Monarch of Evernight: The 287th Heavenly King Begins

bsp;Anduya disappeared, Qianye stood motionless for a long time, and after a long time, it became clear that he was really gone and never to return.

At this moment, the top of the holy peak was deserted. All the strange trees were completely destroyed in the process of releasing the illusory force, leaving not even a trace.

In the confrontation between the force of chaos and the force of illusion, even the smallest alien trees could not stay away, and were all destroyed by Qichu. From then on, there were no strange trees in the world, and there was no more illusive force. Maybe hundreds of years later, or even longer, new strange trees will appear in the other world, reappearing the illusory force, but then it will be a story.

At this moment, Dawn is on the side of the Heavenly King, and Yong Ye is also ready to move, wanting to attack the Great King. There is a prince in the middle, but he is dispensable.

The prince is a special stage between a grand duke and a great king. He has mastered some of the characteristics and authority of a great king, but has not fully reached the ultimate state. With Qianye Dark Gold’s level of blood energy, he could reach the Great Lord directly without even taking half a step. Now Qianye is on Yongye’s side, and is just short of accumulation. In other words, he got to kill someone.

Combining both Dawn and Yongye, Qianye may be the first person in the world who can compare the top powers of the two camps in detail. Yong Ye takes blood and body as the foundation, and pursues a more powerful body. Even in an environment where it is difficult to leverage the force of heaven and earth, he is unmatched by himself.

The power of the Heavenly King is mostly realized with the help of the original crystal. When the sixth original crystal of the human race was cultivated, the traction between the original crystals broke a certain boundary and finally merged into one. The new original crystal after the merger can no longer be said to be an original crystal strictly speaking. It is more like a new organ, allowing the human race to add many new abilities out of thin air.

The reason why the Heavenly King is different from the God General lies in the qualitative change of the original crystal. The true methods of the King of Heaven are by no means comparable to those of the generals of the gods. Even a high-ranking general is still far behind the king.

Qianye has just stepped into the Heavenly King Realm, and before he has time to consolidate, he already feels vaguely that the world seems to be slowly changing, becoming more delicate and more fragile. Qianye might have punched with the same force, but now he only needed to use eight points of force. As the new raw crystal becomes more stable, the force required can be further reduced.

Is this my ability in the realm of the King of Heaven?

Qianye frowned slightly. He doesn’t need to reduce consumption and control power carefully. With the body transformed by the chaos force as the foundation, Qianye’s continuous fighting ability is unparalleled, and he is no longer afraid of anyone despite his exhaustion. In fact, the most terrifying thing about Qianye has always been the instant lethality that crushes his peers.

No matter the original spear, Kaishan Jin, Dragon Burial, the current Manshu Shahua, or even Dongyue and Dingbafang in the earlier period, most opponents of the same level or even one level higher cannot take on Qianye Yi. Hit, either dead or injured. Although these secret moves consume a lot of money, Qianye himself can only use them a few times. But in a life-and-death duel, how could his opponent get Qianye to fire a few more moves? Basically you die on the first move.

So when the Heavenly King reaches the realm, Qianye does not need precise control to lighten the burden. On the contrary, what he wants is to strike as heavy as a mountain, and with one strike, the sky will collapse and the earth will fall apart.

Mysteriously speaking, Qianye’s original crystal changes just as his mind moves. Qianye’s perception of the Force stayed at the current state, and the details of the entire world did not change. But in Qianye’s eyes, the world continues to become fragile.

Qianye stretched out his hand and shook it slowly. Suddenly, an erratic black shadow appeared in his hand, and then lightning suddenly appeared, shooting out several beams of lightning that were hundreds of meters long, drawing out scorch marks on the ground.

Just holding it casually, even the space can’t bear it.

Qianye suddenly raised his head, and there was still a little darkness floating above his head.

That dot of black is so small that even Qianye’s perception is difficult to measure how small it is. But it is existence, and it exists there, but everything around it cannot escape its pull, and is classified as black and becomes a part of existence.

Qianye realized that this was the true nature of the chaotic force. In the battle with the illusory force, the gray on the surface of the chaotic force faded away, revealing its true appearance.

The true force of chaos exists, is thick, but is extremely subtle.

As soon as he realized this, Qianye established a connection with that dark intention. In fact, it was originally part of his chaotic force, and he could move it as he pleased.

Qianye took this black meaning into his body, and all the chaotic forces immediately gathered together, using the black meaning as the core, turned into a gray ball, and floated in the Black Book. Strangely enough, this gray ball is still extremely small, so small that it is almost impossible to measure. But being completely untestable are two different concepts, and can even be said to be fundamentally different. Qianye felt that the inside of the gray ball was collapsing little by little, turning into immeasurable blackness.

As for why the gray ball can move in and out of the Black Book freely, Qianye doesn’t know the answer. Maybe it’s because the chaotic force was originally bred by the Black Book.

At this point, Qianye has come to a conclusion about the contrast between dawn and eternal night.

The transformed original crystal is even more magical, bringing a completely new change to the human race, and this is only the initial state of the original crystal. As more original crystals are cultivated and integrated, the power of the transformed original crystal will still be there. Keep improving.

