Monarch of Evernight: Fifty-three may not be a dead end

bsp;Bai Yuantu didn’t expect Qianye Youyan could not get in. Seeing Qianye’s sudden attack, he couldn’t help but snorted and waved his hands to block, completely in a head-on manner. The moment the fists and arms clashed, Bai Yuantu flipped his wrist, intending to seize the opportunity after shocking Qianye away, preparing to make this ungrateful boy suffer a big loss in a single confrontation.

However, Qianye’s fist fell on his arm, but it was silent. Bai Yuantu’s unparalleled punch was punched out with great force, and there was no trace of it like a cow in mud and a sea. But the next moment, all the force that was fought out was swept back by a greater force, pressing down on Bai Yuantu like an overwhelming mountain!

Bai Yuantu was so shocked that he couldn’t care less about his next move. He exhaled loudly, and the original crystal in his body burst into light, like a small sun.

The two huge forces collided. Bai Yuantu groaned and took three steps back. The ground under his feet, which was specially made by Qingyan and was harder than the alloy steel plate, suddenly became soft, like tofu. Bai Yuantu barely suppressed the surging blood and suppressed the astringency in his chest. Just when he had just stabilized his steps, he heard a few soft sounds, and his sleeves suddenly broke into several tears. Immediately, his skin stung, and there were a few more blood lines on his arms.

Bai Yuantu was shocked and looked down, only to see a few faint black air floating in the air, which dissipated after a moment. Seeing this, Bai Yuantu was even more shocked, knowing that the space between the two people could not bear the collision of their forces, thus creating a spatial rift.

How powerful is the God General’s strike? On the battlefield, in order to avoid accidentally injuring one’s own side, a God General level expert must at least be above mid-air before he can let go and engage in a fight. The two of them collided head-on on the ground, tearing apart the space. Fortunately, Qianye started with melee combat, and Bai Yuantu had no time and no space to use other skills, so it did not affect the surrounding Bai clan disciples.

After Bai Yuantu put down half of his heart, he raised his heart again. It was only when he saw that Qianye was also retreating, taking two steps further than him, that he felt that he had saved some face. Qianye took a few steps back and Bai Yuantu’s clothes were damaged, so it was barely a draw.

It’s just that it’s been more than 20 years since Bai Yuantu broke through the Divine General’s Heaven Pass, and it’s only been a few months since Qianye’s full plan. Bai Yuantu has already cultivated the second original crystal, and his cultivation level is one level higher than Qianye’s. , but the two sides ended up in a tie. Seriously speaking, Bai Yuantu has already lost.

Qianye flexed his wrist and said, “I understand. Zining, let’s go.”

Song Zining and Qianye boarded the car, and no one stopped them this time. They watched them drive out of Baivalan Mountain Gate and disappear into the distance.

Bai Yuantu stood with his hands behind his hands. After a long time, he snorted and said, “Wake them all up! They are a bunch of trash. The Bai family has lost all their face.”

In fact, someone had already tried to rescue him, but they couldn’t wake him up. Now that Bai Yuantu spoke, someone rushed over, carried many unconscious Bai family children down, and slowly treated them.

An old man came over and whispered: “Let them go back like this? Why don’t we give him the aerospace boat they were sitting in in outer space and see how long he, a newly promoted **** general, can survive in the void.”

Bai Yuantu glared at him and said coldly: “He was riding Empress Li’s ship, how dare you sink it?”

“Empress Li’s ship! There’s nothing we can do about it.”

There was regret and helplessness in everyone’s voices, as if Qianye could have stayed if Qianye hadn’t been riding Empress Li’s floating boat.

On the floating ship, Song Zining slapped Qianye heavily on the shoulder and said: “You are actually a **** general!”

“I got a set of exercises from King Qingyang and fought a few more battles, that’s it.”

After asking a few questions, Song Zining said: “But you are not the fastest yet. Now go and see Jundu. He broke through the Divine General Heaven Pass not long ago, earlier than you.”

The floating ship left the White Valve and flew to the edge of the Qin Continent. The terrain in this area is towering and steep, covered with ice and snow all year round, and coupled with the void storms that often appear on the edge of the landmass, it has always been a barren land with no inhabitants and no troops stationed.

But now, the center of the snowfield is full of people, and hundreds of large machines are roaring, shoveling away the snow and leveling the ground. A giant transport ship is landing at the completed aerostat landing site, and workers on the ground are busy unloading a large amount of construction materials and other supplies from the landed transport ship.

Not far away is the construction site. Buildings are rising steadily, and a new power tower is slowly being erected. And in the distant sky, a new transport fleet appeared.

Next to the construction site, an endless camp has been built. Although the camp is a temporary setup, it is very large and can accommodate an army of 100,000 people. There are almost the same number of craftsmen busy at various construction sites.

Back then, the Empire built an unfallen city on Floating Continent, but it was only of this scale.

Qianye is also experienced in battles. Looking at the entire construction site from the air, he can see something unusual. Outside the camps and planned cities, what was clearly built were fortifications. What was built here was actually a self-sufficient fortress-type city.

Qinlu is the mainland of the empire and has not been affected by the war for many years. Why is it suddenly necessary to build large-scale construction in this barren land? The level of attention is not even much worse than the Battle of Floating Land. The cost of defense lines and cities built in this high-speed mode is extremely high. The construction of this mode is firstly important and secondly urgent.

In the midst of doubts, the aerial ship slowly landed under the guidance of the patrol warship. When the cabin door opened, several officers were already waiting outside, saying: “Lord Qianye, Lord Zining, please come with me, Lord Jundu is already waiting.”

Qianye and Song Zining boarded the military vehicle and drove all the way to the only high-rise building in the center of the camp. They climbed to the top and walked into a huge conference room. There was a huge plan spread out in the center of the conference room. More than a dozen officers were surrounding the plan, looking attentively.

