Miracle Throne: Soothing

Miracle City is determined and sincere.

Several emperors have nothing to say about it.

Although these King Level characters are very powerful in their hands, it is still difficult to destroy the alliance. After all, these imperial forces are too far away from Miracle City, and there is still a lesson from Dagan Empire. They will certainly not easily enemies with Miracle City.

Why do n’t you just pick up huge benefits for nothing.

Rather risk Miracle City?

Miracle City doesn’t worry about finding a partner, even if all the Continent empire forces come together to deal with it, big deal Miracle City collectively moved to Outerspace or the underground world, what can these empire-level forces do even if they are strong enough?

The Miracle summit has so many benefits. Once implemented in the future, it will be able to greatly enhance the national strength, but Dagan Empire is kicked out of the game. At that time, I am afraid that the emperor Gan will have remorse.

No one wants to follow in the footsteps!

Meng Qingwu introduced the technical prospects of Miracle Commerce again in detail, so that several emperors had a deeper understanding of the situation of Miracle City, and then explored specific cooperation schemes.

First, popularizing spiritual interconnection is the most important work of Miracle City.

Miracle City In order to achieve this goal faster, Psychic Aspect Helmet‘s Diagram and production methods, Miracle City will be provided to all major empires for free, and each empire has established a production base of Psychic Aspect Helmet. Miracle City will also provide a smart factory method to buy shares. In other words, from helmet to production, all the technology is Miracle City.

The major empires have resources and manpower, and then lay down to make money.

Who would refuse such a stable and profitable business? Psychic Aspect Helmet The production cost is very low, so it is suitable for large-scale promotion. The population of the major imperial forces themselves is quite large, even if Dragon Territory The population of such forces is not large, but the kingdoms and powers of the affiliated regions are huge. This is a population of at least billions. Source Stone Market of scale.

No one has any objections.

The biggest thing is settled.

Meng Qingwu, on behalf of Miracle Commerce, negotiates with the Emperor King Level for other cooperation. These cooperations include Miracle Shopping Center coverage, construction of space logistics, construction of transmission systems, and cooperation on SmartBrain, Source Energy weapons, these important products.

The popularity of these things is good for everyone and not harmful.

The emperor’s King Level characters did not express any objections.

At the scene of the Miracle summit, Meng Qingwu reached a preliminary consensus with the big names. A total of more than 17 agreements were negotiated at the scene. About 40 projects and areas began to cooperate. The successful convening of the Miracle summit will affect Continent. The development has a profound impact, and will lay an important foundation for the full Continent of Miracle Commerce.

Millions of members of the Alliance witnessed the entire meeting.

Even if you do n’t have the opportunity to come to the Miracle summit site, you will also broadcast it to every alliance city. This time people cheered again, a big breakthrough, this is a big breakthrough!

Entrepreneurs from all ethnic groups are honing their swords.

These imperial forces are enough to cover more than half of the entire Continent power, but not only a few empires, but also hundreds of kingdoms. These are places that have not experienced any development, and not being developed means Huge business opportunities, another brand-new entrepreneurial storm is about to begin!

“It’s finally over!”

Chu Tian sat in the castle hall and took helmet off his head. Meng Qingwu, Meng Yingying, Nangong Yun, all sat here, and all took helmet.

Meng Yingying cheers: “Sister is awesome!”

“I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly.” Nangong Yun is also looking up now, after all, this is a very important transformation for the chamber of commerce, “We will work hard to rule the entire Continent market!”

Meng Qingwu said calmly and calmly: “Today is because we have made sufficient preparations, and all the emperors have played on the spot, so they were shocked by our conditions, but I believe that these people who are at the top of Continent are not so good. To deal with it, we just got off to a good start, and more importantly how to keep going. “

At this time.

Vivian calls Chu Tian for mobile communication.

“Brother Chu Tian, Brother Chu Tian, my father Wang, and Death Wing, Ruinous Claw, Thunder Fury, Posha City Lord, they are all anxious to see you, but now I am blocked by you, do you think you can see them?”

“See you, of course. Let’s have a small meeting in Moonlight Elf town.”

Vivian sighed with relief.

Meng Yingying asked curiously, “What’s going on?”

