Monarch of Evernight: Let’s go with Four and Seven (second update)

bsp;However, the other head of the family shook his head and said: “It is easier said than done to join forces to attack? That is a vicious man. This kind of loss is not what our small family can bear.”

As soon as this statement came out, many people echoed it.

This is a trembling old man who sighed and said: “I have lived in this city for more than a hundred years, and this city, these people, and these families have never changed. King Zhang Tian is here. It was like this at that time, and it was also like this when the Wolf King came. But when Qianye came, he immediately destroyed the Zhu family. I don’t know which family will suffer next time.”

The Zhu family was originally a small family that could attend, but in the battle that just passed, even the family head and elders, and almost all the masters were killed by Qianye. Although they still have a large number of people, they can no longer maintain their current status. br{}{}Novel{][}/>

All the old people at the table suddenly felt sad and reprimanded one after another.

Xue Fulun frowned slightly and said nothing. However, the supreme elder of the Wang family was very high-spirited and couldn’t help scolding Qianye for his rudeness.

After such a quarrel, an elder finally asked the key question: “How should we respond to the Wolf King’s crusade?”

There are different opinions at the moment. Some say that the Wolf King is powerful and must be obeyed; others go one step further and want to send troops to Nan Qingcheng. Others feel that the Wolf King is not someone to be trifled with, nor is Qianye, and the best response is nothing more than “drag” until the situation is clearly understood.

After all, no one is willing to stand up against the Wolf King.

A group of old people held their own opinions and were stubborn and refused to give in to each other. The discussion quickly turned into a quarrel. In the past, at this time, the Xue and Wang families would have needed to stand up and express their attitude. Generally speaking, Xue Fulun can basically get a result after he speaks.

But for some reason today, Xue Fulun didn’t say a word, so no matter how fierce or lively the quarrel was, there would never be any result. The Supreme Elder of the Wang family wanted to reach a conclusion of chasing Qianye, but unfortunately he failed.

He is also a treacherous person, and he understands that there is still a huge gap between his family and the Xue family in the eyes of everyone. On the other hand, the Zhu family’s near-annihilation had frightened the small and medium-sized families, and no one was willing to fight Qianye to death.

And so it was until late at night, and the tea party finally came to an end. But this is the norm. Eight out of ten tea parties were spent in wrangling.

One day and one night passed, and Nan Qingcheng appeared in Qianye’s sight again. The sentry on Nan Qingcheng also discovered this incoming cargo convoy. The ballista on the turret slowly turned its direction and aimed at the cargo convoy as a warning.

At this point, it can be said to be foolproof. Qianye no longer wasted time following the cargo convoy, but took off into the sky and flew towards Nan Qingcheng.

When flying over the city wall, the guard officer below had recognized Qianye with his keen eyes. He immediately slapped the soldier next to him who was aiming his gun down and shouted: “You are so blind that you didn’t see that Qianye was there.” Lord Ye?”

Qianye didn’t pay attention to the little episode below. He was in a hurry to get on his way.

After a few days, Dark Fire’s new headquarters has taken some shape. Under Ji Tianqing’s threats and inducements, the owners of several nearby houses obediently moved elsewhere. They couldn’t move even if they didn’t want to. Ji Tianqing directly built two turrets. It felt uncomfortable to be condescended to and pointed at all the time with the muzzle of the cannon.

With such a merger, the size of the new Dark Fire Headquarters has reached almost half of the City Lord’s Mansion. Guan Zhongliu once quietly came to observe, but was so angry that his face turned livid. But although he was angry, he still knew how to restrain himself. Ji Tianqing provoked him several times, but he just pretended not to see her and said nothing to her.

Ji Tianqing is responsible for the planning, but the actual coordination, scheduling and construction are Song Zining’s business. Fortunately, Qi Shao has a lot of talents under his command, and the team of Ningyuan Heavy Industries is not comparable to the rabble like Neutral Land. Within a few days, all plans were turned into detailed drawings, supply channels were figured out, and construction began.

Once construction begins, progress will accelerate. There were thousands of Dark Fire mercenaries, and Song Zining had no intention of leaving them idle. Each of them was given a set of tools, and all of them were temporarily transferred to construction workers.

Doing such physical work is a bit shameful for mercenaries. But with Miss Tianqing here, they all understood that face was not as important as life.

At this moment, half of Nanqing City has been turned into a construction site, and mercenary groups of all sizes are either rebuilding or relocating. The land they vacated was left to Song Zining for the commercial workshops scheduled to be built such as arms and aerospace ship equipment.

Qianye searched around but could not find Song Zining. He stopped searching deliberately, returned to Darkfire’s temporary headquarters, and selected a batch of supplies and ammunition in the warehouse. After completing the replenishment and abandonment, we were ready to leave Nanqing.

Just as he was about to fly out of the city wall, a rope loop suddenly flew out from below and was accurately placed on Qianye’s feet. This sneak attack came so silently that Qianye was unable to dodge.

After being lassoed, the rope suddenly pulled, causing Qianye’s body to sink. Qianye was not afraid and landed on the ground, wanting to see who was so bold as to dare to sneak attack on him in Nan Qingcheng.

With a thud, Qianye hit the ground like a cannonball, sinking half a meter into the ground where he landed. The strong shock caused everyone around to fall on their backs, making it difficult for anyone to stand.

However, the end of the rope was empty, and the attacker was no longer there. As for how she took action and how she disappeared, Qianye had no clue.

