Monarch of Evernight: Nineteen new battles

bsp;After crossing the bridge, Ye Tong suddenly felt that a thread of fate seemed to be broken, and then there was a blank in his heart.

She couldn’t tell what she had lost, but the feeling of emptiness made her very uncomfortable.

Yeye Tong sat alone, thinking, trying to find the answer. A figure suddenly appeared, making her startled.

“It could be him?” Ye Tong felt surprised, but there seemed to be another voice in her heart telling her that it was not an accident.

After resting for a few hours, the team moved on. After passing through a lot of fog, a city finally appeared in front of them.

The whole city was in deathly silence. There was no life or noise. There was dust everywhere. I don’t know how many years had passed in darkness and silence. The team searched several buildings, but could not find a single body or skeleton. All the residents had no idea where they had gone.

In the private house, the pots and pans in the kitchen are on the stove, the tableware is on the table, and the bedding on the bed in the bedroom has not been folded, but there is no trace of the owner.

Their exploration went smoothly. There was an extremely huge temple in the center of the city. Such a goal would not be missed at all. When everyone entered the temple, they were all shocked by what they saw.

The main hall is extremely empty. There is nothing superfluous in the huge space of hundreds of meters in diameter. There is only a high platform in the center and a crystal girl statue standing in each corner. The four girls stretch their hands upward and raise their hands. To a common position in the sky, as if praying for something.

Although the place where their hands pointed is now empty, everyone has the same feeling in their hearts: there should be something there.

The thing that disappeared is probably the treasure they are looking for.

Mars was just about to fly to the high platform to see what was going on, but was grabbed by Thadison, then pointed to the ground and said, “Look at your feet!”

Mars looked down and suddenly took a breath of air.

The floor of the entire hall is covered with criss-crossing carvings. If you look carefully, these carvings are connected to each other. In Mars’ eyes, they have their own meaning. They are actually an array of Force forces spread throughout the hall.

Looking at the array at his feet and then at the high platform, Mars suddenly understood: “This is an altar!”

Thaddison looked solemn and nodded slowly.

The notches that form the array are actually grooves, which play the role of carrying media. Obviously, the driving energy for the operation of this huge array is not just the Force. And the altar, as the name suggests, also requires sacrifices to function.

So, what exactly are sacrifices and media? Are the two related?

In Heini Town, Qianye did not leave the quiet room for two whole days and one night.

All the spider demon blood was almost exhausted, and there was a small vortex running under Qianye’s abdomen. What makes up the vortex is extremely pure dark force. Judging from the attribute distribution area, it is infinitely close to the dark origin at the top of the eternal night side.

However, Qianye didn’t know that Brahms’ strength was due to his innate physical strength. The Viscount of the Spider Demon remained half-spider and half-human for a long time after becoming a warrior, and could not be like most high-level spider demons. The reason for freely converting between human form and spider form is that the Viscount’s bloodline is not pure enough.

Such a huge but impure original blood can finally be refined into such pure dark force. If the Yongye camp learns about it, it will definitely cause a great sensation, and it will be no less eye-catching than The Eternal Night Council creates a new seat.

But what Qianye is confused about is another thing. According to the concentration and purification ratio of the Dawn Force, the number of these Dark Forces seems to be too small. He wasn’t expecting much deep dark force, but such obvious changes couldn’t be ignored at all.

The small whirlpool is still spinning non-stop, like the thickest dark cloud, dark and gloomy, bottomless. If you stare at it for a long time, you may even have the illusion of blood glowing in the endless darkness.

“Those who are black and red are Xuan.” This is the description in the Song Dynasty ancient scrolls about those who have successfully practiced Xuan Pian and are about to enter the palace.

Qianye sighed in his heart, the last moment was coming.

After two days and one night, his once-depleted Dawn Force has slowly returned to its original level. At this time, in Qianye’s body, the dawn tide was flowing along his blood vessels, but there was a dark whirlpool in the Dantian under his abdomen. When the dark force is completely condensed, it will be immediately clear how it will react with the condensed dawn force that already exists in his body.

Is it the 1,200-year practice of the human race that proves that ice and fire cannot coexist, or is it the incredible balance of darkness and dawn in the ancient scrolls of the Song Dynasty?

Qianye didn’t think too much or fear the upcoming results. He actually had no choice until now. He would rather gamble his life and death than do nothing and let the dark force corrode him.

He guided the dark force into the last Zhoutian. The vortex speed suddenly increased several times, then contracted violently, and finally turned into a black crystal bead the size of a fingertip.

How could such a thing appear? Qianye was stunned. It was good news that there was no conflict between the forces of darkness and dawn, but he also didn’t feel the balance between darkness and dawn at all.

