Mechanical Alchemist:

PS. I went to see my waist today, but I came back in a hurry. After writing a chapter, I realized it was all watery, so I didn’t plan to publish it. But Cai said there would be no more work this month and he couldn’t take leave on the 1st. Or give it out as a free stamp. Everyone can just take a look. Take a day off.


Far away, Su Lun could see the three-masted sailboat sailing north.

The flag fluttering on the mast has the pattern of gold coins and oranges. This is the flag of the Luying Empire Chamber of Commerce Alliance, not pirates.

The speed of the lifeboat is too slow, not to mention the comfort is too poor,

Su Lun took out the flare and fired three rounds into the sky

At the same time, on the deck of the merchant ship…

A group of seagulls was perched on the mast, and from time to time one flew down and pecked at the crumbs on the deck.

A little boy wearing a deerstalker hat and plaid overalls is looking at the sea with a telescope. His name is Jike, and he is the youngest son of Benson James, a fur trader in the Luying Imperial Capital.

This ship is also his father’s ship.

He seemed very excited as it was his first voyage.

At this time, Jike happened to see the smoke signal flares lighting up in the sky and shouted: “Father! Look, there is someone asking for help over there!”

Hearing the shouting, a middle-aged man with a beard came out. He held a telescope and saw the two Su Lun on the life raft: “Oh, they should be survivors of the storm~”

Putting down the telescope, he looked at the first mate on the ship and shouted: “Mr. Robertson, please move the ship over, we have to take the two survivors with us.”

Hearing this, a response came from the cab, “Okay, Boss Benson!”

Jike was still looking at it with a telescope and exclaimed: “Wow dad, their lifeboat is so special, it’s actually inflatable! It’s not made on a factory assembly line, there are obvious traces of hand-made splicing, and it also has very advanced enchantments. The person who made this raft is really a genius!”

After a pause, he said to himself: “Oh my god, why didn’t I think of designing this kind of life raft? When folded, its weight and volume will be very small, so it’s perfect to put on the boat. Should it be inflated? By the way, compressed gas bottles, the raft must be using compressed gas bottles.”

Benson touched his son’s head and showed a loving smile, “We Zeke will be the most powerful designers in the empire in the future.”

Jike turned around and showed an innocent and romantic smile, “Dad, I want to ask that gentleman later. If he can buy the patent, it would be great if he allows me to copy it.”

Before he finished speaking, a pretty brown-haired woman with heavy makeup came out of the cabin.

After hearing what she said before, she frowned and said: “Hey, Benson, how can you just let strangers on the boat? What if those people are up to no good? I said, leave them alone. I heard that Some pirates pretended to be shipwrecked, then boarded the ship’s cargo and murdered the ship’s owner.”

The middle-aged man looked at the woman and smiled fondly: “My dear, don’t think so bad of people. This place is close to the coast and there are very few pirates. I observed it just now and there are no pirates nearby. Ships. We are all people wandering on the sea. Maybe one day we ourselves will encounter such a bad accident. Please help if you can. Besides, even if something happens, isn’t there Captain Laman? He was once a pirate. Knights from the Baron Puss family, true third-level warriors, we can also deal with pirates when they encounter them.”

Jike also said: “Yes, Aunt Marian, the teacher taught us that it is a virtue to help those who are in distress at sea.”

The charming woman seemed a little unhappy when she heard what the father and son said, “It’s up to you.”

Su Lun watched the merchant ship approach and waved to the people at the fence on the ship. Thinking about it, there was also a touch of joy of surviving the disaster on his face.

He looked at the middle-aged man who was obviously in charge and said: “Oh, kind sir, we are so lucky that we met you. We have been drifting at sea for many days”

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head. He asked: “Sir, what do you call me? Are you in a shipwreck?”

Sulun knew that this was a routine inquiry before boarding the ship, so he said: “You can call me Nicholas, I am a rune teacher. This is my wife. We come from Anlogos in the south. Jun Lai originally planned to have an adventurous trip on the sea, but unexpectedly he encountered a storm and the ship sank.”

Su Lun knew that he needed a new identity, and the identity of “teacher” was quite suitable. It would be less troublesome to explain than an adventurer or a mercenary, and it would be easier for people to trust him.

