Monarch of Evernight: One hundred and sixty-nine flaming days

bsp;Under the inner armor, there is also a layer of close-fitting corset. This dark gray bra was too plain and seemed to be extremely tight. Through the clothes, you could see an unnatural protrusion on the side of the ribs, which looked like a broken bone.

Qianye only hesitated for a moment, then put his hand into the bra, pulled it up a little, and then cut it open with a sword. The existence of this corset has caused Li Kuanglan’s broken sternum to become dislocated, and the injury cannot be treated unless it is removed.

As soon as the bra was opened, two **** of snow-white, soft and torn clothes came out, and they hit Qianye’s hand hard and rubbed against it a few times.

Qianye was suddenly startled. He looked intently and saw two hills standing proudly, with two peach blossoms swaying slightly on the peaks. The snow-white plumpness and the enchanting peach blossoms make people want to take a bite.

Qianye stared blankly for a moment before remembering some long forgotten past events. Song Zining once said that Li Kuanglan was actually the younger sister of Empress Li of the current dynasty. She had only been practicing swordsmanship since she was young, and she was astonished to be a celestial being. From then on, she concentrated on practicing swordsmanship and always presented herself in men’s clothing. Not many people knew her true identity. Qianye’s contact with her was mostly on the battlefield, and her temperament was as sharp as a sword. Over time, Qianye forgot that she was actually a woman and always treated her as a man.

At this moment when she was **** and facing each other, Qianye realized that she was truly a woman among women.

To be honest, Li Kuanglan’s figure is not as violent as Nangong Xiaoniao’s, but with the physical advantages of the younger generation of top powerhouses, his shape is flawless, even in a high-gravity environment. Able to stand tall and proud, looking down upon the heaven and earth.

Qianye gathered her thoughts, eliminated all thoughts, and calmly began to repair her sternum.

This was not an easy job. Li Kuanglan had seven or eight broken ribs, and most of the rest were cracked throughout his body. There are still many fine free bone fragments in the chest cavity. Qianye needs to use the Force to pull them and slowly guide them to their original position and fix them without damaging the internal organs in the process. The process was as difficult as facing Luo Bingfeng, and a slight carelessness could cost Li Kuanglan his life.

Qianye’s eyes glowed with a deep blue, and he tried his best to penetrate Li Kuanglan’s body with his pupil power, using the pupil of control and the force of the force to set her bones. It’s just that the difficulty doesn’t just come from the serious injuries, her proud figure is also a big trouble. During the process of pulling the broken bones, Qianye’s hands inevitably had to pass by two mountain peaks. But it’s not easy to flatten them. You have to carefully control the force. It can’t be too light, so it will be too far away from the broken bones and the force will be difficult to control; it can’t be too heavy, because if you press it completely, it will hurt other parts. Broken bones.

After finally combing her entire sternum, Qianye was already sweating profusely, as if fighting a powerful enemy in a **** battle. The reason why it was so difficult was probably 30% to 40% because of the troublesome pair. Qianye stared at them hatefully and had the urge to swat them away.

But after one glance, Qianye couldn’t look away. Not sure whether it was out of instinct or hatred, Qianye stretched out his hand inexplicably and grabbed the troublesome pair hard.

In an instant, the softness and softness overflowed all over my hands.

Qianye was suddenly startled, and quickly calmed down and continued treatment. He tapped **** under Li Kuanglan’s ribs, the sword energy pierced two small holes, and blood flowed out gurglingly. When the purple-black blood clots were almost gone, Qianye used the force to seal the wound.

After doing this, Qianye had time to breathe. Thinking back to what happened just now, he also felt strange. He didn’t know why he couldn’t control it so much that he grabbed her breasts.

Although there were many touches before, and some even held the whole thing in my hand, they were all for the purpose of saving lives and treating injuries. On the battlefield, Qianye had seen many such cases of life and death and serious injuries. Even if Li Kuanglan’s real appearance was 70% or 80% more charming than Queen Li, Qianye would never be able to control it. If he didn’t have this bit of concentration, how could he have achieved what he has achieved today.

But the last catch was inexplicable and had nothing to do with healing the injury. The only reason was that Qianye was impulsive.

This would be impossible under normal circumstances, but it happened now. This is where it gets confusing.

Now is not the time to think about this. Li Kuanglan still has many broken bones in his lower body, which need to be repaired and corrected one by one. And her remaining armor was still an obstacle. This is even more embarrassing.

But anyway, she has seen and touched almost everything, including the last small piece of land, although this piece of land is the most important. Qianye gritted his teeth and no longer had any scruples. He turned his fingers into a sword and cut into pieces and stripped off all the remaining armor, leaving a snow-white body lying in the center of the cave.

Qianye worked from top to bottom, slowly but not slowly, and connected all her broken bones bit by bit. The broken bones were moved back to their original places, and even the cracks were filled with a force of force, activating life. After doing this, Qianye was sweating profusely, and there was not much left of the unparalleled morning light enlightenment force.

