Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece Chapter 1: The death of Cyrus (Part 1), the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Mediterranean Overlord of Ancient Greece!

“The king’s army is coming! The king’s army is coming!!…” A scout cavalry rushed from a distance, repeatedly shouting in Persian and Greek.

The soldiers who were about to stop and rest began to commotion.

“Partikias, is what you said is true? Altaxerxes is really here?!” Seeing the cavalry who had just jumped off the horse, Cyrus couldn’t wait to ask immediately.

“Yes, Your Royal Highness. Alta Xerxes is here! Alta Gesith is here too! And that… Damn Tisafonis is here too!!” Patikias panted He said with a hoarse voice.

“Very good, my friend! Very good! He is finally here!!” Cyrus jumped off his horse excitedly, and while asking his servant to put on himself a breastplate, he shouted to his adjutant Alireus : “Notify the whole army and prepare for battle!!”

“Yes, Your Highness!” Alireus hurriedly called the messenger: “Immediately notify the Greeks and line up on our right flank! Get ready for battle!”

The messenger flew away.

Arius called you Persian generals again. Little Cyrus asked them to lead the soldiers on his left flank, and he led eight hundred cavalry in the center.

The careful Altapates asked: “How many enemies are there?”

“About sixty thousand… or eighty thousand…” Patikias recalled what he saw, with a little more fear on his face.

“So many people!!” The attendants exclaimed, showing fear on their faces.

“Haha! Are you scared? My friend.” Little Cyrus stepped forward and gave Patikias a powerful hug, not disdainful of his body full of dust and sweat. Then he turned to his horse and shouted to the surroundings: “Friends, are you scared?!”

The followers and guards of Little Cyrus certainly expressed their bravery.

“Altaxerxes, no matter how many soldiers, he is still the timid Altaxerxes! Don’t forget, a terrier can scare him to pee!” Little Cyrus is vulgar If you do, make everyone laugh.

“And I have you! And my army! Together we have defeated the mighty Athens! The Athens that once defeated our Persia many times!” Every time Cyrus glanced over a person, that person straightened up. chest.

“We still have brave Greeks! They are fighting with us!” Cyrus looked to the right-where, the Greek heavy infantry began to line up slowly. Seeing this, he was full of confidence in his heart: “We are irresistible! We are invincible!!”

“Wansheng!” Altapates yelled first, and then everyone scrambled to shout: “Wansheng!!”

Faced with the high morale, little Cyrus raised his right hand high: “Friends! Warriors! After this victory, I swear to the Supreme God Mazda that I will do my best to repay your friendship and Give it!!!”

“Cyrus, THEGREAT!!” Someone yelled. Immediately, like a flash flood, the shouts were like tides.


“Hey, Matonis. Is there a situation?” Daves couldn’t help but patted the soldier in front of him on the shoulder again.

“How many times have you asked! No! No!” Matonis wiped his sweaty neck with his free left hand, and yelled irritably, “Why haven’t the enemy come yet? The sun has arrived.” In the middle of the sky! Wait any longer and I will be scorched by its flames!”

“Martonis, even if your meat is cooked, I don’t want to smell it. During this time, I want to vomit when eating meat.” A soldier next to him glibked, causing the soldiers to laugh.

“Shut up! Olivers, you lecherous fellow, if you want me to put your hand in your mouth and let you taste the taste of your own flesh, you just keep talking!” Ma Tonys waved his strong arms and threatened viciously.

“Oh, I’m so scared!” Olivers pretended to be scared, causing everyone to laugh.

“Stand well, stop making trouble! Menon is here!” As soon as Silos’s voice fell, he heard a sharp voice: “Boys, what do you think this place is! Your family’s Is it a banquet table?”

A well-proportioned soldier with a red cap on his helmet stood in front of the phalanx, pointing at them and cursing: “This is the battlefield! If you don’t go all out, then Hades is happy to visit you! “

“Mennon with a bad mouth!” someone shouted in the line.

“Who said that?! Stand up for me!!!” Everyone smirked and watched Mei Long yelling in frustration with his feet jumping in front of him.

At this moment someone shouted sharply: “Look, ahead!!!”

The soldiers immediately looked ahead. Soon, the smile on his face was quickly replaced by panic.

A cloud of smoke rose from the end of the line of sight, covering the hills, trees, and houses in a cloud of gray.

After a while, a thin black line drilled out smoke and dust, began to stretch to the sides, and gradually became thicker…

After a while, when the soldiers could barely see the outline of the enemy, countless lights began to dazzle everyone’s eyes in the dazzling sunlight.

The armor, spears, shields…the cold light emitted is like the endless galaxy in the night sky; footsteps, shouts, and horse neighs converge into a rolling sound, even the earth trembles, let alone human Legs.

Just when Olivers felt that he was about to fall, he heard Silos yell: “Ready to fight!”

“Ready to fight!!”

“Ready to fight!!!”

The Greek mercenary soldiers put on their helmets, took off the buckler hanging on their left shoulder, held the lancet, and began to beat the shield.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!…” The loud noise made the soldiers like Olivers realize that they were also in a powerful force, and their mood gradually calmed down.


The army of the Persian king is still advancing slowly and orderly: the hob carriage is at the forefront, followed by the unarmed archers, then the light cavalry, and finally the infantry with long shields and spears. Infantry of the vine shield. The heavy armored cavalry is divided into two parts, one part surrounds the Persian king; the other is deployed on the leftmost wing of the army…

The mighty Persian army is like the thick clouds in the sky before the storm, slowly pressing down, suffocating people.


At this moment, Cyrus, with a few entourages, galloped left and right along the army, giving instructions to every Greek mercenary leader…

With continuous cheers, he has reached the far right end of the Greek army, and he can even see the roaring Euphrates River not far away.

“Salute to you, Your Highness!” Clearkus made a military salute.

Little Cyrus looked down at the Greek who he trusted the most, and pointed to the place where the Persian King’s Army was, and said: “When the battle begins, I hope you will lead your men to the enemy’s center. Destroy Alta. Xerxes, the victory in this battle is definitely ours!”

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