Monarch of Evernight: Five black shadows

bsp;At this moment, a fat middle-aged man trotted over and stopped in front of Qianye. He bent down and gasped: “Is this the captain? I’m a fool. I am now the mayor of Heini Town. Please take care of me from now on, Mr. Qianye!”

Qianye looked at Hu Wei and was slightly surprised. This fat man was a second-level soldier.

After seeing the situation in Black Nid Town, Qianye has discovered that this place is completely different from Lighthouse Town. In terms of importance and danger, it is not comparable to the peaceful town where he once lived. In this way, Hu Wei can secure the position of mayor with only level two, either because his strength is higher than his level, or he has some background. But if you really have a background, why can’t you find a more stable livelihood and come here to find death?

Qianye pointed at the homeless man lying on the ground and asked: “Mayor Hu, what’s going on?”

Hu Wei said with a smile: “This town belongs to you from now on, please don’t call me mayor again. Just call me Hu Wei. If you don’t mind, you can call me Xiao Hu.”

Looking at this fat man who already had a lot of wrinkles on his face, he couldn’t tell whether he was over forty or under, Qianye frowned and said, “What’s going on with these people?”

Hu Wei glanced at the homeless people on the ground and said, “They are all scavengers, making a living by collecting medicinal materials and resources in the swamp. However, only a few of them are real medicinal collectors, and the rest These are guys who risk their lives to try their luck.”

Collecting herbs is a technical job. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting the wrong drugs with similar appearance. Some plants that are harmless when put together may become highly toxic. But this is also a cost-free and high-profit business, which is much more valuable than the scrap metal that can be seen everywhere on the Evernight Continent, so scavengers still flock to it.

Qianye was standing at the entrance of an alley at this time. Looking around, there were at least twenty or thirty people lying in the alley more than ten meters long. When these homeless people who had fallen asleep heard the sound, they sat up one after another and stared at Qianye and Hu Wei who was pointing at them with beast-like eyes.

Qianye suddenly saw a dark figure walking towards the other end of the alley!

It was a seemingly ordinary adventurer, his whole body wrapped in a dark cloak, and his true appearance could not be seen at all. However, his gait and posture gave Qianye an indescribable feeling, as if the man was not walking on flat ground, but floating on the water!

“Wait!” Qianye immediately rushed towards the alley, but the homeless people were lying so densely and crowded that he could hardly find a place to stand.

Seeing Qianye rushing over, most of the homeless people started to move for unknown reasons. Some deliberately raised their legs to create more obstacles, while others directly reached out to catch Qianye. Looking at those greedy eyes, one knew that if Qianye was pulled down and pushed down by them, everything in his body would be stripped away in the blink of an eye.

How could Qianye be stopped by these ordinary people? He jumped up, took a few quick steps on the wall of the building next to him, jumped onto the roof, and then chased in the direction where the adventurer disappeared.

But after such a delay, Qianye looked down at the rows of rooftops in front of him and could not find any trace of the figure passing by. The pale light sources were projected on the ground in groups, and the light was no more than a small area. Most of the homeless people lying in the open air were asleep, and the undisturbed areas in the town were quiet.

Qianye’s heart sank slightly. Such speed and movement skills were no worse than Gu Liyu’s, and were still above him. Qianye scanned the town again, but still couldn’t see anything strange, so he jumped off the roof and landed in front of Hu Wei.

“Master Qian, was that…your friend just now?” Hu Wei asked tentatively.

“No, that’s a vampire, a high-level vampire.”

Hu Wei’s fat face suddenly turned pale with fright, he screamed sharply, and then immediately lowered his voice and asked: “High-level vampire! How tall are you?”

“At least he should be a knight.”

This answer almost made Hu Wei faint, and he said with a trembling voice: “Sir, Sir! Why are you here? There is nothing in a small place like ours!”

“One person is enough.” An expeditionary force officer next to him interjected.

“Impossible. Although the town has a large population, how could a high-level vampire like this kind of person?” Hu Wei almost screamed again, but he also knew that such things should not be shouted out, so it was easy to control them. increased the volume.

Qianye felt slightly surprised and glanced at Hu Wei again. How did a mayor of a border town know about such a thing?

The empire’s propaganda against vampires is quite extreme and simple. Just seeing how ordinary civilians are afraid of being infected when approaching blood slaves, you know that the empire has no intention of popularizing and disseminating knowledge. Even Qianye doesn’t have the authority to know this secret in the elite legion.

It wasn’t until he had sucked blood himself that he realized that the attraction of biological blood to vampires actually lies in the force contained in it. Especially for high-level vampires, only blood rich in the Force will arouse their appetite. Like these homeless people with no Force power at all, even if they were washed and placed in front of them, they would not be willing to enter.

Hu Wei glared at the homeless people in the alley, suddenly rushed forward, kicked a homeless man to the ground, and while kicking him violently, he shouted: “How dare you block my way! You are so blind! If it weren’t for you, I would have caught that vampire! If I didn’t **** you today, I would really think that this Black Mud Town belongs to you!”

