Miracle Throne: Death Abyss

Julingju, Yinfeng Swordsman, Ghost Masked Old Man, and Purple Lightning Young Master are all extremely powerful characters. The Cultivator who dares to participate in this relic expedition generally has a little confidence in himself.

As a result, after entering the Tomb of All Corpses, not only will it be threatened by prohibitions, traps, demons and monsters in the tomb, but it will also prevent Cultivator from plotting against each other.

The Tomb of Man Wan Corps is a closed and dangerous environment. No one can predict what happened inside.

The difficulty of this treasure hunt is not low!

Caidie followed Chu Tian and whispered comfortably: “Lu Ren, don’t be angry, Yun Yao is not an ordinary person, and the background is very big, you can’t mess with her.”

Chu Tian smiled with a relaxed face, he didn’t seem to take the matter just into account, “Don’t worry, I’m sober, I know what I should do.”

Caidie is relieved as soon as he hears this.

Although I haven’t known this boy for a long time, Caidie can feel his style, this person is crazy, so I’m afraid he will do something stupid.

Yun Yao was born with Central State Yun Family.

Central State Four Great Families, Chu, Luo, Ye and Yun, none is good!

It ’s too irrational to oppose Purple Lightning Young Master for a little thing. Even if it is not killed by Yun Yao, this big family is involved, and I will never dream of a good life in the future.

Caidie is unexpected.

Chu Tian is not afraid of trouble at all, Four Great Families has already caused the third, one more Yun Family is not much, and one less Yun Family is a lot.

About two hours later

The Great Hall shook.

The eight-armed monster stone statue standing in the middle of the hall suddenly opened his eyes slowly, and a powerful and powerful breath rose into the sky.

Everyone is shocked!

I finally waited!

“Eight-armed demon opens his eyes, the corpse tomb opens!” Ghost Masked Old Man finally waited until this moment, and immediately stood up: “You, we work together to open the passage, as for the treasures in the tomb, whoever has the ability, belongs to whoever. What do you think? “

Purple Lightning Young Master Yun Yao snorted: “So what are you waiting for, do it now!”

Several cultivation bases had a maximum depth of Cultivator, and began to release Source Energy at the same time. I just felt a weak vibration from the ground. Rune, which is a serpentine snake, lit up in all directions. The end.

A ten-meter-high beast head is inlaid on the wall of the Great Hall. When the thick Source Energy is instilled into it. The beast head, which was originally metallic, suddenly came to life, with red eyes blooming, a huge mouth opening a little, and a bottomless purple channel appearing inside the beast’s mouth.

The ancient breath of death slowly diffused.

The tomb is opened!

Cheer up Cultivator!

The dwarf dweller was most anxious, holding the tomb order, walked directly in, and was instantly drawn into the purple light, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

“The tomb is open!”

“Everyone rush!”

Everyone walked into the light gate.

Ghost Masked Old Man said at a glance at Chu Tian: “This is the entrance to the tomb. When we walk into this door, we will randomly appear anywhere on the first floor of the tomb.”

Chu Tian frowns slightly: “random transmission ?”

“Yes, random transmission .” Ghost Masked Old Man paused and continued, “The first floor of the tomb is Death Abyss!”

Chu Tian asks: “What kind of place is Death Abyss?”

“From the information available, Death Abyss is very powerful. The longer you stay, the more vulnerable you are to being attacked by the wind. Be careful not to be blown into the abyss, or you will never come back. Death Abyss overall The difficulty is average, but there will often be some temptations that are difficult to restrain. Remember, even if it is tempting, do n’t try to get it easily.

Chu Tian remembered.

“After passing Death Abyss, you will enter the second level, Wraith Palace!”

Wraith Palace Will be attacked by fierce spirits, and the degree of danger itself is average. Cultivator Die inside, Cultivator After the death but the soul is not dispersed, after turning into a grieving spirit, Cultivator Extremely resentful, so the danger is greatly multiplied! “

Caidie frowning is obviously a little worried: “How should this layer deal with it?”

Ghost Masked Old Man said: “Don’t covet the treasures in the temple, pass quickly, don’t stay! Remember, the longer you stay, the easier it will be to attract ghosts! Go through this layer as fast as possible!”

“What about the third floor?”

“After the first two floors pass, it is the real tomb of the corpse, and we will be in the third round.”

Caidie said excitedly, “Let’s go in then!”

“Slow.” Chu Tian unrolled the Talisman pocket and took out half of Talisman. “This is the Level 1 Talisman of the light property. Keep it close. You can crack the evil at the critical moment. You should take it with you in case. “

Caidie shows gratitude: “Thank you!”

Chu Tian slightly nodding.

Although I ’m not familiar with Caidie, but I am a partner and I should take care of it.

Caidie is not very powerful, but the tomb seal cultivation base, everyone is pulled back to below Awakened Soul Realm, and the ghosts are not much worse. Caidie itself holds top quality Spirit Weapon, plus these Level 1 Talisman bodyguards, security can be guaranteed.


The two walked into the light gate with the tomb order.

In a flash, the surroundings changed completely, the sound of the scene disappeared, the temperature plummeted by more than ten degrees, and the field of vision became dark and dim.

This is a dark and empty space!

Deep and mysterious, empty and silent, enough to inspire humanity’s oldest fear.

Chu Tian feels the soles of the feet floating, like stepping on a bumpy boat, because Chu Tian stands on a black slate, and there is a bottomless abyss!

Looking ahead, tens of thousands of slabs, unevenly distributed in the void, are paving a long suspended road straight to the end of the field of vision.

Illusion Technique array?

Chu Tian close your eyes and open Heart’s Eye.

The size of the Illusion Technique array is too large, and the distance of Heart’s Eye is limited. No flaws can be found.

