Master of Great Calamity Chapter 979: Opponent, and myself


The group of monsters, obviously without much patience, just gathered howls and rushed to the heavens and humans, deep in the boundless darkness, they faintly sounded some kind of faint sound like a curse. The mosquitoes, listening to make people feel uneasy…

All the monsters heard this sound, and immediately became agitated. One after another, they rushed towards the Celestial Pass with their hooded heads. They were terrifying and screaming, everywhere in sight. They are all overwhelming monsters and that rich and terrifying magic breath, which gives people the feeling that they are not monsters one by one at all. Their opponents are simply a black sea!

Facing this fierce situation, even if it is Tianyuan Zhongxiu, they are already prepared, at this time they can’t help but feel a little timid.

“Since I am here, it is for this conquest!”

The Taoist Lord of the Eastern Emperor looked at the sea of ​​monsters, but he also smiled. For people of his realm, he didn’t need any preparations, and he flew up with a gentle smile. , His body was full of enthusiasm, making his two big sleeves float up at this moment, one left and one right, like two big rivers, criss-crossing and waving straight ahead!


This seems to be the first time he has really used his magical powers after enlightenment. Even he himself can’t control it. The seemingly simple actions, but instantly aroused indescribable power, between the void Suddenly, it was flooded with a certain mysterious power, pure mana condensed, but endless knives, guns, swords and halberds were formed in the air, in groups, suppressed since nine days.

It was like rain. I don’t know how many monsters were completely suppressed by his magical powers at this moment, and torn to pieces. Within a thousand miles in front of him, suddenly there was a blank space, and only some heavenly monsters resisted it. With this magical power, continue to rush forward.

“Is this the feeling of losing restraint?”

The Eastern Emperor Daozhu didn’t put those demon in his eyes, but just thought about it.

Now, he is still realizing his first shot after enlightenment. With this shot, he felt some shortcomings, and he immediately deduced his heart. It can be said that he now makes every shot. Supernatural powers will be more complete.

“I want to try my knife too!”

The Supreme Evil Emperor looked at the heavenly demons who rushed forward with a whistle.

In his arms, the demon sword exuded a strong smell of blood instantly.

This demon sword is now like the lifeblood of the Supreme Evil Emperor. Even when it was borrowed by the Lord Langya to derive the devil’s breath, the Supreme Evil Emperor kept staring until its mission was completed. Back in the hands of the Supreme Evil Emperor, he was not ruined in the great formation of the Devil Land, but now, how strong he is swinging the sword with all his strength, has become a obsession of the Supreme Evil Emperor, especially in the presence of Fang Yuan, who has spent three thousand years at Jian Shou Tianguan, the Supreme Evil Emperor has a strong desire to shoot…


He came out more and more, drew his sword!

Between the stars, a straight bloodstain suddenly appeared.

This bloodstain crossed the sky, and I don’t know how far it went.

Between the stars, from left to right, it seemed that time had frozen for a moment, and then there was a crash, a large swarm of monsters froze in the sky, and after a while, they suddenly split at the same time. It was cut into two halves with great precision, and even the heavenly demons in this area were cut away by the Daoyuan with this knife, and they disintegrated quietly in midair.

Also similar to the Eastern Emperor, the Supreme Evil Emperor glanced at his record, then frowned slightly, understanding himself clearly.

“No more shots, when will you wait?”

Seeing that the Eastern Emperor Daozhu and the Supreme Evil Emperor have made successive moves, the surrounding cultivators have also slowed down.

Since I said it was a battle in heaven, of course there must be this battle.

Although the monster is fierce, but now the strongest Tianyuan Immortal Dao in history, it may not be afraid.

The earliest shots were the immortal masters one after another.

The white-haired fairy Jin Hanxue glanced at Fang Yuan, and she also showed up early.

The wind and snow around me seems to have brought an endless snowfield.

In this snowy field, there is only a piece of whiteness, nothing exists, only snowflakes flying in the wind and snow. If you look closely, every snowflake is like a small talisman, flying with her figure As soon as it passed, the frost spread, and all the terrifying monsters turned into ice sculptures, and then they were frozen again by the ice sculptures, breaking apart piece by piece.

