Monarch of Evernight: Do you regret it?

bsp;The hesitation was only for a moment, but Qianye’s heart seemed to have spanned a thousand years. He raised his head, and above his head was the bright starry sky, the vast sky, and faint land masses slowly sliding across the night sky, casting their shadows on Qianye’s face.

This world is so empty, and those stars have been lonely for eternity, let alone the little creatures?

Qianye’s heart went blank. He opened the box and slowly poured the mirror water in the porcelain bottle into it.

As soon as the curd-like liquid touched the Dream-Eating Insect King, it was immediately absorbed. The Dream-Eating Insect King, who originally didn’t know whether he was dead or alive, actually let out a cry like a sweet song, and his body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the box could no longer contain it.

The Dream-Eating Insect King seems to be spiritual and knows that the space outside the box is not good for its survival. If the box is full, it will stop growing and fall asleep again. After absorbing the mirror water, its body is always filled with brilliant colors like a rainbow, attracting people’s attention and making it impossible to divert their attention.

After looking at it for a while, Qianye felt a little dizzy, so he looked away. Even Qianye is like this. If it were anyone else, his soul might be sucked in by the Dream-Eating Insect King. If you put it in any city, it would be an absolute disaster. Even generals can’t escape its soul pull.

The Dream-Eating Insect King, who absorbed the mirror water and was reborn, was completely reborn and became a life of another level.

Qianye fastened the lid of the box to isolate the breath of the Dream-Eating Insect King, and the slight dizziness disappeared. However, at this moment, rainbows are still appearing around the box, which obviously cannot completely isolate the aura of the Dream-Eating Insect King. Every additional delay will weaken the effectiveness of the Dream-Eating Insect King.

So Qianye stood up suddenly, jumped into the air, and quickly moved away in the night.

When he disappeared, Ji Tianqing appeared on the top of the power tower again, looking at the direction he left in silence. Song Zining also appeared and stood side by side with her.

“Will he hate me?” Ji Tianqing suddenly asked.

Song Zining shook his head and sighed: “No, Qianye is very smart and knows what he should do. No one can influence him in what he really decides.”

“I hope so. Tell me, what kind of mood is he in now?”

This question made Song Zining stunned. After a moment, he smiled bitterly and said slowly: “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.”

Ji Tianqing suddenly grabbed Song Zining by the collar, lifted him up, and said viciously: “You don’t want to know? You don’t want to know and you ask me to do this. You do the good guys, and I do the bad guys, right?” ”

Song Zining hurriedly raised his hands in the air, signaling surrender, “Miss, if you have something to say, please say it. Don’t be violent!!”

Ji Tianqing didn’t want to have a good conversation with him, so she punched him in the abdomen. This punch was not very powerful, but the force was used very skillfully. It destroyed Song Zining’s body-protecting force and almost knocked out his dinner.

“Stop, stop! If you don’t stop, I will fight back. Oh no, I’m surrendering!” As expected of the Seventh Young Master, he was the only one who could speak of surrender in such a high-sounding way.

Ji Tianqing snorted, threw Song Zining to the ground, and said coldly: “I know exactly what your intention was when you came to me. Do you think it is possible to succeed? And now you have to do this again I really don’t understand what you think.”

Song Zining straightened his clothes and said with a wry smile: “Okay, I tricked you here out of selfish motives. If I have any intention, it has only one purpose. I don’t want to spend hundreds or even a thousand years in the future. For years, Qianye could only watch her from afar. It would be a good thing for him to end it as soon as possible.”

“You are so kind to him.”

“He’s also nice to me.”

“Fox friends and dog friends are like each other!” Ji Tianqing concluded.

After just a few relaxed words, the atmosphere became serious again.

After a long silence, Ji Tianqing suddenly asked: “Do you think he will come back?”

“Yes.” Song Zining said affirmatively.

“Then what are you worried about?”

“I’m worried that when he comes back, he will no longer be the same person as before.”

Ji Tianqing frowned and said, “Don’t you claim to be able to deduce the secrets of heaven? Why don’t you just calculate it?”

“Your celestial skills are not bad, why aren’t you the one who counts?”

“I’m not stupid!”

“Do you think I’m stupid?”

At this point, the two of them suddenly sighed at the same time, and then looked at each other, both feeling surprised. But then, both of them snorted and went their separate ways.

At this moment, the land of the East China Sea flew by at the feet of Qianye. He crossed mountainous areas, flew across rivers, climbed dangerous peaks, and crossed the void storm. At dawn, Qianye had arrived at the edge of the landmass, outside the crashed Duke’s ship.

At this moment, the ship that was originally tilted into the ground has been changed to lie flat on the ground, and many damaged areas have also been repaired.

Qianye ran all the way, but at this time he did not slow down or restrain his breath. The Vampire Marquis sensed this and emerged from a defect, waving to Qianye: “You are here! ”

The Marquis’s attitude was obviously much more enthusiastic than last time. Not respectfully, but enthusiastically. Thinking about this period, he was busy repairing the ship alone without anyone to talk to, which was really frustrating.

