Miracle Throne: Full force expansion

There are reasons for the steady development of the Central State family of four hundred years. Now the pattern suddenly collapses. It is inevitable that the interests of some people will be touched. And the Central State riot caused tens of thousands of deaths. Ordinary cities. Central State City is a main city. This is a big event that is enough to sensate Southern Xia.

Miracle Commerce annexed Three Great Clans without permission. Let it swell into a monopoly.

King Southern Summer Country. Southern Xia Sanjun. Can these ruling classes tolerate a larger Miracle Commerce.

So. Miracle Commerce has not really weathered the crisis.

Chu Tian doesn’t care. No matter what sound the Imperial City will make. The worst result is nothing more than running away. Now plunder the huge resources of Three Great Clans. This includes substantial cash and on-site resources. There are also Great Shark Gang water advantages. No matter where you go, you can take root quickly.

No one can be trusted.

Only you are strong. Others will dread and respect you.

Chu Tian should eliminate the bad influence caused by the Central State chaos. Invest more new technologies into the Cloud Sect Institute. Let the strength and potential of Miracle Commerce be further expanded.

Of course, personal strength is also important. So Chu Tian copied the old nest of Three Great Clans. The first time to prepare enough materials to refine Sheng Dan.

In the future.

Chu Tian jumped to the peak of Awakened Soul 4th Layer.

Miss, Meng Yingying, Lin Mu, Fang Han, etc. They all have Illustrious Soul level strength.

The chaos of Central State is shocking. The effect is milder than expected in Central State people. After Miracle Commerce implemented a series of comfort policies. It’s not just about returning to its former prosperity. The atmosphere of the whole city has become more relaxed.

The situation of Four Great Families top is gone. The aristocracy who exploited and crushed people was brought down. In its place is a new force that is inclusive and full of life.

Miracle Commerce did not infringe the interests of other noble families. Instead, actively cooperate with these families to achieve a win-win situation.

Central State City citizens are under the dominance of Miracle Commerce. Revenue has grown significantly. Improved quality of life. Miracle Commerce boosts the economic potential of Central State. Obviously it is much higher than Four Great Families. Therefore, Central State City people did not exclude Miracle Commerce from the beginning.

There are no opponents.

Chu Tian is naturally much easier.

Meng Qingwu came to report the latest integration progress: “Miracle Commerce has dozens of resource fields and dozens of factories. There are dozens of laboratories and research institutes. There are dozens of martial arts museums. Central State forces are actively establishing cooperation with us .Miracle Commerce starts from a seriously under-productive chamber of commerce. Over-productivity is avoided in a few days. “

From bulbs, to batteries, to cans. As well as radios and gramophones.

Miracle Commerce has always faced the problem of productivity. So there is no way to open the market in the first place.

Three Great Clans is down now.

Miracle Commerce took over too many resources. Production capacity is now rapidly erupting. Not to mention that Miracle Commerce has a large number of cooperating family forces. Don’t say Central State area. Even if it spreads Southern Xia nationwide. More than enough. Central State City will soon become a huge production base for Miracle Commerce.

Miracle Commerce‘s business can not meet the local needs. We have expanded to the entire Southern Summer Country. It has spread to other countries. Even the territory of different races.” Chu Tian said with confidence: “So don’t be too much. Instead, feel that it is not enough. One On the one hand, speed up the integration. Let the factory start working earlier. On the other hand, continue to acquire the factory and maintain cooperative relationships with other partners. “

Meng Qingwu didn’t expect it either. Miracle Commerce will develop so fast.

From South Sky City a small force who is inconspicuous. Eventually swelled to dominate the Central State behemoth. Central State City is now Chu Tian’s.

Chu Tian suddenly stood up: “Let’s go. Let’s go to the research institute.”

Researcher at the Cloud Sect Institute. Has more than 500 people. Divided into Source Energy technology. Runic medicine. Cultivation, energy, Source Energy machinery, and several other departments.

Source Energy‘s technology sector is top priority.

Cloud Sect among more than 500 researchers. About 400 people are in the Source Energy Array research department. Yun Tianhe is currently responsible for it.

The Fumu department is studying traditional Talisman pharmaceutical products. Responsible for Xiong Tianyan and Zhang Liqing. Chu Tian has come up with many formulas. Let them learn and put into production. After all, the Talisman drug is a traditional industry. It is also a very profitable business.

