Master of Great Calamity Chapter 994: Stop talking nonsense, cut everything

   Yeah! Why?

   The nineteen-day fairy army all think so!

   They are all elite army of immortals in the Great Immortal Realm. They are under the command of the three great immortal kings. They fought south and north. I don’t know how many wars they have experienced. They have always been invincible, but now they are attacked by monsters as soon as they enter the world for 19 days. , There were heavy casualties, and I don’t know how many of my fellow robes were soaked by monsters, and they fell directly into monsters, and were killed by their comrades with tears and tolerance. The losses during this period are incalculable. And the origin of all this is not because someone was in these nineteen days. Is it caused by such evil demon auras and monsters hidden within?

   Tai Huangtian is aloof, no one disrespects him.

   Although the legend of Taihuangtian has gradually been forgotten with the passage of time, for practitioners in the great immortal world, the awe and respect for Taihuangtian has been deeply rooted in the heart. No one in the Great Immortal Realm would dare not follow the edict!

   But if it was something else, you actually let us quit for nineteen days?

   Do you want to let these magic breaths and monsters plot wrong?

   Even if it is the immortal edict from Taihuangtian, I will ask you when I wait: Why?



   Within nineteen days, Raodaxian’s military Qi machine seemed a little depressed, and everyone was thinking about this.

   thinking about that immortal edict that is a little unreasonable no matter how you look at it!

   On a small island above the Black Sea for nineteen days, the gray-haired old woman showed a touch of sneer.

   It is clear that the great immortal army is all coming towards her, but she has an indifferent appearance, like a watcher.

   and the three big immortal kings also looked calm at this time, and their hearts were tense.

  They are the heads of the immortal army, but at this time, no one rushed to speak, but stood calmly here, quietly feeling the suppressed anger in the great immortal army behind him And undercurrents, quietly watching the development of this situation!


   “Yes, it is the Supreme Emperor, and he shouldn’t be under such unreasonable immortals!”

  ”The magical breath is hidden within nineteen days, and the disaster is terrible. Don’t the Lord know?”



   With the sound of “why” sounded, more and more people filled with righteous indignation and drank angrily. Of course, the Supreme Lord was terrible, but the Fa does not blame the public. When someone starts to take the lead, More people followed. They were extremely angry, suppressed, and full of grievances, like small streams converging into a river, all shouting to the fairy envoy who came from the emperor…


   Hearing the hordes of immortals shouting so loudly, the Tsing Yi Tonger who had come from the edict slightly frowned and swept his eyes down.

   Even if he is just a little child, now he is slightly dissatisfied, and there seems to be invisible pressure. Wherever his eyes go, everyone lowers their heads subconsciously, not daring to look at his eyes, but his heart Obviously, the suppressed anger was not so easy to dispel.


   The boy’s eyes finally fell on the three immortal kings. None of the three immortal kings looked up at him. They all looked at the nose and the heart, but undoubtedly, they also knew that the boy’s words were for them. Said: “The Lord knew that you would ask, so he told me to answer you in advance. None of you is qualified to ask about the things here, nor do you have the qualifications to do anything to this person, because although she is a reincarnated body, she is in Tian Yuan’s contribution is far greater than you. Ten thousand years ago, if she hadn’t disintegrated Tian Wai Tian, ​​Tian Yuan would have completely collapsed. Where is the Great Immortal Realm today, and where is there a chance for you to come here?”

  The gray-haired old woman was slightly startled when she heard this, as if she was in a daze.

   Among the three fairy kings, the one who belongs to the gods, his eyes are slightly cold at this time.

   Behind the three immortal kings, the great immortal army is also a little messed up.