Qianye nodded to him and asked, “Is Ye Tong here?”

The Vampire Marquis spread his hands and said, “Sir, she is still the same. I haven’t seen her in this time. But she should be inside. You can go in by yourself.”

Qianye hesitated for a moment, took out the box containing the Dream-Eating Insect King, handed it to the Marquis, and said, “Give this to her for me, and I won’t go in.”

The Marquis was startled, but did not go to pick him up. Instead, he said: “You still have five minutes! Let’s go in.”

The Marquis is also a smart man. He knows that Qianye and Yetong have a unique relationship. He is not willing to interfere in it, and it is too late to hide. So no matter what Qianye said, he just refused to take over and insisted on letting Qianye deliver it himself.

At this moment, Ye Tong’s unique soft and cold voice sounded in their ears: “Come in.”

Qianye hesitated again, and finally smiled bitterly and walked into the battleship.

Nighteye is still floating in the battleship hall, with his arms wrapped around him, exactly the same as when they last met.

Qianye walked into the hall, handed the box over, and said, “This is for you.”

Yeye Tong’s eyes opened slightly, and his gaze fell on the box in Qianye’s hand. At this moment, the small box suddenly glowed with rainbow light, reflecting several rainbows in the blood-colored hall!

The lid of the box popped open, and the Dream-Eating Insect King rushed out of the box and flew towards the door of the hall. It seemed to feel the disaster of extinction, and kept making miserable screams, just like crying. Hearing its cry, Qianye suddenly felt unbearable and had the urge to let it go.

However, the Dream-Eating Insect King can influence Qianye, how could he influence the current Night Eye. Ye Tong’s mouth/lips opened slightly, and a line of blood shot out, wrapping the Dream-Eating Insect King tightly, holding it firmly in mid-air, making it difficult to move at all.

“You gave this to me?” There was an indescribable meaning in Ye Tong’s voice.

“Yes.” At this time, Qianye felt calm.

“You actually know how to activate its potential, which really surprises me. Now its effectiveness is at least equivalent to three ordinary dream-eating insect kings. I don’t know what you think about giving me this.”

“It’s good for you.” Qianye said expressionlessly.

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

Yetong opened his eyes slightly, glanced at Qianye, and said calmly: “Okay, in that case, I will accept it. Just don’t regret it.”

“I don’t regret it.”

Yeye Tong opened her mouth and sucked lightly, and a brilliant rainbow light shot out from the Dream-Eating Insect King and sank into her mouth.

The Dream-Eating Insect King whined and suddenly lost the ability to move. He fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

After taking in the rainbow light, Ye Tong suddenly became tired, his eyes slowly closed, and he said: “I’m tired.”

Qianye nodded and left the hall silently. Countless blood energy mingled and came behind him, sealing the hall door.

Qianye can sense the situation behind him without looking back.

When he walked out of the battleship, the Marquis was standing on the deck of the battleship, repairing the damage there. He waved to Qianye as a greeting. Qianye forced a smile, then quickened his pace and hurriedly left here.

At this moment, Qianye always has a question lingering in his mind: Do you really not regret doing this?

No answer.

Qianye did not return to Nanqing immediately, but walked aimlessly in the mountains and fields, sometimes isolated on the top of the peak, sometimes sitting alone by the stream. It was like he had lost consciousness, and he didn’t know what he was doing or what he wanted to do.

Until one day, he suddenly woke up and realized that he had wandered away for seven or eight days without knowing it. These days, he has been wandering around the mountains on the edge of the continent. Perhaps only the aura of ruin and destruction here can make him calm down.

Qianye woke up like a dream, left the edge of the land mass, and began to return to Nan Qingcheng.

Nanqing City is still prosperous and lively, even more lively than when Qianye left. Many business houses began to select land and plan to build new workshops. Song Zining also set aside a special area in Nanqing City for workshops to encourage industries.

At this moment, Song Zining is almost equivalent to the acting city lord of Nan Qing City, but Ji Rui has never come forward, neither supporting nor opposing.

Ji Rui’s attitude is quite strange, but according to the news leaked from the city lord’s palace, Ji Rui’s attitude towards Song Zining and An Huo is no longer as resistant as it was at first. Because in terms of construction and planning, Song Zining’s methods were better than Ji Rui’s, and as Nan Qingcheng prospered, the taxes for the new trading houses and workshops still had to be paid to Ji Rui.

Business houses competed for planning land very quickly, but the speed of planning workshops slowed down significantly. So everyone is waiting, waiting for the Wolf King’s revenge. Only after seeing this result can they dare to invest boldly.

Despite the rules of the neutral land, even if Nan Qing City changes ownership, the new city owner cannot plunder the assets of the trading company at will. However, the Wolf King has never been very abiding by the rules, so the directors of the trading company are also waiting and watching. If Qianye and others lose to the Wolf King, their losses will be smaller.

When Qianye returned, he unexpectedly discovered that Ji Tianqing and Song Zining were missing. I saw two people leaving a letter to Qianye, which contained only a few simple sentences:

“Take good care of your house when you come back and don’t run around!”

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