Monarch of Evernight: One Three One Quest

bsp;Stepping into the door is a deep and wide corridor with conference rooms and resting and waiting areas on both sides. These two areas were kept spotless and organized, and it looked like they were cleaned every day. There didn’t seem to be anything special here, but Qianye still searched carefully, not missing every corner. This is the ship of Lin Jiaer, the deputy duke of the famous demon family. Even if she throws away something casually, she might be able to sell it for a good price.

Finally, Qianye found some unfinished documents in the conference room. Most of them recorded Yongye’s current political information, the recent developments of the Macefield family, as well as Lin Jiaer’s own industry situation and troop deployment plan. .

These documents are very helpful for a deeper understanding of the demon descendants, especially the Macefield family. I believe the Imperial Military and some scholars will be very interested in them, but their value only goes so far. At least based on Qianye’s current level, he couldn’t tell how many secrets were hidden inside.

Qianye gathered these documents and put them into boxes, preparing to move them out after exploring.

There is another gate at the end of the passage. It is completely gray, with a hint of dark green showing through. Every decoration is deeply carved, extremely complex and delicate, and it looks more gorgeous, but also thicker. The door was closed tightly. Qianye stretched out his hand and tried to push it, but it didn’t move. He tried punching the door again, which caused the entire cabin to shake, but the door remained motionless. And unlike the previous portals, this time both the wall and the door frame are only slightly out of shape. If you want to break through from the side, it may be as difficult as tearing down the door directly.

After one punch, Qianye knew that the gate was at least half a meter thick. It was impossible for such a thick and huge gate to be opened and closed by human power alone. It must be mechanically driven. It’s just that now that the battleship has lost all power, the door is locked here. No matter what kind of sophisticated mechanism there is, it is useless. Even if Lin Jiaer comes here in person, he can only open it by force.

Qianye thought for a moment and realized that Man Lai was the only one he knew. He took two steps back and found Dongyue in his hand. This is the first time he has used Dongyue since entering the battleship.

Qianye took a deep breath and instantly entered a state of boiling blood. Gold-burning blood surged around his body, crimson flames rose everywhere, and endless power burst out from everywhere. At this moment, Qianye Wanran had transformed into a pure-blood noble of the ancient blood race. Holding swords in both hands, he shouted loudly and slashed down with his sword. The whole ship shook and the door opened in response.

The dark gray in the gap of the door is tinged with rich green, exuding a faint light. Almost the entire body is made of magic iron. The value of these magic irons alone is not lower than Song Zining’s box of alloy.

The door was cut open in the middle, and the internal structure was visible. It was actually four alloy pillars as thick as fists fixed and locked in a cross shape. If it hadn’t been forcibly cut open, Qianye would have had to tear down the upper, lower, left and right walls before he could get in. Qianye was very curious about the material of the magic iron. He stretched out his hand to pinch the corner of the gap and squeezed it hard. Surprisingly, the fragment was only slightly deformed!

Qianye couldn’t help but be surprised, knowing that this time he had used all his strength without boiling blood. Even a half-meter-thick steel plate could be easily kneaded, like kneading dough. But this fragment is only slightly curved. Based on this hardness test, even if Qianye had Dongyue in his hand and slashed with all his strength, it would have taken ten swords to open the door, but now he could do it with just one sword.

Qianye is not in a hurry to enter. Anyway, everything in Lin Jiaer’s residential area is in his pocket. It makes no difference whether he gets it sooner or later. However, this gate deserves careful study.

He thought over and over again about the process of the slash, and after pondering for a long time, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grasped the gap again. Only this time, what burned in Qianye’s hand was not the crimson golden morning light, but the dark gold and red blood-colored flame. When the gray-green aura of the magic iron came into contact with Qianye’s blood fire, it instantly boiled and burned like oil meeting a fierce fire, spitting out a faint gray fire that fiercely fought with the blood and annihilated each other.

It’s just that the quality of the demonic energy is obviously far inferior to Qianye’s dark gold blood energy. Despite the suicidal attack, it melts quickly like snow meeting the bright sun. Ten annihilations cannot exchange for one dark gold blood energy. .

This time Qianye only used 80% of his strength to completely bend the magic iron.

Qianye stopped his hand and fell into deep thought again.

This was a direct confrontation between his dark gold blood and demonic energy, but the result was shocking. The two are like a life-and-death feud. They fight fiercely whenever they come into contact. There is no possibility of coexistence. Judging from the results, it can be said that the two are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and they are both extreme. It is hard to say which one is more powerful. Just now it seemed that Qianye’s dark gold blood had the upper hand, but the quality of the demonic energy used to make the magic iron was limited, and it would only reach its maximum when it came to the Marquis. Who has ever heard of a Duke working as a coolie to make magic iron in large quantities?

But if we were to switch to an opponent of the same level as the witch, it’s hard to say who would win and who would lose.

In the past, before Qianye obtained the ancient scrolls of the Song family and used Xuan Pian to refine his blood energy into dark gold, he had fought against demons before, but he had never encountered a similar phenomenon at that time. Blood energy and magic power both belong to the eternal night, so the effectiveness of attacking each other will naturally be compromised. At that time, Qianye used the force of dawn to attack the enemy and protect the body with blood energy when fighting the demon descendants. Dawn’s force and demonic energy are like boiling oil meeting water, and they have bonus effects on killing each other.

After cultivating the dark gold blood energy and receiving the inheritance of the long river of blood, Qianye met the demon again, especially fighting with Aiden, and used the dawn to attack the enemy. After all, Dawn Qiming, as the top level of dawn force, is almost equivalent to no antidote for demons. After Aiden took Qianye’s blow, he was almost killed on the spot.

However, it seems at this moment that the dark gold blood energy meets the demonic energy, and the effect is almost the same as the morning light. In this way, the relationship between ancient vampires, especially pure-blood nobles, and demons is worth pondering.

This kind of mutual conflict in terms of power attributes naturally divides the camps, and there is no way to avoid it. Just like the human race who majors in the Force of Dawn has become the opposite of the entire Eternal Night World.

As Qianye thought about it, he kneaded it with his hands, and in a blink of an eye, he kneaded the large piece into an iron ball. He was slightly startled, looking at the iron ball in his hand that had lost all its magic energy, and secretly cried out that it was a pity. Without the magic energy, the magic iron becomes ordinary iron and loses its value. Judging from the size of this iron ball, Qianye could remove at least tens of thousands of gold coins by rubbing it.

Qianye threw the iron ball down and walked into Lin Jiaer’s core residential area.

Behind the iron gate is a small library filled with all kinds of rare books. There were dozens of books stacked on the desk in the center, one of which was still open. Apparently, Lin Jiaer was reading here when the war broke out and had not had time to close the book.

Walking around the library, further inside is the study room, which is also Lin Jiaer’s private office. The study is the most important one, so Qianye plans to browse everywhere and then explore it in detail.

Next is the private arsenal, collection room, and actual living area.

Qianye only passed by the private arsenal and collection room. Although the collection here was cheap and valuable, it was not surprising to Qianye who had seen the two clans of Zhao and Song. But when he walked into the bedroom, Qianye was stunned on the spot, and his expression became extremely strange.

PS: I can finally resume updating. This time is a punishment for overdrafting my body for a long time. I hope it won’t happen again.

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