Monarch of Evernight: Ninety-five abandoned

ss=”ad_content”> Qianye’s heart sank slightly, and he felt something was wrong, so he held his sword on guard. Sure enough, the ground continued to break open, and worms flew out from the ground, attacking everyone one after another. Among the ten worms, five or six attacked Qianye.

This level of siege could not help Qianye. Qianye moved his sword like smoke, and the sword edge only appeared and disappeared within a few meters around him, cutting down all the insects without missing a single one.

However, these zerg are just cannon fodder for the first wave. Everyone knows that the real powerful attack is yet to come. But the werewolf count suddenly screamed and was bitten on the back by two bugs, tearing off two back muscles! He only focused on killing the old man Gao Hu in front of him as soon as possible, but when he didn’t check for a moment, he was severely injured by the zerg.

The power of the insects was so great that it was obviously beyond Qingyue’s expectation. She bit her lower lip and watched the large swarm of zerg rushing towards the injured old man Gao Hu and the werewolf. She was undecided whether to go to the rescue. Even if the old man Gao Hu was rescued, with him seriously injured, the mission of exploring the underground lair could be said to have failed 90%.

At this time, there was a sudden silence in the cave, a fishy wind suddenly appeared, and several six-legged rock crystal crocodiles crawled out of the cave. As soon as they appeared, everyone’s expressions immediately changed, and Qianye also felt a chill in his heart. These rock crystal crocodiles are five meters tall and dozens of meters long. Each one has a strength close to that of Count Garter. The key is that there are a lot of them, and there are a lot of zerg support, which makes it extremely difficult.

However, this is not over yet. After the rock crystal crocodile, another ferocious beast covered in extremely thick scales and shaped like an armored rhinoceros slowly stepped out. It was tens of meters tall, with two curved horns on its forehead, one large and one small, up to two meters long. Its two small scarlet eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, staring at everyone.

As soon as he saw this ferocious beast, Qianye’s blood core involuntarily accelerated its pulse. The golden blood surged layer by layer and turned into powerful force. Only then could he withstand the pressure emanating from the ferocious beast. . This ferocious beast is already a marquis-level combat power. It is obviously thick in armor and powerful, just in time to restrain the Gaohu people.

As soon as it appeared, it focused on the instigator, shooting a dark light from its long horns, instantly piercing through the entangled werewolf and the old man Gao Hu, leaving a hole the size of a bowl in their bodies.

Qingyue’s face changed drastically. This ferocious beast’s superpowers were so powerful. The power of that ink-colored light was as powerful as the seventh-level force gun, making it impossible to use long-range kiting tactics. And just by looking at its size and appearance, you can tell that close combat is its strength. Such a ferocious beast can attack from a distance and fight at close range, so it can be said that it has no weaknesses. Perhaps the spiritual aspect is its weakness, but none of the Gaohu people are good at this aspect. Not to mention winning the battle, even if it stood there and let Qingyue hit it, Qingyue probably wouldn’t be able to kill it.

Qingyue made a quick decision and suddenly threw out a shining silver grenade. When the grenade exploded, there was first a blinding flash of light, and then an extreme loud noise. Qianye’s eyes suddenly turned bright white, and then his eyes felt stinging and he had to close his eyes. Then his ears were buzzing again, and for a while he couldn’t see or hear anything.

Furthermore, this grenade also released extremely violent void force, causing the force in the surrounding space to become extremely chaotic. As a result, even Qianye lost his grasp of the surrounding environment. Relying on the previous memory, Qianye jumped up and rushed towards the nearest cave wall. During the leap, he bumped into many insects, but relied on his strong body to knock them all away, successfully hit the cave wall, and then slid to the ground.

At this time, the effect of the flash grenade slowly dissipated, and Qianye regained his perception. Looking around, countless insects were shocked and lost the ability to fly. They fell to the ground, and they were all rolling and struggling. Some were obviously going crazy and began to bite and devour each other. Several rock crystal crocodiles kept swaying this way and that, obviously they were also dizzy. Only the giant rhinoceros beast was least affected, but its small eyes were also red and tears were constantly flowing.

The flash grenade thrown by Qingyue is extremely powerful, and even the generals will be hit if they are caught off guard. Moreover, it interferes with perception in all directions, leaving no blind spots. Even Qianye, who has mastered the pupil technique, will not be immune.

At this moment in the cave, Qingyue and the uninjured old man Gao Hu had disappeared. A few of the zerg and ferocious beasts that gradually recovered their senses pounced on the seriously injured Earl of Werewolf and Old Man Gaohu, while the vast majority of them stared at Qianye. The giant rhinoceros beast blew out yellow smoke from its nostrils, and the tips of its horns began to shine again.

Qianye looked around and understood what was going on. “It turns out that I was abandoned. It seems that I am a good bait.” Qianye said with a self-deprecating smile.

Qingyue prepared such a flash grenade, but did not tell Qianye, obviously intending to abandon Qianye at the critical moment. She tried every means to find Qianye, but naturally she had no good intentions, and she didn’t tell Qianye a lot of secrets. Just seeing how half of the insects attacked Qianye, we knew that Qingyue recruited Qianye not because of his combat prowess. But just as he entered the deep nest, he was forced into a desperate situation and had to use his last resort, which was probably beyond Qingyue’s expectation.

At this moment, dozens of bugs pounced on the werewolf and the old man Gao Hu, and the crunching and gnawing sounds made people’s bones ache. In the blink of an eye, they devoured the werewolf and Old Man Gaohu, not only leaving no bones, but also armor, machinery, and force guns. In the end, only a few pieces of the hardest super alloy were left.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Qianye showed no fear at all, but a somewhat crazy flame ignited in his eyes.

