Master of Great Calamity Chapter 978: Before Tianren Pass

One sword guards the sky, three thousand years without teaching the catastrophe to come to the world, is it hard?

It’s just what it should be!

The answer from the Eastern Emperor and the man in black looked plain and simple!

I heard it in the ears of everyone, but it seemed to set off endless waves!

This man in black is what the Eastern Emperor Daozhu said, a sword guarding the sky for three thousand years?

Before arriving at the Tianrenguan Pass, there were still many people who didn’t know clearly the concept of the Sword Shoutianguan for three thousand years. Until they came near the gate, they saw that they piled up into a mountain, these mountains. In the starry sky, when the corpse of a monster in the sea was formed, and when I felt the dark and desperate breath in this dying world, I only slightly understood the concept of the sword guarding the sky for three thousand years. A trace of comprehension, but also a certain sense of looking forward to this life…

Yes, just looking up!

What admiration, respect and other words do not represent their mood at this time!

If there was no such person, the monsters piled into mountains and mountains into the sea, invaded Tianyuan, what would it be like?

If there was no such person, what would it be like if the endless magical breath here flows into Tianyuan?

The cultivators of Tianyuan have been fighting for three thousand years in the world, fighting the devil land, the war gods, and fighting endlessly. During this period, I don’t know how many heroes emerged during this period, which will be passed down for future generations. But what about this man in black? He just stayed here, resisting the force of destruction of these 33 days with his own strength, quietly blessing Tianyuan for three thousand years, without letting anyone know…

Even if all the cultivators have arrived now, it’s just an understatement of “it should be done!”

Tianyuan practitioners are good at calculating merit and contending for merit!

It’s just that if what he does is to be considered as a success, then what is the merit?



Just when most people who have never seen this man in black are still immersed in the endless shock and look up, they see on the turtle back, there are already many people…most of them have already gained the Tao Become famous, the big man on Weizhen’s side, unable to restrain the emotions in his heart at this time, more and more from the crowd, one after another caught up with the man in black to meet with surprise.

“Lu Qingguan, Sect Master of Qingyang, led three thousand disciples of Qingyang to meet the elder Taishang!”

The first thing that came out more and more was Qingyangzong.

In any case, the greatest cause and effect between Qingyangzong and this man in black is his ancestor.

Therefore, with the lord Lu Qingguan as the leader, and the four elders behind him, they all rushed forward to salute. The elders, deacons, true biography and others in the back did not even have the qualifications to come to salute, and as Sect Master Qingyang, It is also reasonable for this person to give the ceremony of the younger generation. After all, before the Qingyang Sect’s lord today, this person is already the Qingyang Sect elder.

“Qingyang Sect is in your hands, great!”

The black-clothed man replied gently, his eyes slowly swept over their faces, and finally fell on the faces of Elder Qiao and Elder Ling. In their calm eyes, they saw the old faces of these two deceased people. The white hair on the other end seemed to be a bit emotional, but in the end, there was still nothing special to say, just intersecting their eyes, and then nodding lightly.

Elders Qiao and Ling were also slightly moved at this time.

I don’t know how many things I want to say, but I feel that nodding seems to be enough.

“Meet Master!”

At this time, the Devil’s Bian Xianzun Kuhai Yunzhou, and another silver armor goddess and general, both rushed forward to meet.

“You two have a good cultivation base!”

The black-clothed man nodded to them, and between raising his hands, he lifted them up, the bitter sea Yunzhou and the silver armor goddess general did not know what expressions were on their faces, slightly moved, raised their heads, and looked at that face The man who seems to have never changed, I don’t know how much he wants to say, and the black man, looking at them, his expression is a bit complicated, and he whispered: “Are you the two?”

Ku Hai Yunzhou nodded and said: “Brother Bai…”

The black-clothed man waved his hand and said, “I know!”

Bitter Sea Yunzhou and the silver armor goddess general Dong Su’er got up and stood behind him, without saying anything more.

The black-clothed man has an extremely indescribable mood in his heart. He seems to think of a few other people, such as the little emperor of Wu Chiguo who has been doing little in his practice, such as the brilliant but brilliant mind of Langya Pavilion. The little pavilion who has changed greatly…

…I can’t see it!

Three thousand years have passed after all!

“Brother Fang…”

There was a deep voice, tall, almost twice as big as the others, and he held a black vase and came to the man in black. He buzzed and he was as dark as pig iron. He looked expressionless on his face, but there was a floating color in his eyes, which represented the surprise and excitement in his heart, so he walked over in a daze.

Behind him, the skinny old man, who was sturdyly blocked by him, stuck out his head and grinned.

“You are now very strong!”

The black-clothed man gently opened his arms, hugged Da Zizai Tian Mo Zun, gave him a word of approval, and then looked at the skinny old man behind, with a sincere smile on his face, saying: “Senior Brother Sun, For so many years, I have worked hard for you!”

