Monarch of Evernight: Sixty-Eight Battles

bsp;But so far, this is just Xueyi’s guess. And if he guesses correctly, it will be even more troublesome. Both the Crystal Spider and the Assassin were legion-level behemoths, and they were not something Qianye could handle at the moment.

But from another perspective, since Cui Yuanhai’s ability in firearms manufacturing has been exposed, there is no need to worry about his safety. No matter which force, as long as they are not crazy, they will not kill such a master.

Seeing that Xueyi didn’t know any more news, Qianye could only sigh and wait for the opportunity to look for Cui Yuanhai in the future.

At this time, Xueyi said: “There is another alien creature. Take it out and have a look. Maybe I have seen it before.”

Qianye took out a pair of transparent shrimp shells from his backpack, placed it on the table, and asked, “Have you seen this?”

This is the armor on the big lobster that Xiao Zhuji caught back then. Qianye had asked several people in the town before, but neither the traveling mercenaries nor the businessmen passing through could recognize what it was, and they had never even heard of it.

However, when he saw the shrimp shell armor, Xueyi’s expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost, and even his voice trembled: “This is…the Nightmare Legion!?”

It is another term that Qianye has never heard of before, but judging from the attitude of Xueyi, he knows that this nightmare army is definitely not comparable to crystal spiders or assassins.

Xueyi’s hands trembled. After a moment, he gritted his teeth and picked up the carapace and inspected it carefully. After taking a closer look, he turned gloomy and murmured: “That’s right, it’s the Nightmare Armor, it’s the Nightmare Armor.”

Qianye waited quietly. After a while, Xueyi gradually calmed down. He put the transparent carapace back on the table and said, “Can you tell me where this thing came from?”

“Occasionally. But what is the Nightmare Army?”

Xue Yi calmed down and said: “The Nightmare Legion is a symbol of disaster and the beginning of destruction”

After a long paragraph of words that sounded like a prophecy of natural disaster, Xueyi told everything he knew.

In the Neutral Land, there are not only battles between Eternal Night and outsiders in the empire, but also continuous wars between outsiders and the indigenous people. In its long history, the Nightmare Legion has appeared twice, both on the battlefields of battles between outsiders and natives. At that time, countless strange creatures suddenly appeared out of thin air, many of which were unprecedented in the Neutral Land. Even if they are similar to existing species, they all look like they have been distorted by invisible hands, making them indescribably weird. However, these creatures were extremely numerous and surged out of the void like a sea tide, sweeping across the entire battlefield in an instant. Even the most elite legions were unable to stop their impact and were instantly submerged.

When they left, there was no breath of life left on the battlefield. More than 100,000 troops from both sides participating in the war were all turned into corpses, and even their souls were completely dissipated.

No one knows how the Nightmare Legion appeared, and no one knows how they left. On the dead battlefield, the only traces they left behind were some strange broken armors.

After the Nightmare Legion disappeared, a strong man who was good at divine deduction spent his whole life and finally saw some broken scenes of the war, and then discovered the existence of the Nightmare Legion. Because the scene is like a nightmare, they are called the Nightmare Army.

The emergence of the Nightmare Legion has an impact on the neutral land like a natural disaster. During the two wars, both outsiders and natives gathered the most elite legions and numerous strong men, but they were all destroyed by the waves of the Nightmare Legion.

Although he arrived in the neutral land not long ago, Qianye also knew that this land was full of dangers. Every strong person is the cornerstone of the expansion of the territory and the protective wing of the weak civilians. For example, the small town that Qianye first set foot in, without the warrior-level combat power of Iron Bear, would not be able to deal with the ferocious beasts wandering in the wilderness, as well as the natural disasters that would happen at any time.

In a neutral land, a general means a new town and a new home.

The two appearances of the Nightmare Legion in history dealt a particularly heavy blow to outsiders, causing them to lose almost three-quarters of their territory. It is unknown how many ordinary people died under the unstoppable ferocious beasts and natural disasters. At that time, countless peripheral areas were abandoned, and the people living there moved to the core areas. However, without the protection of a strong enough person, this migration road was completely paved with flesh and blood. Among the first hundred people who set out, only a few people finally reached the core area.

On this **** road, suffering does not distinguish between races. Regardless of humans, vampires, werewolves or spider demons, they are all the same victims. Werewolves and spider demons are naturally strong and have a higher chance of survival. However, the ferocious beasts in the Neutral Land like the most naturally strong prey. In contrast, the weak humans are less likely to attract the attention of ferocious beasts.

After telling the history of the Nightmare Legion, Xueyi couldn’t calm down. He poured himself a large glass of strong wine and drank it all in one gulp, and then he felt better.

“As you said, the last time the Nightmare Legion appeared was hundreds of years ago. How do you know this is the Nightmare Legion’s armor?” Qianye expressed his doubts.

Xue Yi sighed and said: “When the Nightmare Legion appeared for the second time, my ancestors were on the battlefield. Now in the ancestral home, there is a fragment of the Nightmare Legion’s armor. It was left on the corpse of my ancestor. A fragment of it.”

