Monarch of Evernight: Thirty-two Little Nests

bsp;The aerospace boat landed in a simple small town, then boarded a truck and walked for a long time before finally arriving at a small town. The town is located on the coast of the East China Sea, and the sound of waves can be heard in the distance.

When the truck stopped, several people walked out of the town. In the middle was a burly man. Although the weather was still cool at the moment, his clothes were still open, revealing his thick chest hair. He glanced at Qianye and others, and his eyes stayed on Ye Tong for a moment, and then said: “Are you the newcomers? The place has been reserved for you, and there is also a piece of land in the town. You can choose to live in the town. Build a house, or live on the land allocated to you. Of course, if you want to build a house in both places, no one will stop you, as long as you have the money. Finally, there is one thing you must remember when living here. Pay taxes! ”

Seeing Qianye nodding, the strong man said with satisfaction: “Okay, I like smart people. Xiaodao, take him to his place.”

A thin and handsome young man jumped on the roof of the truck nimbly, patted the cab, and said: “Drive, go to the Black Forest!”

The Black Forest is aptly named. The trees are almost black in color, and even the leaves are deep dark green. It was still daytime at the moment, and everything looked dark from a distance. If it was a rainy day, the forest might be as dark as night.

The truck passes through the edge of the forest. Qianye looked around, only feeling a heavy and dead atmosphere. There were no wild beasts, no birds, not even the chirping of insects, and everything was dead silent. Not even the roar of the truck engine could change the dead silence of the forest.

After driving for tens of kilometers, we walked out of the forest and came to an open area. Outside the forest is a gentle slope, and below it is a vast flat land with rugged rocks everywhere. Further ahead is the traceless East China Sea. The waves are surging slowly. Although they are not violent, the contained momentum makes people feel suffocated involuntarily.

There is a river in the distance that flows into the East China Sea. The scenery farther away is obscured by thick fog, and even Qianye cannot see very far.

Xiao Dao walked up to Qianye, stretched out his hand and said, “From here to the river over there, it’s all yours. If you think the space isn’t big enough, then the other side of the river can also be yours. Take as much as you can, but let me remind you first, few people in the town have been to the other side of the river, and those who want to explore in depth have never come back. Finally, try not to go out when it is foggy, especially not. Activities in the fog.”

After saying this, Xiaodao took out a thin hand-drawn book, put it in Qianye’s hand, and said: “Everything in this can be sold for money, or can be directly deducted from taxes. Okay, I There is nothing to say. I hope you have brought enough food. Otherwise, it is best to go back to the town to buy it now. No one will go out at night and you will be hungry all night.”

Seeing that Qianye understood, Xiao Dao jumped into the truck. The truck roared again, turned around with difficulty, and slowly disappeared into the dark forest.

Qianye looked at his territory again, from the black forest to the sea to the distant river, it was a vast area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius. At this moment, the sky is getting darker and the waves in the sea are starting to get bigger. If you look at the reef terrain near the sea, you will know that it will be submerged during high tide.

After looking at the surrounding terrain, Qianye chose a high **** not far from the river and decided to build a home here. Although Xiao Dao didn’t mention the dark forest, his intuition still told Qianye that it was best to stay away from that forest. In addition, there are unknown dangers in the sea, but it is the river that gives Qianye the best feeling.

How to camp is an essential skill for every elite legion soldier. Qianye was very familiar with this when he was in Red Scorpion. After the knife left, there were no more eyes around, and there was no need to worry about anything. So Qianye called Zhu Ji and walked towards the black forest, preparing to collect wood first.

“Wait, I have tools here.” The old man shouted to Qianye.

“No need.” Qianye waved his hand and walked towards the forest.

The old man had no choice but to take out his tools, dig a hole in the ground, collect some firewood, light it in the hole, and build a bonfire.

Arrived at the outer edge of the black forest, Qianye selected a big tree that one person could hug, and stretched out his hand to pat the trunk. This shot used hidden force, and the tree immediately shook, and the leaves fell like rain. However, the aftershocks on the tree body continued continuously, and the surrounding big trees also shook. The branches and leaves swayed, and a sound like a woman crying at night was emitted, which was extremely sad and shrill.

However, Qianye could sense from the vibration that the root systems of these big trees were all connected together, and the activity inside the tree body was very high, and the reaction speed was so fast that it was not like a single tree. However, after seeing the giant trees in the misty forest, the black forest feels a little dwarfed.

Qianye pulled out Dongyue from the necklace space, swung his sword and slashed horizontally. With a crack, he cut off the big tree in front of him by the roots.

The big tree fell over with a roar, and when it was about to hit the ground, a small figure suddenly flashed across and supported the trunk.

Under the trunk of a tree that is more than ten meters long, Zhu Ji looks like a kitten. But this little kitten actually lifted the big tree up without any difficulty. Zhu Ji was so eager to make a contribution that she wanted to run towards the camp while carrying the big tree.

Qianye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he quickly called Zhu Ji, then chopped off the branches and leaves with his sword, and then cut the log into two, and then asked Zhu Ji to move back to the camp.

Qianye’s original intention was for Zhu Ji to transport the logs back in two times, but the little guy obviously didn’t want to bother. He inserted his little hand lightly and submerged it into the hard trunk, and then ran towards the camp holding the two logs. .

