Monarch of Evernight: Teaching by Zhu Ji in 289

bsp;After staying with Song Zining for a long time, Qianye gained a lot of understanding of Tianji Technique. He even tried Tianji Technique twice and showed a little bit of talent. In Song Zining’s words, he himself is a finger, but Qianye, a barbarian, can actually have a knuckle. In other words, even if Qianye doesn’t have dark gold blood energy and morning light, he can still rely on the turbid force to tell fortunes and make a living by using celestial magic.

People who practice Tianji Shu actually attach great importance to state of mind and cause and effect. Therefore, if Empress Li has indeed received great benefits from Qianye, she must give corresponding rewards. Only in this way can she keep her state of mind clear and consistent. After giving the reward, there is no debt between the two, so there is no need to think about it.

However, Qianye thought about it and didn’t feel that he had done anything for Empress Li. If you think about it too much, you may even go astray. For example, does Luo Bingfeng have a grudge against Empress Li? Or are the ginkgo and ginkgo wine that I gave to Li Kuanglan useful? Or those plain water lilies?

If you really value Su Shuilian, then when Eunuch Yang comes, he should leave, right? Now Li Kuanglan seems to have forgotten them, and they are still in Qianye’s hands. However, for Li Hou, he really didn’t take it seriously with just a few plain water lilies.

Qianye sighed softly and stopped thinking about it, but the shadows in his heart lingered. It is never a good thing to be remembered by someone who is proficient in the art of heaven, especially Empress Li is one of the few masters of the art of heaven in the empire.

He let go of his worries, looked at Xiao Zhuji, and said, “Come here and try one last punch.”

The little guy’s face suddenly turned bitter and he shouted: “No!”

“It’s really the last punch.”

“You said that yesterday.”

Seeing that coaxing failed, Qianye simply said with a straight face, “Come here!”

Xiao Zhuji was still afraid of Qianye’s anger, so she reluctantly came over, arched her body, and began to accumulate strength. The ground she stepped on suddenly began to change, faintly revealing a dark green light. In the blink of an eye, she finished accumulating her strength, stepped **** the ground, and pounced on Qianye, blasting out a pair of small fists!

As soon as Xiao Zhuji moved her body, several thunders sounded in the room. Her strength was so great and her speed was so fast that there were thunderous sounds every time she moved her hands and feet.

Qianye’s feet became chaotic, as if there was nothing. He stood like that, and a series of thunder suddenly exploded all over his body, eight times in a row, and then he punched Xiao Zhuji’s head. On the little fist.

With a muffled sound, Xiao Zhuji was shaken and flew backwards, but was restrained in place by an invisible force. Otherwise, with the force of her recoil, she would probably smash through many walls, and she would not stop until she was a hundred meters away.

But this way, she definitely felt uncomfortable. Her face turned pale, her eyes were confused, and she looked like she was about to vomit. Speaking of spider demon larvae, eating is a top priority. If they want to vomit, it will be extremely uncomfortable.

Qianye just drifted back slightly, and then the image of a planet appeared behind him, keeping him steady in place.

Qianye raised his left hand and looked at it in front of his eyes. Even such a simple movement made his bones rattle. After moving for a few times, he gradually became able to move as he wished.

“Is the eighth level’s mountaineering power still a bit reluctant? Could it be said that my current body is only equivalent to a high-level divine general?”

The moment he exerted his power, the eight thunder sounds that exploded on Qianye’s body were the signs of Kaishan Jin. It’s just that his seven-level power was originally the limit, but now he has pushed it up to one level. The eighth level of exertion is something that ordinary divine generals cannot do.

However, despite the eighth level of exertion, Qianye himself did not exert all his strength. Otherwise, even if Xiao Zhuji’s body was extremely powerful, she would not be able to withstand such a powerful bombardment.

Qianye put down his hand and said to Xiao Zhuji: “Okay, today’s homework is over, let’s go eat.”

Xiao Zhuji looked pale and shuffled slowly towards the restaurant. Now I can’t even tempt her with food, which shows how uncomfortable it is.

“Come back after you have eaten.”

The little guy turned pale, “You said it was the last time!”

“For the last time before going to bed, let’s go eat!” Qianye waved.

The little guy bit his lower lip and burst into tears. But she knew that resistance was useless, and finally went to the restaurant with red eyes.

After she left, Qianye could not bear it in his eyes. He sighed softly and thought to himself: “There is nothing we can do about it so that you can grow better.”

When he handed Xiao Zhuji to Qianye that day, Ye Tong also told some things to pay attention to in the future. During Zhuji’s rapid growth stage, fighting and exercise were not only necessary, but also required high-intensity, even life-threatening battles.

In the growth stage, the spider demon grows rapidly, and its body strength cannot keep up with the changes, and will instead decrease as a result. In battle, the spider demon will strengthen its body on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will force out its true potential, so as to grow better. In ancient times, the spider demons were such a naturally warlike race. They had no outstanding talents in wisdom or use of the Force. They relied on their bloodthirst and warlike nature to become one of the four major races.

