Monarch of Evernight: Baqi Qi Brothers

bsp;”Don’t think that having entered the underworld is anything special. If our ancestors hadn’t been biased since childhood, how could you be so far ahead of us. When you came out of the underworld, you were only at the third or fourth level. How big can you be? Gap? ”

Song Zining shook his head and said: “The gap is too big to make up. You only see the levels, but you don’t know that Huangquan’s real purpose is to fully stimulate our potential at the critical moment of life and death. The training is to use every resource to the maximum , the ability to seize every smallest opportunity. When you come out of hell, these have already become instincts, so what may not seem like an opportunity to you is a God-given opportunity to me. This is true on the battlefield and in the business world. . This is why you and I started at the same time, and my Ningyuan Heavy Industry is now a hundred times larger than yours.”

Song Zian’s face turned blue and white. He was actually quite talented, and he could understand the truth in Song Zining’s words. But the more so, the harder it is to accept. The opportunity is gone and will never be returned. I didn’t go to Huangquan in the first place, and now it’s useless to think about it. Moreover, it was because Song Zining was not well-received that his parents gritted their teeth and sent him to **** in order to get a chance. Because of this incident, Song Zining has been the laughing stock among his brothers for many years, until the Song clan’s high school entrance examination.

Song Zian sneered and said: “What’s the use of going to Huangquan? Aren’t you in my hands now? Seventh brother, the mantis is chasing the cicada, and the oriole is behind. When you were once famous, You never imagined that today would happen, right? Hey, you, the future military god, didn’t expect that you would be in trouble too?”

Song Zining shrugged and said: “I had a small accident a few days ago. I lost my ability to deduce the secrets for a while, and the result was unnoticed, so I stayed in this place for a few days. However, this small setback will naturally recover after a while. ”

Song Zian suddenly punched Song Zining in the abdomen! This punch was extremely heavy. At this moment, Song Zining’s whole body was blocked from the force, and he had no way to protect himself. He was beaten until he curled up like a shrimp and couldn’t help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Song Zian was still angry and kicked him hard a few more times, especially in the face. After a few kicks, Song Zining’s face was covered with blood.

He was breathing heavily, laughing nervously as he panted, and said: “Ha! I see who else wants to marry you now! Haha, haha! Isn’t the Seventh Young Master charming and suave? Isn’t that what he is like?”

When he stopped, Song Zining slowly got up and wiped the blood from his face with his sleeves. Although his eyebrows were bruised and his face was swollen, and the bridge of his nose was broken, he could still see his nonchalant smile.

The more this happened, the more furious Song Zi’an’s head became. He grabbed Song Zining’s collar and shouted: “What’s that look in your eyes? Tell me! Why are you looking at me like that? Tell me, don’t talk about me.” Beat you to death!”

There was some pity in Song Zining’s eyes, but now it has turned into indifference, saying: “Song Zian, it’s time for you to get down to business. If you fail in this matter, you won’t have any chance in the future.”

Song Zian was shocked and broke into a cold sweat on the spot. But then he became furious again and said: “Don’t try to bluff me. You can’t even use Tianji Technique now. Do you know what I want to do?”

Song Zining simply closed his eyes and refused to answer.

Song Zian said: “Okay! Then I will give you a chance to hand over Ningyuan Heavy Industries’ tokens and all the technical drawings, and I will spare your life!”

Song Zining opened his eyes and sighed: “After all these years, there is still no progress at all. Do you just want my Ningyuan Heavy Industries? What if I give it to you?”

“With Ningyuan Heavy Industry in my hands, I will definitely manage it better than you! When I have Ningyuan Heavy Industry, what will I have to fear about Song Zicheng? Sooner or later, the head of the family will be mine. And if you don’t do your job every day, how can you have the time and energy? You dare to say that no one will help you. Besides, Ningyuan Heavy Industry does not belong to you. The ancestors paid for it, so it belongs to the Song family!”

Song Zining said calmly: “In order to let you live with peace of mind in the future, let me say it again, Ningyuan Heavy Industry has not given Song Clan a single gold coin. In addition, the fact that I am here to give you a beating has nothing to do with you. I did something, and it’s not you, it’s someone else who needs to pay.”

Song Zixin felt uneasiness in his head and said, “What do you want to say?”

Song Zining muttered: “It’s very simple, you are not as important as you think. Even now, with you or without you, there is no difference at all.”

Song Zian was so angry that he grabbed Song Zining’s throat and said angrily: “There is no difference? I will strangle you to death now, do you think there is any difference? Hand over Ningyuan Heavy Industry quickly, and I can make you die faster!” ”

At this moment, Song Zian’s whole body suddenly froze, and a sharp point pierced his spine, immediately paralyzing his ability to move.

As the cell door opened, a werewolf in sacrificial attire walked in and pushed Song Zian’s hands away.

Song Zining’s face was swollen and red. He coughed for a while before he recovered. The two red fingerprints on his neck gradually swelled. This shows how cruel Song Zian’s attack was just now.

The werewolf priest said: “Master Zining, you can go out and come with me.”

“Wait!” Song Zining stopped the werewolf priest and said, “If you have a mirror or something, lend it to me.”