As he said that, Hu Wei seemed to feel that the kicking was not enough, so he took out a whip from his arms and whipped it on the homeless people without thinking, making them cry and wail and crawl. , the alley was empty in the blink of an eye.

These homeless people seemed to be very afraid of Hu Wei and did not dare to resist at all, so they could only run away.

“These **** can’t survive a day without being beaten!” Hu Wei said breathlessly. The whip just now made him jump up and down, which really exerted a lot of strength.

Qianye was noncommittal. After walking around the town and looking at every place, he followed Hu Wei to his home.

The mayor’s residence is located in the central area of ​​Heini Town. It is a solid three-story stone building. The windows of the small building are narrow and small, making the entire small building look like a miniature castle.

Walking into the small building, Qianye discovered that Hu Wei’s room was on the third floor, the second floor was the guest room, and the first floor was the kitchen and the officers’ quarters of the expeditionary force garrison. Therefore, there are not many places in this small building that truly belong to Hu Wei.

After walking up and down, Qianye sat down in a pitifully small reception room on the third floor. Standing in the room, it seems that you can reach the walls on both sides by stretching out your arms. When three or four people are seated, it seems crowded.

“I don’t think I saw your family?”

Hu Wei smiled bitterly and said: “Sir, how can you have a family if you stay in such a ghost place? Who knows when those black-blooded **** will rush out of the swamp. Let alone hold on, they will not be able to escape. That’s death.”

After a pause, Hu Wei lowered his voice and said, “Actually, I have a child, and he is currently fostering it at his aunt’s house in Hongsong City…” His tone became softer, as if with a hint of embarrassment. A feeling of being a father.

Qianye chatted with Hu Wei for a while and roughly learned about the environment and history of the Black Mud Swamp. Halfway through his words, Hu Weicai suddenly remembered something and almost jumped up, exclaiming in shock: “There is also a high-ranking vampire in the town!”

Qianye said calmly: “What does that have to do with it?”

Hu Wei immediately came to his senses and understood why Qianye did not order a search throughout the town, and the officers of the expeditionary force nearby did not move either. In a complex environment like Black Mud Town, it is very easy for a high-ranking vampire with a title to hide his traces or escape into the swamp. There is no good way to deal with this kind of enemy except to lay a trap and wait for him to jump in.

The implication of Qianye’s words is that under normal circumstances, there is nothing in Heini Town worthy of a knight’s attention, unless Hu Wei has something to hide.

After Hu Wei figured it out, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He quickly expressed his innocence, then frowned and thought hard, and murmured: “How can I have anything good here that is worthy of a big shot like Sir?”

Qianye didn’t think Hu Wei was faking it. He didn’t expect to find any clues easily, so he just said: “If it doesn’t happen, it won’t happen. It’s best that the vampire’s appearance is just an accident. My warrior will be dead in two days.” There will be about two hundred people coming to take over the defense. Please make some arrangements in advance.”

Hu Wei immediately put aside his uneasy thoughts, rubbed his hands with joy, and said: “Please don’t worry, sir, I will take good care of them all!”

Qianye looked at Hu Wei strangely, and asked with a half-smile: “Do you really want my people to come over?”

Qianye’s question meant something else. As we all know, the Imperial Regiment has always had poor military discipline, and the Expeditionary Force is particularly famous in this regard. In the name of hunting down blood slaves, the expeditionary force can do whatever they want. Qianye has seen this more than once and experienced it personally. As for the reason why the mercenary group is slightly reduced, it is because of insufficient strength and authority, not anything else. In the wilderness, the difference between mercenaries and bandits is not obvious.

As for the elite corps like the Red Scorpions where Qianye belongs, they rarely do anything to disturb the people. This is not because of how strict the military discipline is, but because they have too many supplies, and the little things in the hands of civilians cannot be discerned by the elite army men. However, the Elite Legion can be described as notorious in another area, which is the so-called ‘casualty index’. In the eyes of local officials and minor nobles, the elite legions are as terrifying as the dark races.

So as a small bureaucrat at the bottom of the empire, Hu Wei should stay away from expeditionary forces and mercenaries. The most common situation is that the mayor also has his own armed forces and is not weak. Only in this way can he be qualified to share the spoils with the expeditionary force.

Hu Wei smiled bitterly and said: “Even the knights have appeared, which means that the war is not far away. Besides, my place is extremely poor. The elders of the expeditionary force can take whatever they want. As long as they can Just hold on to the town. But even so, fewer and fewer men are willing to come. But how did you find out that it was a high-level vampire?”

“Experience.” Qianye answered simply.

In fact, it was the upper-class vampire who was probably too confident that no strong man could find him in a small settlement like human beings. He did not restrain his aura at all. The rich power of blood caused the golden and purple colors in Qianye’s body. The induction of blood energy can reveal the whereabouts.

Qianye had no intention of resting. He asked Hu Wei to prepare some dry food, then took his equipment and left the town alone, preparing to enter the Black Mud Swamp overnight.

ps: Well, please give me a red ticket and don’t slip.

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