Monarch of Evernight: The real ladder of 239

bsp;The strong ones no longer object. This troop is small in number, but its strength is astonishing. Even Anwen himself has a very strong cultivation level. On the battlefield, he is also a rare opponent at the same level.

None of these powerful men knew what task Anwen was undertaking. They just knew that the task was of a very high level. Even the deputy duke in charge of his safety did not know the specific content.

Anwen wrote and drew along the way, and did not avoid them in particular. However, the countless numbers and formulas made them dizzy, and no one could understand what Anwen was doing. Anyway, he is doing something big.

Anwen stopped and walked, turned over the ridge in a blink of an eye, and an open valley appeared in front of him. Above the valley, the huge vortex of force was slowly dissipating, and there was no one in the center of the vortex.

Anwen’s eyes lit up with a strange light, and the invisible force vortex in the air became clear in his eyes. Countless data were collected, sorted, analyzed, and then concluded.

“Great Qin’s military strategy? It doesn’t look like it. What’s the use of absorbing so much impurity force? Could it be that it’s for some special secret method? That’s not right…”

An Wen thought thoughtfully and said to himself: “It seems that this person has some secret method that can greatly purify the force! The only one with this effect is the Chaos Scroll… It’s Qianye!”

He was suddenly startled. Suddenly, a cold air rose from his back, as if he was being targeted by a natural enemy. He was unable to move for an instant!

In the corner of his eye, he saw several blood lines flashing away, and then Anwen’s vest felt a slight pain, and a blood line disappeared. His body swayed, and he suddenly felt as if he had been hungry for a month. He was suddenly weak, a little dizzy, and was about to fall backwards as he swayed.

At this time, a big hand supported him from behind, and then a little blood essence returned, blooming like fireworks, instantly filling Anwen’s demonic energy.

“I lost control a little bit. I missed it.” Qianye’s voice sounded from behind.

Anwen turned around and said with a wry smile: “I was sent here on a mission just for safety. Fighting has already started at other war points, or is about to start. I didn’t expect to meet you in Salfis. .”

Qianye smiled and said: “I have no choice. I was chased by your Majesty and I had no way out. Anyway, it would be the same wherever I escaped. I might as well go to the country of demons to see the scenery. I would meet an old friend here.” ”

Anwen smiled bitterly, “If possible, I don’t want to meet you at all.”

“It’s too late now.”

“Then what are you going to do? Kill me?”

Qianye was silent. Among the demons, he felt pretty good about Anwen and Aiden, and there was no one he had to kill. Just now, he killed Anwen’s guard formation with a strike of vitality, and subconsciously avoided Anwen, but a **** thread still stabbed him. But Qianye immediately returned that drop of essence and blood.

An Wen looked around and said, “You killed all my guards in an instant.”

“I have the vitality to plunder, but I don’t have the strength, so many people are useless in front of me.” Qianye thought for a while and asked: “You just said there was a mission, what is it?”

“It’s just collecting data.” Anwen paused and added: “I want to collect data on the flow and transformation of the Force in each continent, and set up observation stations at key nodes to continuously record the data. In Thrall On the continent of Fes, it is necessary to observe dozens of nodes and set up six observation stations.”

“It seems that it is still during the war.” Qianye raised his eyebrows and said, “Does research at this time have something to do with the war?”

“War can only determine temporary gains and losses, and data is the ladder that helps us lead to the reality of the world!” When talking about his work, Anwen’s eyes immediately lit up.

Qianye looked at Anwen for a while and said, “Give me a reason not to kill you.”

An Wen was also thinking and suddenly asked: “Why did you want to steal our family tree?”

Qianye was startled, “How did you know I had the demon descendant’s family tree?”

“This is the most important inheritance of the high-ranking demon family. No map will be destroyed by flooding or fire. If a family is destroyed in the war, the people who handle the endgame in the past will collect all these maps. But other races will not be interested in these things. Only these few times, no map has been found in the ruins of the family, not even the remains. There may be other explanations, but the most likely thing is that those maps are not there. It’s all in your hands.”

“What do I need these for? To study heraldry?” Qianye’s expression remained unchanged, but his heart moved slightly. It seemed that the demon was not stupid at all, he discovered the problem so quickly.

An Wen stared at him and said slowly: “You must already know the secret of the inheritance of our demon family tree, right?”

“It’s just some badges and historical records, what secrets can there be?” Qianye said indifferently.

“If you didn’t see it, how could you kill so accurately? Except for Messerstan, the source of ten thousand shields, you have already killed three small branches, and you have almost never missed a kill.”

For this reason, Qianye admitted it generously and said: “Yes, I am here to cut off your bloodline inheritance. By the way, demons actually have this way of strengthening their bloodline. Is it effective? ?”

“Didn’t the effect of this war with the Vampire Clan be seen?”

Qianye nodded.

Before the Twilight Continent was attacked this time, Qianye had always felt that the first and second rankings of the four Yongye clans that had continued from ancient times to the present seemed to be somewhat untrue.

The vampires are extremely powerful, on par with the demons, and even surpass the demons in some places due to population. But at the beginning of this war, the demons achieved an overwhelming victory almost immediately, wiping out more than half of the ancient vampire clans in one fell swoop.

Although the demons seem to have pulled the spider demons and werewolves into the chariot, they only occupy the general trend. In the real conflict, the other two tribes did not make any great efforts, and the demons will not trust them. Important nodes are all hosted in person.

