Four hours apart from the last feeding time recorded by system.”

system recorded her sleep time, which has accumulated 16 hours as of this moment.”

“The infrared sensor shows that the temperature of the forehead and body surface is 36.3 degrees, and the temperature is normal.”

“The visual motion captures the sucking (sucking) movement of her mouth, which is in line with the expectation of drinking milk.”

“Combined with the previous feeding interval, it is preliminarily judged that is hungry.”

“Breastfeeding programming starts…”

These series of logical judgments from visual capture to the execution of commands took less than 0.1 seconds for the robot.

It decided to feed programming ten seconds later because it took ten seconds to observe the baby’s mouth movements and determine whether the baby moved his mouth unconsciously or was really hungry.

The moment the robot moves, a wooden table is automatically generated next to it.

There are thermostatic kettles on the wooden table, milk powder cans, milk bottles, and baby tissues for wiping.

The robot will perform to make milk powder to feed the child.

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