At this moment, the skin on Qianye’s shoulders suddenly trembled, and he felt a strange feeling. Qianye remained calm and quickly mobilized his blood energy, filling his shoulders.

A white hand appeared out of thin air and landed on Qianye’s shoulder, and then Ji Tianqing’s voice sounded: “Sir, are you going out again? Why don’t you take me with you?!”

As soon as her hand hit Qianye’s shoulder, it felt like it landed on a red-hot iron block and bounced up instantly.

Ji Tianqing hurriedly looked at her hands, only to see that the palms of her hands, which were originally white and delicate, were scorched black, and all the skin on the surface was scorched. Waves of burning pain came, and she couldn’t help but blow air into the palm of her hand.

“It hurts, it hurts! Why are you like this!” Ji Tianqing’s big eyes were filled with water, and tears were about to fall down. She blew several times and waved her hands in pain, but to no avail, so she puffed her mouth and stretched out her hands in front of Qianye angrily.

“How could this happen?” Qianye never expected that it would turn out like this. This was the first time he used dark gold blood energy to protect himself and attack the enemy. In the past, it would only occasionally send a ray of blood into the enemy’s body when attacking.

He originally planned to give Ji Tianqing a little pain, but burning her palms completely seemed to be a bit much. And what Qianye couldn’t figure out was that no matter how powerful the dark gold blood energy was, how could it be burned like this with Ji Tianqing’s cultivation level? Until now, Qianye has not been able to see through her cultivation level and has no idea what level she is.

As for Ji Tianqing’s level of cultivation, it seems that it all depends on her mood. If I want to show you three force vortexes, it will be three. If I want to show you five, it will be five. She can even create two god-level force crystal clusters. Show it to Qianye.

Qianye can at least conclude that Ji Tianqing is by no means a divine general. Since I really can’t see through it, I won’t guess anymore.

However, her palms were really burnt, so Qianye had no choice but to hold her hands, bring them close to his mouth, and open his mouth to **** lightly. A few strands of dark gold blood lingering in the wound on her palm were drawn and returned to Qianye’s body obediently.

If these strands of blood energy had not been withdrawn or cleaned up, they would have completely burned Ji Tianqing’s entire right hand into charcoal.

After regaining her vitality, her injuries were actually 90% better. The remaining minor flesh injuries will heal within a few hours.

Qianye originally planned to let go, but Ji Tianqing said: “Is this the end?”

“Ah, it’s over?” Seeing her unusually serious expression, Qianye doubted his own judgment for the first time. He turned on the pupil of true vision and repeatedly sensed her injured area to confirm that there was no trace of blood remaining before relaxing. Take a breath.

Ji Tianqing waved her hand in front of Qianye again and said, “The injury is not healed at all!”

Qianye was suffocated, “You have to rely on yourself for this, right?”

With Ji Tianqing’s cultivation level, as long as she uses the secret method to heal her injuries, this minor injury may completely disappear in just ten minutes. Her physical quality is naturally not comparable to Qianye’s, but the various secret techniques she knows are powerful and miraculous in their effectiveness, far superior to Qianye’s. If she didn’t know the secret method of healing, Qianye wouldn’t believe it even to death.

However, Ji Tianqing’s hand was dangling in front of Qianye, let alone using secret methods to heal the wound, even using the Force to stimulate the growth of the wound’s body.

Qianye had no choice but to use the most primitive method to treat her injuries. He took out his saber and gently peeled away the charred flesh to reveal the fresh flesh underneath, and then lightly sprayed the force of Dawn Qiming onto it.

The dawn of dawn is the force close to the peak of dawn, which is of great benefit to the growth of human body. When this mouthful of force was sprayed on, the flesh and blood on Ji Tianqing’s palm began to grow visibly to the naked eye. However, within a short time, the growth of flesh and blood stopped, and the mouth of morning light was far from being consumed.

Qianye glanced over and knew that Ji Tianqing was not using her force power at all. At this moment, her hands were almost the same as those of ordinary people. Without the support of her own force, Qianye would have to restrain the growth of her flesh and blood with the dawn of dawn. Otherwise, the rapid growth of flesh and blood will result in rapid necrosis.

“Tian Qing, you have to use the Force.”

“How to move?” Ji Tianqing looked at Qianye with wide eyes, as if she really didn’t understand.

“If you want to move like this…forget it, I’ll do it.”

Qianye had no choice but to find another bandage and bandaged her hand. This most primitive treatment method almost never appears on warrior-level warriors. For the warrior, his body has been initially fully strengthened, and the Force is the foundation of everything. As long as you have enough force, you can recover from any serious injury. Therefore, those healing holy medicines are all capable of replenishing the injured with massive amounts of force, so they are considered holy.

Ji Tianqing looked at her bandaged hand, but she kept looking at it with great interest.

Qianye stood up and said: “Your injury is no longer a problem, I have to go.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll tell you when I get back.”

“Where are you going?” Ji Tianqing repeated the question.

From her big shining eyes, Qianye knew that if he didn’t satisfy her, he would never leave the city. He could only say: “I want to go to Tingchao City to save someone.”

“Dacheng, save people. Very good, I like it. Keep talking, be specific.”

“This is not a joke. The city lord I want to go to has a weapons workshop opened by himself, and I heard from the city lord of Chao City that he is a close aide of Zhang Buzhou and has the power of a **** general.”

“It’s even better if a strong man is in charge of military power. I like it very much! Let’s go together, that’s it!”

ps: Continue coding for the third update, and then go to sleep after finishing it!

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