The real difficulty is no longer the serious injury, but her temptation.

The amazing elasticity and strength of those snow-white, straight long legs can be felt just by looking at them. Under normal conditions, these legs can easily strangle a ferocious beast as big as a hill.

The soft and strong lines started from the toes and went all the way up to the waist, only to be cut off by the pair of peaks that had caused great trouble to Qianye. Every turn is so thrilling, especially the intersection between the legs and the body, which is like a river flowing into the sea, enough to wash away all people’s sanity.

Half of Qianye is still human, and his final sanity is at stake.

Unconsciously, his hand was placed on Li Kuanglan’s leg, and then moved up.

A wild beast roared from the distance, and Qianye suddenly realized what he was doing. He stood up hurriedly, turning around the dawn and suppressing the primitive impulse of blood instinct.

The other half of the ancient blood clan, at this moment, is the instinctive devil, pushing Qianye to complete the most instinctive reproduction of living things.

Qianye discovered that the blood instinct of the vampires was becoming stronger and stronger, and their impulses became more and more violent, almost overwhelming his reason. The extremely delicious and irresistible body in front of him was exuding an irresistible temptation, making it difficult for Qianye to control himself.

Fortunately, Dawn Qiming finally had a suppressive effect on blood energy, and Qianye maintained his last glimmer of consciousness under full power.

Qianye took out the short knife without hesitation and stabbed his thigh with the knife, immediately creating a wound deep enough to show the bone. Qianye gasped in pain, but the pain also made him more awake.

He took out the first aid potion as quickly as possible, stabbed it into the side of Li Kuanglan’s neck, and injected all the potion into it. But when removing the needle, Qianye couldn’t help but touch her chest again.

Qianye knew that he was on the verge of losing control again, so he acted like lightning, injecting Li Kuanglan with several injections of medicine, then took off his inner armor, picked her up, and put on the secret treasure inner armor obtained from the palace for her. .

When the inner armor was fastened and covered her body, Qianye felt a little relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, another long roar came from the distance. Qianye felt like a cold rain falling on his body, and his instinct that was close to boiling finally calmed down.

Qianye felt something in his heart and looked out of the cave. Unknowingly, the sky had turned dark, the forest was dim and blurred into a black shadow, and the distance in the distance was completely submerged in the night.

The cave quickly became dark, but in Qianye’s eyes, as long as there was a little light, the whole world would be bright. Even if there is no light at all, the Eye of True Seeing can switch to Force vision and still be able to see.

On the battlefield, the Eye of True Vision once brought Qianye a huge advantage, but now it has turned into a trouble. No matter how dim the light was, Qianye could see her clearly. Although she was wearing inner armor, the curves of her body were still displayed without reservation, and every time her eyes passed over a key part, Qianye would instinctively replace the inner armor with the scene in her memory.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He just wanted to find a basin of ice water and pour it on his head to calm down. In the boiling instinct, even Ye Tong’s image was a little blurry, and all he could think about was the body that was so readily available in front of him.

Night has fallen, the wind is beginning to have a hint of chill, and the cave has become cold. Amidst the chill, Qianye’s boiling instinct gradually calmed down, and he finally felt a little more relaxed. When he saw Li Kuanglan again, he was no longer so uncontrollable.

Qianye suddenly let out a sigh and realized that the secret treasure inner armor that Li Kuanglan put on unexpectedly fit him perfectly. Compared with Qianye, this secret treasure inner armor seemed to be tailor-made for her. When Qianye put on the inner armor before, he felt that there were some unreasonable details, such as the hips were slightly wider and the waist was a bit too tight. But Qianye’s body was so strong that he forced his inner armor open, and the slightest discomfort was treated as if it didn’t exist. But looking back now, I realize it’s not that simple.

Just looking at the curves of the waist and hips, Qianye knew that the previous owner of this inner armor was probably Li Kuanglan. As for full breasts, that’s not a problem. Which strong human being doesn’t have well-defined muscles, but they can just cover up her proud figure.

Qianye felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. No matter what the reason was, she gave up her inner armor to Qianye and saved Qianye’s life more than once during the battle with Luo Bingfeng. Qianye was also able to navigate the space passage with ease. But she herself risked her life during the battle. If she hadn’t let her inner armor come out, she wouldn’t have been seriously injured while crossing the passage.

Although this inner armor is heavier, it is a life-saving treasure, and some inconvenience in movement is completely acceptable.

Qianye sighed and began to inspect the supplies in Anduya’s space. Now that we have entered the maelstrom, it is obvious that we will not just stay for a day and a half, but we need to consider the long term.

Fortunately, the reserve of potions is quite sufficient, and there are also a lot of physical force bombs, which are enough to cope with it for a period of time. Li Kuanglan’s injuries are now stable, and the medicine she has saved is enough to sustain her until she wakes up. When she wakes up, with the Li family’s background, there will naturally be no shortage of secret healing methods.

By the time the inspection of supplies was completed, it was already dark.

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