The Cultivation Department is responsible for collecting each door and ancient Cultivation Technique. Research from it. Find useful parts. This department is temporarily represented by Shen Bingyu. After all, Shen Bingyu is a martial arts maniac. I have a lot of experience in cultivation.

The energy sector is also important. Chu Tian has occupied most of the crystal Oil Mine of Central State. Even secretly sent people to Southern Summer Country to find and occupy Oil Mine. This energy is the foundation of technological development. At present, Continent people do not realize the importance of Jing Oil Mine. So Chu Tian wants to do it before people notice it. Take up as much resources as possible. The Department of Energy specializes in Source Energy Battery. Explore the best use of Source Energy Battery in different situations.

Energy is confidential.

Chu Tian must be sent to the most trusted ones.

Of course, this department was run by the lady herself.

Source Energy machinery department is more special. This department has little effect now. It’s even more tasteless. But it has great strategic value. The core of Miracle Commerce technology lies in the Source Energy technology department. However, R & D products will become more and more sophisticated and complex. Be sure to have a team of good enough mechanics to cooperate.

Central State City Mechanical Technique genius Tong Xiaoyu is in charge of Source Energy mechanical department. Mainly responsible for the design of various mechanical products and development functions.

The research institute of five hundred people is already quite large in Southern Summer Country.

Chu Tian doesn’t think too many researchers. Miracle Commerce is rich. Not afraid to afford it. I’m afraid there is no one.

Chu Tian walked in and asked, “Yun Yun. Have you got any results recently?”

“Of course.” Yun Tianhe saw Chu Tian. Immediately said with excitement, “You follow me.”

In a secret room. A small magnetic sound tower was built in the center. There is a dark instrument on each side. Yun Tianhe proudly pointed at him and said, “This is the communicator we have developed.”

Meng Qingwu said in surprise: “I haven’t come to the institute for a few days. You have already developed the results.”

Yun Tianhe Hey smile: “In fact, there are no technical problems. After all, Chairman completes the core part. After more than a thousand tests and more than two hundred adjustments. Now we have specifically selected a stable frequency for communication. Signal. It has stabilized after preliminary testing. “

Chu Tian said to Meng Qingwu, “Let’s try it.”

Meng Qingwu is very interested. Walked immediately to a communicator. The communicator is like a box. There is a glowing Source Energy Array cloth on it. There is a clock-like hand on the Source Energy Array. There are corresponding numbers around the circle.

“What are these numbers for?”

“How do different communicators establish communication relationships. We have carefully studied. We finally made this design.” Yun Tianhe pointed at the number and said, “Communicators have unique numbers. Enter the number through the dialer’s dialing system. .Can send a signal to the central communication tower. This completes the establishment of the communication channel within the magnetic field of the magnetic sound tower. “

A bit complicated.

Meng Qingwu has learned a lot from Chu Tian. But for this new technology. She still couldn’t adapt easily.

Yun Tianhe points to the number written on the machine: “This number is 001. The number of President is 000. You just need to use the dial on the communicator. Enter the communicator number of the other party to create communication frequency.”

It’s really amazing.

Meng Qingwu turns the pointer by hand. Press three times on the number 0. Source Energy Array suddenly lights up. A subtle amount of energy was released. Almost at the same time. No. 000 communicator over Chu Tian also lights up.

Meng Qingwu speaks to the communicator: “Can you hear me.”

“Can you hear me.”

The communicator made a sound from the front of Chu Tian.

After all, the sound signal propagating through the magnetic sound tower. So it sounds a bit noisy. But the transmission has indeed been completed. Magnetic sound towers can not only be used as terminals for transmitting radio signals. Now it can be achieved as a mediator of signal relay.

“It really did.”

“This invention is too great.”

Meng Qingwu is incredible. If this is promoted. What a huge change that should make to people’s lives.

Chu Tian is not very satisfied with the effect of the communicator: “Not perfect enough. There are too many places to improve. For example, the sound is not clear and stable. The transmission array in the magnetic sound tower should be improved. In addition, the equipment invited to communicate cannot be rejected. This will inevitably cause interference to users. We must establish a mechanism to actively allow communication … “

Chu Tian said a lot of opinions. They are very relevant.

Yun Tianhe nodded. “Give us another half a month or so. We can make a perfect communication system.”

Core of magnetic audio communication technology. Chu Tian is complete.

