Monarch of Evernight: Twenty-Two Air Tours

bsp;“Of course it’s a wine fight!”

Wei Potian clapped his hands, full of momentum.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs, and more than a dozen beautiful girls rushed over, each holding a bottle of liquor in their arms. Just looking at the exquisite packaging, you can tell that they are all high-end goods.

Wei Potian took two bottles, smashed the neck of the bottle, handed one to Qianye, and said, “Drink half of the bottle first! What do you think, do you dare?”

Qianye took the bottle with a complicated look on his face, very complicated.

He silently poured half a bottle of wine into the glass, and then sipped it slowly.

What Wei Potian had in front of him was a bowl of wine. When he raised his neck, he had already downed a bowl of wine. If he drank another bowl, half the bottle would be gone. And here Qianye only drank a few sips, which was only the size of a small cup at best.

“Forget it, I’ll drink this bottle first. You take your time, I can wait, don’t worry!” Wei Potian said angrily. Then he raised his head, then raised his head again, and the first bottle of wine was gone.

Qianye had only had two drinks until now. But his face was already red and his eyes were a little confused. Seeing that he had to drink some more, he had to lie down under the table.

Wei Potian finally felt proud and proud!

If you can’t beat this guy in the fighting arena, is it the same if you deal with him in the drinking hall? Wei Potian thought this, without feeling that he was comforting himself at all.

Qianye drank slowly, resting his elbows on the table and holding the wine glass, starting to feel a little shaky. But until he drank the whole bottle of wine one glass at a time, he was still shaky.

“You have the guts!” Wei Potian praised, and then glanced at the spirits warmed in the arms of the beautiful girls with ill intentions.

A moment later, there was another empty wine bottle in front of Wei Potian, while Qianye was still drinking slowly, still shaking.

At this time, Wei Potian’s eyes were a little straight, and his speech was gradually becoming a little incoherent. However, perhaps because of his deep grudge against Qianye, as soon as Wei Potian saw Qianye finish drinking, without saying a word, he opened two more bottles of old wine on the spot and took the lead, raising his head again and again without stopping. The ground dried up a bottle.

Qianye remained the same, as if he was about to lie down under the table at any time. There were already many people watching the good things in the restaurant, and the look in Qianye’s eyes had changed from the mocking look at the beginning to something strange.

This kind of wine is called Tequila, and it is produced in the cold Pingxi Province. Its potency is probably among the top three among the famous imperial wines. It is usually blended into a cocktail. Even if it is drunk neat, it is not drunk in such a bad way. It’s rare to see a man like this who can still drink two large bottles of wine.

An hour later, Qianye sat at the table, looking blankly at the empty wine bottles on the table. Then he looked at Wei Potian and Shi Yan, who were lying unconscious on the table. He couldn’t think of them at all. When did he fall?

Especially Shi Yan, how could he lie down? This drinking fight had nothing to do with him!

Qianye rubbed his forehead and slowly remembered what happened. At some point, Wei Potian, who was already a little delirious from drinking, suddenly challenged Shi Yan.

Shi Yan actually had a hot temper, so of course he would not be polite to Wei Potian and joined the battle group without saying a word. The one-on-one situation turned into a melee among the Three Kingdoms in an instant, and then Wei Potian and Shi Yan were both knocked down by Qianye.

At this time, Qianye was still shaky. But it’s just about falling. I don’t know how far away I am from actually falling.

Remembering what happened, Qianye smiled helplessly. How should he deal with these two dead pig-like men? In the end, Qianye had no choice but to carry one in each hand and stagger towards the hotel. And he miraculously returned to his room accurately.

Qianye opened another room, threw the two grown men on a bed, gave them a fierce middle finger, then rocked back to his place, fell down on the bed, and fell asleep.

Not long after sleeping, Qianye sat up from the bed and looked around blankly. His head hurt. The feeling of hangover has not completely gone away.

The time has just reached five o’clock, and it is still dark. But in training camp, that’s when you wake up and start training for the day. Nine years of daily life have caused Qianye’s body to develop an instinctive reaction.

Qianye got up and took a shower, but suddenly he didn’t know what to do.

After graduating from the training camp, he often felt like this. The originally full schedule and the constant pressure to survive suddenly disappeared. He could arrange a large amount of free time by himself, but Qianye became very uncomfortable with it.

He practiced fighting skills silently for a while, and then a ray of dawn sunlight shone into the room.

At noon, Shi Yan finally appeared. When this soldier who couldn’t laugh saw Qianye, he blushed for a rare moment.

As for Wei Potian, he disappeared quietly a long time ago. How can he still have the nerve to see Qianye? He still kept the belt as promised, and then added a note without giving up. There were only four big words on it: We will fight again tomorrow!

Oh, and a huge exclamation point!

Qianye didn’t take this note seriously, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can. When he thought of Wei Potian’s reason for provoking him in the first place, Qianye had the urge to beat him several times.

However, after Shi Yan introduced the background of the Wei family, Qianye thought about it, packed the necklace, bracelet and belt, and found someone to send them to where Wei Potian lived. There was also a note inside, with eight big characters on it: I owe debt three times, pay it back first and then fight.

