Monarch of Evernight: 303 mode

bsp;With Qianye’s current means, crossing the void was just a matter of time. It didn’t take long for him to reach Yonglu, overlooking the city of blue waves.

Not long has passed since Qianye left last time. But the appearance of the City of Blue Waves has changed significantly.

On the side of the city near the lake, a large-scale pier was newly built, with hundreds of ships parked on the pier. Along the lakeshore, there are several new towns. Some of the houses have not yet been completely built, but judging from the size, they are all towns that can accommodate thousands of residents.

There is newly reclaimed land outside the town, and water boats are the best means of transportation. After all, not everyone can afford an aerostat.

Outside the city, the original slum area has been completely overthrown and rebuilt, and its area has expanded several times. The entire area has turned into a large construction site, with newly built houses and workshops everywhere. One of the mansions with a distinct werewolf color stands out in the area. The mansion is painted in many bright colors, like a scattered rainbow or turkey feathers falling to the ground.

As Qianye watched, a figure shot straight into the sky from below and came to Qianye’s side.

“William, long time no see, you have grown up.”

At this moment, William has a short beard, and his handsomeness is more stable and mature. However, when he heard Qianye’s words, he still seemed very unhappy and said, “What do you mean? I’m much older than you!”

Qianye did not argue with him, looked at the city of blue waves and said, “It seems to be developing well.”

“Indeed! I didn’t expect it to develop so fast. Now the three aerospace landing sites are completely insufficient. I plan to build a new landing site in the northeast and a warehouse area next to it. , specially used for cargo transportation and transfer. You see, next to the warehouse area is the workshop area, where hundreds of workshops have been opened, and more are being built.”

Qianye looked in the direction of William’s finger and saw that areas were neatly planned. Most areas had already started construction, and some areas were under planning.

This newly built urban area is much better than the old area in the city in terms of planning, scale and area. Not to mention anything else, the roads alone are usually more than three times wide, and some small roads can accommodate four trucks running in parallel. Several main roads can accommodate ten vehicles traveling in parallel.

“You designed this all?” Qianye looked at William with suspicion on his face.

William was immediately dissatisfied, “What? Do you look down on us werewolves, or do you look down on me?”

“I look down on you.” Qianye said bluntly.

William pretended to be furious and raised his hand to hit, then put it down angrily and said: “Forget it, I can’t beat you.”

Qianye smiled and said: “Fight if you want, I won’t fight back.”

“Can you be so good?”

“Of course, you can’t hurt me anyway.”

“I am a Duke!”

“The same goes for the Duke.”

William looked at Qianye suspiciously and said, “Is what is being said outside true?”

“What did they say?”

“Say that you are already a great king, and you may climb the Holy Mountain in the future.”

“None of this is important. But the impact on your wolf clan should be quite big this time. Lord Wolf won’t hate me, right?”

William’s face showed shock and he said: “Did you really kill Wolf Ancestor and Sousa?!”

“I can only say that it is half of me. Without King Dingxuan of the human race, I would not have succeeded so easily. What is the current situation of you werewolves?”

“As soon as Lord Wolf received the news, he returned to the Ancestral Continent to conquer the ancestral werewolf tribe there and suppress the situation to avoid something similar to the vampire clan.”

“Lord Wolf has always been here before?”

“He also lives in the Grand Duke’s Mansion.” William pointed to the Grand Duke’s Mansion, and a powerful and tyrannical aura immediately rose into the sky from the mansion. That was Lord Wolf’s aura, and it was obviously a way to greet Qianye.

The place where the Wolf Lord’s aura originates is not the grand duke’s living room on the upper floor, but the guest room on the middle and upper floors. This was actually to express his attitude to Qianye, saying that the werewolves had no intention of interfering with Yonglu’s dominance, and everything here still belonged to Qianye.

“Why did Lord Wolf come?”

“After you left, many powerful people came to Yonglu secretly. Some of them wanted to see if they could get a share of the profits from here, and some wanted to find out the secret of your growth. At that time, I relied on myself, I really couldn’t handle it, so I reported it to the top of the peaks, but I didn’t expect Lord Wolf to come in person.”

Qianye nodded, with Lord Wolf here, naturally no one would dare to cause trouble here.

Looking at the city below, Qianye said: “The population is now twice as large as before, right?”

“Who said that? There are twice as many, and more and more people are coming, from all races.”

“How are you getting along?”

“Unexpected harmony. For example, urban planning and the construction of the industrial system are all done by the Kong family and the Yin family of the human race. Honestly speaking, they are much better than us werewolves, even if they are demons It’s not even comparable to the Vampire Clan, so now the city planning and construction is basically done by them.”

“Is it their idea to build such a large aerospace landing site?”

William nodded, “Yes. The young master of the Kong family said that the size of the City of Blue Waves may be expanded four or five times in the future, and it will develop into a city with millions of people just around the corner. Therefore, the airship landing site must be Leave enough space for expansion, otherwise it will be difficult to acquire large and complete land once the neighborhood develops.”

These words made Qianye nod secretly.

“How about other areas?” Qianye asked.

“It’s all good. After many people came here, they went to explore deeper places to find more opportunities. The humans brought various crops and mining technology, while the nerubians brought A kind of mushroom, if planted, will gradually change the surrounding force environment. There are many original werewolf tribes in various places, and their land is becoming more valuable. As for the demons and vampires, don’t worry about them, where are they. Everybody can find a job.”

“Sounds good. No conflicts?”

“Of course, it happens almost every day. But most conflicts occur between individuals, or between small groups. For example, a conflict between a mercenary group and another adventure group. Both teams More and more people are discovering the benefits of cross-racial teaming.”

Qianye is very pleased. The foundation he created and the rules he laid down are now so prosperous. This sense of accomplishment is truly irreplaceable.

“Let me show you this.” William handed over a drawing.

Qianye took it and saw it was a map. The center point of the map is the City of Blue Waves, and Qianye’s current territory in Yonglu is marked on it.

At a glance, Qianye found that the territory was much larger than when he left.

“What’s going on?”

“This is a credit to the Pioneer Act.”

“Pioneering Act?”

“Yes, I promised those guys who are eager for adventure and war on your behalf that if they land land during foreign development, each family can be allocated one hundred hectares and farm it for free for 30 years. Of course, there are many If the local lords voluntarily surrender, their rights and interests will remain unchanged. Now, there are more than twenty large and small armies advancing on each border. It won’t be long before the entire land is yours.”

“You can completely build your own country, why do you have to put it under my name?” Qianye asked.

“Sooner or later, Lord Wolf will return to the Werewolf’s own continent. And except for you, no one can protect the foundation of Yong Continent. In fact, even if your life or death is uncertain, as long as there is no definite news of death, many guys will not dare to This is the idea. A complete continent needs a strong person to protect it, and you also need us to take care of this foundation.”

Qianye nodded slowly.

The strongest guard, the strong manage and operate, while ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment, and thrive. This is the traditional model of Yongye.

At least it looks good. (https:)

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