Master of Great Calamity Chapter 988: Still reached this step

One after another, he hit Fang Yuan’s body.

Now Fang Yuan stands in the void of the universe, holding the sky with one hand, and has fully propped up the heavens and the earth, but the already mad Di Xu is still smashing the heavens and the earth one after another.

For every side of the world, Fang Yuan’s pressure on his body increased countless times, but he still stood steadily, his knees did not bend half a point, just standing in the void in such a fixed form, At this time, it seemed extremely tall, firmly supporting the world of this side, leaving a gap for the World Boat.

“Go, go…”

There are countless people yelling on the boat.

Now as the surrounding heaven and earth are lifted up and supported by Fang Yuan alone, they have actually obtained a rare opportunity. When the world changes, the surrounding monsters feel their heartfelt fear, a little bit fierce. Minus, the culling of Du Shizhou was not so strong, they had a little chance to breathe, they yelled anxiously, and looked straight at the front world!

That is the world where one party is located at the highest point of the thirty-three days and is also the most central place.

Di Xu has now set off countless worlds and smashed Fang Yuan, wishing to press all the 33 days onto Fang Yuan, but he did not dare to touch that world. The reason is simple, there is 33 The core of the sky, Shangshan Taihuangtian where the imperial palace is located!

Shangshan Taihuangtian is the lord of the 33 heavens and the foundation of the 33 heavens!

More importantly, there is a fairy palace in the Supreme Emperor of Shangshan, and there is an emperor pond in the fairy palace!

Di Xu was born in Emperor Chi, so even he didn’t dare to shake that foundation easily.

You don’t need to remind them. The three existences of Baihu, Qinglong, and Xuangui had already promoted the Ferry Boat at this time. Taking advantage of Fang Yuan’s single-handed sky, they gave them a ray of life and hurriedly broke through the endless distortions around. Space and chaos, go straight ahead!

“Wait… how dare you!”

Di Xu saw that the World Boat was crossed step by step, and it was getting closer to the Supreme Heaven. The meaning of fear and anger had also reached the extreme. The roar of roar came out of the endless twisted world. At the same time, more His world was torn from a very distant place, and then like a large mountain, one after another, pressed against Fang Yuan, wave after wave!

Fang Yuan has already endured the weight of more than a dozen worlds, but he is still struggling to support it.

How terrible is the weight of the world on one side?

There are thirty-three days in the Great Immortal Realm. This number of thirty-three is no coincidence or accident.

Across the world, thirty-three days is the extreme number!

The Great Immortal Realm back then did not want to refine more heaven and earth into their own domain, but they couldn’t.

Because in thirty-three days, it is close to Taoism, and one more world will exceed the capacity of the world.

So, at this time, Di Xu did not believe that Fang Yuan could really hold up so many worlds with one hand. Of course, Fang Yuan who can hold more than a dozen worlds with his hands now far exceeds that. He imagined, but where did this come? No matter how high Fang Yuan’s cultivation level is, he is still a human being after all, alone, can he really hold up the thirty-three days?


A world came, and Fang Yuan was Zhou Daoyun, and he soared.

Beside him, whether he is in Taoism, Taoism, or mana, he has reached his limit.

The infinite world was suppressed, even for him, it was a great pressure.

Of course, Di Xu can’t really put all 33 days on Fang Yuan!

Today’s thirty-three days, there is no longer enough thirty-three days.

When the great immortal world apocalyptic catastrophe came, there were already seven or eight worlds in the war between the clans. In that great battle, they broke down and turned into broken pieces of the world, floating among the galaxies. Moreover, Shangshan Taihuangtian, located at the core of the 33rd Heaven, was the foundation that even he dared not shake, so at best, he could only move more than 20 squares of the world!

But it seems that it is enough!

Fang Yuan is now holding the world of eighteen directions in his hand, and he has reached the extreme, and the surrounding Dao Yun has a sign of collapse!

But Di Xu was still grinning, he continued to shake the world crazy, and suppressed Fang Yuan!

Now, it’s not a fight, but a desperate effort!

In any case, as long as Fang Yuan is overwhelmed, Crossing the World Boat will never have a chance to enter the Supreme Heaven!