Of course Qianye will not let little Zhuji go out and kill randomly. He has many ways to train the little guy, such as fighting with him just now. In fact, the little guy is a pretty good candidate to try out martial arts secrets. She is much more durable than the average strong person, and even a divine general may not be able to match her. So while tempering her, Qianye can also try out many powerful new moves.

This exercise method is quite effective. Xiao Zhuji’s growth has accelerated again. The specific manifestation is that her appetite has doubled. During the growth period of the spider demon, being able to eat is the only criterion for judging truth. The larger the appetite, the faster the strength increases. It is simple and crude, which is in line with the philosophy of the spider demon.

While waiting for Xiao Zhuji to eat, Qianye continued to study the Black Book. If I couldn’t understand the picture of the evolution of the universe, I switched to the formation of galaxies, but still couldn’t understand it. Then I switched to the rotation of planets, and then to the interior of the planet. It wasn’t until the wind, frost, rain, snow, and landform changes on a continent that I could barely grasp some context.

It is naturally impossible for Qianye to create military tactics and a series of other magical powers and secrets by observing the general trend of the world like Taizu did. However, observing the evolution of this kind of world is of vital importance to Qianye now and in the future.

After crossing the Divine General Heavenly Pass, one of the criteria for measuring combat power is how much force can be mobilized from the surrounding environment. The more force you mobilize, the more powerful your shot will be. And using the Force method is equally important. The more you understand the laws of how the world works, the more skillfully you can use it naturally.

This Black Book simply teaches Qianye step by step how to use the power of the God General. Of course, it is only the mainland part. When it comes to changes within the entire planet, I am afraid that it will be difficult for high-level generals to comprehend them.

As for the galaxy universe, is that the path after Uranus?

No wonder Qianye was injured immediately when he tried to feel the evolution process of the universe. The massive amount of information in that moment was simply not something he could bear now.

The sound of chewing food came from time to time in the restaurant, and the little guy was eating. At first she chewed her food slowly, because the faster she ate, the sooner she would come to be trained. She is not stupid, she will delay as long as she can. But as he ate, his speed became uncontrollably faster.

The taste of ferocious beast meat is so good that it is irresistible. Eating it slowly and devouring it are two completely different realms of enjoyment.

Similar situations have happened countless times in the past few days. Qianye estimates that in ten minutes, the little thing will completely push himself over and be unable to hold another mouthful of meat, and then he will come over to be trained.

At this moment, Qianye sensed someone walking quickly. He did not stop when he approached the small courtyard. Instead, after hesitating, he came to the courtyard door and knocked on the door.

Qianye’s face darkened, and he was very dissatisfied with disturbing his practice. During this period, he was mentally unstable, irritable, and often depressed. Only practicing and training Xiao Zhuji could temporarily calm him down. However, everyone in Dark Fire knows their taboos, but they still come here. It must be something really important.

Qianye came to the courtyard, opened the door and said, “What’s the matter?”

Standing at the entrance of the courtyard was a mercenary leader, who used to be considered one of Song Zining’s cronies. He handed over an envelope and said cautiously: “Two people came from the empire and wanted to see you by name. They gave this letter to you, saying that you will meet them after reading it.”

Qianye opened the envelope, took out the letter paper and took a look at it. There are two emblems on the paper, one of which is the mark of Ji Tianqing’s family. This is a secret sign, very simple and abstract, rather than containing the image of a flying snake like the official coat of arms of the imperial family. Just looking at this mark, you cannot tell that you have imperial bloodline. But Ji Tianqing had shown this mark to Qianye, and later told her its origin in private at the Well of Stars.

Seeing this secret sign, Qianye knew that the person coming was probably related to Ji Tianqing, and his brows relaxed slightly.

The other markup is much more formal and complex. Above the emblem is the coat of arms representing the military headquarters, and below is the pattern of mountains and munitions boxes. This is the exclusive emblem of the Equipment Department within the military headquarters. This department is actually responsible for the logistics and equipment research and development of the entire Imperial Army. Not to mention its great power, it is also one of the most lucrative departments.

However, when someone from the Military Equipment Department came to visit him in person, it was beyond Qianye’s expectation. His relationship with the military was not good to begin with, but after he killed the military’s secret agent in a neutral place, the relationship became even worse.

However, Ji Tianqing’s secret message still made Qianye change his mind and ordered: “Let them wait, I will come right away.”

Qianye was not in a hurry. He washed himself first, then changed his clothes, and after tidying himself up, he calmly walked to the reception room.

Asking people to wait for an hour first is a disguised expression of their attitude towards this meeting. This was what Song Zining taught him.

In the reception room of the Dark Fire headquarters building, the two people had been waiting for a long time. The tea in front of them had been brewed seven or eight times, and it had long since become tasteless.

With a bang, a short-haired man who looked like he was in his early thirties placed the tea cup heavily on the table and said angrily: “Mom, let us wait here, he is so big!”

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