In the camp, the old man was handling a big fish. The fish was caught by Nighteye from the river. Although the river was fast and Ye Tong’s body had not fully recovered. But she just stood on the shore and stared at the river. When a big fish was reflected in her eyes, it immediately flew out of the river and landed in Nighteye’s hands.

The Eye of Destruction, once famous in Eternal Night, was used to catch fish. I am afraid that when the dukes and princes of the ancient clans of the Blood Tribe find out, they will be so angry that they will wake up from the blood pool.

But for Nighteye, this is how the Eye of Destruction should be used. She returned to the camp carrying the fish and handed it to Cui Yuanhai consciously. After all, she had long lost confidence in her cooking skills.

The old man volunteered to clean up and prepare a pot of fish soup.

At this moment, the old man suddenly saw smoke and dust in the distance, and a long log like a dragon rolling towards him, and he was stunned.

He dropped the fish in his hand, rushed to the box, hurriedly took out a force gun from inside, and pointed it at the rushing log. But looking at the trembling muzzle, one doubts whether the shot can hit.

Fortunately, his eyesight was not bad and he could clearly see the small figure holding the log. But it was better not to look at this. He was stunned for a moment, and the force gun in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Little Zhuji rushed back to the camp, threw the logs on the ground, and then saw the big fish and jumped over with a cheer. She picked up the big fish and smelled it carefully, then frowned and thought for a long time before saying, “It should be edible, right?”

Then Zhu Ji lost interest in the big fish and ran to the black forest again, preparing to continue carrying logs.

However, Zhu Ji’s evaluation actually means that the meat quality of this big fish is about to catch up with ordinary ferocious beasts. The old man and Nighteye exchanged a look, knowing that this place might not be as peaceful as it seemed.

The sky is getting dark, the bonfire is getting brighter, and the fish soup in the pot has been boiling for a long time, turning milky white, and the aroma is overflowing. On one side of the camp, logs have been piled high, and Xiao Zhuji is still working hard to carry them back and forth. She didn’t seem to know what tiredness was. In the end, Qianye simply tied several logs into a bundle and asked her to transport them back to the camp at once.

After a while, the ground shook, and Qianye ran over carrying dozens of logs. If he hadn’t used the Force, both of his feet would have sunk into the ground, and he would have been unable to run. After carrying so many logs at one time, Qianye felt sweat on his forehead.

The old man invited Qianye to come over for dinner. A large pot of fish soup and hot pancakes were a good meal. Only Zhu Ji was not very interested. The little guy was warming himself by the fire and gradually fell asleep. After a full meal, she can go several days without eating or drinking, just sleeping, unless there is something delicious to eat. Although the big fish tastes delicious, it doesn’t contain as much energy as the meat of ferocious beasts, so it doesn’t appeal to her.

After dinner, Qianye waved Dongyue again, splitting the log into pieces of wood. With his sword skills and casual cutting, these wooden boards were all of the same length and thickness, which was more standard than those processed by machines.

Made of wooden boards, Qianye chose a flat ground and drove the wooden stakes into the ground. This time Dongyue was used as a hammer again. Qianye slapped it and the wooden stake was almost completely submerged into the ground. In this way, before midnight, Qianye had built two wooden houses. One room for the elderly and one for myself.

At this moment, the moon is high in the sky, and the cold moonlight shines on the rising tide, turning into thousands of silver waves. Qianye sat on the wooden couch and could see the sea scenery through the window. Nighteye leaned in his arms and slowly fell asleep. The dancing firelight in the brazier outlined her beautiful silhouette.

On the other side, Xiao Zhuji hugged Qianye’s thigh tightly and slept soundly.

The sea breeze is cool and gradually begins to reveal a biting chill. This is the characteristic of the Neutral Land, especially the Eastern Wasteland, where it is extremely hot during the day and deeply cold at night.

The tide is getting higher and higher, and the rocks on the shore are gradually submerged. As the moon rose, the river began to surge inexplicably, as if something was swimming rapidly and rolling under the water.

The wind blew through the black forest, swaying the branches, leaves and treetops, making a sound like a ghost crying. But if you listen carefully, you will know that it is not just the howling of the wind. Among the ghost’s cries, there is a faint roar and a cry before death. I just don’t know if the one whining is a human or a beast.

During the day, Qianye once scanned the black forest with his true vision, and found no signs of life within his sight. But now, the roar of beasts did come from the forest.

The tide is even less calm. The waves on the sea in the distance are chaotic, and huge black shadows appear from time to time. There was a rustling sound on the coast, as if something small was crawling quickly.

On this night, the two cabins seemed out of place with their surroundings. The firelight passed through the gaps in the windows and walls, illuminating a small area around the wooden house, encircling a warm world on this cold night.

In the tide, a pair of amber eyes opened and stared at the two wooden houses on the shore. However, the fierceness in these eyes suddenly faded, turning into deep fear, and then they sank into the ocean tide and disappeared.

In its field of vision, a line of dark golden blood energy emerged from the wooden house, pointing straight into the sky, shocking the entire world.

PS: I finally learned how to send WeChat. I finally learned how to send WeChat. I won’t say it a third time.

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