These side things. Chu Tian will not intervene. Too much trouble on the one hand. On the other hand, Chu Tian needs to exercise its own research team.

“The breakthrough in the development of communicators has been achieved. We have also successfully integrated the radio and the phonograph. Now it is fully equipped with portable functions. In addition, the construction of the magnetic sound tower charge Channel/frequency has also been successful.” Yun Tianhe also did not expect. These new technologies can achieve so many breakthroughs in a short period of time. “The Miracle broadcasting station will start to make a profit.”

Meng Qingwu is very excited. There are these technologies at hand. Why worry Miracle Commerce does not rise. “Now there are a lot of City Lord. Even the envoys of other states and counties come to Central State City to negotiate. I hope we will build the magnetic sound tower locally. Establish a local broadcasting system for them.”

Chu Tian has no comment. Just asked: “What do you think.”

“It’s a matter of time before Miracle Commerce launches. But in the current situation. I’m afraid it’s not that easy.” Meng Qingwu frowned. “We need a team of broadcast stations. It will be time consuming . And it will cause the team to be bloated. It is difficult to avoid technology leakage or other risks. So I have no consent for the time being. “

“You have this consideration, too.” Chu Tian paused. “I have a way to avoid bloated teams. Only one team, Central State City, is enough. We are building the only radio station. Broadcasting is accepted by people all over the country.”


How is this possible?

Yun Tianhe and Meng Qingwu both stared at each other.

Although magnetic signal technology is perfect. But it is a bit flawed in itself. Sound information can only be exchanged within the magnetic field coverage. A large city often requires several magnetic sound towers for full coverage.

This era is vast and scarce.

Between the two cities. Thousands of miles apart at every turn.

If you want to cover magnetic towers across a state or even a country. That would have to build millions of magnetic sound towers. With Miracle Commerce financial resources and manpower. It is impossible to do.

Also. Wilderness. There are more Demon Beast.

Even if a magnetic tower is destroyed. The signal will not spread.

Chu Tian said to them, “Of course it is not the way you think. We need a new material. This material is called Hyperwave Crystal Stone. Magnetic towers in other cities can start building. Just find this Crystal Stone to perfect our broadcasting station. Our broadcasting system will be able to spread all over the country … even. Our communicator. Can also complete intercontinental communication. “

Intercontinental communications.

Isn’t it really perfect ultra-long-distance communication.

What a huge wealth and reputation this will bring to Miracle Commerce

“Start all Miracle Commerce channels at once. Find this Crystal Stone as soon as possible. Tell me as soon as you find it.” Chu Tian said here. Added another sentence: “Cloud Sect progress faster than expected. Source Energy computer is afraid it is not easy to complete. Let us do some other tasks.”

There are new tasks.

The Cloud Sect Institute wants nothing to steal.

But Yun Tianhe likes: “What project do you want to do.”

“Of course it is a money-making project.” Chu Tian smiled mysteriously. First ask the two of them a question: “What do you think is the world. What are the most profitable products.”

“This …” If it was before. Meng Qingwu will not hesitate to answer Talisman and pharmacy. Because these two things are consumables. And the profits are very high. But since the establishment of Miracle Commerce. Products such as electric lamps and cans were launched. Has completely subverted her worldview. The prospect of communication technology alone is hard to imagine: “I don’t know.”

Yun Tianhe also said, “Don’t sell off. Where can we keep up with your thinking.”

“There are two. The first is energy. The second is weapons.”

Energy ~ IndoMTL.com ~ Arms.

Chu Tian explained: “You will understand later. Now the main energy source is Crystal Oil. Most of the forces of Continent have not yet responded. We have already taken the lead. Next. We are going to start developing Device. “

“What do you mean. Miracle Commerce wants to recruit refiners. Do you start to refine a large number of equipment weapons?”

“The refiner wants to recruit. But the weapon I want to make. It is not the same as the traditional weapon.” Chu Tian said to Meng Qingwu: “Cloud Sect has a military industry department. Additional investment of 100 million gold coins for weapons and energy. It will be our focus for some time to come. “

Chu Tian is not strong enough at the moment. But the time is ripe.

The Miracle Commerce now has the basics for producing new weapons.

The rules of this world. To put it plainly is to respect the power. A true Big Mac needs a foundation of strength. The new Source Energy Weapon will be a further step in Chu Tian‘s ambitions.

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