Monarch of Evernight: 327 World Transparency

No matter Qianye, Ye Tong or Song Zining, they are all used to An’s all kinds of unbelievable ideas, but Ye Nu is not familiar with An yet.

An Zai Yongye’s image showed the image of the sun at a point, saying: “No matter which orbit the sun is in, it will continuously release the force of dawn; and the passage to the origin of darkness can only last for a limited time. It can expand, but it is difficult to offset the influence of the sun. Therefore, in the long run, the sun cannot stay in the eternal night for too long, and it should also go back to the immortal sky.”

Qianye and Song Zining looked at each other and nodded.

Ye Nu said: “Kun Palace can leave the sun and return to the fairy world first.”

An Shen pointed at the continent where the human race lived, dragged it directly under the sun, and said: “Since there are many humans who want to return to the immortal world, we can push the land mass where the human race lives into the orbit of the sun. When the sun returns to the immortal world, During the long journey, these continents can return together with the sun. During the long journey, people living on the mainland may not feel that their lives have changed. In this way, the biggest obstacle to our crossing the void does not exist.”

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

An saw everyone’s expressions and said: “This is definitely not impossible. In fact, I have calculated the orbits around the sun. One orbit is like this, the second orbit is like this, the third orbit…”

A mass of lines appeared around Yaori, a mess. Anyway, Qianye didn’t see the difference between two tracks and three tracks. He looked at one mess and another messier mess.

Everyone stared at An with ghostly expressions.

An scratched his head and said: “These orbits look a little messy. In fact, they are divided into three stages. The first stage is the stage when the sun orbits the eternal night. During this period, the land mass must be pushed into orbit. And observe how much the continental environment will be affected, and how to adjust it. The second stage is to promote the sun to accelerate and escape from the eternal night. The third stage is to push the sun to completely escape from the eternal night and enter the void. After that, in the third stage, the orbit will be truly stable. In the first two stages, we have to consider the traction of the other two suns, so it will be a little more complicated.”

It’s just that seaweed-like tangle of threads, which is more complicated than anything else.

Ye Nu couldn’t hide her shock and said: “How did you calculate it? It is difficult for even the immortals to calculate it to this extent.”

She has also practiced Tianji Technique, so she naturally knows how complicated these orbital calculations are.

“I have slightly changed the rituals of the Palace of Destiny…” An whispered.

Prittik’s face turned dark as expected. However, due to the presence of Qianye and Ye Tong, it was difficult for him to attack on the spot, otherwise he would have pounced directly.

Anyway, having said it all, An Suo broke the pot and continued: “After the transformation, part of the energy of the ritual can be used for calculations, so the computing power I can use has increased by more than 700 times. And I The algorithm has been improved and several new models have been designed. The calculation amount is one-tenth that of the past. This way, the orbit of the continent can be calculated. ”

Everyone is listening to a book from heaven.

But An is already used to it, and he takes advantage of this great opportunity to bring in some private goods.

“Everyone, Yongye’s current situation is completely different from before. I believe that under the guidance of His Majesty Qianye, both the human race and the Yongye Saint Clan can coexist in the same world. Therefore…”

Prettytik stood up and shouted: “You can’t even think about destiny rituals!”

An’s conspiracy was discovered, and she looked a little shy and said: “It would be good to reform half of it.”

“Not even one!”

Song Zining was thoughtful and said from the side: “If the entire destiny ritual is given to you, how much can your computing power be improved?”

An’s eyes lit up and he said: “At least three thousand times! And this is just a prototype. I think there are many areas that can be adjusted and improved. I can even develop a new model specifically for it in the future! With it, There will no longer be any secrets in our world, everything will be transparent to computing power!”

Prittik became anxious and said to Qianye: “Your Majesty! The destiny ritual belongs to us demon descendants.”

“Borrow it first?” Song Zining said with a smile.

“No!” Prattik was determined. An, on the other hand, was inevitably a little frustrated.

“Okay.” Song Zining was surprisingly easy to talk to.

Prittik looked at him suspiciously and said, “What’s your conspiracy?”

As a new generation of great prophets in the Eternal Night Council, after seeing the beginning of Zai Yao, Prattik has understood that in the past few decades, in the duel between destiny prophecy and heavenly secrets, Eternal Night has completely lost. For Lin Xitang, Prattik no longer had the slightest desire to win, and Song Zining, who succeeded Lin Xitang in the empire, was young, but he did not dare to look down upon him at all.

Looking at Prattik’s appearance, Song Zining smiled and said, “Let’s make a price.”


“The Palace of Destiny!”

Prittik couldn’t bear it any longer and protested, “This is a thousand-year-old sacred object of my demon royal family. How can it be bought and sold?”

“It has been transformed to a small extent, hasn’t it?” Song Zining smiled.

Prittik was speechless and glared at An fiercely.

Song Zining calmly said: “They are all incomplete anyway, so they are not that valuable.”

“Sacred objects cannot be measured with money!”

“That’s right.” Song Zining thought thoughtfully.

“What do you want to do again?” Seeing him thinking, Prattik felt frightened.

“I was wondering how much it would cost to rebuild a palace of destiny.”

“How is it possible? If you can build the Palace of Destiny, I…” Prattik wanted to say something harsh, but when he thought that the human race now has the means of immortality, it would be hard to build the Palace of Destiny. Not impossible.

Song Zining ignored Prattik and said to An: “Does the kind of thing you imagine have to rely on the ritual of destiny?”

“It is not necessary. But the destiny ritual can accept the void force more easily, which is very helpful for calculations.”

“Then why can’t we use Tianji Technique as the basis to rebuild a…calculating machine like you mentioned?”

An’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Prittik couldn’t sit still anymore and quickly said: “This won’t work!”

“Why not?”

“An is a demon descendant, and the prophet has always been our traditional occupation as a demon descendant. He was originally a genius prophet!”

“Prophecy is useless.”

This is an indisputable fact, and Prattik has no way to argue with it. The human race’s celestial technique originated from the Immortal Heaven. Over the years, it has turned the entire Yongye into chaos, and even accomplished such great feats as Zaiyao’s Beginning. If Qianye hadn’t finally ended the immortal envoy, the entire Eternal Night world would have been destroyed under the sun.

Song Zining asked again: “Also, why can’t demons practice the magic of heaven?”

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