“Come on!” Qianye stretched out his hand and pointed at the giant rhinoceros.

The giant rhinoceros was very intelligent and was immediately angered by Qianye. With a roar, he immediately lowered his head and charged towards Qianye. Any bugs that got in the way were either knocked away or simply trampled into pieces. Even a rock crystal crocodile was knocked into the air, rolled and fell dozens of meters away.

Qianye roared wildly and struck the giant rhinoceros in the opposite direction!

Halfway through the rush, he waved his hand, and several Force grenades flew out in a fan shape. The violent explosion immediately covered a hundred meters range. Using the cover of smoke and dust, Qianye jumped up high and avoided the challenge of the giant rhino’s horns. Then, pulled by the force, his body fell against common sense and landed on the back of the giant beast. Qianye held Dongyue upside down with both hands, and used all his strength to thrust into the back of the giant beast!

As Dongyue entered his flesh, Qianye felt as if he was being stabbed into the strongest floating battleship in the empire. No, even the outer armor of the battleship is not as tough as the rhinoceros skin of this giant rhinoceros. With the power of Dongyue, Qianye would consume a lot of force for every few points he advanced.

Qianye used his strength three times in a row before piercing most of Dongyue’s body. At this time, the feeling from the sword edge seemed to have penetrated the rhinoceros skin and pierced into the flesh. The skin of this giant rhinoceros was so thick, more than one meter, that Qianye almost used all his strength to barely penetrate its skin! You must know that the power of Dongyue’s sword can easily penetrate the armor of the Empire’s floating battleship.

If Qingyue and the others had not run away, this giant rhinoceros would have been able to crush them just by relying on its thick skin. Only a fully powerful eight-level force gun can break through the giant rhino’s defense.

Qianye desperately sent force power into the body of the giant rhinoceros through the edge of the sword, destroying the fragile internal tissues. Only then did the giant rhinoceros really feel the pain. It roared wildly, and a layer of dark yellow force light floated on the surface of its body. A powerful force fell on Qianye, and he was ejected alive.

After Dongyue pulled away, there was a wound the size of a bowl on the giant rhinoceros’ back. A fountain of blood spurted out from the wound, raining blood in the cave.

When those bugs saw the blood rain, they all went crazy. They ignored Qianye and desperately chased the blood drops falling from the air. Some even started fighting each other for a drop of blood.

A few drops of blood fell on Qianye’s face, and one drop even splashed on his lips. Qianye licked away the drop of blood and suddenly felt a ray of heat flowing into his belly, and his physical strength recovered slightly. No wonder these zerg are crazy about it.

However, the giant rhinoceros is too big. It looks like blood is pouring out like rain, but in fact it is just a small flesh wound.

Qianye stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face, licking up the blood in his palm, and then let out a roar, instantly entering a state of boiling blood. Dark golden light shone faintly all over his body, and he was filled with fighting spirit!

The giant rhinoceros seemed to sense Qianye’s fighting spirit, and roared in response, lowering its head and charging wildly!

Qianye slid ten meters to the side, passing the most powerful frontal impact of the giant rhinoceros, and then Dongyue slashed diagonally, hitting the long horn that the giant rhinoceros threw hard!


A dull sound like an ancient war drum spread far away, and all the affected insects were thrown around, and even the movement of the Crystal Crocodile that wanted to get close was stagnated.

Qianye was like a kite with its string cut off, flying dozens of meters across, hitting the cave wall hard, making a big hole, and then slowly slid down.

But the giant rhinoceros didn’t fare well either. It also moved two steps laterally, shook its head vigorously, and let out a low roar of pain. There were several cracks in the skin and flesh at the base of its horn, and blood seeped out, but the horn itself was still intact. The ancient blood count of Qianye’s physique is not much worse than that of ferocious beasts of the same level. Dongyue is an extremely heavy killing weapon. If he kills it with all his strength, the giant rhinoceros will not be able to bear it.

Qianye fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. When the blood fell to the ground, a raging golden flame rose up and burned out in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the gold-burning blood in his body has been activated to the extreme. Every drop of blood contains great power. Once it leaves the body, it will burn.

Qianye glanced at Dongyue and saw a small gap on the sword’s edge! Since Dongyue’s renovation was completed, it has never been damaged. So much so that Qianye sometimes used it as a hard weapon, slashing and smashing without any scruples. But today, when I attacked the giant rhinoceros with its horns, it turned out that the horns were fine but Dongyue was damaged.

Qianye took out a handful of blood crystals, crushed them, inhaled all the blood energy, and immediately became energetic. Dongyue pointed directly at the giant rhinoceros and shouted: “Come again!”

How could the giant rhinoceros tolerate such a provocation? It roared and charged, shaking the entire underground world and threatening to collapse at any time. This time when it charged, earth-colored light continued to surge from its body. Qianye dodged to the side, and then was hit by an invisible force and flew out again. However, Qianye also radiated dark gold light, which offset most of the momentum, and he only flew more than ten meters before landing safely.

Qianye’s figure flashed, and he reached the side of the giant rhinoceros again. He jumped up and thrust Dongyue straight into his flank! The skin here is also surprisingly thick. Qianye was in mid-air and had no way to use his strength. He just managed to penetrate the thick skin, but could not go any deeper. But this time, what Qianye sent in was not the force, but blood. Mobile phone users please visit

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