Monarch of Evernight: Seventh Five-Year Plan

bsp;There was smoke and dust on the road in the distance, and a huge caravan could be vaguely seen approaching slowly. A caravan of this size is simply beyond imagination, and it is obviously formed by a combination of multiple trading houses. More than a hundred trucks and armored personnel carriers of various types were traveling at a pace that could not go very fast at all.

From the robber’s perspective, this is a very large fish.

Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly and was thinking about the meaning of this huge caravan that suddenly appeared, when he suddenly saw a trace of ice-blue cold air in the corner of his field of vision.

He turned his head slightly and said, “Why are you here?”

Li Kuanglan quietly appeared behind Qianye and said: “Sure enough, I still can’t hide it from you. Now I am more and more curious about the novel, how many trump cards you have hidden.”

“Let’s get down to business.”

Li Kuanglan handed over a letter and said: “There is a letter from you.”

Qianye took the envelope and asked: “Who gave it to me?”

“It is said that it is Tingchao City Lord Luo Bingfeng, and the person who sent the letter is named Luo Yun, who claims to be the chief executive of the City Lord’s Mansion. I think he is not lying.”

Qianye took the letter but did not open it. Instead, he pointed at the motorcade approaching in the distance and asked, “What do you think of this?”

Li Kuanglan glanced in the direction of Qianye’s finger, then his eyes fell on Qianye and said, “Have you ever used Heart Burial?”

“Yes. Just killed a general who was trying to dress himself up as a soldier.”

Li Kuanglan let out a laugh and said, “I want to disguise myself as an ambush in front of you. Isn’t this asking for death?”

“What do you think?” Qianye repeated the question again.

Li Kuanglan said calmly: “It’s very simple. You have already let out your cruel words and used your killing moves. They know that you will not take action at this time, so they sent so many caravans just to show you. For those who listen to Chaocheng. In short, this is a slap in the face.”

The two of them were chatting among the rocks at the bottom of the slope, but the hunter on the top of the hill turned a blind eye. Whenever he thought about turning his eyes in this direction, he would subconsciously avoid it, as if if he took one more look, something extremely frightening would happen. It’s just that he was inexplicably nervous at the moment and didn’t realize his own problem, and he twice sent out signals to his companions that everything was safe and nothing unusual.

Qianye and Li Kuanglan were standing with their hands behind their backs, watching the caravan rolling in. The leading vehicle had already broken out of the smoke and headed onto the road at the foot of the mountain. Several armed sentries stood on the roof of the car, looking around with binoculars vigilantly. However, their eyes passed over where Qianye and Li Kuanglan were standing several times, but there was no reaction at all.

In the field of view of the telescope enhanced by the Force Array, Qianye and Li Kuanglan were just two inconspicuous stones.

Qianye stood with his hands behind his back, holding the letter in his hand, tapping the envelope lightly with his fingertips, gradually increasing in frequency.

Qianye suddenly said: “What do you think should be done to let them know that I am not joking?”

Li Kuanglan was startled, but he had not thought about this problem, so he shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Qianye suddenly stopped tapping the envelope with his fingers and said calmly: “Actually, it’s very simple. Just rob this convoy, now!”

With a bang, the letter exploded into butterflies flying in the sky. From beginning to end, Qianye never opened it.

Qianye’s figure has disappeared from where he was!

Li Kuanglan subconsciously reached out and grasped the hilt of Hanyue Longsha’s sword. But before he could unsheath his sword, he suddenly felt as if he had been pricked by a needle. A small red dot appeared on his face, and a drop of blood slowly oozed out.

This is a ray of force left by Qianye. Even Li Kuanglan doesn’t know when he planted it. The meaning of leaving this force behind was very clear, that is, he didn’t want Li Kuanglan to interfere.

In the caravan, the armored personnel carrier at the head suddenly raised its front end, and the entire vehicle body flew up diagonally. It rolled several times on the ground and fell into a ditch on the side of the road. The incident occurred so suddenly that the soldiers loaded in the vehicle had no time to react, let alone get out of the vehicle. Most of them fainted in the continuous rolling.

Qianye walked among the convoys as if taking a walk. Whenever a truck was approaching, he would gently pick it up with Zhong Yue, flipping the vehicle over and rolling it off the road. Both the passengers and the soldiers in the car were beaten to pieces. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen trucks leading the caravan were overturned by Qianye. The trucks following behind them braked hastily, causing chaos.

However, soon a soldier reacted and pointed his gun at Qianye. Several of the recruits were too nervous and pulled the trigger without waiting for the officer’s order. The frontline officers’ desperate words of ‘no fire’ were still floating in the air, but the gunshots were already roaring, and bullets were raining down on Qianye!

Qianye’s face turned cold, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the spot. He appeared next to an armored truck in an instant. Dongyue was like dirt, sinking into the truck’s engine with ease.

There was a roar, and a large cloud of steam filled the air instantly. There was a jet of fire inside, and deformed steel plates and mechanical parts flew everywhere. The entire armed truck was blown into two pieces. The cargo boxes loaded on the truck began to burn, and the original Several soldiers who were standing on the roof of the car shooting were lifted high into the air and fell heavily to the ground, turning into corpses.