After lunch, Shi Yan sent Qianye back to the inner camp and handed him into the hands of the middle-aged soldier.

The middle-aged soldier looked Qianye up and down, then suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand and said, “Welcome to Red Scorpion, rookie!”

Qianye also stretched out his hand and shook it with him. This hand was broad, thick, warm, and as solid as the earth. It felt very similar to Lin Xitang’s hand.

Qianye didn’t understand what the word rookie meant, but he could sense a concern from the middle-aged soldier’s words.

The middle-aged soldier looked at Shi Yan and suddenly said, “Brother Shi, it seems that we haven’t seen each other for ten years.”

“Only nine years and eleven months.”

The middle-aged soldier of Red Scorpion refused to be serious with Shi Yan and said, “Why don’t you stay by Lin Shuai’s side?”

“No, for this little guy’s sake, I have to run once in person. If it were someone else, I wouldn’t worry.”

The middle-aged soldier raised his eyebrows: “Does he have a special status?”

“One thing, you will understand when you see this. Qianye, let Colonel Wei take a look at your injuries.”

Qianye followed his words and opened the clothes on his chest, revealing the huge scar.

The middle-aged colonel named Wei’s eyes twitched, his face was filled with murderous intent, and he just snorted heavily.

“Now you understand why I have to run it myself? But this kid is really good and he won’t let you down.”

In a blink of an eye, it was time to say goodbye again. These two soldiers, who were in the same year at the military academy, have only met three times in the nearly twenty years since graduation. They both know that after this separation, they will not meet again until the next time.

Perhaps next time we meet, we will see the remains covered by the imperial flag. This is the fate of soldiers. However, they did not hug or shake hands. Instead, they gave each other a military salute and turned around to leave.

This is the military style. There is no sloppiness, and the friendship of comrades is as deep as the sea and deep, and it will only be kept in the bottom of my heart.

After Shi Yan left, the middle-aged soldier said to Qianye, “My name is Wei Lishi.”.

“Colonel Wei!” Qianye gave a military salute, although it was still a bit substandard.

Wei Li immediately took Qianye onto an aerospace boat and flew towards Red Scorpion’s station. This time, in addition to Qianye, Wei Lishi also chose two other people, a man and a woman, both about the same age as Qianye.

This aerostat is very different from the airbag airships Qianye has seen before. What floats on the top is not a huge egg-shaped steam bag, but a bat-like membrane wing supported by a large metal bracket. .

All the joints of the components on the hull of the aerostat are outlined in eye-catching red, and there are no other marks other than that. The mechanical cabin is still at the rear, but there are as many as twelve sets of cross propellers. What remains unchanged is the large cloud of steam spitting out from the dense pipes.

The space inside the boat is very spacious, and the floor is covered with shock-absorbing and sound-absorbing felt. The seats are all backed against both sides of the bulkhead, and it looks like it can seat twenty people. In the middle is a row of shelves for storing weapons and backpacks. The remaining space can be easily moved around or even used for close combat. Using this warship that can transport two squads to transport four people, Red Scorpion is indeed very wealthy.

Wei immediately sat down in a seat and fastened his seat belt. Qianye and others also followed his example and sat down.

At this time, the hatch leading to the front cabin opened, and a huge bald head popped out, and he said angrily: “Sit tight, little guys! We have to hurry!”

A strong roar soon sounded and came through the bulkhead, still deafening. The cabin also began to shake violently, and then suddenly it flew into the air as if being grabbed by a big hand!

Qianye and the others were pressed firmly on the seats, and the sharp rising feeling made their hearts almost jump out of their throats, making them indescribably uncomfortable. After the ascending stage finally passed, Qianye looked out through the porthole and was shocked to find that white clouds were floating in front of his eyes!

In a short period of time, I was already traveling through the clouds!

Qianye’s experience in aerostats is limited to the canoe-style “Blue Bird” and military cargo boats. Needless to say, the “Blue Bird” glides and lands smoothly as its name suggests. Although the cargo boats are noisy and bumpy, Climbs and landings require long periods of buffering.

The speed of the Red Scorpion aerospace boat simply subverted the principle of steam drive. Qianye suddenly remembered that there was another energy source on top of the black stone steam, called black crystal. But Huang Quan did not teach this knowledge, because it is currently the highest level of driving energy and a national strategic material.

Qianye had not yet recovered from the shocking sight before him, when the airship suddenly began to vibrate violently. Qianye saw the speed of the propeller outside the porthole suddenly speeding up, and soon the blades could no longer be distinguished at all. Then the entire airship seemed to have been kicked hard and flew into the distance with a bang.

For the first time, Qianye experienced the feeling of being alone in a boat in a storm.

The bald captain’s voice kept coming from the copper pipes in the cabin.

“Sit tight, we have to speed up!”

“This crosswind is really strong! How about it, does the rolling feel good?”

“Aha! There are thunderclouds ahead, let’s go straight through them! You can see the lightning up close!”

“What kind of bald eagle is that? Good guy, it’s really big! Let’s try hitting it!”

PS: This month has been crazy busy.

There will be additional updates this week, and there will be activities this week, my credibility!

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