The middle-aged man listened and saw that Su Lun’s skin did not look like a pirate who had been exposed to wind and sun all day long. He didn’t say much: “We are going to the northern port of Jiadu Lante, and we won’t be there on the way. Stop the boat. If you don’t mind, please come up.”

Su Lun made a gentlemanly salute and said, “Thank you very much.”

Jiadu Lante Port is the largest trading territory in the northern part of the Luying Empire. It has a natural deep-sea harbor and is also known as the “Golden Port of the Empire.”

Further north are the boundless northern ice fields and the silent forests rich in Warcraft resources. This route is active with many adventurers who go to the North to hunt monsters, as well as various fur traders and timber traders.

The middle-aged man spoke, and the sailors on the ship lowered the rope ladder.

At this time, Su Lun greeted Mr. Jing in the raft.

After all, she was asking for help on the boat as a shipwrecked person, so she couldn’t wear a cloak, but even with a wide-brimmed hat to protect her from the sun, everyone on the boat looked at her in shock as soon as she showed her face.

The residents of Old Town have never been exposed to the sun, and their skin is generally fair.

Su Lun’s original self was an outsider, not too delicate.

As soon as Mr. Ke Jing appeared, his fair and delicate skin immediately made others feel dazzling. Moreover, Mr. Jing was so cold and beautiful that even with the brim of his hat covering half of his face, the sailors on the ship were stunned.

“Oh my God, this lady is so beautiful.”

“Whose noble lady is this?”

“This gentleman and his wife are a perfect match”


Little words of praise came to my ears.

Feeling that there was no malice in those glances, Su Lun didn’t pay attention.

He hugged Mr. Jing’s slender waist, climbed the rope ladder and jumped onto the boat.

After all, Mr. Mirror’s current persona is that of a delicate and wealthy lady.

Finally stepping onto the hard deck, Su Lun let out a long breath. Finally, I no longer have to enjoy the brain-shaking torture of being in a kayak.

A good-looking skin will always add a lot of impression points to people.

Appearance is justice.

Su Lun and Mr. Jing both have high charm values. They got on the boat and received kind smiles from everyone.

The second officer on the ship was a bearded man smelling of alcohol and received them warmly.

Now the empty ship is heading to the Northland, and there are still empty cabins on the ship.

But the cabin of the cargo ship is not big, so Su Lun and Mr. Jing were arranged in a sailor’s cabin that was not much larger than a life raft.

Bulk and bunk beds, four-person room.

Fortunately there is no one else

The two Su Lun stayed in the cabin.

On the deck, the sailors were still talking about it.

“Oh my God, I have never seen such a beautiful lady in my life.”

“Yes, I took a sneak peek when they got on the boat just now. Oh my God, that lady is simply like the most beautiful pearl in the sea!”


The ship is not big, and the sounds on the deck reached the captain’s cabin.

While the sailors were chatting animatedly, Marianne, who was wearing heavy makeup, looked increasingly gloomy.

The things these sailors praised before were all about her beauty!

Oh, damn!

She cursed secretly in her mind, returned to the captain’s cabin, found Benson who was calculating the accounts, and complained: “Benson, don’t you think the origins of those two people just now are strange? That man seems to be a very strange person. A great professional. He can actually hold a person and jump on board.”

Before he finished speaking, Benson raised his head and smiled: “Mr. Nicholas is a respected rune teacher and must be a professional. There is nothing surprising.”

“Rune teacher?”

Marian sneered contemptuously: “Haha, why do I look like a house slave who eloped from a woman’s family.”

Benson shook his head, “Identity can be disguised, but temperament cannot be faked. Those two Mr. Nicholas are very well-educated gentlemen.”

Marian still wanted to say something, but at this time, the little boy hurried in and said, “Father, can I go find Mr. Nicholas? I want to ask him if he can let me study their inflatable lifeboat. !”

Benson looked at his son, “No. The gentleman has just boarded the boat and needs to rest. It would be rude for you to disturb him now.”

Jike paused instantly, “Oh.”

Marian on the side heard this, turned her eyes, thought of something, and suddenly said: “Benson, I think we can let Jike go. Didn’t that guy say he is a rune teacher? It just so happens that Jike’s runes He’s not a bad professional either, let him ‘ask for advice’ and you’ll know if it’s true or not.”

After a pause, she said forcefully: “I don’t want some people of unknown origin to mix into our ship.”

Jike was smart and smart. He rolled his eyes and said immediately: “I do!”

