Monarch of Evernight: 296 Totem Battle

bsp;When Qianye arrived at the end of the Blood River for the first time, he saw twelve marks arranged around him, and then there were shadow beasts wandering around the periphery. Qianye was almost injured by it.

Now, the mark of the Movi clan has left the source of the river of blood, and seems to be continuing to move away. what does that mean?

Is it true that, as the Demon King said, the bloodlines of some vampires have been contaminated by the force of dawn? But the Blue King was a veteran king during his lifetime and had been sleeping in recent years. How could he be contaminated by the force of dawn?

Qianye thought about it but found no answer, so he continued to go upstream.

The river of blood narrowed even more obviously. In the blink of an eye, Qianye could vaguely see the source of the river.

A river of water came from the void and poured continuously into a pool. The water in the pool then rushed outward, forming a long river of blood.

As soon as Qianye got close to the source, he suddenly felt bursts of needle-like pain. A moving shadow emerged from the void background, turning into an indescribable ferocious beast and pounced on Qianye!

Given Qianye’s strength at this moment, his heart is awe-inspiring. He holds the Manjushahua in his hand and concentrates on the battle. It is the right time to deal with this shadowy beast with flowers from the other side.

If this shadow beast appeared in the other world or eternal night, it would be almost the same as the void beast. The original Heavenly Ghost might be on par with it.

As soon as the shadow beast appeared, Qianye slowly retreated and distanced himself. However, when Qianye moved away from the source, the shadow beast stopped moving, as if there was an invisible boundary restraining it.

This shadow beast seems to be the guardian beast at the source of the blood river. As long as it is close, it will attack, and if it is far away, it will return.

This time Qianye felt that it was tricky.

If you want to get to the source of the river of blood, you may not be able to avoid this shadow beast. And with the strength of this shadow beast, it might be harder to kill it than the Holy Mountain.

In a special environment like the River of Blood, the shadow beast may have special weaknesses. However, Qianye was also affected by the environment, and his body shape became extremely large. If he could return to the same body shape as in the other world, and his whole body would be united, his combat power would actually increase.

But now, the size has become huge, which means that the weaknesses have been magnified, and what was not a weakness before has now become a weakness.

Qianye frowned and wanted to test him, but he didn’t dare to do it easily. It was as if his attack power had not changed, but his body had become both larger and weaker. If the shadow beast is the same, then two people with strong offense and weak defense will face each other, and life and death can be determined in one turn.

Qianye has just become a king, and Ye Tong’s life and death are uncertain. In this river of blood, Qianye really doesn’t dare to take risks at will. Once you fall here, it would be really irresponsible.

In this way, one man and one beast began to confront each other at the source of the river of blood.

During the stalemate, Qianye suddenly wondered why he wanted to enter the river of blood and why he wanted to trace back to the source? All this seems to be taken for granted, but if you think about it carefully, is it really so?

What is calling me at the source of the long river of blood? Is that an opportunity, a temptation, or a trap?


Qianye has never thought about a series of problems before, or does not think they are problems. After all, he is a vampire. The source of the vampire’s power is the river of blood. This has been proven for thousands of years.

But if you think about it seriously, the Blood River has existed for who knows how long. At least its power radiated to the other world, and the Artois tribe came into existence. And how long have the vampires appeared?

The Vampire Clan relies on the River of Blood, but the River of Blood may not necessarily be connected to the Vampire Clan.

Besides, Qianye was originally only half a vampire, but now that he has cultivated the power of chaos, just like Anduya, he already belongs to a higher level of life in a sense. No matter how you look at it, the proportion of vampires is so small that it cannot determine Qianye’s attributes.

How come there is such a strong bond between him and Blood River?

Is it a real bond, or a distorted illusion?

When thinking in this direction, Qianye suddenly felt that many facts that were originally clear in the past seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog. He frowned slightly and tried to reorganize his thoughts.

At this moment, the sky cracked, and a curved sword light emerged, spanning a thousand years of time and space, carrying a long fire, and landed on the shadow beast.

As soon as the sword light fell, sparks entered the oil, instantly igniting the shadow beast, and the raging flames shot straight into the sky, probably as high as 100,000 meters high!

In the fierce fire, a wingless snake soared into the sky, letting out a scream that shook the entire river of blood, and then wrapped around the shadow beast.

Compared with the Soaring Snake, the shadow beast was much smaller. At this time, it was tightly entangled and was burned by the fire, so it couldn’t help but scream and whine in pain.