Although this way, Hongmeng beings will finally get only 33 broken days, but it is worth it.

After all, they are fighting for the last luck!


Another world is flying out of thin air, under the entrapment of endless darkness, like an endless star, smashed sturdily on top of the chaos supported by Fang Yuan’s palm, as if it were the last straw After this world fell down, even Fang Yuan was in a moment of chaos, his body was shaken, and the surrounding Dao Yun had completely collapsed. Only the Dao book he wrote in three thousand hours was left. Barely supported, on the book, countless handwritings are emitting golden light, and the sound of chanting circulates…

“Tao is Tao, very Tao…”

“The Way of Heaven, more than damage but not enough…”

“Heaven walks healthy, gentlemen do not hesitate to improve themselves…”



In the endless sound of chanting, there seemed to be countless golden figures emerging, rushing out of the Taoist book.

They all flew towards Gao Tian, ​​supporting the endless world with Fang Yuan.

“After all, you still have a limit…”

Di Xu looked at the appearance of Fang Yuan’s golden masterpiece and let out a stern laugh.

“Everything is already doomed…”

“The moment the magic breath appears, you are doomed to die…”

“There is a lack of human hearts, and the desire to die…”

At his level, he can naturally perceive Fang Yuan’s current state. It looks like he is wrapped in golden light, like a giant between heaven and earth, but in fact, he has reached the limit of power, one more point It can’t hold up even a bit…

And the boat that ferryed the world, at this time, was still some distance away from the Supreme Emperor of Shangshan!

Fang Yuan is like a warrior who puts his hands on the hurdles and saves his companions alive, but now, he can no longer hold the hurdles.

As Di Xu said, Fang Yuan also has his own limits!

The nineteenth world is already his limit!

But today’s Di Xu is still laughing wildly, his arms shook, arousing more magical breath!

In the distant place, the world was shaking again, attracted by his magical breath.

I felt this change, and I saw Fang Yuan, who was standing upright in the world with his hands holding nineteen directions of heaven and earth, but he had clearly reached his limit, and the creatures on the boat crossing the world felt this way. There was a trace of despair. Whether it was Luo Feiling, who was resting in the palm of his hand, or the White Tiger, Azure Dragon, and Xuan Turtle who were pushing the World Boat forward with all their strength, there was a look of worry on their faces!

Fang Yuan is about to lose it.

And when he can’t hold on, all hope is when it’s gone!

To some extent, no one can blame Fang Yuan at this time.

He didn’t lose to Di Xu, he just lost to 33 days, lost to this endless power of destruction!

Just like the immortal emperor back then!

The way they lose may be different, but they are essentially the same!

What about the invincible world?

Who can fight against the thirty-three days of destruction by oneself?

“Ka” “Ka” “Ka”

The heavens and earths of all directions have been attracted by the emperor and flew towards here.

And the shadow of despair is about to hang over the heads of Fang Yuan and the creatures on the boat!

But at this moment, one of the remaining five worlds suddenly shook violently. That one world was the world where the Eastern Emperor Daozhu and others left to fight against the Harmony creatures. That side of the world, has been used to calm down the mountain of rebirth, and is completely closed. Unless they have a complete victory in the battle with the Hongmeng creatures, they will never open…

But at this moment, that world, as if finally unable to withstand the supernatural power surging inside, suddenly trembled violently at this moment, like a volcano that could not finally suppress the magma surging inside. A fissure appeared, and dazzling supernatural power brilliance rushed out from it, like a sharp sword that was born between heaven and earth, instantly stirred into the world, splitting the darkness!

“咻” “咻” “咻”

As that rift appeared, more rifts appeared around the world on that side.

Countless ways have been suppressed for a long time, and the supernatural powers that have long destroyed the inner world of that side are finally vented at this time. In an instant, that side of the world collapsed, and that endless supernatural power , Is still spreading in all directions.

Boom! boom! boom!

The surrounding world is not suppressed by the rebirth mountain, and it seems a little more vulnerable at this time.

Especially these worlds have been mobilized by Emperor Xu, shaking the foundation of the world, and the ability to bear them is even weaker.