When she took the shot, she inadvertently glanced back, and saw Fang Yuan wearing a black robe, looking towards here, in her eyes, there seemed to be a sense of approval, and she suddenly felt relieved, and Taoism flowed. , Smooth as never before.

The female emperor of the Nine Heavens, full of majesty rises into the sky, as if forming a huge canopy.

The sword head in the washing sword pool is headed forward, and even the monsters closer to him become the sword in his hand…


The Lord of the Eight Desolates, Wei Long Jue, screamed violently, and the ten great generals under the imperial army rushed forward with an immortal army, expelling from left and right. Unfolding in front of the Heaven and Human Pass, it was like a copper wall and iron wall, and Jia Ge shining with cold light pierced forward, facing the endless black tide, and resisting the endless monster!


Other monks, unlike the devil’s warriors, do not order and prohibit them, but since the devil’s warriors guarded the gate of heaven and man, they naturally didn’t have to stay behind, so they sacrificed their magic weapons and went out more and more directly. Rushing into that endless group of monsters to kill and kill, from a distance, or dragon souls are flying around on the battlefield, or thunder and electricity, looming in the air, or all kinds of ancient treasures and symbols Seals and flying swords are like chess pieces of various colors, dividing the army of monsters into pieces…

The immortal masters are in front, all the ways are in front, the devil’s edge army is guarded in front of the heaven and the human pass, although it is only a battle formation formed according to the habits of the cultivators of each side, but at this time , But formed an extremely effective defense. Seeing that the endless army of monsters in the distance was coming wave after wave, but they were all blocked in front of the Heaven and Human Pass, and they couldn’t get close!

“The monsters of these thirty-three days look scary, but they can’t stop them!”

In the rear of this battlefield, there are still many monks who have not taken action, such as the protoss army and the monster army, who are still waiting and watching, and the old monster of Huangsha Song Longzhu is happy with the white tiger who is too lazy to take care of him. After narrating for a long time, he also walked to the front, looked at this battlefield, a little relieved, and smiled on Fang Yuan’s shoulder.

“Today’s Tianyuan is indeed very strong!”

Fang Yuan is also looking at that battlefield, or the monks from all sides who are now taking action.

This sentence is not fake.

At the beginning, the strongest cultivator of Tianyuan was only the Mahayana. At that time, the most terrifying among the calamities was the Tianma, but now, you can see it from this battlefield. It can be concluded that even the Heavenly Demon can hardly become a threat to Tianyuan. Among the ten Immortal Dao Sovereigns, there are already several who have already broken through the Mahayana and achieved immortal strength!

This result naturally made him very satisfied after waiting for three thousand years.

“It is said that Tianyuan today is different from before. With my old Song’s skills, I can’t even make it into the ten statues!”

Song Longzhu colluded with Fang Yuan, first complained, and then smiled and asked: “Lao Fang, nowadays there is Tianyuan’s army to help, these monsters are not enough to help you, but no one helped you before, you usually Rely on yourself to resist these monsters? To be honest, I was not as good as you three thousand years ago, but now I also have the Tao, I don’t know what level of cultivation you have reached?”

Fang Yuan heard this question, but he just gave a wry smile without speaking.

Old Monster Song was about to ask again, when Luo Feiling next to him suddenly heard Luo Feiling speak: “No monsters continue to come, can it be said that this time is the same as before, it’s just a temptation by that guy and deliberately sent these Is something coming to mess up your mood?”

“A test?”

Old Monster Song was slightly startled when he heard that, it was already a monster of this scale coming, is it just a small temptation?

His face is a little weird, and he thinks of the corpses of monsters around Tianrenguan.

Fang Yuan now also looked at the monster and said lightly: “During the past three thousand years, monsters have come from time to time, but the servant has only shot three times, and even Hongmeng creatures rarely appear. I know it’s because He hasn’t really grown up yet, he’s not sure about me, but he doesn’t want me to feel at ease, so he deliberately sent monsters to harass him, but this time, it should be different!”

Just as Fang Yuan and the others were speaking softly, a certain change suddenly appeared in the endless darkness in the distance.

