Monarch of Evernight: Six traps

bsp;On the side of the swamp outside the town is an astonishingly large cemetery. At a glance, there are broken tombstones everywhere, and even more graves, without even tombstones. There is no telling how many graves there are in this cemetery, at least tens of thousands.

The cemetery has existed for at least hundreds of years. There is a tradition in Heinii Town. No matter who dies nearby, the people in the town will spontaneously dig a grave for him. When people in the town die, they will be buried here. Over time, this spectacular burial ground was created.

The low hills rising one after another in front of you coldly bear witness to the desperate struggle between humans and the environment and the dark races in this barren land for hundreds of years.

Qianye stared at the land in front of him quietly, and after a while, he walked through the cemetery and entered the black mud swamp.

The black mud swamp at night was filled with a faint layer of gray fog. Even if Qianye had night vision, his field of vision could only be tens of meters. The closer we got to the swamp, the clearer the strange stench became. It seemed to be mixed with hundreds of unpleasant smells. The stench would be intolerable to creatures outside the swamp, and the keen sense of smell would be largely disabled.

There is no clear boundary at the edge of the swamp. Most of the area is like ordinary mud, covered with a thin layer of herbaceous-looking plants. It was no ordinary weed, there were moss and ferns growing together inside. It looks dense and smooth on the outside, but underneath it is not a solid land, but instead there are countless bottomless mud pits hidden inside. Once ordinary people fall into it, they will never be able to climb out and will be swallowed up by the black marsh.

Of course Qianye can’t stand the swampy terrain. He stepped forward, his military boots treading the mud, walking steadily and quickly. If his feet suddenly became soft, Qianye’s entire body would instantly become as light as nothing, and the black marsh could not even reach the top of his boots before being stepped on.

Qianye has received special terrain training, and learned from Hu Wei some experience in distinguishing whether there is a deep swamp from the types of plants. Even so, with his eyesight, he cannot avoid it every time, and sometimes he has to step on it. Knowing whether your feet are on the ground or not shows the harsh terrain of the Black Mud Swamp. Only the adaptability and strength of high-level warriors above level five can tolerate misjudgments and maintain freedom of movement under such circumstances.

Qianye walked for a while, then suddenly stopped, pulled out the multi-purpose saber from his waist, and dug out a dark vine from the muddy water. He cut off a section from the vine with his knife, and the juice oozing out from the cut was thick and scarlet, like thick blood.

This is blood vine, a specialty of the Black Mud Swamp and an important ingredient in many potions. One of its most famous auxiliary functions is that it can be compatible with a variety of stimulants. After adding it, it can greatly improve the potency. The formula of Elite Legion stimulants basically contains blood vine ingredients.

This is one of the driving forces that attracts a large number of scavengers and herb collectors into the Black Marsh. A piece of blood vine as long as Qianye’s hand could be sold for several gold coins even in Blackstream City. For scavengers, this is the ultimate fortune that can change their destiny.

The reason why the bloodvine got its name is not because of the red sap, but because so many people sacrificed their lives to harvest it.

A strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the darkness, getting closer and closer. Flying insects as big as fingers kept appearing, flying around Qianye. These flying insects were all attracted by the smell of the blood vine on his hand. They look like flying ants that have been enlarged several times. Their mouthparts are particularly ferocious, and the poisonous needles on their tails are erratic.

This kind of flying insect was originally very common, but in the black swamp environment, its size is much larger than that of its kind, and its toxins have become more deadly. As long as the blood vine comes into contact with the air, it will emit a special smell that attracts surrounding flying insects.

Skilled herb collectors will process the blood vines underwater and wrap them in special medicine bags to control the dispersion of the smell to the maximum extent. Less skilled scavengers would wrap themselves from head to toe in special leather clothing and let the flying insects bite them. After all their poisonous stingers are used up, the danger is over.

At this moment, Qianye raised his right hand slightly, and a wisp of blood mixed with the force was sent out to his fingertips. The trajectory of the flying insects dancing in the air suddenly became chaotic, as if they had encountered a dangerous alien beast. Even though they were tempted by the smell of blood vines, they were warned by instinctive fear not to get too close.

But the danger doesn’t stop with these flying insects. There was a pool of muddy water at the base of a clump of ferns next to me. Ripples suddenly appeared, and a faint black shadow shot out from under the muddy water like an arrow. There was no warning at first, it was faster than lightning, and the distance was so close that Qianye had no time to dodge, but he felt a pain in his calf, which then turned to numbness, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

What pounced from the water was a half-meter-long snake-like creature. It had a sharp horn on its head. It was extremely sharp. With just one pounce, it actually penetrated the intertwined compartments of Qianye’s military boots. The defensive wire mesh penetrated directly into the calf.

