Monarch of Evernight: 172 Final Battlefield

bsp;Ming Haigong, Wen Yuangong and all the generals came to Qianye, waiting for the next order. Qianye glanced at them one by one.

No matter who he is, no matter what his origin is, he has transformed at this moment, just like the demon army that Zhao Jundu personally led that day, fearless, constantly breaking through the limitations of his own talents, and growing without limit.

They were all a little strange. They were about to reach the end and the final battle was about to come. Why did they suddenly stop leaving?

Qianye waved his hand, and the dark gold blood energy transformed into a map of the central area in the air, with a tall and lonely peak next to the entrance lit up.

“The final battlefield is here.”

“The location is good, easy to defend but difficult to attack.” Wen Yuan was fair.

“Near the sinkhole, the mountain peaks are forged by black fire. The material itself is comparable to top-grade alloys. Unless it is the Marquis, it cannot be destroyed at all. It is indeed a natural battlefield, and the terrain remains unchanged.” Ming Haigong also said.

Wen Yuangong added: “There are no supplies here. If the dark race fails to attack, we may not be able to hold on for long. Therefore, we need to fight another battle beforehand and grab some supplies.”

“Yes, the Imperial supply ship cannot reach such a distance.”

When the discussion among the generals was over, Qianye Fang said: “Let’s go, let’s go to the place first.”

On the large aerial map, a marching route appeared, almost a straight line, leading straight into Qianye’s intended final battlefield. This route is equivalent to passing through the gate of the central fortress of the dark race. Considering the size of the fortress, there must be at least one hundred thousand defenders inside.

But no one raised any objections to this route.

The troops set off again, and not long after, the outline of the Evernight Fortress appeared on the distant horizon. In the dim environment of the Black Sun Valley, the fortress is like a huge void beast, sleeping and sleeping on the earth.

Since the imperial soldiers saw the fortress, the fortress defenders naturally also saw this force. The soldier in charge of the lookout immediately reported it, and the report was uploaded step by step, and finally reached the hands of the chief guard of the fortress, the vampire Duke Dominic.

Dominique was enjoying lunch when the report came. The long table in front of him was filled with exquisite food, including eleven main courses, which fully demonstrated his identity and status. No matter where they are, no matter what the environment, vampires with noble blood always pay attention to every detail in life.

Seeing the battle report brought by the adjutant, Dominic looked bored and said coldly: “Did you send it to the wrong place? Is there any battle report that I need to use? Didn’t you see that I was enjoying lunch?”

The adjutant looked panicked, but still said: “Your Excellency Dominic, I am very sorry to disturb you during meal time. However, this is the highest level emergency battle report, and you still need to make a decision.”

“If you have anything to do with me, have you come to me? Has the enemy appeared at the gate of the fortress?”

“In fact, they were passing by the gate.”

“What?” Dominic was so shocked that he almost spilled the wine in his glass. A bad thought vaguely occurred in his mind, and he said: “Bring the battle report and show it to me.”

Before the adjutant made a move, Dominic grabbed the battle report and strode outside the restaurant. He opened the battle report as he walked and scolded: “You are so slow.”

The adjutant chased him out of the restaurant, but Dominic was nowhere to be found. Fortunately, he knew Dominic’s habits very well and went straight to the fortress gate. Sure enough, Dominic was standing on the tower, looking into the distance with serious eyes.

The adjutant looked far into the distance. With his eyesight, he could only vaguely see a group of people heading towards the sinkhole on the distant horizon. However, it can be seen that the number of this army is not large, only about two to three thousand people. Just send any marquis out of the fortress, and the number of troops directly under it can be doubled.

From the adjutant’s point of view, this troop walking past in such a grand manner was like a slap in the face of all the Holy Blood races in the fortress, and it was very loud.

This kind of shame is not an exaggeration even if the Duke of Dominica personally suppresses it.

However, Dominic looked thoughtful, the anger and impulse on his face gradually disappeared, and finally he shuddered.

He flicked his sleeves and said: “This matter is of great importance. You write a battle report and send it to His Majesty, and she will make the decision. The sooner, the better!”

The adjutant was startled and said: “They will leave after the battle report is written.”

Dominique’s face sank and he shouted: “Just write if I ask you to! If you continue to talk nonsense, I will immerse you in a pool of blood and turn you into nutrients!”

The adjutant wanted to say something else, but was pulled aside by a close colleague. After the Duke left, the man lowered his voice and said: “You idiot, that human team can reach here with only a few people, and you don’t even think about the reason!”

The adjutant was startled and said: “Could it be…that one?”

“Who else could it be if it wasn’t him? The storm is also in his hands.”

The adjutant was stunned, but still said: “But the Duke may not lose to him!”

“What if you lose? Hurry up and write your report. I think your position as adjutant will probably not be saved.”

The adjutant left in a hurry.

Outside the fortress, in the imperial palace, Wen Yuangong’s eyes flashed and he said: “These black-blooded **** don’t dare to fight! They really have no idea!”

“You must be afraid of being beaten by the adults. Now that the adults have the storm in their hands, who dares to come and die?” Duke Minghai said.

Wen Yuangong stroked his beard and said: “I don’t know how spectacular the last battle between you and me will be!”

Ming Haigong laughed: “No matter how vigorous and vigorous it is, aren’t you just serving as a foil for the adults?”

“That’s right.”

