Master of Great Calamity Chapter 983: When the battlefield became famous

The World Boat, carrying hope and death, drove hard toward the endless darkness.

It’s slow, but it never stops!

Up and down, left and right, in all directions, endless monsters rushed over, like the black sea submerged the boat, but on the boat, endless blood erupted from time to time, like the light of flame. Torn the layers of darkness!

No matter how many monsters, no matter how fierce, but on the boat of the world, there is no lack of blood and proud people.

They used flesh and blood as a wall, guarding the boat, repelling waves of monsters, and shredded them.

The double convenience is like ice and fire, constantly intertwined and melted, it looks like evenly matched, no one can force anyone back half a step, but where the fire and ice intersect, it is endless Life is disappearing.

No one knows, at the end of this dissolution, who will be better, who will have the last laugh…

Compared with the fierce monsters, the demons are more difficult to deal with.

The most terrifying dark creatures born in the aura of demon, were once the most difficult existence in the Great Tribulation of Heavenly Origin. They are invisible and infinite, infinitely changing, freely fertile and almost immune to magical powers. , Usually one or two demon are already difficult enough, but now, in this endless void, there are demon like dark clouds, coming in groups…

No one knows how many demons there are in the squirming dark cloud!

But no matter how many demons there are, they can only stop them now!

It is a disaster to allow a demon to rush into the army formation or the crowd.

These terrifying creatures are transformed into bodies, sometimes like giant beasts, sometimes like a cloud of mist, no matter what shape they are, as long as the body shape spreads, it is a piece of monks silently dying. The body remains unchanged, but the soul is gone…

When confronted with the monks below the realm of Huashen, the demons are invincible!

“Everyone in the same way, don’t let the demon get close to the boat…”

A monk realized the horror of the demon long ago, stood on the side of the boat, and shouted loudly.

“咻” “咻” “咻” “咻”

On this boat, countless monks got orders, Qi Qi soared up from the boat, facing the dark clouds in the sky.

These monks are all the generations of Tianyuan who have long been famous, and most of them are gods.

They can’t tolerate the demon falling on the World Ferry Boat to fight, so they can only stop them from the World Ferry Boat.

“Tianyuan monks of all generations are proud to kill the gods…”

Lu Qingguan, the Sect Master of Qingyang, led the four elders to fly to face a cloud of dark clouds, surrounded by robes and clothes, mixed with thunder and lightning mana like a cloud of fog, and hit the dark cloud in the air. When his mana was about to meet the cloud, the cloud suddenly dispersed and turned into seven or eight heavenly demons, swiftly approaching them.

“I Qingyang has taken some responsibility, so it depends on how many demon I can hunt down today!”

The Qingyang Sect Master Lu Qingguan drank in a low voice, splitting his hands, each holding a blue mist towards the two heavenly demons.


Mana intersected with the heavenly demons, but saw that the two heavenly demons suddenly became like two great vortexes, unexpectedly swallowing his power.

Lu Qingguan’s heart shuddered. Knowing the power of the demon, his heart was tense, and the black cloth band that had been covering his eyes suddenly floated out of his own accord. His eyes opened at this moment, and they seemed impenetrable. The survey, as if two faint ancient wells, exudes a deep chill, and his eyes have a certain meaning that penetrates the origin of the world, and they fall straight on the two heavenly demons.

According to common sense, the devil cannot be dealt with by the cultivator of God!

In the records of the Great Tribulation of the Tianyuan Dynasty, the record of the god-transforming monks beheading the demon is extremely rare.

Most of the demons were killed by Mahayana monks.

Furthermore, even Mahayana monks slaying the demons often cost a great price.

It’s just that the Tianyuan monks of this generation are different after all. Many of them realized the Taoist books that Fang Yuan left in Tianyuan when they transformed into gods. Anyone who did not borrow from the source of the gods became transformed into gods. When the catastrophe came, they got the immortal Taoist book that Fang Yuan sent to Tianyuan, so their strength is much higher than the ordinary gods, which is why they dare to fight against the gods now…

As soon as Lu Qingguan took the shot, he realized that the magical powers were useless to the demon.

So he was not polite, so he showed his last hole card!

A pair of cold eyes opened, and he looked at it. The laws and trajectories entangled in the two celestial demons immediately appeared in his bottom eyes. In this moment, he gritted his teeth and let the two The demon swallowed his mana, instead of breaking free, he took the opportunity to rush towards the demon, surrounded by lightning, making him seem to be like a god…

“Ka” “Ka”

He passed the two heavenly demons, his figure tense fiercely.

It’s just such a gap, his body almost collapsed, all traces of blood red.

Sky magic affects and almost completely destroys the laws within his body.

A little heavier, waiting for the result of him, is the complete collapse of the immediate physical body, forming fly ash.

But after all, he was even better, seeing through the origin of the demon in advance.

The demon who passed by him, his body shape changed in the air, and finally burst out with a bang.

It turned into strands of magical breath, seeping into the surrounding void.

“Fortunately…I have done enough preparation…”

Lu Qingguan took a few breaths himself, then regained his mana and attacked the other demon again.