Standing in the center of the crowd was Zhao Jundu, pointing at a certain spot on the map and talking about revising the plan. Seeing Qianye and Song Zining come in, he said: “Just revise it according to the new plan and adjourn the meeting now.”

After saluting, all the officers filed out.

Zhao Jundu walked out from behind the conference table, looked Qianye up and down, and said with satisfaction: “Perfect and flawless! You are worthy of being my disciple of the Zhao clan!”

Qianye looked at him blankly, his voice trembling, “You, how did you…”

Zhao Jundu laughed and said, “I’m not very good?”

Zhao Jundu did not deliberately restrain his aura. Qianye could clearly feel his Force cultivation and even faintly sensed his original crystal state.

At this moment, Zhao Jundu’s whole body of force vortices condensed into one, crystallized by liquid, and he truly stepped through the sky and became a **** general. However, his original force is full of purple energy, with a hint of green energy. It can only be said that he has barely reached the state of extreme purple and green. This is the state that Zhao Jundu has reached as soon as he was promoted to the rank of War General. With his talent and talent, when he broke through the Heavenly Pass, he should have transformed from purple to pure blue, ascending to the highest state of Zhao Clan’s ancestral martial arts. Ji, attack the heavenly king to reach the realm, and recreate the glory of the ancestors of the Zhao family.

But now the quality of Zhao Jundu’s force power has declined instead of rising. Although there is still some room for improvement, the King of Heaven will never mention it again. Seeing Zhao Jundu like this, how could Qianye be calm?

Looking carefully, there is another blazing raw crystal breath in Zhao Jundu’s chest. It is the super-grade raw crystal left by Qianye that day, which can give abilities similar to the physique of a vampire.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Qianye asked.

Zhao Jundu smiled casually and said: “What’s the use of dragging it? Isn’t it the same?”

“Maybe there will be a way to rebuild the foundation.”

“I, the Zhao family, don’t have such a technique. Do you think other families have it? Instead of holding on to these illusory hopes, it is better to have a **** general.”

Seeing Qianye’s eyebrows still furrowed, Zhao Jundu patted him on the shoulder and said: “The original crystal you left for me is of great use to me. With it, many things I couldn’t try before It is possible to practice all the techniques. Therefore, there may not be a way out after becoming a general.”

Qianye felt a little less sad, sighed secretly, and asked about the current situation.

Zhao Jundu was seriously injured that day. Although Hai Mi was rescued in time and dropped a large amount of rare drugs, the root of his injury was damaged after all. After returning to Xilu, the injury was still lingering and not good. As soon as he could move around, he studied hard for several days in the Zhao Clan’s library, reading through the collection. After coming out, he made a decision that shocked everyone: to attack the Divine General Tianguan immediately.

Forcibly attacking the Divine General Tianguan when the foundation is unstable is not only a risk, it is simply crazy. However, once Zhao Jundu made a decision, there would be no change, and the Zhao family could only cooperate fully. In the end, Zhao Jundu fused the original crystals left by Qianye in advance. With the surging power of the super-grade original crystals and the assistance of Zhao Clan’s various rare medicines, he was able to pass the divine general’s heavenly barrier, turn nine into one, gather liquid and condense the crystals, Become a god.

Zhao Jundu became a divine general so suddenly that everyone in the empire was surprised. He has accumulated considerable achievements in recent years and can actually apply for a knighthood. However, Zhao Jundu is the son of a princess, so this title cannot be given in vain, and the implications will be huge. It also happened that after the death of King Changsheng, the royal family itself was also redrawing its sphere of influence, which even affected the whole body. As a result, the entire court, as well as the Zhao clan itself, were in a state of panic.

The reaction from Weiyang Palace in the imperial capital was faster than anyone expected. Within a few days, an edict was issued to the Zhao clan, ordering Zhao Jundu to take charge of the construction and defense of the snow base.

This appointment was unexpected. When they first heard the news, everyone thought it was an insignificant chore and the court was just using it to get rid of Zhao Jundu, but it was unreasonable to think about it carefully. Don’t say that Zhao Jundu has a special status. Even an ordinary general with no foundation should not be so negligent. Every divine general is a pillar of the country.

When the detailed appointment came out, there was another uproar. This time it’s not because of too much contempt, but because the rights given are too heavy. In order to build this base, the empire allocated 100,000 craftsmen alone, and two reorganized legions will be controlled by Zhao Jundu. The size of this directly-affiliated legion alone was twice that of Lin Xitang’s Beifu legion back then, and it was equipped with a dedicated guard fleet. This is a reorganized imperial squadron!

Therefore, in addition to the fact that there is no fixed war zone, the resources obtained by Zhao Jundu and the size of the legions directly under him are already superior to those of many marshals. Even when Zhang Boqian was in power at that time, they were only like this.

Of course, some people exclaimed that the Zhao family had the potential to become the number one family. As for the effect of such heart-wrenching words, it is unknown.

However, in Qianye’s eyes, no matter how powerful Zhao Jundu is at this moment, this is still not a good thing. Qianye has many experiences in land reclamation and knows that from construction to stable operation of a new base of this scale, the affairs during this period are much more complicated than garrisoning in old war zones. If Zhao Jundu is entangled in mundane affairs, he will have to make decisions on both big and small matters personally, from morning to night. , and how much time can be used for cultivation?

Do you really want to give up and stop trying to reach the realm of the King of Heaven? Although he knew his current physical condition, Qianye still refused to give up any chance of success.

Seeing Qianye’s expression, Zhao Jundu smiled and said sternly: “Why worry about me? Even if there is really no road ahead, I, Zhao Jundu, can cut mountains and rocks, but that doesn’t mean I can’t find a way out!”

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