The skinny old man grinned and said: “Senior brothers must take care of them, of course, are you here to help you?”

Da Zizai Tian Mozun naturally stood behind the black man, squeezing his two disciples to one side.

After that, the sword head of the white fox in Xijianchi stepped forward, and there was a trembling sword sound around his body, as if with a certain rhythm, and there were a few faint smiles on the face that had not smiled for many years. Yi, said: “I also found my own Kendo!”

The black-clothed man listened carefully to the sound of the sword, nodded admiringly, and said: “This time, I should pour the wine for you!”

Hearing this, the sword head of the white fox suddenly smiled vigorously.

“Haha, haha, old friend, haven’t seen me in many years…”

The words were still not over, but I saw an old man with few hairs left on his head opened his arms and greeted him. It was the ancestor of the Song family. He came forward with joy, and the man in black had no choice but to turn around. The ancestor of the Song family didn’t expect him to pay attention to him. He walked past him, rushed to the white tiger lying on the right side of Tianrenguan, and shook his claws.

The man in black: “…”

Turning her head and looking in the other direction, she saw the Nine Heavens Empress standing in the void, wearing a blood-red imperial robe, and her imperial prestige, even in this desperate world. To that high arrogance.

She noticed the gaze of the man in black, her cheeks raised slightly, and she looked at another place.

The man in black smiled and said: “This robe suits you well!”

The Nine Heavens Empress didn’t like to pay attention to him, but there was a smile on her face.

The supreme evil emperor who was holding a sword not far away seemed to have a “hum” when he heard that.

Before the Tianren Pass, it seemed to be a bit lively. People from Wangqingdao’s line had already rushed over. They met Luo Feiling to reminisce about the past. The rest of the cultivators also looked at the terrain around the Tianren Pass. , I have discussed and speculated that in three thousand years, before this pass, what kind of war had been born before, and what they could do when they rushed over, for a while, they broke the silence here. The excitement has made the eternal despair around Tianrenguan diminished a lot.

And the man in black, Yixu met Mobian, Zhongzhou, Leizhou, Demon Domain, Protoss, etc., not so much meeting, but to some extent, he was counting the reinforcements that came this time, after all. At this time, there are very few old people that can be seen.

Looking at the faces one by one, you can see some familiar faces.

But more, it is only a shadow in my mind.

At the last moment, Fang Yuan came to the void. This is the outermost part of the lively circle. There is a woman with white hair and snow standing here. All the practitioners rushed to meet the black man. When we met, she hadn’t moved, just watched quietly from the outermost periphery, a breath of energy, like wind and snow on a snowy field, cold, cold, with a sense of loneliness and coldness.

Seeing the man in black meet you old times, there is no mood swing in her eyes.

But seeing the man in black walking towards her, her eyes moved slightly, and the skirt around her was raised by the light wind.

Vaguely, there seems to be a desire to retreat and not meet him.

Detecting the emotions in her heart, the man in black also stopped slightly. Even if his cultivation is as high as his, at this time, there is actually a feeling of not knowing whether to step forward or not. Those with such emotions do not It’s just that she, the fairy with white hair, is also slightly confused at this time. She doesn’t know whether she wants him to come forward or stand far away…

Fortunately, at this moment, before Heaven and Human Pass, there was a sudden gust of wind blowing!

The dark demon’s breath, which was already thick and terrifying, suddenly became stronger several times at this time.

It seems that in the dark night, there is a deeper night rolling in.

Layer by layer, rendering this boundless darkness into deeper darkness.

And in the boundless darkness, you can sense a surging of monsters that are endless and invisible. It is a sea of ​​monsters. Above the sea, you can also see countless dark clouds that are volatile. That was the demon whose face changed from Tianyuanti, and above the demon, you can see countless ways standing proudly in the night, only the existence of Sen Leng’s eyes flashing…


As soon as I saw this scene, the excitement before Tianrenguan suddenly seemed to be poured with cold water.

“Are those… all monsters?”

An unknown Taoist elder asked tremblingly.

I don’t know how many people have the same questions as him…

Everyone has seen But it is so endless, overwhelming, and submerging a starry sky…

…I’m afraid that the total number of monsters in Tianyuan’s three thousand years is not so many!

“If you come, just fight!”

In a silent panic, the white-haired fairy suddenly stood out from the crowd and came to a position standing side by side with the black-clothed man. Her cold eyes looked at the endless monster, and the endless snow floated around her: “After all, we are here. It’s not for renewing the past!”

The man in black also looked up at the monster, smiled, and said: “Yes, we are here to fight together!”

Turning her head to look at the white-haired fairy, and said: “Sister Xuehan, right?”

The white-haired fairy was silent for a long time, nodded gently, and said: “Brother Fang Yuan, I have been waiting for this day!”

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