Monarch of Evernight: Sixty-nine The Price of Offense

bsp;The easy crushing of the alien beast army did not make Qianye much happy. From the beginning to the end, the six-armed leader did not show up. Moreover, there is a vast world behind the ‘door’, and it is still unknown how many secrets are hidden in it. In addition, the appearance of the six-armed leader always gave Qianye an indescribably familiar feeling.

As soon as the fighting stopped and while the battlefield was still being cleaned, Qianye entered the foggy area alone to check on the condition of the door. The fog wall in the central area still existed, as if everything had remained unchanged from that day. However, when Qianye entered, he clearly felt a sense of obstruction, as if there was a thin film blocking the way. No matter how he tried, The door was never found again.

However, Qianye was very confident in his memory. The door should be right next to him, but he had just passed it several times but could not get through it. After trying many times in succession and still getting nowhere, Qianye finally determined that the ‘door’ at this moment might be closed and impossible to get through.

He reluctantly came out of the foggy area and saw several senior officers waiting outside.

An officer from Da Qin first handed over a document and said, “Sir, this is the latest secret notification from the empire.”

Qianye opened it and looked at the few sentences he raised, and immediately began to read them carefully. This belated imperial secret report reported that a ‘door’ had also appeared on the Qin continent, and other continents remained to be seen.

This notification was specially sent by Zhao Jundu to remind Qianye to pay attention to the environmental changes in Yonglu. After reading the report, Qianye frowned slightly. As soon as he discovered the door, he sent someone to Qinlu to deliver the message. Now it seems that the messenger failed to reach Qinlu. Is this a coincidence or inevitable?

Qianye put away the report, and Song Hui said: “Sir, the werewolf has been revived, and what he asked may be useful. He said that he almost died in the foggy area, but then he tried his best to kill him. A strange beast accidentally swallowed a piece of its internal organs and passed out. When he woke up, he was already lying in our hospital.”

Qianye glanced at the corpses of strange beasts on the ground and said, “In other words, after eating a piece of internal organs, he has the ability to withstand the white mist?”

“It looks like that.”

“Does he still remember what kind of strange beast it is and which part?”

“I don’t remember anymore.”

Qianye frowned slightly and said, “This is a bit troublesome.”

There are more than a dozen kinds of alien beasts in the legion that were killed. Each alien beast may have dozens or hundreds of internal organs and different parts of flesh and blood. In total, there are thousands of possibilities. How to distinguish them?

The Werewolf High Priest saw Qianye’s troubles and said, “This matter can be easily solved. Get a few of each kind of strange beast, cut them into pieces, and then find some slaves and death row prisoners, and try them one by one. Results will be available within two days.”

Xu Jingxuan also said: “You can also get a lot of death row prisoners from Zheng Guo. It only takes a day or two to transport them here. Even if there are thousands of death row prisoners, it will take some time.” There are great racial differences between humans and werewolves. Injury medicine cannot be used universally, let alone this brand new species of exotic beast. Now that the situation is urgent, there is no time for exploration and adjustment. Increasing experimental samples is undoubtedly the most direct and effective way.

Using death row prisoners to test medicine can’t even be considered benevolent. Qianye thought for a moment and said, “Then let’s do it.”

Song Hui wanted to say something, but finally held back and just asked for orders: “You can leave this matter to me, and the results will be available within three days at the earliest.”

The werewolves were collecting the corpses of alien beasts and stacking them in different categories. Many of the werewolves were smiling, which Qianye couldn’t understand.

The high priest next to him smiled and said: “With these prey, at least this winter can be passed easily. Many cubs can grow up, and old guys like me can live longer.”

Song Hui didn’t have much of a good impression of werewolves, and said angrily: “After this winter, if you can’t survive the next winter, is it still the same?”

The Great Werewolf Priest was not worried. He chuckled and said, “It will be different after winter. With the seeds and technology sent by your human race, we can feed more werewolves.”

The high priest paused and said: “With enough food, we werewolves don’t have to work hard to develop and can grow normally. With a long enough growth period, we don’t have to overdraw the talents and lifespan of the tribe. We, the Emerald Sea Werewolves, are no worse than the werewolves of the upper continent!”

There is a very heavy metaphor behind this topic. The past reproduction experiences of the Great Corridor and the Emerald Sea Werewolf make it almost impossible to tell that they are supposed to be immortal species. It can be seen that when the environmental pressure becomes unbearable, Even the racial heritage will be distorted, and the same fate will befall the demon descendants of the Frost and Thunder Temple.

However, Song Hui did not listen to the words of the high priest and said angrily: “What, you still want to prove your incompetence on the battlefield of Yongye? Do you want to fight the Qin Empire?”

The high priest said: “We don’t mind fighting Da Qin if necessary.”

Song Hui raised her eyebrows and shouted: “We spared you, but you want to become our enemy instead?”

The high priest looked calm and said: “We don’t mind being enemies with the human race, nor do we mind being enemies with the Eternal Night Council. All this depends on Lord Qianye. Our clan is loyal to you and your descendants. Or successors. We are not vassals of Da Qin, nor are we vassals of Yong Ye.”

Song Hui suddenly found that she had nothing to say.

Qianye interrupted the two of them and said, “Go back and do your work!”