Ming Haigong and Wen Yuangong laughed at each other, and their pride grew spontaneously.

Qianye took a deep look at the fortress and saw no movement, so he withdrew his gaze and continued walking forward. But he didn’t know that the fortress was busy at the moment, not to organize the army to fight, but to rack their brains to write a report for Ye Tong.

How to write this battle report is really very particular. Although Ye Tong is not reading it at the moment, he might turn it out and read it again in the future. Even if she never reads it, there are always members of the parliament who will read these battle reports. When asked when the time comes, you can’t say that you don’t dare to fight because you are afraid of Qianye and the storm in his hands, right?

Therefore, the matter is of great importance, and the superior officer needs to decide on this method. In fact, both the imperial officials and the Yongye nobles have used it quite skillfully.

This small force gradually left the huge fortress behind, and the solitary peak and the black flame pillar in front gradually became clearer, and even ordinary soldiers could see it.

After half a day, we finally arrived at the foot of the lonely peak.

This mountain peak is actually not very high, less than a thousand meters. However, the surrounding area is flat, and this is the only commanding height. The topography of the peak is complex and full of rocks. The rocks on the side near the sinkhole have a rounded appearance, obviously formed after being burned by black flames for a long time.

The location of the mountain peak is more advantageous than Qianye thought. A wide passage leading to the sinkhole is completely under the control of the mountain peak. If you occupy this mountain peak, you can cut off the connection between the fortress and the sinkhole. All troops who want to go to the sinkhole are likely to be sniped by firepower from the peak.

At this moment, it is still scorching hot around the mountain. Even the generals are sweating a little, but ordinary soldiers are a little unbearable. The extremely harsh environment is probably the reason why the dark race has never occupied this lonely peak.

However, the Black Flame Pillar has weakened slightly during this day. Perhaps after a while, this lonely peak can also station ordinary warriors.

Seeing their surroundings, Duke Minghai and Duke Wenyuan both looked solemn. Fighting in this environment requires much more supplies than normal, and water alone cannot last a few days.

Qianye looked towards the sky and saw a small dot appearing in the distance, flying leisurely high in the sky. When it flew closer, Duke Minghai and Duke Wenyuan saw clearly that it was a giant beast in the void. It’s just that there are dozens of power sails flying on the back of the void beast. This is a typical human aerospace craft propulsion technology, but it seems a bit weird.

“Hall of Heroes!” Ming Haigong exclaimed.

It is no secret that Qianye owns the Hall of Heroes. In the aerial start of the Battle of Floating Land, he relied on the Hall of Heroes to finally destroy two Grand Duke ships, establishing victory in one fell swoop. It’s just that although the Hall of Valor is famous, not many people have seen it with their own eyes. It took a while for Duke Minghai and Duke Wenyuan to react.

The Hall of Heroes advanced leisurely high in the sky, causing a commotion in the Evernight Fortress.

It’s just that it flew extremely high, far beyond the range of the fortress’s anti-aircraft guns. At the same time, the Evernight Floating Ships are already at a disadvantage. They are all transport ships staying in the fortress. Those expensive warships are reluctant to stay in the new world for a long time. None of the dark powerhouses dared to take off to challenge a giant ship of this level.

In the harsh environment of the Black Sun Valley, the more sophisticated the warship, the faster it will be damaged. And if there are no special mobility requirements, there is no need for those high-end goods to defend the fortress.

The Hall of Heroes traveled smoothly all the way to the lonely peak and landed slowly.

When the hatch opened, the expected army did not appear inside. Only Carol jumped out dragging several large boxes one meter square.

“This is what you want.”

Qianye glanced at several boxes and said: “Very good.”

“And this. I spent a lot of money and finally got one.” Carol handed an extremely tightly sealed small box to Qianye.


“It should be the Immortal King.”

Ming Haigong and Wen Yuanggong looked at each other. Listening to the meaning of their words, this box actually contained a force bomb containing the force of the Immortal King. It is self-evident for whom such a force bomb is prepared. What also shocked them was that such a treasure could actually be lost outside.

Qianye weighed the magazine in his hand and sighed: “It’s been a thousand years, no matter how the empire develops, some moths will inevitably appear.”

“It is inevitable. As long as the main body is not corrupt, the overall situation will not collapse.” Wen Yuangong saw clearly.

Qianye put away the ammunition box and said to Ergong: “Your journey ends here, the Hall of Heroes will send you back to the rear base. After seven days, when the black fire subsides, you can come to me again.”

“What?!” The two men shouted almost at the same time.

“From now on, this is my war. You take the troops back. Anyone who can come here with me is a good person. Don’t let them sacrifice at will. Okay, get on the ship!”

Qianye has great prestige. Although the Second Duke is unwilling, he doesn’t know how to disobey his order. The same goes for other warriors. Carol waited impatiently on the side and began to urge. The environment in Black Sun was too harsh. No matter how strong the Hall of Valor was, staying a moment longer would increase the risk.

The Second Duke and the soldiers walked slowly to the Hall of Valor. When the huge ship rose into the sky, everyone rushed to the portholes and looked out.

Qianye was already at the top of the mountain. He took out a large flag and wrote a huge word “night” on it. His pen was sharp and domineering. This is his own flag.

When the Hall of Heroes dived into the clouds, the big flag was already rising on the top of the mountain, flying in the wind!

Qianye sat under the flag, quietly waiting for the arrival of the dark army.

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