How can there be such a thing as a mirror in a cell? However, the priest responded quickly and pulled out his short sword and handed it to Song Zining. The short knife is sharp and bright, and the blade can be used as a mirror.

Song Zining took the photo and saw his bruised nose and face. He was very satisfied and said: “Not bad, not bad!”

Seeing Song Zining about to leave the cell with the priest, Song Zian, who was still unable to move, shouted: “Wait! Are you going to let him go? How is this possible?! You have already promised me!”

The werewolf priest glanced at Song Zian and said coldly: “Someone has a higher bid.”

Song Zian was so surprised that he was covered in cold sweat and said anxiously: “No, how can you do this? This is what you agreed to do, how can you go back on it at will?”

“What was promised? I don’t know, and neither does the Wolf King.” The priest said coldly.

“No, no! I can increase the price. I can give you whatever price they paid, or even more. I will increase the price by half, no, double the price!”

The werewolf priest finally stopped and said: “So, you are still quite rich.”

Song Zian nodded quickly: “Yes, yes, our Song family has nothing else but a lot of money!”

Next to him, Song Zining suddenly sighed, and the werewolf priest was thoughtful: “So, if I detain you, I can exchange for more money?”

Song Zian was so shocked that he lost his mind and said hurriedly: “I am just a small figure in the Song Dynasty, that’s why I was sent here to negotiate. I’m worthless, really.”

The priest seemed to be persuaded and looked at Song Zian up and down, thinking in silence.

Song Zixin relaxed a little and asked tentatively: “Master Ji, can it really be that our transaction cannot continue?”

The priest said coldly: “No. You simply cannot afford the conditions offered by the other party.”

“What should we do?” Song Zian asked tentatively.

Disgust flashed in the eyes of the priest, “According to the standards of your human race, only if there is a **** general here who is not afraid of death can we talk.”

Song Zian looked embarrassed when he paused. From top to bottom in the Song Dynasty, the only person in the direct family tree was Mrs. An Guo, a divine general. Although the old lady has excellent cultivation, she is already old. In order to keep the Song clan building from falling, she must stay alive, so it is impossible to fight against others. And when it comes to the generals, who is not a big shot and who is short of money? What people are short of are rare cultivation resources. And this kind of thing, even the Song clan would not have too much of, and would definitely use it to train their own children.

So it is difficult for Song Zian to find a divine general, but it is even more impossible to find a divine general who is willing to fight tooth and nail. To put it bluntly, with Song Zian’s status at the moment, it is difficult to curry favor with a **** general. How could he let the **** fight for him in the future?

Song Zian still refused to give up, pointing at Song Zining and asked: “Is there any **** who is willing to fight for this kid? Just him?”

He did not expect that what the priest said was: “The **** general they found is not here to fight, but to suppress us. We have to agree to this deal, do you understand? Seeing that you have spent so much money For the sake of a lot of money, I will say a few words to you.”

Song Zian was stunned for a moment and didn’t react. After tasting it repeatedly, he finally understood the meaning of the word suppress. Suppressing the ancient totem battle fortress, isn’t that suppressing the Wolf King? Song Zian knew more or less what the Wolf King was. And the other party was actually able to suppress the Wolf King!

Song Zian cannot afford to offend such a person, even in the empire, even with the Song clan as his background. This is a figure who can rival his ancestors, a tycoon who can truly dominate. If Song Zian offends him, his death will be in vain. It is impossible for the Song clan to make enemies with such a person just because of a mere junior.

Such a person would actually stand up for Song Zining!

For a moment, Song Zian felt jealous and resentful, and even more fearful and afraid. In his anxiety, his force power surged, breaking through the blockade in one fell swoop and regaining his ability to move. Song Zian grabbed the sleeve of the priest and said anxiously: “I don’t want the money for the transaction. I only have one request, which is to destroy his force! How about that, that’s the only request!”

Song Zining was listening, sighing softly and saying nothing.

The priest showed disdain and said: “You humans are really insidious. You want to trap all your brothers. No wonder you were beaten to the point of being out of breath by Yong Ye.”

Song Zian didn’t feel ashamed at all, he just looked at the sacrifice anxiously, hoping that he would agree. But Song Zining’s face darkened and he reprimanded: “The Great Qin Empire has been established for thousands of years. Heroes have emerged in large numbers. Generations of sages have opened up the territory and expanded the territory. They have conquered four continents. Now they are fighting for the floating continent and are preparing to send their troops to the upper continent. Hum, Even the Yong Ye Zongzong wolf clan dare not be arrogant in front of our empire. You people who can only hide in a neutral place and survive, dare to speak arrogantly! I led some rabble and beat you until you can’t find the north. Don’t. I don’t know how many people in this generation of the empire are better than me, but they dare to speak nonsense!”

These words were merciless, and the scolding made the werewolf priest’s eyes spit fire, and he almost went crazy. Next to him, Song Zian was secretly happy, hoping that the sacrifice would happen and kill Song Zining directly. As for the glory of the empire, this matter is too far away. How can it be as important as the immediate affairs of our own family?

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