   Now it’s too far away from what happened before Wan Zai, so long that many details have been forgotten, and most of them were born nearly ten thousand years after that catastrophe. Even the catastrophe was far away and not real enough for them, let alone some details in that catastrophe? But after all, this was spoken by Tsing Yi Tong’er on behalf of the Supreme Emperor, and they also subconsciously did not dare to doubt, as if they suddenly lost the truth, the clamor suddenly became much smaller…

   “What happened ten thousand years ago, no one can tell…”

   I saw a group of immortal army, and the momentum seemed to be a sign of chaos and lowliness. In this army of immortals, there were also some cultivators who had been arranged for a long time. The Tsing Yi Tong’er said loudly: “Please also ask the Holy Lord to learn from you. Even if this person has made contributions to my great immortal world, she is a reincarnation body after all. If she is not of my race, her heart must be different, not to mention that she has constrained so many demons. The rest here is even more terrifying. I vowed to ask the great immortal world that billions of billions of life are important, who can ignore this matter?”

   His remarks immediately caused quite a stir.

  ’s words really got into the hearts of many people!


   Perhaps what the Lord said is the fact that this old woman once made contributions to the Great Immortal Realm, but she is not a human being after all!

  No matter how great the hero is, he can’t stay in the nine heavens and ten places. If something happens, who can bear it?

  Once the catastrophe comes again, it will be the whole nine days and ten places that will suffer!

   “Brother Haoran is right, the overall situation is important, and you must never let it be here for 19 days…”

   “Take credit, go through it, no matter how great the credit is, you can’t make these nineteen days the sword of the great immortal world…”

   “It seems that the Lord has known about this for a long time, shouldn’t you give the people of the world an explanation?”



  The anger rose again, and it was out of control.

   The fear of the dark demon breath is still imprinted in the hearts of every practitioner in the Great Immortal Realm. The credit ten thousand years ago can not offset this fear, and even the credit ten thousand years ago is not credited to many people. Seeing someone taking the lead, there were countless voices screaming, and even someone had already thought that since the Supreme Emperor had known this for a long time, and the heavens were all entrusted by him, wouldn’t it? He said that these were all arranged by him. What was his intention to leave the magic breath?

   “You dare to be disrespectful to the Lord?”

   The Tsing Yi Tonger is young after all, and he didn’t seem to expect the situation to become like this.

   These people have obtained the Holy Immortal’s edict, instead of retreating, they are questioning the Lord’s intentions?

   In those words, there is even the meaning of doubting the Lord?

   This angrily asked him, the sound of anger below was much less, but it was like pressing a wave, and a more terrible wave was lifted immediately, in the fairy army, after a moment of depression , Immediately more voices rang: “Even if you are the Lord, you can’t take the Great Immortal Realm to risk. Such monsters really want to let her stay in the nine heavens and ten places?”

  ”The Great Immortal Realm belongs to hundreds of millions of creatures, not the Lord alone!”

  ”Why does the Lord leave so much magical breath in nine heavens and ten places, can it be said that he…”



   More and more doubts sounded, and some were already very rude.

   After all, that Tsing Yi Tong’er is young, he can’t hold so many people, and he can’t beat so many mouths, his face flushed, he suddenly turned around and faced the three immortal kings who had been silent. Asked: “Three Venerables, what do you mean?”

   At this time, the three fairy kings remained silent, like spectators.

   But now I was asked by Tsing Yi Tong’er, naturally he couldn’t continue to be silent. The three of them looked at each other, but it was the immortal king who led the crowd to walk out. He raised his arms slightly and swept the anger behind him. Then, he bowed to the boy in Tsing Yi in the mid-air, saying: “The Lord is here, and I forgive the younger generation for being rude. The change of 19 days is really terrifying. Once the news is revealed, I am afraid The entire Great Immortal Realm will cause panic. At that time, the situation is beyond our control!”

   Having said this, he fell silent for a while before continuing: “Nineteen days is when the Holy Venerables hand-off, and the devil’s breath here and this reincarnated person must also be known to the Holy Venerable. The deity is a junior. , I dare not speculate about the Lord’s intentions, but when the situation has reached this point, it is still not invisible. Righteousness is first, the world is first. You can’t stay for nineteen days. The evil of the devil’s breath must be eliminated…”

   When he said this, he looked at the other two fairy kings.