“The Alliance Five Great Leaders wanted to see me, and their response was unexpected.” Chu Tian was not surprised by their response at all: “We have found more and stronger partners, and Miracle City depends on them. Suddenly greatly reduced, their importance to Miracle City suddenly decreased, there must be no bottom in mind, at this time you need to appease. “

Meng Qingwu nodded in agreement: “Our cooperation with major empire-level forces has just begun, and the entire plan is still suspended in mid-air. At this time, internal stability is very important. I will contact Shen Bingyu and let her come over. We Have an internal alliance summit. “

The Miracle City alliance is mainly divided into Kingdom Alliance, Forest Alliance, West Sea Alliance, and the three major alliance regions. There are a total of six regional top leaders. They are Great Zhou Queen Shen Bingyu, Forest Of Chaos four Great Leaders, and West Sea City‘s Boss City Lord.

The six may have their own strengths, but their status is basically equal level.

Chu Tian chose the meeting place in the moonlight Elf town next to Miracle City. This town is wood Elven Race. It is a small town specially developed to facilitate work and study at Miracle City. Although the town is small, it often engages in fashion shows and food festivals , Music festival, art festival, has now become a very popular and unique Elf autonomous town.

Because of all the conditions, Moonlight Town applied to the Alliance for Transmission Tower and Miracle City for one pass. Now the town has established a Transmission Tower relationship, so the exchange is very convenient.

The six major league giants have arrived.

Shen Bingyu has a look of indifference, others are anxious.

“I’m sorry, I’m coming is a bit late! I didn’t expect you to be here so soon!” Chu Tian came over with a smile: “Today, the Miracle summit must have gone, I don’t know if you have any opinions on Miracle City‘s future strategy? “

“Don’t make a mess!” Ruinous Claw is particularly lethargic. “Now the situation is very complicated. We have not integrated and digested our internal resources. Suddenly we have pulled in more than half of the Continent forces. What should we do in the future? Go, always show me a way. “

Thunder Fury agrees very much: “Once Miracle City successfully unites several empires, Continent will no longer have any power to shake. What should we do in this situation change?”

Five big league giants.

Shen Bingyu drinks tea by himself.

Chu Tian raised his hand and said, “Don’t worry, although Miracle City and the major empires have begun to cooperate, our roots will always be rooted in Forest Of Chaos. Whether the alliance is prosperous or not, the alliance is strong or not. This is directly related to Miracle City. If we do n’t have enough strength, why do we expect to cooperate with these big forces? So no matter what the development of Miracle Commerce, Forest Of Chaos and the alliance will always be the highest priority! ”

That’s right.

A few Great Leaders are still not assured.

Death Wing frowned and said, “You gave away such important things as Psychic Aspect Helmet and Spiritual Domain to all countries for free. We do not have any competitive advantage in this regard in the future!”

This is exactly where Elf King feels uncomfortable.

Chu Tian just gave away Psychic Aspect Helmet Diagram paper and even Spiritual Domain design methods for free to others. After these imperial forces get these technologies, will they cooperate with the alliance and Miracle City? Wouldn’t it make more money to turn on the stove!

“I was worried about this. I can only say that you are too worried. When do you think I have lost money?” Chu Tian shook his head and said, “Relax, even if they know the Spiritual Domain production method, there is no way to build it. Out of a virtual world like Miracle Continent. “


“A long-term stable Spiritual World is definitely not something that can be created casually.” Chu Tian simply explained: “Even a spiritually constructed world requires a stable and orderly law to operate, otherwise the whole Space vulnerabilities will collapse in a blink of an eye. I do plan to spread the method of making Spiritual World, but the production method alone is not enough.

That’s it.

“In addition, Spiritual World needs to be maintained and managed. Miracle Continent uses more than one hundred Super SmartBrains, just barely keeping the world running!”

Chu Tian continues:

“In the future, the population of Miracle Continent will be more and more, and the demand for Super SmartBrain will become larger and larger ~ IndoMTL.com ~ Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands, all are possible. Just one point will be enough for Continent all , Everyone who tried to copy Miracle Commerce was crying in the toilet. “

That’s it.

Chu Tian points out that two are just the most basic technical barriers. But in addition to these, there are many other technical limitations, so countries want to create their own spiritual interconnection system, at least for 50 years is not possible, Continent people want to enter the spiritual Internet, can only access the platform created by Miracle Commerce.

Ruinous Claw also said: “Even so, Psychic Aspect Helmet is a huge income. You gave them the production method, wouldn’t you give away billions or more of Source Stone profits?”

The others nodded.

It would be a huge income if I handed over the production of Psychic Aspect Helmet.

“You think it ’s the army.” Chu Tian said with a smile: “I want to popularize the spirit as soon as possible, so I can only use this method. Psychic Aspect Helmet may have huge benefits, but do n’t forget it. The profit of hardware equipment is often one-off. We can really make a lot of money, not actually in hardware equipment but in the huge platform of virtual space. “

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