Monarch of Evernight: Sixteen Last Blow

bsp;Qianye came out of the fortifications after taking a short rest and saw several high-level spider demons and werewolves fighting with Wei Bainian’s guards at the edge of the battlefield between the two generals. Apparently, those dark warriors They also came to support, but they were firmly blocked by the guards who were well prepared.

Wei Bainian gathered the officers and main soldiers of the entire 7th Division here. Compared with the dark army’s forward team of several hundred people, they already had an advantage in terms of combat strength. Even if the vanguard of the dark army is a strong man like Brahms, as long as Wei Bainian can withstand the attack of the Spider Viscount, his subordinates can kill all the dark warriors and finally come to focus on Brahms. .

This is a rather conservative tactic, but looking at the battle situation in Black Nid Town where the expeditionary force has slowly gained the upper hand, it is obviously very effective. Taken together with Wei Bainian’s radical strategy of shrinking the front line of the entire theater and deploying heavy troops in one corner, this unknown general of the Wei family is not very outstanding in terms of individual strength, but he is a genuine leader. No wonder he can win the battle in Wei. Hou took up a place next to him.

Whether alone or joining forces with his comrades, Qianye once again killed several spider demons and werewolves, and then unknowingly approached the battlefield between Brahms and Wei Bainian.

Brahms and Wei Bainian had been fighting fiercely for a long time, and both showed some fatigue. Although the Spider Viscount has eight spider legs, the consequences of breaking one are becoming more and more obvious.

Qianye gathered his breath, activated his blood and lurked, and slowly approached Brahms from the side and behind with a heavy hammer.

Wei Bainian clearly saw Qianye’s actions from the front. However, as soon as Qianye restrained his breath, he immediately disappeared from his perception. Even Wei Bainian’s calmness could not help but be surprised.

However, the surprise only passed in an instant. With Wei Bainian’s rich combat experience, how could he let go of such a good opportunity? After changing his movement twice, he shouted loudly, and his whole body fit into Brahms. He made this move with all his strength, and the light from Qianzhong Mountain surged, knocking Viscount Spider Demon away and staggering back.

Qianye finally waited for the opportunity, and the military attack skills that had been accumulated for more than twenty rounds suddenly started a craze again. He suddenly pushed all the force into the war hammer, and a layer of crimson force light appeared on the surface of the war hammer, and then It becomes darker and thicker, as if it has condensed into blood!

The war hammer carried the evil wind and hit one of Brahms’ hind legs hard. The thick and solid carapace suddenly sunk into a deep pit that was almost penetrated, and juice continued to spurt from the damaged crack. out.

Qianye did not hesitate, taking advantage of the brief moment before Brahms could react, he swung the war hammer again and hit the damaged area with all his strength from the previous blow!

Brahms let out a deafening roar of pain, and the spider leg broke with a loud noise.

Qianye dropped the deformed and cracked heavy hammer, jumped up, raised the twin flowers, and aimed them at Brahms’ head. When the Nerubian Viscount turned around, two force bombs exploded in his face.

Qianye landed sideways and immediately ran wildly, completely ignoring the outcome of his battle. The Level 4 Twin Flowers could not do any decent damage to the Viscount of the Spider Demon at all, and they could not even break through the Force protection of Brahms’ vital parts. But two Force bombs hit him directly in the face, which made Brahms dizzy, his face covered with blood, and he couldn’t see anything clearly for a while.

Wei Bainian had already landed on the right spot several times, and the huge shield in his hand burst out with a burst of intense light, hitting Brahms’s spider belly like a Force cannonball.

This blow was so heavy that Brahms’s plastron immediately dented a large area. Although the carapace under the armor was only deformed but not broken, listening to the dull sound of juice stirring, the flesh and blood in a large area under Viscount Nerubian’s carapace was shattered by the impact, and Brahms was immediately severely injured.

The Spider Viscount’s halberd swept back, chasing Wei Bainian who was retreating. The latter only had time to block the most deadly blade with his huge shield. There was a loud bang, and two powerful forces collided. Wei Bainian was thrown more than ten meters, and he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood in the air. There was a soft clicking sound on his body, and it was obvious that there was a fracture somewhere.

However, Qianzhong Mountain has always been known for its resilience. After Wei Bainian landed, he spit out a mouthful of blood and stood up as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, Brahms, after breaking two spider legs, was extremely uncomfortable for a while and even had difficulty maintaining balance. Besides, Wei Bainian’s shield attack was best suited to deal with a big guy like it with thick armor and rough flesh. The injury caused by that shield was just like being hit by a hammer of the same size, only heavier.

At this time, the sound of eagle shooting sounded again. A middle-aged school officer with a solemn face was able to shoot in a semi-crouching position from a commanding height several hundred meters away. Eagle Strike is like the Twin Flowers. Although it cannot cause much damage to the general, if it only greets the head and face, it can harass Brahms’ vision to a great extent, thus creating opportunities for Wei Bainian.

However, this opportunity can only occur when the high-level warriors of the dark race have suffered similar casualties. Otherwise, the dark warriors’ tradition of killing human snipers as soon as the war begins will only put the auxiliary combat team in danger.