Hearing this, Qianye’s eyes fell on the transparent carapace on the table and fell into deep thought. If the Nightmare Army was really so terrifying, would the lobster be captured by Zhu Ji and then easily killed?

Xueyi cheered up and said, “Can you sell me this set of carapace?”

“What’s the use of it?” In Qianye’s view, apart from the special material and being very thin, this set of carapace doesn’t have many outstanding features, and its defensive power can only be said to be average. So all this time, Qianye didn’t take it seriously, and he didn’t pay much attention to the wise lobster warrior, just treating it as a strange creature.

“The armor of the ordinary warriors of the Nightmare Legion is of no use in itself. However, its appearance may herald a new disaster. I have an elder who is good at deducing secrets. I am going to show it to him to see if this heralds a new disaster. What.”

Qianye nodded and said: “That’s the case, then I’ll give it to you.” Qianye didn’t want to get too involved with things related to inexplicable natural disasters.

Xueyi took out three black crystals and returned them to Qianye, saying, “That being the case, the previous information should be considered as a free gift.”

Qianye did not refuse, took the black crystal, and left the tavern with Ye Tong.

After returning to the hotel, Ye Tong asked: “What should we do now?”

“Stay here first. According to Xueyi, the Crystal Spider and the Assassin will be nearby soon. If the old man really falls into their hands, the craftsmen who follow the army will definitely come here. We will see the situation then. Try to find a way to save him.”

Yeye Tong had no better idea, so he nodded.

Qianye sighed and fled to a neutral place. He originally wanted to live quietly with Ye Tong until the end of his life. But I didn’t expect that instead of being a paradise, this place was more cruel and realistic, and the living environment was even worse.

“There won’t be any trouble over there in Xueyi, right?” Nighteye was a little worried.

“This man is indeed not simple, but he is a smart man. He should not do anything he shouldn’t do before he finds out our true identity.”

On the second day, Qianye discovered that the atmosphere in Lingang City was quietly becoming tense. There were many more law enforcement team members patrolling the streets than before, and the city guards were also constantly mobilized. Some important intersections There are people stationed there.

At the end of a street in front of the window, there was a sudden commotion. A group of mercenaries were riding in two trucks, heading this way. The truck was so battered and riddled with bullet holes and claw marks that it was a miracle it was even able to move. Most of the mercenaries on the truck were covered in blood, and a few people were still lying motionless in the carriage, their lives and deaths unknown.

They didn’t stop, and the truck kept driving towards the city lord’s palace. The city guards originally wanted to intercept him, but one person in the car showed some token and they drove on unimpeded.

Wherever this group of mercenaries passed by, they immediately caused quite a commotion. From people’s discussions, Qianye knew that this mercenary group was quite famous in this area. They originally had hundreds of elite soldiers, but now there are no more than thirty people in the two trucks combined. Moreover, in Qianye’s field of vision, there was only one general in the car, and he was only at the level of promotion. Their twelfth-level captain was missing.

Looking at this, this mercenary group has been completely disabled.

Not long after, some more hunters and adventurers rushed into Lingang City as if they were fleeing. They were all injured, and some even let out a breath of anger as soon as they entered the city gate, fell down, and never climbed up again. Can’t get up. As if it had started, adventurers and mercenary hunters returned to the city one after another, all covered in blood.

This is not a common sight. As Qianye frowned slightly, the shrill siren finally sounded, echoing over the entire Lingang City.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and someone outside said: “Is Mr. Zhao here? The city lord invites you!”

Qianye was startled. He opened the door and saw a tall and thin man standing outside the door. His breath was indescribably sharp. Behind him, there were several people.

The tall and thin man’s eyes were like swords. He looked Qianye up and down and said, “Mr. Zhao, the city lord was very happy to hear that he has a great talent. He would like to invite you to the city lord’s mansion to talk about it.”

“Is it City Lord Su?”

“Exactly. If it’s convenient for Mr. Zhao, you can come with me now. The city is busy with everything, and I’m afraid it won’t be convenient if you wait for a long time.” The tall and thin man had a faint arrogance, and there was also a hint of hostility in his eyes when he looked at Qianye.

Qianye knew that the lord of Lingang City, whose surname was Su, was able to maintain his independence among the Wolf King, Spider Emperor and Moonlight White Devil, not only by his political skills, but also by his extraordinary personal strength. It is said that his cultivation of the Force has reached the level of the Divine General, so he is able to deal with the three major forces.

How could such a big shot in the East China Sea suddenly pay attention to Qianye, who had changed his name?

Qianye thought for a moment and said, “Okay, I’ll go right away.”

PS: I finally made up for it, but I still owe a lot.

PS: The new game Eternal Night has just been launched and is doing well. If you are interested, you can search for the download experience of “Eternal Night: The Twin Jewels of the Empire”. There are gift packages in the WeChat official account. Mobile phone users please visit

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