Benson frowned slightly, originally feeling it was inappropriate. But seeing that his wife didn’t know why, she really cared about it, so she agreed

Su Lun and Mr. Jing are resting in the cabin.

The two of them have become accustomed to this quiet way of being alone.

Su Lun frowned in Zhengzhou, holding a thick gilded classic and reading through it.

This is a book of advanced knowledge related to level 4 enchantment. He is having a little difficulty reading it now.

When you encounter something you don’t understand, take notes and mark it down, and then look for some reference materials. If you still can’t understand something, ask Mr. Jing who is meditating on the bed opposite.

At this moment, the door of the room rang loudly.

A slightly childish male voice came from outside the door, “Mr. Nicholas, are you convenient now?”

Su Lun put away the classics, walked over and opened the door, and saw a little boy wearing overalls standing at the door holding a book.

He remembered that this was the son of Captain Benson.

“Sorry to bother you.”

The little boy looked at Su Lun, bowed politely, and introduced himself: “Sir, my name is Jike. I just graduated from the ‘Luying Royal Preparatory College’ this year. I want to be a designer in the future.”

Su Lun has the impression of the term “Luying Royal Preparatory Academy” in his memory.

It is roughly equivalent to junior colleges such as the “High School Affiliated to Peking University” in the previous life. Excellent graduates can enter the “Luying Royal War College”.

Su Lun had a smile on his face: “It’s not a bother. What can I do for you?”

Jike blinked and said expectantly: “Sir, did you design that inflatable lifeboat? I would like to ask if you can let me study it?”

Su Lun also saw that the little boy really liked him, so he said without hesitation: “Of course. If you want it, I can give you the kayak.”

You also need to pay fares when taking other people’s ships.

Besides, there is still spare time for this thing.


Hearing this, Jike showed a bright and excited smile on his face.

At this time, he remembered that he seemed to have other tasks, and said: “Oh, and I heard from my father that you are a rune teacher. I happened to encounter a few questions and wanted to ask you for advice. .”

When Su Lun heard this, he immediately realized his true purpose, but he didn’t care and greeted him: “Oh? Come in and talk.”

The little boy took out the rune book he was holding, and then began to ask questions.

“Sir, why did the carving of this ‘Spiral Wind Rune’ fail?”

“What is the direction of material selection for the solidification of fire runes”

“I tried double rune engraving before, but it failed. Can you help me find out what the problem is?”


First of all, some of the problems are normal. They are almost the first-order runes that Jike can touch.

But slowly, the little boy asked second-level runes that he could not understand at all, and some profound questions that were very difficult for rune apprentices.

Obviously, this is not asking for advice, but more like a “test”.

However, this is not a problem for Su Lun.

He has mastered the knowledge of ordinary runes below the third level. Even if he has never seen runes before, he can roughly deduce their functions by taking a look at them.

He also took the trouble to answer each question in detail.

In the end, more than ten questions were asked, and Jike himself didn’t even know what to ask.

He found that no problem could trouble Mr. Nicholas!

After completing the “mission”, Jike didn’t stay in Su Lun’s cabin for long, and ran back to the main cabin excitedly.

He said to Benson who was still sorting out the account books: “Oh, dad, you don’t know, that Mr. Nicholas is definitely a very knowledgeable rune teacher! I feel that he is even better than the teachers in our college. He’s so awesome, no problem can trouble him!”

Hearing this, Benson looked at the woman with heavy makeup who was touching up her makeup and said with a smile: “Shall I tell you?”

Marian looked unhappy and walked out of the door

The woman walked onto the deck and walked around to the stern of the ship.

A rough big hand suddenly pinched her buttocks wrapped in a long skirt, and rudely tried to touch the soft flesh under the skirt.

Marian seemed not to be surprised at all. She knocked off the hand and cursed in a low voice: “Damn it, Raman, are you not afraid of being seen?”

As soon as she said this, the man behind her walked out. It was a swordsman dressed as a vulture. Unsatisfied, he pinched it a few more times and said indifferently: “Don’t worry, no one will find out. Besides, so what if they find out.”

Marian: “I originally thought about doing it in the past two days, but I didn’t expect that the weather has been so good. Now there are two more people of unknown origin.”

Raman: “Forget it, let’s wait until we are on the way to the Northland before taking action. Pirates are rampant over there, and it is reasonable to kill a few people.”

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