Which is powerful, powerful, and the perfect combination of reality and fantasy. Among the designers of this tomb, there is definitely a master Array master.

“This is the legendary Death Abyss!”

“Be careful not to fall into the abyss on both sides!”

“If you accidentally fall down and fall down, you will be immediately swallowed by the abyss, your soul will be trapped in the tomb, and you will never be born again!”

When everyone is just adapting to the environment and preparing to move forward, in Endless Void, Ling Yifeng suddenly broke out. The gale contains powerful power, and a cow can be blown over!

Several young people did not respond and were blown from the slate into the air.



“Save me!”

The young man flirted wildly on his limbs, but could not catch the slate at all, and suddenly fell into the bottomless abyss.

It’s gone!

That ’s it!

Never existed!

People quickly use the Source Energy body to block the invasion of the wind and avoid being blown into the abyss. This place is too terrifying, accidentally made mistakes, and everything is over, it makes people feel groggy, it seems not to stay long!

Chu Tian is slowly moving forward while stepping on a piece of floating slate.


“That’s Source Energy Crystal Stone!”

“A lot of Source Energy Crystal Stone!”

Several people shouted in surprise, and people were attracted to the attention. At both ends of the floating slab road, countless broken Crystal Stone floated in the void, flashing a seductive light.

Source Stone!

It’s all Source Stone!

Hundreds of thousands are a huge fortune that will make Awakened Soul Cultivator crazy!

You can exchange at least 10,000 gold coins for a subordinate Source Stone. So many Source Stones are worth hundreds of millions of gold coins!

What an amazingly great wealth?

Chu Tian feels excited!

But Ghost Masked Old Man warned that Chu Tian, Death Abyss will encounter many temptations, most of which are not available. If you rashly shot, there is only a dead end.

It’s tempting to save money.

Death is more important after all!

Chu Tian Settle down and start moving on.

At this time, another big-faced man with a beard and face shouted excitedly, “There are many treasures in front!”

A treasure?

Chu Tian looks up.

There is a simple bronze mirror, blown by the wind from the void, and the mirror flashes the complex Rune, which is a very powerful baby at first glance!

The distance is less than ten feet!

It is difficult to suppress the urge to take risks!

There are more and more babies appearing around you, cold-blooming swords, scarlet blood-sword swords, and golden scabbards full of treasures … there are so many treasures here!

Is it left after the treasure hunter’s death, or does it exist in the tomb itself?

In short, all are spiritual equipment, there is no ordinary product, people feel bloody!

Chu Tian is not affected. Treasures are tempting, and they have to be taken. These treasures are generally spiritual things, even if the value is high, they are very limited and not worth the risk.

The wind on both sides is too strong!

If you get involved, you will be blown away instantly!

Chu Tian continues to walk forward for a while, and the treasures appearing around it are even more attractive.

A Cultivator roars with red eyes: “Pure Yin Grass! Pure Yin Grass!”

There are some broken fragments in the void around the. The large diameter is tens of square meters, and the small ones are like floating stones. All kinds of Heaven and Earth Treasure grow on it.

Pure Yin Grass is a treasure of precious!

When Cultivator saw a small island fragment, densely packed with more than a dozen Pure Yin Grass, and the island fragment was only ten feet away, almost going crazy with excitement.

“With the help of Pure Yin Grass, I can make a very overcast Sword Qi!”

“Who can stop me within the same level!”

“This is mine, don’t grab it!”

Cultivator roared in a low voice, the white Source Energy light burst from the body, suddenly jumped, and jumped to the island full of Pure Yin Grass.

Ten ten feet!

Liu Jiuzhang!


Cultivator Source Energy fades quickly!

The further away from the stone road, the higher the strength of the squall wind. With Body Refinement 9th Layer pinnacle cultivation base, how can it fight such a strong squall?

At about five feet away, the Cultivator bodyguard Source Energy was like a candle remaining in the wind, and it was completely blown out.

“No! No!”

Cultivator yelled in horror, and wanted to turn around, but it was simply a hope. Ling Fengfeng wrapped his body, and it was blowing in no time, and there was a scream of despair in the darkness.

Pick the tragedy of Cultivator and pour cold water on others.


is too difficult!

There are countless treasures, but how easy is it to get them?

Chu Tian‘s eyes flickered. With Heart’s Eye, he could observe the change of howling wind. There is a certain law of howling wind, which will reach the strongest in a certain period of time, but will be weakened in a short moment.

Shoot when the wind becomes weak, will there be a chance?

People continued to walk, and there were several tragedies. Cultivator tried to take the treasure, but was blown away by the wind. Among them, one person arrived at his destination and even caught the treasure with his own hands, but was taken away during the return process.

People sigh!

Death Abyss, it ’s a place where people ca n’t eat their bones!

It fully stimulates people’s greed ~ IndoMTL.com ~ guides people to death again!

Chu Tian is always watching, he is convinced that he has the rules of howling wind!

Hey there is a way!

There must be a way!

Another island was blown at this time. The island was covered with turquoise herbs, and there was a stone table with a transparent jade bottle and a ring.

About seven feet away!

The transparent jade bottle is filled with a refreshing energy, even at such a distance, it makes people feel shocked, and even small wounds on the surface of the body heal quickly.

The quaint ring is permeated with sharp breath and is obviously a very powerful treasure.

The blue herbs are all seductive.

Even if it is the most common herbal medicine, it can grow for hundreds of thousands of years, it is enough to become a Elixir-level baby. The whole island is a large area, almost full of blue herbs!

How can people not move?

It’s a great fortune!

At this time, 罡 wind has just passed its peak and is rapidly weakening. Chu Tian has mastered the change of 罡 wind.

Great opportunity!

Take a few steps, jump off the stone road, drop into Endless Void, and fly towards the island.

The first release of this book comes from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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