   The three of them glanced at each other, nodded slightly, and then went on from the fairy king Gui Shen, and said: “The three of us mean the same thing. Even if the Lord must save the life of this monster, it needs Find another safe place to be detained…”

  ”Don’t be imprisoned?”

   Qingyi Tonger’s face has changed drastically after hearing this.

   And the gray-haired old woman in front of the grass house smiled meaningfully.

   The three fairy kings all looked at the Tsing Yi Tong’er in the air with their heads up, their expressions calm but firm.

   Tsing Yi Tong’er thought for a while, and then said: “What about these nineteen days?”

   The three fairy kings glanced at each other, and apparently they had already thought of a countermeasure. The Zhongji fairy king said: “The magic breath is surging here. It can be described as the source of the magic. Naturally, it must be cleared out, and then sent to condemn the immortal army from all sides. , Suppress it for a day, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble…”

   said these words, the three of them fell silent.

   Not only them, but also the people who had been clamoring and screaming in the fairy army before became silent.

   is actually some immortal army who don’t know the truth. Hearing the proposal of the three immortal kings, although they feel that the three immortal kings are too weak, they still want to save the life of the monster. It really shouldn’t be, but after all, the three The Immortal King also put forward corresponding opinions. Therefore, with no one suppressed, the emotions became more and more exciting, one by one, and the wave of support resounded through this world!

  No one can forcefully suppress the voices of so many people!

  Especially now that the general trend has taken place, it seems that it has already swept the Great Immortal Realm, no one can stop…

   The Tsing Yi Tong’er’s face also became extremely ugly, and the development of the situation was really different from what he had imagined, so he could only be silent for a long time before finally shook his head and said: “The Lord has not told me, I I can only ask him the old man first…”

   After hearing this boy’s words, many people smiled on their faces within nineteen days.

  The three immortal kings had their expressions indifferent at this time, their spirits were calm, not anxious, and they were waiting patiently.

   And the gray-haired old woman, silently, hugged a fat monster cub and gently stroked the steel wool on its head!

   The world fell silent, and even the devil’s breath seemed to be suppressed a lot.

  The whole world, whether it is on the bright side or some secretly prying eyes, are waiting.

   are waiting for Tai Huangtian’s answer!

   “Finally, it’s time to wait…”

   I don’t know how many people who have been dormant in secret for too long for too long, can’t help but think excitedly in their hearts, they all have a thought in their hearts, this kind of thought has been suppressed for too long, because they are afraid, afraid of too much heaven That one, so they are unwilling, they can only suppress it. Fortunately, After waiting for so long, they finally have enough confidence to face the Taihuangtian directly…

  …what the result is, just look at this answer!



   Fortunately, the answer came soon.

   Tsing Yi Tong’er, who received the voice of the Lord, his face became a bit stunned, but soon adjusted his emotions and looked towards her.

  His eyes are intertwined with the three fairy kings, as if aroused an invisible roar.

   “Cut it!”

   Tsing Yi Tong’er spoke softly, but the whole world heard it.

   I don’t know how many people have unexpected expressions on their faces. The Lord actually bowed his head?

   I just wanted to imprison this monster…

   But soon, the next words of Tsing Yi Tong’er changed their expressions one by one. Tsing Yi Tong looked at the three immortal kings earnestly, and said: “The holy one has life, the extremely high one , Venerable Eastern Emperor, Venerable God, harbouring misfortune, conspiring against evil…”

   “…all cut!”

  PS is pushing this old friend’s new LOL book “I’m not a five-five open”. The writing is very good, not a brainless craze, and the current results are very hot. On the push, interested friends can check it out! …


   first set a small goal, such as 1 second remember:  shukeju mobile version reading URL:

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