For example, today, all the cultivators of the Yuan dynasty all took action, and they had their temperament. They did not have the initial panic, and the battle became more stable. Especially some people with high cultivation bases took the current battle as a I have a good opportunity to sharpen Dao Fa. The more I shoot, the more I feel Dao Xin is clear and enlightened, and the magic power is smooth. The tide of monsters in front of me has been torn apart by them.

Even a small soldier in this battle can feel at this moment that the battle is set!

But at this time, everyone’s Dao Xin suddenly felt a ray of pressure.

Especially the masters such as the Eastern Emperor Dao Master and the Supreme Evil Emperor who rushed in the front suddenly sank in their hearts, swept away the surrounding monsters, and then retreated, gathering energy to protect them. Own, then slowly raised his head and looked forward.

In the darkness ahead, a huge face slowly emerged.

That face was born handsome and perfect, and every inch seemed to be measured by a ruler.

He closed his eyes, like a sleeping world.

Beside this huge face, there are hundreds of figures appearing densely.

They all stayed quiet, but the flow of energy in their bodies seemed to contain a world-like horror.

The Eastern Emperor Daozhu and others were all slightly shocked at this moment.

They felt extremely strong pressure, and this pressure was actually given to them by the figure around the huge face.

They left Tianyuan and came to thirty-three days, feeling the realm beyond Mahayana, and now they are taking advantage of this battle to stabilize their realm. Even they themselves are not very clear. Their current realm is called “immortal” in the Great Immortal Realm, but they can feel that the strength of this realm has surpassed the imagination of the ancestors of Tianyuan!

This should be an invincible state!

But after seeing the figure beside the huge face, their hearts suddenly sink.

This state is not invincible…

…The enemy I faced was actually much stronger than I thought?


At this moment, the huge face suddenly opened his eyes.

The two Youruo eyes suddenly traversed the void, piercing the entire battlefield, and hitting the heavens and humans.

In the sea of ​​knowledge of the cultivators, they have seen these two gazes pierce countless monks, even immortals, and then hit the heaven and human pass, breaking the entire pass. What they feel is It is a feeling of powerlessness and unstoppable humbleness.

The feeling of being in between the heaven and the earth, but the heaven and the earth are opposing oneself, cannot be described in words.

This is the feeling of despair!

However, that scene only appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of all cultivation.

It’s just because the aura of that giant face affected their spirituality.

At the moment that huge face appeared, Fang Yuan in front of the Celestial Pass took a step forward and entered the battlefield.


In that instant, a ripple visible to the naked eye traversed the entire battlefield in an instant.

In the place where this ripple passed, all the monsters, even the heavenly monsters, were suddenly settled in the air, and then slowly dissipated and turned into fragments, Fang Yuan’s figure, like Suddenly, he appeared in front of the Donghuang Daozhu and others, with his hands behind his back, and looked forward quietly. He didn’t rush to speak, but Dao Yun was beside him…

The light in the eyes of that huge face disappeared at this moment, only a faint look at Fang Yuan.

And the figure with immortal power seemed to be terrified at this moment, and all the clouds quietly retreated back into the endless darkness behind him, for fear of being too close to Fang Yuan. Will be hurt by the Qi machine on his body!


Emperor Daozhu and all looked up at Fang Yuan’s shadow facing them.

At this moment, I can clearly feel that the pressure on my Dao Heart has faded and become peaceful again.

It’s just above the Taoist heart, there is no shadow of terror, but there are more complicated flavors.

“One sword guards the sky, protects the world for three thousand years, he is now…”

Even if the Taoist heart is as firm as the Taoist Lord of the East, and the heart is arrogant as the Supreme Evil Emperor. At this time, it can’t help but give birth to a little sadness, but it is the white-haired fairy Jin Hanxue, the Nineth Heaven Empress Li Hongxiao and others, with their eyes on At this time, they all light up slightly.

The one who collapsed most was the old monster Song who was shut down by the heavens.

He was about to cry with a face, tremblingly pointing to Fang Yuan’s background, and moaning: “He… is he still a human?”

Luo Feiling next to him pondered for a while, and said: “I have to say, you asked this question well!”

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