Qianye hid in the ruins of a house, holding a blood crystal in each hand, running the power of blood as fast as possible to absorb the energy inside. The battle with Brahms in just a few seconds almost exhausted Qianye’s force power, and attacking the general was almost an act of suicide. Even with Qianye’s current physical strength, he could not withstand a frontal blow from the Spider Viscount. Brahms could easily penetrate him with any spider leg he inserted.

After resting for a few minutes and waiting for some strength to recover, Qianye rushed out of his hiding place and followed a werewolf running past him. This werewolf didn’t notice Qianye at all. Its attention was entirely on an expeditionary force major who was desperately running away in front. It was just about to pounce with all its strength when suddenly its back felt as if it had been stepped on by a rhinoceros, and its entire body fell to the ground. A handful of dust suddenly stirred up, followed by a chill on its vest, and then all its strength seemed to be drained out in an instant.

Qianye’s stab was extremely accurate, and it can be concluded that it penetrated the werewolf’s heart, and a ray of hot and rich blood came from the shining teeth. The fresh and thick dark force suddenly made Qianye’s spirit rise. .

Immediately, he smiled bitterly in his heart. During the last battle in the Far East Heavy Industry Mining Area, he vaguely discovered the superpower of Shining Light Fang. Now it feels particularly clear when this knife is struck. Not only the three-color blood energy in Qianye’s body will absorb the blood energy around him, but the shining light fan itself seems to also absorb the blood energy of the prey.

After killing the werewolf, Qianye jumped to a commanding height and scanned the entire battlefield. The fighting began to become sparse. Most of the dark race warriors were killed, and only a few were still resisting. Since their general, Viscount Nerubian, did not issue a retreat order, few dark warriors escaped. The dying counterattacks among the Jedi were still sharp and dangerous. The expeditionary force’s siege became more cautious.

In the distance, Brahms and Wei Bainian were still fighting fiercely, but the momentum was not as great as when the war just started.

Qianye immediately rushed to the battlefield over there, and now it was time to surround and kill the Spider Demon Viscount. As long as Brahms dies in battle, it will be a heavy blow to the dark race. And if it is allowed to escape, even if all other dark warriors are wiped out, the victory will be lost by half.

When Qianye arrived, the battle between the two generals was nearing its end. Wei Bainian remained on the defensive most of the time. Only when Viscount Spider Demon showed signs of movement or made a mistake, Wei Bainian would launch an extremely fierce attack. Although Brahms had two broken spider legs and was greatly inconvenient to move, the large swamp was nearby. Once he escaped into it, it would become extremely troublesome.

Brahms’s body continued to bloom with the bright light of fire and Force explosion, and more and more senior officers of the expeditionary force joined the encirclement and killing ranks. Most of them dare not approach and can only shoot at medium and long range. Some who had exhausted their Force power could no longer use their Force guns, so they simply picked up large-caliber gunpowder sniper rifles. This kind of gun may not even be able to penetrate the skin of the upper body of the humanoid figure of Viscount Nerubian, but it would still be quite disturbing if it was directed at the head and face.

Brahms suffered more and more injuries, and his roar gradually became deeper. Although the officers’ attacks only caused interference or minor injuries, if they were large in number, they would produce qualitative changes.

Qianye did not take action. He had been wandering dozens of meters away from Brahms, patiently waiting for opportunities, and occasionally helping his comrades escape from the energy waves of the Spider Viscount’s counterattack.

However, this time Qianye did not wait for too many opportunities. Wei Bainian suddenly let out a loud roar, and his body was filled with yellow light. At this time, he could no longer hold back and attacked with all his strength, even eating a few Brahms. counterattack. After a series of thunderous and fierce offensives, Wei Bainian directly defeated Brahms’s defense and deprived it of its last chance of survival.

Wei Bainian held the shield with both hands and swung it horizontally with all his strength. The dazzling yellow light group swept through the air like a comet, and actually sent the Spider Viscount flying more than ten meters. Brahms’ hill-like huge body slid out more than ten meters on the ground and stopped not far in front of Qianye.

At this time, Brahms collapsed on the ground. Only half of his joints could still move weakly, but he could no longer get up.

Wei Bainian gestured to Qianye and shouted: “Qianye, kill it!”

This is a great honor on the battlefield, and it is also Wei Bainian’s recognition of Qianye. Neither the senior officers of the expeditionary force nor Wei Bainian’s Guards had any objection to this. Qianye attacked Brahms twice and broke one of its spider legs, which had a major impact on the battle.

Besides, Qianye’s performance on the battlefield is obvious to all, and his record is unmatched by anyone. He almost faced the enemy head-on in this battle, and he did not even bring an auxiliary team. He was a powerful combat unit. No matter how many levels of dark warriors he faced, no enemy could still stand after three or five strikes from him. This is A true display of power.

Qianye’s auxiliary attacks when passing other combat units were also very good. Whether he was cooperating with a sniper team or a melee team, he proved his ability in almost all positions with his actions.

For soldiers, only battlefield prowess can truly convince them.

“Qianye, kill him!” Wei Bainian urged.

Qianye didn’t hesitate anymore, leaped onto Brahms’ spider body, and then pierced the shining fangs deeply into its heart!

The moment the blade pierced the heart, it seemed that it was inspired by the blood in Brahms’ heart. All the lines on the shining teeth lit up, including some deep purple lines that had never appeared before. Qianye suddenly found that blood flowed into his body from the shining teeth like a torrent. In an instant, it seemed as if full power filled every corner of his body, and it was even increasing!

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