As that world collapsed and the power inside madly leaked out, these worlds were also affected instantly, destroyed by the violent power, and flew out uncontrollably, between each other When they collided, the law of endless frenzy broke out.

Across the universe, these worlds seem to have become rootless duckweed, flying out aimlessly.

In the other direction, the people who survived the collapsed world on that side, whether it is the Eastern Emperor Daoist of Tianyuan Party, or the Dark Daoist of Hongmeng Living Spirits, are still at a loss. Although their battle was tragic, they had not yet distinguished the final victory or defeat. This world had already been blown by their power. They fell out, still seeing only their opponents, and still did not know that they had no intention of it. In, what kind of impact has this exploded world has had on the battle situation…

“How could… how could this be?”

In the endless twisted world, Di Xu’s sorrowful cry came out.

He watched the world in which he was driven by himself, because of this variable he was out of his grasp.

He doesn’t even know what to say about this…

After all, among the people who exploded that side of the world, the dark creatures he enlightened also did their part…

“There is indeed a lack of human heart…”

“But when Dao Heart is firm enough, God’s Will will also sense…”

When seeing this scene, Fang Yuan, who had reached the limit with nineteen heavens and earth in his hand, suddenly muttered to himself and said something that perhaps only he could hear. The exhausted body burst out of thin air. With a little more strength, he suddenly bends one arm slightly and pushes forward fiercely. In the nineteenth world in his hand, he flies tremblingly into the depths of the universe…

Fang Yuan, who freed his hand, turned around suddenly and looked forward.

In front of him is the core of those thirty-three days, the supreme Supreme Supreme Heaven!

The barriers of the various worlds are extremely difficult to break, and Tai Huang Tian is undoubtedly the most difficult to break through the barriers, especially the nest where Tai Huang Tian was born as Emperor Xu, has been completely controlled by him, and has become a party almost A solid world without flaws…

Now, after pushing away the nineteenth world, Fang Yuan is already at the end of the crossbow, and his pupils suddenly start.

One palm opened and pressed forward.

In his palm, a sword light gradually condensed!

The moment this sword light appeared, it had already robbed all the brilliance between heaven and earth!

In the ruins of the world collapsed in the distance, there is a great creature who has been severely injured but has not yet died. He limped and stunned. Although it was a dark creature, there was another person. The memory, but he is not that person after all, so in the battle between him and the white fox sword head, if he waits for a big defeat, he will almost be cut off by the white fox sword head…

The sword head of the white fox looked at him with a complicated mood.

He doesn’t know if he has won the predecessor in this battle…

At this moment, they also noticed that dazzling sword light…

Not just them, countless pairs of eyes, looking at that sword light at the same time!


The sword light condensed to the extreme and flew out suddenly.

With a “swish”, the sword light surpassed the World Boat and smashed firmly on the barrier of the Emperor Heaven.

The 33-day core, the impenetrable Shangshan Taihuangtian, was suddenly cut out!

At the state of Fang Yuan and others, it may not be difficult to break the Shangshan Taihuangtian.

But trying to break through this world without hurting the origin of this world is extremely difficult!

But this sword did it!

The sword cut open the barrier of Taihuangtian and made a huge opening.

Like a portal, it appeared before the World Boat.

“Hurry up!”

At this the World Boat, Luo Feiling stood up so violently, the ray of light in his hand looked very floating in the dark, but it looked like It is gradually brightening, all the heavens and myriad worlds are all looking at that ray of light at this time…

On the left and right of the ark, the white tiger, the blue dragon, and the black tortoise have all done their best to promote the ark!

At this time, the World’s Great World Boat burst out with endless power, rumbling, and forcibly broke free from the large number of monsters around, and I don’t know how many dark monsters were crushed to death. Layers of wreckage slipped past, like an off-string arrow, carrying the only hope of Yuan and the human race that day on the boat, and quickly rushed in from that portal…

“Why is it… or came to…”

“…this step?”

In the distant world, in the twisted world that is superimposed on countless, Di Xu’s voice sounded weakly.

Painful and desperate!

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