Monarch of Evernight: 185 Harvest and Kill

bsp;Seeing that Song Zining was injured and retreating, Qianye made a decisive decision, jumped out of the city wall, and fell into the tide of dark warriors. The power of the vortex of the sea was fully activated, and all the dark warriors within dozens of meters around him let out shrill screams. Yelling, the low-level soldiers were directly crushed to the ground, and the cannon fodder was even more overwhelmed. Their whole bodies deformed under the heavy pressure and died immediately. The advanced warriors could still struggle, but only for a moment longer.

Only strong men with noble titles can resist Qianye’s power of the sea whirlpool, but they can only barely hold on. In this way, three relatively calm viscounts were highlighted.

Qianye stepped forward, Dongyue slashed three times in a row, each slash in a different direction. Every time Dongyue slashed down, a viscount would fall down. No matter how they struggled to dodge, they could not escape Qianye’s sword.

As soon as the three swords passed by, Qianye immediately seemed much weaker and was not willing to fight, so he jumped back to the fortress wall.

Qianye used self-enlightenment sword skills to determine the Bafang. This force was too strong. So far, Qianye could only slash three swords, and he was still far away from being able to defeat the Bafang. Just now, Qianye had used all his strength to attack, but when he returned to the fortress, he felt exhausted, and most of his force power had been consumed.

However, Qianye killed three viscounts with three swords and completely suppressed the dark army under the city. Seeing him return to the fortress, no one dared to pursue him for a while.

Qianye stood at the top of the city, looking coldly at the dark enemy below. Countless dark warriors were intimidated by his momentum and did not dare to approach the city wall. So under the city, a blank area strangely appeared.

At this time, a cold and loud voice sounded from the sky and the earth: “A bunch of trash! You have to wait for one hour to capture the fortress, otherwise they will all be executed.”

This voice was cold and mechanical, completely devoid of emotion. It was extremely natural when he said the punishment of ‘execute them all’ to tens of thousands of troops. I don’t know how many similar orders have been issued in the past.

However, the backbone of the fortress garrison is the elite of the Zhao clan, and many of them are officers drawn from the Wolf Smoke Legion. They have fought many battles with the dark race, how can they be intimidated by this kind of formation? At that moment, the firepower of the anti-aircraft turret suddenly became fierce, and two rapid-fire cannons that had not fired suddenly also opened fire in response.

The dark race warships that attacked the fortress from the air were shot repeatedly. The two frigates burst into flames almost at the same time and fell to the ground.

The voice snorted heavily, seemingly furious, and then saw a rainbow light shooting out from the command ship in the middle, spanning thousands of meters in the sky, heading straight for the fortress.

At this time, a clear voice sounded from the sky and the earth: “What’s the point of attacking the juniors? Come, come, come, I, Zhang Xuandao, am waiting here!”

Before he finished speaking, a figure flew out of the imperial fleet and headed straight towards Yunxiao. Immediately, a green shadow flew out of the flagship of the Yongye Fleet and rushed into the clouds. The dark clouds in the sky suddenly began to surge violently, and it was obvious that the two powerful generals were already fighting outside the sky.

Even the general has taken action, so the powerful Yongye men below naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately mobilized their troops to attack with all their strength. Another group of troops was separated, bypassed the fortress, and continued to pursue Zhang Clan.

Qianye had just taken a breath for a moment when the dark warriors rushed in like a tide again, and this time they risked their own lives and the attack was extremely fierce. As soon as the attack started, Force bombs, cannonballs, and crossbow arrows poured onto the city wall like a torrential rain, and the soldiers around Qianye fell in the blink of an eye.

Qianye quickly set up a heavy shield. As soon as the shield was raised, he heard a crackling sound like rain hitting plantains on the shield. The bullets were incredibly dense. With Qianye’s tyrannical strength, he lifted the shield. His hands were shaking a little from the rush.

Qianye stretched out his foot to pick up a box of grenades. With one hand, he transformed into countless phantoms and instantly pulled out all the safety guards. Then he paused for a moment, raised his hand and threw dozens of grenades into the air. The grenades exploded one after another while they were still in the air, and shrapnel rained down in an instant, cutting down the dark warriors in pieces.

“Grenade!” Qianye yelled, and two Zhao clan veterans immediately rushed over with two boxes of grenades each, placing the grenade boxes where Qianye could easily reach them. Without stopping, they ran back to move the grenades, but only halfway there they were hit by stray bullets and fell down the city wall, making no more noise.

At this moment, the battle situation is extremely fierce. Seeing the soldiers around him fall one after another, Qianye is almost throwing grenades out box after box. Fire nets flash one after another. Every time they appear, they will be in the black tide. Clear a small space in the middle.

At first, those with titles and even senior soldiers would try to intercept the grenades thrown by Qianye. However, Qianye threw too many grenades at once and exploded almost at the same time. After repeated attempts several times, they all gave up. An interception attempt was made.

During the fierce battle, Qianye stretched out his hand to touch, but suddenly found nothing. There were no grenades around him anymore, just a pile of empty boxes. Looking around, there were no other warriors around. On this section of the city wall, only Qianye himself was guarding there with a heavy shield.