The sudden change shocked Qianye, and then his eyes fell on Soaring Snake’s back. There are two fleshy protuberances there, and they are still moving. Looking at the movements, it seems that there were wings there, but they lost them for some reason. The surface of the fleshy protrusion is very smooth, as flat as a mirror, as if it had been chopped off with a sharp weapon.

The Soaring Snake bit the shadow beast unceremoniously, tearing off a large piece of its body, and then spurted flames filled with the force of dawn from its mouth, burning the shadow flesh.

After the shadow flesh and blood in its mouth was burned away, it bit down **** the shadow beast, and then tore off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The giant shadow beast screamed and struggled desperately, but in front of the Soaring Snake, it had no power to fight back.

Qianye suddenly remembered that the totem of the imperial family was the soaring snake. When did the imperial family actually refine the totem to the point where it could be materialized and become deeply spiritual? Even werewolves, who have been worshiping their ancestors for tens of thousands of years, are far from this level.

With this Soaring Snake here, wouldn’t it mean that the empire has one more Heavenly King? No, it should be a Holy Mountain-level Heavenly King.

The sword light just now was also very familiar. Although the power of the sword light far exceeds the realm expected of the Zhiji King, the essence of the force should undoubtedly be that of the Zhiji King.

Since King Zhiji can issue such a sword, which great king can pull off a move in front of him?

Qianye thought of how King Dingxuan shattered his original crystal on his deathbed, severely wounded Sousa, restrained the Wolf Ancestor, and frightened Palokia away. Every move was powerful, and he suddenly understood that this sword was from Where did it come from?

At this time, the Soaring Snake bit off the third piece of meat from the shadow beast, breathed out flames, and burned it to ashes. It seemed to have the upper hand, but Qianye could see its weakness.

The Soaring Snake relies on the burning of sword light. Although it can defeat the shadow beast, the sword light burns too fast and is about to dry up. But the shadow beast is fighting at home, and wisps of shadows are constantly being pulled over to replenish it in the void. One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and before the shadow beast is destroyed, the Soaring Snake will disappear.

Teng She suddenly turned around and chirped several times towards Qianye, some anxiously, some urging.

Qianye finally saw its eyes.

“A soaring snake swims in the fog and flies without legs.”

This is a very limited record of the Soaring Snake in the imperial classics, and the specific description is very abstract and vague. It’s basically just a totem symbol.

At this moment, Qianye finally saw Teng Snake’s appearance clearly. Its head is like the ground, its beak is like an eagle’s beak, and its two long beards move automatically without wind. As they sway, mist and fire are generated by themselves. On top of its head, there are more than ten eyes scattered at random.

In these eyes, Qianye sees himself at different times!

There was Qianye who was still in swaddling clothes with blood oozing from his chest; there was Qianye who was carried by a mysterious figure and flew thousands of miles away; there was Qianye who fell on the ground and stared at the little girl struggling to lift the stone and smash it down with all her strength. Night; there are Qianye who fights in a **** battle, there is Qianye who faces the attack of the witch, and there is also Qianye who plants the king’s flag on the lonely peak of the Black Sun Valley and faces the entire eternal night alone.

In an instant, the scenery changed again.

In each of Teng Snake’s eyes, different characters appeared. There are Lin Xitang, Song Zining, Zhao Jundu, Zhao Ruoxi, Ji Tianqing, Li Kuanglan, and even Zhao Weihuang and Princess Gaoyi. Strangely, there are two babies in swaddling clothes. They look strange, but they make Qianye feel careless. .

There are many, many people who have left memories in Qianye’s life, and they are also people he wants to protect.

Even many people from Lighthouse Town.

For a moment, it seemed that all the concerns were placed in front of Qianye’s eyes, making him unable to breathe.

What about Nighteye?

Qianye suddenly remembered, why among so many concerns, there was no Night Eye? There is no Anduya, nor any characters from the Yongye side.

Thinking of this, Qianye suddenly woke up from his sleep and returned to reality.

He found that he was holding Manjusava in both hands and had already fired a shot. The shadow beast was divided into countless parts and packed into mirrors. The shadow beast in the mirror finally revealed its true face. The huge beast head was cut into dozens of mirrors, and dozens of eyes were looking at Qianye in pain and despair.

Qianye felt that something was wrong, but at this moment, Teng She’s body rolled up and swept away, shattering all the mirrors.

The shadow beast disappeared, and the flying snake also slowly dissipated. The source of the long river of blood, no longer blocked, appeared in front of Qianye.

Qianye took one last look at the empty battlefield. If he hadn’t experienced it personally, he would never have imagined that the shadow beast and the Imperial Soaring Serpent had an earth-shattering battle here.

In the void, only the river of blood flows quietly, eternally…(https:)

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