Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor Chapter 927: Fate is connected, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Ghost Doctor Fengjiu!

Hearing this, Feng Jiu couldn’t help but laughed: “Where is there a banquet in the world? It’s not necessary to practice in one place.” Then, she patted Xiao Yihan on the shoulder: “The Eight Empires Is the goal of cultivation.”

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions moved slightly. Some people knew about the Eight Empires, while others didn’t. But at this moment, their hearts moved, because no one wanted to be the weak.

She chatted with them for a while, and finally everyone dispersed and went back to their yard to rest. Seeing that she had made up her mind, the vice yard left without saying anything.

Nie Teng, who was in the same hospital with her, watched her let people prepare water for a bath, and then went back to the room to rest.

Because her one set of clothes was ruined, only one set was left on her body, so after the bath, she changed into her own clothes, dressed in a dazzling and wanton red dress, before she opened the door to go out to find something When I was eating, I saw Mo Chen walking in with Tunyun in his arms.


As soon as Tunyun saw the master, he pounced on him with a low cry, and Mo Chen’s hand holding it was also loosened, so that it jumped out of his arms.

Feng Jiu’s eyes were surprised: “Why are you taking care of Tunyun?” She entrusted Tunyun to the vice yard, but why did she see that Tunyun was with him?

“I have nothing to do and pass the time.” He said, looking at her: “I heard you want to stay as a mentor?”

“Well, one year.” She nodded in response, and walked out of the yard with him. The two of them walked unhurriedly, followed by Tuanyun behind them.

Mo Chen walked, walking slowly and leisurely. He didn’t look at her or speak. He only looked at the road ahead, as if thinking about something.

Feng Jiu next to him glanced at him, and saw that his whole person was faintly enveloped in a fairy air, the white robe was gently swaying in the breeze, the ink moved slightly, his expression was indifferent, but his whole body was exuding She felt a strange feeling of flying fairy as if she was about to step on the cloud.

He appeared in the academy because of her, and he followed to the Second Star Academy because of her, but she didn’t know why he did it.

Is it just because of those prophecies that the old man said? Impossible, because sometimes he sees her with complicated and long-term vision.

“Strange I have been following you?”

Perhaps knowing the doubts in her heart, Mo Chen came to a tree and stopped, turning his head slightly and showing a smile on his lips.

Feng Jiu looked at him without speaking.

“I was originally not curious about who is in charge of the world, nor did I feel anything. Therefore, when the respected Master found you, it was only because of the command of the teacher. It was just that I stayed here and followed you. It’s because I want to know what kind of person a person connected to my destiny would be like?”

Feng Jiu was slightly stunned: “Fate is connected? What do you mean?”

He turned around and looked at her face-to-face, his eyes deep and complicated: “Life is also because of you, and death is also because of you.”

A few short words shocked her, and she was silent for a while.

I was born because of her? Did she die because of her? Is this why he has been with her?

Can’t tell what it feels like, she looked at the elegant man in front of her and asked: “When I asked you at that time, you didn’t say it, why did you say it now?”

“I’m leaving now.”

His voice is still slow, faint, with a bit of ethereal: “With your talents, I believe that you can go to the Eight Empires in a few years. I am looking forward to seeing you over there.”

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