Before Qianye could stretch out his consciousness to investigate, the black crystal bead suddenly shattered, and a thin strand of golden blood swam out from it, which was almost indistinguishable.

The color of this new ray of blood tends to be dark gold. Although the breath is extremely weak, it has a cold and lofty forest breath, and there is a faint ancient meaning like the desolation of time, as if it has existed for tens of millions of years.

The dark golden blood began to swim slowly, leaving a faint trail like a comet wherever it passed, which would dissipate after a while.

Qianye suddenly discovered that there seemed to be very subtle runes looming in the wake, but the golden blood was so small that the traces left behind were even fainter. He was not even sure whether he really saw something.

The first area where the dark golden blood energy swims is where the dark crystal bead fragments are suspended. As it travels, the fragments disappear one by one. Then it began to flow up Qianye’s body along the flowing blood, as if it was getting to know and become familiar with this brand new world.

Qianye had a sudden feeling. If the original golden blood seemed to have its own wisdom, the dark gold blood in front of him was like a newborn baby.

The dark gold blood energy finally reached the position of the heart. The pupil magic rune that lost the golden blood energy has not dissipated and is still floating in the heart. Dark Gold Blood Qi was like a curious child. He circled the rune twice, touched it a few times with the thin tip, then plunged in, coiled himself up, and lay dormant, as if he had finally confirmed this. It’s my new home.

When Qianye walked out of the training room, he saw Song Hu sitting outside, as if he had been waiting for a long time. There are many things to do after the war. Song Hu will not come here to waste time if it is not necessary.

“What, what happened?” Qianye stretched out his hand and asked Ah Qi to help him change out of his sweat-soaked inner and outer clothes.

Song Hu said: “We have found traces of the follow-up troops of the dark race in the swamp. General Wei asked you to go to him immediately after your training to arrange defense matters.”

When Qianye walked into the meeting hall, most of the expeditionary force officers had already dispersed, and several Wei family guards had also accepted the mission and were preparing to leave.

Wei Bainian stood in front of the war zone map, turned around when he heard the sound, and said: “There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

“Good news.” Seeing that Wei Bainian was still in the mood to joke, the situation should not have reached the worst point yet, but Qianye just passed by a group of officers in the yard, and their expressions were not very good. nice.

Wei Bainian said: “The good news is that it has been confirmed that the vanguard of the dark army that was annihilated in the last battle was actually half of their military strength in this direction. And compared with the previous battles of the expeditionary force, the price we paid can be said to be very Small. ”

Qianye nodded and asked: “What about the bad news?”

Wei Bainian smiled bitterly and said: “The bad news is that although the dark race has not increased its troops, it has no plans to change its route. The scouts just sent news that follow-up troops have been found in the middle of the Black Mud Swamp. The leader is probably Suo Suo. Much. Soul-splitting.”

“Split Soul? Is it that werewolf tribe?”

“Yes, it is Soul Split, one of the top ten werewolf tribes. It is known for its aggressiveness, bellicoseness and cruelty. That’s all. The problem is that Sodo Split Soul is also a warrior.”

Qianye couldn’t help but frown, “Two generals?”

Wei Bainian nodded, with a solemn expression, “Yes, they did not change their route even after losing half of the team. Obviously this war zone is only a small link in their troop deployment. But they sent out in such a direction that is not a key point. With two generals, it seems that the dark race’s attack is unprecedentedly powerful.”

Qianye walked up to Wei Bainian, looked at the newly marked map spread out on the table, and asked, “General, how is your injury?”

“I’ve almost recovered. Fortunately, I brought a secret special medicine this time. I didn’t want to use it at first, but I didn’t expect that there was another werewolf! Alas, that medicine is almost worth a level six gun. At this point, Wei Bainian shrugged with a sense of reluctance.

Special medicines that can restore a warrior’s injuries in a short period of time have always been extremely rare. They are a life-saving trump card in times of crisis. However, with the news that another dark warrior is about to come, Wei Bainian has to return to his prime as soon as possible.

Wei Bainian then brought the topic back to business and said: “I have urgently mobilized other frontline teams, leaving only military forces to maintain law and order. In this way, our side can barely maintain the advantage in strength. The defensive position of your Dark Fire Mercenary Group is here, the city wall within about a hundred meters, and the three adjacent blocks.”

Qianye pointed at the map and said, “It seems a little weak here…”

At this point, he suddenly felt uncomfortable with his left hand holding the table, so he moved his arm. There was only a crash, and the entire conference table shattered into countless wooden pieces, and even the military map was broken into pieces of paper.

Qianye still kept his left hand in a virtual pressing position and was stunned for a moment.

Wei Bainian was also surprised and asked subconsciously: “What’s going on?”

“I…well, it seems that I used a little too much strength.” Qianye answered hesitantly.

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