I have to say that even with his current cultivation base, fighting against the demon is extremely dangerous.

However, Tianyuan had already made enough preparations anyway. As early as the beginning of the whole robbery, the Eastern Emperor Taoist had already begun to capture the heavenly demons, researched the heavenly demons, and announced the corresponding codes. The Taoist masters and the old elders of the realm have been preparing for the battle with the demon early, and almost everyone has researched some methods to suppress the bottom of the box, waiting for this battle.

This is the case with Lu Qingguan today.

Everyone knows that Sect Master Qingyang is blindfolded, he has left some magical technique, and does not teach outsiders to know.

But few people know that his method of pressing the bottom of the box is reserved for the demon.

As the Qingyang Sect Master, I only thought about how to deal with human opponents. After all, the situation was smaller.

Lu Qingguan has been in charge of the Qingyang Sect for more than two thousand years, and he has led the Qingyang Sect to become stronger step by step because of his style and boldness!

A similar scene also appeared in the surrounding void.

Qingyang Zongling Linghong waved up a fire python, wrapped around her, and fought with a demon. Unfortunately, although she had made enough preparations, but the cultivation level was limited, the fire python was still difficult after all. The enemy demon, instead of incinerating the demon, but watched the fire python gradually be swallowed by the demon, and Ling Hong wave length was always at this time, and his face turned pale!

Elder Qiao sacrificed her own treasure fan. In the past three thousand years, the treasure fan has been re-practised countless times by her. Now she has swung it with all her strength, and there is a touch of blue frost between the sky and the earth. After the demon approached her , The strands of laws became stiff, and the demon who was born to breed laws, unexpectedly began to be sealed up by this blue frost…

However, Elder Qiao’s complexion just looks better, but his complexion changes suddenly. The demon can breed endless laws. Every time she is frozen by her, there are more laws that grow out, which can be seen by her eyes. A stalemate was formed, and as her Cyan Frost power was consumed for a long time, the demon that day gradually became more terrifying, it seems that in the next night, it will break free of this ice!


At this moment, at the head of the boat in the distance, an aura flew over.

“Zheng” “Zheng”

Two soft sounds, that aura penetrated the origins of the two heavenly demons, causing them to escape silently.

Elder Ling and Elder Qiao were undecided. They raised their eyes to look at where the aura came, but they didn’t know who it was.

But in my heart, I guessed it slightly!

Fights similar to this are still going on in all directions around the ark.

Some killers prepared for the overhaul, after all, had no choice but to kill the demon. They were all swallowed up and turned into a soulless body. Some people succeeded in defeating the demon and confirmed their own methods, and they immediately changed their minds. Many demon rushed over.

The most fascinating thing is that there are dozens of Leizhou cultivators flying into the air behind the world-crossing boat, surging into the air, which makes them look like they are in the dark in the eyes of the demon. The torch didn’t disappoint them, as dark clouds bulged in the void, and it was impossible to tell how many groups of heavenly demons gathered into them.

Seeing that the demon was already present, these Leizhou monks were still unwavering, but suddenly shouted: “It’s time!”


For a while, I don’t know how many people below sacrificed the golden hoods, with the pattern of Nine Dragons on them. Those golden hoods flew in mid-air, becoming bigger in the wind, implying arrays of formations, and endless distances inside. The fire soared and enveloped the dark clouds in it, but this area was too big, but even the Leizhou cultivators could not escape in time!

“Nine Dragons Lihuo Shao?”

Someone saw the golden magic weapons and said silently.

As early as three thousand years ago, a Leizhou monk had already refined this kind of treasure. It is said to be aimed at the demon. Unfortunately, this treasure was once sent to the battlefield, but found that it was of little use to the demon and became a Leizhou monk. Regret that I hate deeply.

No one had thought that in this final battle, the Nine Dragons Lihuo Mantle reappeared on the battlefield.

Today’s Nine Dragons Lihuo, obviously has gone through a lot of changes, this sacrifice in the air, each lit up the Lihuo, intertwined, but formed a huge fire array, whizzing All the dark clouds that came are trapped inside…

All the repairers looked at and saw that the devil and the Leizhou monks who were imprisoned in the fire array were all swallowed by the fire. Those Leizhou monks, when they were dying, the eyes revealed The feelings of hatred and anger were resolved, but those demon roars were earth-shattering, fleeing in all directions, but they were forcibly placed on the spot by the countless Nine Dragons Lihuo, refined inch by inch.

“Haha, after three thousand years, I will prove my name as Leizhou Craftsman!”

I saw that the countless heavenly demons were refined inch by inch, but there were countless laughs below.

The laughter is mixed with the boldness of the eyebrows and some unknown sadness.

But now, naturally, it’s not the time to talk about the sorrows and sorrows, and to determine the merits of the Jiulong Lihuo cover. Soon, the Leizhou monks each held a treasure, rushing to the World Boat, and rushed to the Jiulong. The fire cover was distributed to the monks guarding the various ministries.

There is no such thing as a cherished idea. When the battlefield is a gold test furnace and the battlefield is also famous, how can you not seize the opportunity?

w. 4m.

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