Miracle Throne: Report 1 paragraph

Miracle Commerce is not short of money and people. Wu Anjun has been a life-saving straw that can provide charcoal in the snow. It has become a powerful foreign aid that can only add icing on the cake, so the way of negotiation naturally changes.

Source Energy weapon is an invention that can be loaded into history. You can create such a weapon. It is enough for Qing Shi to make a name, and it is enough for Southern Xia Qing Shi to make a name.”

Wu Anjun praised first. Chu Tian sat opposite, Gu Qianqiu, Divine Wind Marquis, Meng Qingwu stood on the left and right, and he was heartily talking about the honey tea without speaking, and his voice turned again.

“But because the Source Energy weapon is too subversive, it will inevitably touch the interests of many big men, domestic and foreign. Depending on your strength, you can’t keep this technology. The best way is to Sell ​​drawings to the kingdom, and defend the technology with the power of the kingdom. “

Divine Wind Marquis and Meng Qingwu are also at a loss. Wu Anjun tries to bring the technology to work alone. The drawings of this weapon are not measurable by money, may Chu Tian agree?

Gu Qianqiu said angrily: “For a long time, you still want to occupy Chu Tian’s research!”

“Don’t be angry at big scholar.” Chu Tian smiled: “Actually Wu Anjun wants to buy drawings, as long as the price is given, of course!”

Wu An wants to test the bottom line of Chu Tian, such a great invention, who doesn’t want to hold it firmly in his hands? As a result, Chu Tian agreed without even thinking about it. When can this guy play cards once according to common sense?

“But what must be told to Wu Anjun is that our technology is continuously improved. The drawings of the Source Energy pistol, which is currently costing a lot of money to buy, may be completely overturned in a few days. Or simply develop newer and better weapons like submachine guns. Can you afford a drawing, can you afford ten or one hundred? “

Wu Anjun frowned.

Indeed, it was not long before Miracle Commerce invented the Source Energy pistol, and now the Source Energy pistol has not yet begun mass production. As a result, the Source Energy submachine gun appeared.

Continent wants to buy drawings, not just yours. Anyway, they are all transferred out. Selling one is selling, selling one hundred is also selling. As long as the price is sold, the buyer is boundless. Miracle Commerce has no worries. Money? As long as we focus on the new drawings, we will be enough to become the top Continent rich man. Wu Anjun thinks, how competitive is Southern Summer Country on Continent?

What do you want to buy? can!

I’m afraid you don’t have that much money!

Wu Anjun was silent for a few seconds, and finally lost a sigh: “So, what do you mean?”

“Honestly, even if Wu Anjun didn’t harm me, I don’t really believe in Wu Anjun.”

“What does this mean?”

“Wu Anjun thinks it is not important to be honest?”

“Of course!”

“When Thunder State happened, Wu Anjun issued a book to Central State, and the villain did not have the mission to solve the problem of Thunder State. Unfortunately, Wu Anjun did not honor the promise in the book.” Chu Tian sigh : “It seems chilling.”

This guy is taking the opportunity to ask for a reward!

Wu Anjun didn’t even think about it, “Come here, take the six leaves of my king Xuanhuangzhi!”

A jade box opens in front of Chu Tian, and the vigorous spirit power bursts out. Judging from the condition of the breath, it really is a superb holy medicine. This drug does not grow in the land of Southern Summer Country, almost all of which are bought from other big countries, and its value is naturally difficult to measure. It is also an unavoidable demand for True Soul Expert!

“The rest of the people have their own bonus.” Wu Anjun hummed, “You should be satisfied now!”

“Actually, a superb holy medicine, the villain didn’t take it seriously, just to mention casually, why is Wu Anjun so polite?” Chu Tian said in his mouth, immediately holding the jade box, “Wu Anjun so Give face to the villain, then I must also show something. “

Wu Anjun snorted.

“I will build another weapon factory in Imperial City. The Imperial City power organization is much more complicated than Central State. If you can find Wu Anjun as a partner, things will be more convenient. I do n’t know what Wu Anjun thinks?”

Chu Tian’s means very simple.

Central State weapon factory remains unchanged, and another Imperial City factory is opened.

“The Central State factory is privately owned by Miracle Commerce, and the weapons Miracle Commerce produced are at the disposal. The Imperial City factory is responsible for military supply.” Chu Tian pulled out an Scroll from the sleeve and handed it over, “If Wu Anjun is not assured, this is the Source Energy pistol. At this stage Diagram, I can give it to Wu Anjun for free to show the sincerity of Miracle Commerce.

Wu Anjun is overjoyed.

At the same time, I feel angry.

This boy thought about it early in the morning, and was even prepared, but deliberately performed it, which is really hateful.

“If Wu Anjun has no objection, let’s talk about the details.”

Miracle Commerce builds a weapon factory in Imperial City, Miracle Commerce and Southern Summer Army each halve. Miracle Commerce provides long-term technical support, and Southern Summer Country military provides resource support and protection.

Can Source Energy Weapon be used by Southern Summer Country.

This is what Wu Anjun cares about.

Chu Tian’s This plan made Wu Anjun more satisfied, so there was not much nonsense, and an agreement was reached immediately.

From now on, Wu Anjun will become a partner of Miracle Commerce. Wu Anjun is the most trusted power minister of South Summer King. If Wu Anjun’s full protection is provided, Miracle Commerce will be difficult to be leveraged in Southern Summer Country. Of course, the problem that needs to be solved now is the trouble of Chu Tian in Central State.