Qianye no longer defended, and immediately rolled over and disappeared behind the city wall. As soon as he withdrew, more than ten senior warriors of the dark race immediately rushed to the top of the city, preparing to break into the fortress. But before they could take the next step, they all felt a chill in their vital parts, and then their vitality quickly disappeared.

A few warriors with strong vitality reluctantly turned around, only to see Qianye appearing among them at some point, with the long sword in his hand piercing their vital points one by one. In the blink of an eye, all the dark warriors who stormed the city were killed or injured.

Qianye waved his sword horizontally, sweeping the motionless corpses of the dark race down from the city, and then looked around.

There are still more than ten battleships lingering in the sky, most of them are small and flexible assault ships. Most of the large battleships have been transferred back to fight with the imperial fleet. The fortress’s anti-aircraft firepower was extremely fierce. Although two turrets were blown up, the firepower of the hidden rapid-fire cannons and ballistae did not decrease. Battleship.

At this moment, the fortress has been surrounded by the army of darkness, many city walls have been breached, and dark warriors have poured into the fortress like a tide. However, the Zhao clan defenders are very experienced. The city wall is only the first line of defense. The entire fortress is a huge maze. After the dark warriors rushed into the fortress, they immediately discovered that attacks were coming from all directions, every portal, every window, and every roof. Zhao clan warriors may appear at every corner.

Even with their natural physical advantages, high-level warriors could not withstand the fire from all directions, and their casualties increased sharply.

The city wall guarded by Qianye and Song Zining was one of the few sections of the defense line that was not lost. The nearby soldiers were fighting and retreating, and they were all concentrating on the two.

Song Zining had already raised his spear and went into battle. The silver spear was like a dragon, moving vertically and horizontally, and there was a faint light at the tip of the spear. The spear’s light was extremely sharp, making high-level warriors vulnerable to blows. Even if they were struck by the end, their bodies would be cut open easily. Strong men with noble titles were slightly better, but they could not withstand Song Zining’s full thrust.

There are countless fallen leaves floating around Song Zining, most of them are shadows, but from time to time there will be a few fallen leaves that turn into sharp blades, harvesting the lives of the dark warriors. At this moment, Song Zining’s surroundings had completely turned into a killing field, with dark races pouring in one after another, and their lives being harvested one after another.

Song Zining has put away his smile, his expression is as calm as water, and he is focusing on killing the enemy. The silver gun and the field work perfectly together.

It seems that Song Zining is much more efficient than Qianye in killing, but he has already used all his killing moves, and even the domain can only use the most basic form to reduce consumption and prevent the strong men of the dark race from targeting him again. Attack in the field.

As for Qianye, who seems a little embarrassed, in fact, until now, he has mostly relied on grenades and various gunpowder weapons to fend off the enemy. The force was only consumed when killing the three viscounts, and was used at all other times. He kills enemies with his powerful body, but his strength remains intact.

Seeing the huge force of the dark race, Song Zining finally ordered the soldiers around him to retreat into the fortress. He personally took the gun and cut it off. Blood flowed under the gun point, and he retreated step by step. A ramp leading to the bottom of the city wall was filled with corpses of the dark race after Song Zining passed by.

While the fierce battle was going on, Song Zining suddenly felt the pressure lighten, and the dark warriors in front of him kept falling. He looked back and saw that Qianye had climbed to a nearby high point at some point. The multi-barreled machine gun in his arms was spitting out tongues of fire like crazy, clearing a blank area in front of Song Zining.

Song Zining immediately retreated into a nearby alley, leading his soldiers to retreat towards the nearby turret. Several turrets and power towers are the top priority in the fortress, and the defense is particularly strengthened. It is simply a fortress within a fortress. The Zhao clan had deployed heavy troops at these nodes for defense. Naturally, Song Zining knew the key points. After retreating from the city wall, he immediately went to support them.

The city wall fell, and the defensive pressure suddenly increased. Qianye was also crazy at this time. The entire fortress became his battlefield. He appeared and disappeared, flickering east and west. Anything could become his weapon. When the darkness When the army surrounded and fully attacked the fortress, Qianye no longer had any scruples. The sea vortex combined with the vitality plunder could directly clear an area of ​​enemies. And the flickering in the void connected to Dingbafang is the nightmare of any Eternal Night powerhouse. Even a first-class viscount will be killed by Qianye’s sword as long as he fails to react immediately.

In an instant, the casualties of the dark race were on the line. If there were real-time statistics at this time, it would be a number that would make any commander tremble.

After the strong men of the dark race were killed repeatedly, the latecomers finally became cautious and did not dare to attack again. Instead, they always paid attention to their surroundings, and some even turned around suddenly from time to time to prevent Qianye from appearing. behind himself.

The strong is the fulcrum of the offensive. Once the strong becomes fearful, the dark army’s offensive will immediately ease.

At this time, Song Zining was standing on the top of a turret, overlooking the entire fortress. However, Qianye had gone completely crazy, fighting madly based entirely on his own feelings, and had long since stopped actively contacting Song Zining. Even with Song Zining’s eyesight, he couldn’t catch Qianye flashing around the fortress.

However, although he couldn’t see Qianye, Song Zining couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air as he looked at the corpses that kept appearing inexplicably throughout the fortress.

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