He dismissed the generals and returned to his quiet room to practice and replenish his original power. The new war has just begun, and a bigger battle is yet to come. Such a world that subverts the rules will not suddenly appear without warning, so the answer may be clear. The other side of the “door” is most likely the new world circulating in the upper levels of Eternal Night. If this assumption is true, then there will probably be another war with the dark race in the future.

In the Twilight Continent, the Castle of Decius has turned into a huge military base. The castle is located high up, and on the plain overlooking it, a huge foggy area is particularly eye-catching. Outside the fog area, more than 200,000 Yongye troops had gathered. A battle on the battlefield had just ended, and the corpses of countless strange beasts piled up in mountains outside Yongye’s defense line. This batch of strange beasts obviously failed to break through the defense line and were killed.

On the top floor of the castle, two dukes stood side by side, looking at the battlefield below.

The Duke on the left said: “The fighting power of these monsters is really terrifying. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that they could be an army.”

The other Duke nodded, “If it hadn’t been foreshadowed by the above, I’m afraid the loss this time would not be small.”

“The human race should be in a hurry now, right?”

“At least there’s nothing left to cause us trouble.”

The two dukes were chatting to themselves when suddenly an indescribable feeling came over them. They were both startled and looked down. I saw a luxurious aeroboat landing in the courtyard of the castle. Nighteye walked out of the boat, walked directly into the main building, and returned to his living area.

The two Dukes watched Nighteye disappear through the gate, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

“His Royal Highness is back.”

“The ‘door’ has been opened, of course she should come back.”

“Is Your Highness injured? I feel that she seems a little weak.”

“It’s not just weakness, it seems that His Highness’s physical strength has retreated. Your Highness is now only at the level of a Marquis of Glory, right?”

“Pretty much, I don’t feel like a duke at all. I heard that the price you have to pay for opening the ‘door’ is the decrease in bloodline power.”

“Isn’t that why we are inferior?”

“But why do I feel a deeper fear when facing His Highness? If I were really an enemy of His Highness, I might not even be able to use my full strength.”

“Me too.”

In the square below, a team of Eternal Night warriors had just pushed the aerostat into the warehouse when another aerostat hurriedly flew over and landed on the landing pad.

Several mysterious vampires wrapped in black robes walked out of the boat and filed into Nighteye’s living area.

In the hall, Nighteye slowly took off his armor and handed the sword and short gun to his followers. Those mysterious vampires were standing at the door, motionless.

Yetong picked up a piece of paper, scrawled a few names on it, handed it to the leader of the black-robed vampire, and said: “Go check on these people, check carefully.”

The head of the black-robed vampire took the paper, and among the list were Ji Tianqing, Li Kuanglan, and Song Zining. He just saluted and quietly retreated.

The black-robed vampire left, and Ye Tong suddenly became a little tired. He threw himself on the sofa and gently rubbed his forehead.

A door on the side of the living room opened, and Dusk walked out, chuckling: “You still want to find out, after all, don’t you?”

Yeye Tong didn’t speak or move.

Twilight sat next to her and said: “The latest news is that he is already a **** general and has caused a sensation in the entire empire. How could they let such a person fall into our hands?”

Yeye Tong still didn’t move, but said calmly: “Stand up.”

Twilight was startled and said: “What?”

“Get up, stand up.”

Twilight suddenly felt at a loss, “I…”

Yetong tapped his forehead lightly and said impatiently: “Did I say you can sit next to me?”

Twilight was shocked and stood up reluctantly.

Yetong finally raised his head, glanced at her, revealed a hint of sarcasm, and sneered: “Do you think I am Yetong?”

“Are you…” Dusk reacted quickly. Seeing the coldness in Ye Tong’s eyes, she hurriedly swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Yetong said calmly: “I’m not her, I’m not interested in her affairs, and I don’t want to know. As for me checking those people, the reason is very simple. Since those human races want to deal with me, I have to let them fight for my own. There is a price to pay for the offense, a price they cannot afford!”

Twilight bit her lip, her expression becoming increasingly unnatural. Although Nighteye didn’t move, Dusk gradually felt a little bit of a needle-like chill. The chill was not obvious, but it penetrated deep into her bloodstream, causing her body to gradually become numb.

That was Ye Tong’s pressure, the pressure that she no longer deliberately restrained and suppressed. Facing this pressure, Duixi’s blood almost stopped flowing. At this moment, Duixue realized that the distance between her and Ye Tong was as far away as two continents.

Yeye Tong glanced at Dusk and said: “Not just the human race, no matter who they are, if they dare to offend my dignity, I will make them pay the price, do you understand?”

Twilight forced a smile, “I understand.”

“Go out if you understand. Also, this is not a place for you. If you come in without permission next time, you will not go out again. My country does not welcome species with low bloodline.”

Twilight looked ugly, partly because of humiliation and partly because of coercion. She was really unconvinced and said forcefully: “I am also a native species.”

Yetong snorted and said calmly: “That’s your standard.”

Dusk gritted her teeth, bowed deeply to Ye Tong, bowed and walked out, and then closed the door.

When the door closed, a cold light flashed deep in Ye Tong’s eyes. He looked at the direction in which the dusk was leaving and said softly: “I want to see what exactly you want to do.”

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