Although the Queen of the Night is still sleeping on the vampire side, the Demon King did not take action. At most, he pressed a Habs. Metanzo’s betrayal is certainly an important reason, but why did he betray? Of course the temptation of power exists, but if he hadn’t been able to see the true strength comparison between the two clans, he probably wouldn’t have switched sides so easily.

Judging from the results of the war alone, the vampires have indeed been completely suppressed by the demons.

An Wen took out a notebook, handed it to Qianye, and said, “Look at this again.”

Qianye opened it and saw that it was also a demon family map. However, the content of this map was far less detailed than that deduced from the Black Book, but the general direction was the same.

In fact, Qianye has found that most of the records and speculations on the maps he collected from the demon family are incorrect. The traditional research method of demon descendants is probably to try one by one, gradually screen and compare, and find the best way to combine blood. Demon descendants are also immortal species, so you can imagine how much time it will take.

To achieve the current results, it may have lasted for thousands of years.

Those family maps were completely different from the results derived from the Black Book. Qianye naturally followed the predicted path in the Black Book to kill. The accuracy of the demon research results he had seen before was not high, so before meeting Anwen, he did not expect to be easily discovered.

Qianye will understand now that he gets this notebook. Because in the notes, the extremely complex calculation procedures were skipped, and the final conclusion reached was already 60 to 70% similar to the Black Book.

“This is?”

“The results of my research over the past seven years.” An Wen said.

Qianye remained speechless. He couldn’t understand the formulas and calculation processes in the notes at all. Those inexplicable spatial structures were said to be based on the genetic structure deep in the demon’s bloodline. There are hundreds of pages of derivation process, but there is not a single page that Qianye can understand.

The process is not important, the key conclusion is correct.

“I didn’t expect that a family tree could be derived in this way.”

An Wen smiled bitterly, “You didn’t expect it, and the old guys in our research institute didn’t expect it either. Even if they saw it, they wouldn’t think I was right.”

Qianye sighed, now he could see that An Wen was truly an earth-shattering talent. It’s a pity that such a great talent was not born in the empire.

Qianye pulled out the lapis lazuli blood sword, thought for a moment, then changed it to Manshu Shahua, and said: “I have a good reason to kill you now. Is there anything else you want to say?”

An Wen smiled bitterly, “My strength is low and it’s really not worth taking action.”

“A marquis who will be able to rise directly to the rank of king in the future is also called a man of low strength?”

“I have a bad personality…”

“It would be better to kill!”

“I am very stupid…” After saying this, Anwen himself laughed.

Qianye did not smile, and suddenly gray feathers fell down, firmly holding Anwen in place.

“Hey…” An Wen shook his head and said, “You are too careful.”

“You are too smart. I can’t understand those numbers at all. Who knows if you will have other ways to escape, so I will suppress it first.”

As gray feathers fell on him, Anwen suddenly felt as if mountains were falling. Even standing was extremely difficult, let alone resisting or escaping. He was very helpless. No matter how many shocking secret techniques he had, he could not use them all under the pressure of Qianye’s completely unreasonable brute force.

An Wen finally put aside all his thoughts and said with a wry smile: “Are you almost catching up with the Great King in your field? It’s really overkill to deal with me. I don’t want to die yet, the world is so big, I still want to Go and see. Let me redeem myself.”

“How to redeem?” Qianye asked.

“First, I will tell you how to circumvent prophecy, secondly, the secrets of the new world, and finally, the true face of this world. In exchange, you have to let me go, and in addition, do not kill any of the demon descendants. I know you can do it, although I don’t know how you do it. Three for two, you won’t suffer.”

Anwen added: “You may think that no one can see that you have touched the correct path of the demon blood map in a short time. Indeed, those arrogant old guys may not realize it until there are more casualties. Admit your arrogance. However, there is another supreme being who is different from them.”

Qianye knew that Anwen was talking about the Demon Emperor, and he didn’t think that Anwen was just making false threats. This sentence might be more of a piece of advice.

“I already know the way to avoid prophecy.”

“There are many ways to avoid it, but any known method will not be as effective as what I calculated myself. Because I am also an excellent prophet.” An Wen looked very confident and said: “Besides, never underestimate a great demon wizard. Sometimes you can’t do it, it’s just a matter of cost.”

“That’s true.” Qianye nodded. Yongye’s prophets have a much longer history than the human celestial beings. Although they were completely suppressed in front of Lin Xitang, if this was their full strength, Yongye would have been completely defeated in front of the dawn.

“Then the deal is done?”

“Not yet. Tell me the two secrets you know first, and then I will judge whether it is worth it.”

An Wen smiled, did not bargain, and said: “Okay, let’s talk about the New World first. The New World was actually recorded in ancient times. At that time, there were six saint clans and five holy mountain supremes. Five The Supreme was aware of the approach of the new world, so he worked together to pull it closer, open a channel to the world of eternal night, and then open up a new world. But how powerful is the power of the six races at that time? The result still failed, and one of the Supremes fell as a result, and the other also fell soon after.”

“However, this time the pulling was successful in stabilizing the new world and no longer far away. This time the Three Supreme Beings realized that the new world was close enough, and then opened the door to the new world in one fell swoop.”

“But what we have opened is only the surface of the new world. The real entrance is the center point of the Black Sun Valley. When the black fire subsides, a passage will appear.”

Qianye frowned, “I already know this.” u

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