“Ben Jun can settle Central State and protect your Central State power.” Wu Anjun put away the Diagram paper of the Source Energy pistol, “but you can’t stay in Central State.”

This is not intentional.

Chu Tian is not aristocratic, without the title of Hou Hou, without the name of Hou Hou, sitting in the possession of Marquis. Even if South Summer King is an enlightened and open-minded king, it is difficult to be indifferent, let alone South Summer King is strong and has a strong desire to control. How can Chu Tian Central State be allowed to dominate?

I have been mentally prepared for this.

Who tells Chu Tian to be the only one in Central State?

Imperial City is the most important city of Southern Summer Country. The resources of the eight states are gathered in Imperial City, so Miracle Commerce wants to expand further, and it will be sooner or later to settle in Imperial City. After the Chu Tian group dominated Central State, they have been conceiving plans to shift their focus to Imperial City.

Royal Proclamation arrives, I will leave immediately.”

“It’s enough to have this sentence. Let the gentleman take care of the next thing.” Wu Anjun stood up: “Western Marquis is a prince. You’ve closed him for so many days, I think it’s time too Let it go. “

no problem!”

Chu Tian didn’t mess around at all, and immediately brought Wu Anjun to see Western Marquis . Western Marquis has been locked in Central State for three days, sealed cultivation base, and guarded by the five brothers of Yu’s. At this moment, the whole body is tied by iron chains, like a big sister-in-law.

“Master Western Marquis , look who’s here!”

Western Marquis , any one of the princes, who has suffered such humiliation, immediately growled and roared: “Chu Tian stand up, kill if you kill, and humiliate Hou as soon as possible!”

It sounds boney.

But you can just listen to this kind of words. Western Marquis knows that Chu Tian dare not touch him, and actually caught Western Marquis . This is already a big deal. If there is any mistake in Western Marquis , I am afraid that Shangguan Family will be angry. Central State City will be flattened next time.


Slap up with a slap.

Western Marquis The whole chain was broken.

Boss Yu didn’t even see how the opponent shot.

Western Marquis was re-photographed on the ground, spitting out several broken teeth, with a look of panic on his face. What is going on about this power? Why so strong!

Western Marquis , you are so disappointed with Ben.”

A bland, majestic voice sounded in my ears.

Western Marquis looked up and saw the person in front of her eyes, her pupils suddenly shrank, her voice trembled: “You you … you are …”

Wu Anjun is obviously very annoyed at Western Marquis . Without Western Marquis ‘s large-scale military factory, will there be so many things happening? As for the letter being modified, Wu Anjun carefully recalled what happened, most of them were also done by Wen Cheng!

This slap appears to be hitting Western Marquis ‘s face, but it is actually killing a chicken and a monkey, warning some people!

Western Marquis ‘s brain is completely short-circuited.

Why is this? !!

Wu Anjun will appear here!

Wu Anjun, the head of the Three Kings!

No one has the same influence and deterrence. Even South Summer King has to rely on him. Who would think of such a character would appear in a place like Central State.

After Western Marquis reacted, he gritted his teeth and said, “Why does Wu Anjun insult me?”

“Insult you?” Wu Anjun backhanded again, slap Western Marquis on the wall: “The coach is captured and the whole army is captured. If you are on the real battlefield, do you know the end you will face? Bereavement of the teacher and the country, the enemy will not kill you, Ben will also cut you!

Unfortunately, Wu Anjun ’s killing intent shocked Western Marquis . He did n’t know why Wu Anjun was so angry, so he had to be honest: “What Wu Anjun learned is that Chu Tian him …”

“Shut up! Royal Proclamation did order you to Central State, but did not ask you to send troops to attack the city. Fortunately, it did not cause a disaster, otherwise South Summer King can tolerate you?” Wu Anjun said coldly: “This time in Wen Cheng In your face, I will not care about you, and I hope you will tell Wen Cheng to me, everything is just right, don’t try to touch my bottom line again!

The words are complete.

Wu Anjun flicked his finger.

The invisible blade cut the chain on Western Marquis instantly.

Western Marquis lost his strength and fell directly to the ground. He got up very embarrassed, worshiped Wu Anjun, and stared at Chu Tian with a hateful look.

Although I do n’t know what happened, Chu Tian has taken refuge in Wu Anjun. Wu Anjun’s personal visit to Central State City is enough to show that he attaches great importance to Chu Tian’s, plus a large scholar, a Divine Wind Marquis, an Golden Arrow MarquisChu Tian’s background is too strong, the master is like a cloud!

The power of Western Marquis ~ IndoMTL.com ~ I’m afraid I haven’t dealt with Chu Tian alone.

“Bring your South State army, get out of here!” Chu Tian is not taboo about Wu Anjun’s presence: “This time I will just teach you a little lesson. Please pass around Central State in the future, otherwise things will not be so easy to understand.”

Western Marquis left Central State in this way. After disposing of the South State army, Wu Anjun left the Miracle Commerce headquarters: “It is time for me to return to Imperial City. I hope I can do it myself in Central State and don’t break into any trouble.”

“A villain never messes with me, it’s always someone who messes with me.”

“I hope so!”

Wu Anjun did not stay long, and immediately took Gryphon to leave.

The whole thing finally came to an end, and Chu Tian took a long breath and suddenly felt more relaxed than ever.

(Sorry, I ’ve been going late every day, I ’m running around every day, I ’m very short at home, so I do n’t have time to modify the chapter, and then the situation is exacerbated during the transition period, so the progress is slow. Do n’t worry, just a few days Now!)

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