And deep in the original crystal, there is a faint spiritual existence. The spirituality at this moment is still immature, like a newborn child, but what is certain is that as the original crystal further grows, this spirituality will definitely develop and grow. What it will become by then is unimaginable.

Compared with the dark race, when the human race is promoted to the king, it is almost a leap in the essence of life. In this sense, the cultivation system of the human race is more than one level higher than that of the dark race? The dark race can only temporarily stay above the human race by relying on their innate bloodline strength and this eternal night world where the dark force is dominant.

Even though Qianye felt that few things could shock him, at this moment, his mind was deeply shaken. He had no idea that such a big secret was hidden in the Heavenly King Realm. The six original crystals are gathered into one, and spirituality is self-generated. It is truly an earth-shattering method. How did Taizu and the founding fathers create such secret techniques?

Qianye originally thought that the King of Heaven was the end, but it was not until he became the King of Heaven that he realized that the King of Heaven might be the starting point of a new life. I just don’t know what the original crystal will become when it finally grows and its spirituality is completely enlightened.

This is the great secret of the human race, which has not been revealed for thousands of years. Until today, it has only been known to Qianye, a half of the alien race.

Qianye stood up, the chaotic force in his body sank slightly, and his body rose up from the void and disappeared.

After a while, he returned to the Holy Land of Artois.

When an elder saw Qianye, he rushed over and said: “There is a very strange ‘person’ who wants to see you. He looks a bit like you.”

“Bring him here.”

Without much effort, the elder brought a man with slightly frosty temples to Qianye. When the man saw Qianye, he bowed his head to the ground and said in a long voice: “Kong Dushen, Duke of Yun Kingdom, has met Lord Qianye.”

Sitting motionless for a thousand nights, it is as tall as a mountain. When Yun Guogong saw the ceremony, he raised his hand lightly and said: “Get up. Just tell me what you are doing here.”

This is completely the attitude of the above towards the below, and Duke Yun was a little angry at the moment.

However, he was already sullen, but when he looked at Qianye’s bottomless eyes, his expression gradually changed. What Yun Guogong was puzzled about was that he had met Qianye not long ago, but why did Qianye’s impression of him completely change after just one day of absence?

Could it be that…

Before he finished thinking about it, he came to the conclusion: It was absolutely impossible.

The kings of the empire each have their own qualities and are not the same. Just like the Qingyang King’s overbearing intention is born, the Zhiji King is like the wind passing through the water, the ripples are generated by themselves, and they merge with the heaven and earth. As for Emperor Hao, he has just shown his talents, just like the sunrise

Water rises vigorously.

But in the eyes of Duke Yun, Qianye at this moment is an endless darkness, bottomless. Moreover, in the depths of darkness, there is a faint and irresistible force. Even if you look at it for a while, you will have the illusion that your heart is being sucked away.

And this evil intention is so great that it really covers the sky!

Gong Yun was suddenly startled. When he calmed down and looked again, there was nothing strange at all.

He did not dare to think too much, let alone appear strange, so he took out a painting and presented it to him, saying: “The empire has just sent a batch of top-secret information. One of them seems to be related to you, so the two princes have specially ordered me to send it to you. I brought this painting for you to take a look at.”

Qianye leaned forward slightly and reached out to take the painting. The whole process happened naturally, just like an ordinary person without any force. However, Duke Yun was in a trance, and the painting in his hand disappeared.

Qianye unfolded the painting and looked at it, his eyes lingering on the long knife that looked like Jingchu for a moment, thoughtfully.

Gong Guo Yun carefully looked at Qianye’s expression and asked tentatively: “Since you have seen it, are you leaving now?”

“Wait.” Qianye stopped him.

Dong Guo Yun’s heart moved. It seemed that Qianye had taken the bait. He carefully hid his joy deep in his heart and waited for instructions.

Qianye rubbed it casually, and the painting turned into nothingness.

Gong Yun felt a chill in his heart. He was clearly right in front of him, but he didn’t see clearly how Qianye destroyed the painting. Besides, no matter how powerful the method is, there will always be some traces left, right? How could such a painting be completely reduced to nothingness?

“The writing is good, it would be a pity to ruin it.”

Gong Yun’s heart suddenly jumped.

“Oh, by the way, I have something to say to the two princes.”

Gong Yun Guo said hurriedly: “Please speak!”

Qianye pointed at the black sun and said: “This thing above us is called the source of darkness on the Yongye side. Their plan this time is to open the passage between the other world and Yongye, and bring the source of darkness within The dark force introduces eternal night.”

Gong Yun was also knowledgeable. His expression suddenly changed and he lost his voice: “How could such a method be possible?”

Qianye remained silent.

Gong Guo Yun regained his composure and suddenly knelt down on his knees and said, “Since Master Qianye has told such a big secret so openly, he must have taught me something. Please teach me, sir, what should we do now?”

“The two princes can do whatever they want.”

Dong Guo Yun was astonished: “How can such a big thing be done casually?”

Qianye said calmly: “What is the matter in the world that cannot be done at will?”

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