Horned snakes are another danger that accompanies blood vines. If flying insects represent fatal danger, then the appearance of the horned snake is equivalent to death itself. Horned snakes have hollow horns that serve as their blood-sucking organs. Moreover, the venom of the horned snake is fatal. Currently, except for the special-effect snake venom serum used by the military, there is no effective antidote. Once poisoned, one can only rely on physical fitness and the Force to resist.

The Vampire’s constitution gives Qianye a natural resistance to biological toxins. The numbness caused by the horned snake stops moving up when he feels it at his knees. It is obviously not life-threatening, but it still has an effect, which shows the intensity of the toxin. No wonder Hu Li said that people who enter the black mud swamp are trying their luck with their lives.

Qianye remained unusually still. When the horned snake began to **** blood, the wound on his leg began to feel. He could feel his blood flowing out. The horned snake’s dark gray belly is becoming more and more bulging.

Qianye estimated that the horned snake had almost finished sucking blood, so he relaxed his suppression of the blood energy in his body. A piece of ordinary blood energy immediately rushed out of the heart, deftly found the blood that was flowing out, and mixed a breath into it and sent it out.

The horned snake suddenly bounced off Qianye’s legs, and then rolled, fluttered, and struggled in the muddy water. In the blink of an eye, it stood stiffly still on the water, half-sinking, half-floating, and never moved again.

For it, that blood energy is a poison that it cannot resist.

Qianye put the blood vine away and walked around again, cleaning up most of the traces he left. But if you look closely, you will find that the inconspicuous corners have not been cleaned thoroughly, and you can still find something from the intermittent traces. As for the horned snake, Qianye didn’t move and just let it stay there.

After looking around the scene again, Qianye felt satisfied, and then continued walking deeper into the black swamp. But this time his steps were much heavier, and he would leave many traces after escaping from the swamp several times.

Although Qianye looked normal at this moment, he was in a state of high alert. He activated his bloodline latent and deliberately controlled the blood in his body.

He had an intuition that the Blood Lord he saw in Black Mud Town not only did not leave, but even followed him into the Black Marsh. Even after walking for so long, Qianye could not detect any signs that he was being followed, but the faint feeling of crisis never dissipated.

That was the reaction of the blood energy in Qianye’s body to the power of Jazz’s blood. Even if the opponent later restrained his aura and Qianye could not find his true location, the feeling remained. As long as it did not dissipate completely, Sir Blood would still be there. The possibility of lingering nearby is still there.

After Qianye was sneak attacked by the Horned Snake, he suddenly thought of a bold plan. He didn’t know whether this arrangement would be useful to the high-level vampire. A vampire who dares to go so deep into human territory and still refuses to leave after being discovered is obviously an experienced veteran and may not be easily plotted. However, Qianye was not at all anxious. The Black Mud Swamp was very vast, and there was plenty of time and opportunities ahead.

Not long after Qianye left, the scenery in a corner of the black marsh suddenly distorted, and a black shadow seemed to condense out of the void. His whole body was wrapped in a dark cloak, and the position of his eyes revealed a faint dark red light in the night. He squatted down and looked at the water in front of him.

From this angle, you can see a vague footprint underwater. In an environment where the Black Marsh seems calm but actually has undercurrents everywhere, it won’t take long for the shallow footprints to disappear. The footprints remain to this day, indicating that the steps were particularly heavy at that time.

Sir Blood did not look forward, but looked back in the direction where the footprints came from. Then he stood up, and his whole figure became blurry and distorted, and a little floating, as if he had lost weight and walked towards where Qianye came from.

After a while, he found the place where Qianye dug out the blood vines, and also saw the horned snake still floating stiffly on the water. In the black swamp, the horned snake is the overlord. Even if it dies, no swamp creature will come close to it for a long time.

Sir Blood walked toward the Horned Serpent, but when he was only a few meters away, he suddenly felt a shock all over his body and stopped suddenly!

He slowly took off his hood, revealing a full head of silver hair and a Qingjun majestic face. The deeply lowered corners of his mouth and falcon-like eyes could make people feel the cold cruelty in his heart. However, at this moment, his face was a little distorted, and he let out a low, almost roaring moan from his throat, and even his blood-sucking fangs protruded from the corners of his lips.

Where he was staring, there was a low bush. The shrub has a twisted body and is covered with sharp thorns, with a few sparse dark green leaves sticking out from the top.

Jazz kept taking deep breaths, letting his sense of smell guide him, and slowly approached the bush. Finally, he found his target, which was a drop of dried blood on the leaf.

Although the blood has dried, the trace of scent remaining on it is still so fragrant and sweet. So what would it taste like when it was still alive?

Sir Blood approached the drop of blood, took another deep breath, then held his breath and closed his eyes, showing an intoxicated expression.

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