Qianye’s figure kept flashing, and he went upstream in the convoy. There was a constant roar wherever he passed, and the trucks exploded into fireballs. In the blink of an eye, the major commercial banks involved in this operation suffered heavy losses.

At this moment, the deputy commander and his generals were still far away. When the accident happened, they were stunned for a moment, not sure who dared to attack such a large caravan. According to common sense, Qianye should have stayed dormant after firing that shot. The deputy commander ordered the caravan to set off, but he didn’t expect to really provoke Qianye. But no more experienced mercenary hunter would be so angry that he would be so obviously fooled.

In just this moment, the front section of the long queue of vehicles turned into a blazing fire dragon, and a quarter of the vehicles were destroyed in an instant! Just looking at the speed of destruction, it was clear that Qianye did not hold back at all, but used all his strength.

The deputy commander was furious, flew up and roared like thunder: “How dare you!!”

As soon as the deputy commander moved, a group of generals from the city guard immediately followed him. Several other generals appeared from their ambush positions and surrounded Qianye from all directions, trying to cut off his retreat.

Their strategy of surrounding them on all sides was correct, but they only delayed a little more time, and Qianye destroyed seven or eight trucks. The entire convoy has come to a complete stop, like a twisted steel dragon. People kept jumping out of the car and trying their best to escape to both sides of the road. Qianye didn’t intend to kill anyone, but the exploding truck didn’t have eyes. Anyone who got close would be in danger.

Furthermore, it is not the responsibility of ordinary soldiers like them to stop Qianye, that is the responsibility of senior officers and generals.

As long as someone took the lead to escape, others would swarm to follow. Suddenly, thousands of carriers and soldiers scattered to both sides like ants, which only made the deputy commander half-dead with anger.

Ignoring the consumption of force, he speeded up again, falling in front of Qianye like a meteor, trying to intercept him. Halfway through the flight, the deputy commander suddenly felt a shock all over his body, and his flight path obviously deviated. In his field of vision, a handsome young man appeared with a majestic aura. The aqua blue sword in his hand was shining with a faint blue light, which was so bright that it was dazzling.

Li Kuanglan did not leave the place, he just unsheathed his sword and no longer concealed his presence.

The deputy commander was also a decisive hero. His face suddenly sank, he pointed at Li Kuanglan from afar and shouted: “You guys keep an eye on him, the rest follow me. Whoever can kill Qianye will be the leader.” Gong! ”

At this moment, all the soldiers on the truck had already fled, and empty trucks were parked on the road. Qianye turned a blind eye to the blocking generals ahead and moved forward steadily, turning each truck into a fireball. In this way, he moved forward in steel and fire.

One of the warriors couldn’t bear it any longer and lunged at Qianye with a howl. Qianye took a step forward and bumped into him hard! With a muffled bang, the warrior was knocked backwards and flew away. Dongyue dodged and struck him in the chest with a sword.

Another general seemed to be weightless, floating in the air and passing by Qianye.

Qianye suddenly stopped for a moment, then continued to move forward, but there was a **** mouth under his ribs. The general quickly moved away and fled a hundred meters away in an instant. However, as he ran, he fell to the ground and could not get up again. Blood kept gushing out from under him.

One after another, the city guard officers and generals pounced on Qianye like ferocious beasts, and then fell down one after another. The burning truck turned into a natural barrier, preventing everyone from attacking together. However, the fallen colleagues one after another aroused the murderous intent of these warriors. They had no regard for life and death and tried their best to leave a wound on Qianye’s body.

Qianye was still moving forward. In addition to the flames and steel, there were also corpses on the road he walked. The wounds on his body were increasing rapidly, and his breath was weakening. Only his eyes remained clear.

At this time, it is the time for the two sides to compete in will and murderous intent. It just depends on who can’t hold on and falls first.

A general is always on the edge of the battlefield, and the crosshair of the large-caliber sniper rifle in his hand has never left Qianye. Finally, when Qianye’s pace slowed down, he seized the opportunity and shot Qianye in the back!

The deputy commander who had never made a move finally found an opportunity and appeared in front of Qianye in an instant, piercing Qianye’s heart with both blades!

However, right here, the deputy commander suddenly saw his figure clearly appearing in Qianye’s eyes. His mind suddenly became dizzy, and the two blades tilted downward involuntarily, piercing Qianye’s abdomen deeply.

The blow severely injured Qianye, but the deputy commander did not feel happy. Instead, he lowered his head in shock and looked at Dongyue who had thrust upwards into his abdomen at an unknown moment. Only then did he realize that Qianye had been waiting for him, waiting for the opportunity to hurt both sides.

If either side makes a move at this moment, they will inflict heavy damage on the other side. The deputy commander did not dare to move, but Qianye smiled slightly, reached out and grabbed his chest, and pulled the deputy commander close to him, their faces were almost touching!

This action is like hurting each other, and the wounds of both of them are opening at the same time. In this cruel contest, the desire to survive finally overwhelmed the deputy commander’s fighting spirit. He released his double blades and raised his hands to signal giving up.

Qianye stared at his fearful eyes and said word by word: “Go back and tell them that I will never leave until Zining is released!”

Qianye slowly pulled out Dongyue, turned around and left, never looking at the deputy commander who was paralyzed on the ground.

Blood kept dripping from the Dongyue sword, drawing a line of blood on the ground and going away.

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