Master of Great Calamity Chapter 974: One wisp of light shines on the world

   Three thousand years of Tianyuan, chaos, endless wars, and now, with the destruction of the Demon Land and the demons, and the Protoss frankly talked to each other and shrank away, Tianyuan appeared unaccustomed to peace.

  All the traditions, all of them returned to the mountain gate, and began a rare recuperation, or enlightenment, or hoarding of resources, or setting up battles, or making immortal soldiers. Although everyone did not say it clearly, they all knew what it was for. !

   Now that the 3,000-year catastrophe comes, it is getting closer and closer, and no one knows what will happen this time!

   Since the last calamity, after the heavenly condemnation of Kunlun Mountain, the Tianyuan calamity has been different from the last time.

   The demon puppets of the last tribulation were resurrected, and the world was messed up, and the tribulation was more terrible than usual, almost making the Tianyuan truly destroyed. Fortunately, at that time, the gods descended from the sky and the gods descended. Tianyuan stabilized the situation, leaving a glimmer of life!

   But this time?

  Who knows if the catastrophe will be more violent than usual?

   Yu is a person in a high position, and he is more worried about this catastrophe!

   They have all learned from the Protoss that the end of the Great Tribulation is unspeakably dangerous!

   These protoss all came from the outer heavens, and under the leadership of the three gods, they have survived peacefully for tens of thousands of years.

   For them, the disaster at that time came very suddenly. The three heavens and the outer heavens seemed to have suddenly started a war, and then collapsed like an ant bank. The three heavens and outer heavens were wars from the inside out, and finally they were all destroyed. .

   When they were dying, they were sent into a small world by the three gods, and then borrowed the power of the six reincarnation formations, followed by the catastrophe, they came to the world, although they experienced it personally, but for this The origin of the incident is not quite clear.

   It’s just that they can guess the truth anyway.

   Within thirty-three days of being broken, there were other creatures besides the sky.

   It was those creatures that made Tianwaitian like a great enemy, and in the end it was those creatures who destroyed Tianwaitian.

  Since they came to the world, they have always been in fear, because they don’t know what happened to the outer world after they came to the world. They even thought that following the catastrophe, that kind of terrifying force would continue. Coming to the world, but after a long time in fear, they found that there was no such situation. Three thousand years later, they finally made them feel a little relieved.

   The more unknown things, the more fear.

   Tianyuan creatures have been fearing the coming of the catastrophe.

   And the protoss fear is even worse, they fear what will come at that time, more terrifying than the catastrophe.

   And the fear of the gods naturally affected some immortal masters, but they didn’t tell the matter.

   They are just bored in their hearts, waiting for a long time.

   For these three thousand years, this is the most silent period of Tianyuan.

   Drums in the morning and evening, the cycle of time, the long bell ringing through Tianyuan, another thirty years have passed.

   In the past thirty years, each time I have been one step closer to the time of the great calamity calculated by the immortal masters. I don’t know how many masters and Taoist lineages are silently waiting for the arrival of the great calamity. Make enough preparations, raise the level of cultivation to the extreme, silent and quiet, waiting for the sky to open, waiting for the endless monsters to drop from the sky, but leave it alone and go to battle!

   But in the silent waiting, the catastrophe has never come.

  An expert from Yi Lou once said that the great catastrophe may come at any time during these thirty years.

   But by the way, thirty years have passed so peacefully.

  This kind of unpleasant emotion makes many people have a strange emotion in their lives.

   Yunzhou Qingyang Taoist, the lord Lu Qingguan, often played chess with the elder Meng Huanzhen on the peak, the closest place to the sky, but when they looked up at the clear sky, they occasionally looked up and laughed bitterly. Laugh, destroy the other party and settle down quickly.

  In the Palace of the Nine Heavens, Empress Li Hongxiao sat on the throne.

   The dome above her head was removed with a sound, allowing her to look up at the sky at any time.

   But she didn’t wait until she wanted to see, so she could only hold a glass of wine and waited quietly on the throne.

  The devil’s edge, the millions of immortal army drills day by day, waiting in battle, the breath of iron and blood, stirring the sky.

   But the devil’s edge army, which used to fight **** every day, has no opponents for 30 years. It is like a weapon that has not drunk blood for 30 years. In this lonely waiting, it gradually rusts and emits A thirsty whine…

   Demon Land, now one of the three major demon veins, the Lord of the Heaven-Swallowing Line, has been ordered by his ancestors from time to time to run to a lonely mountain, looking at it, which has been covered by layers of vines, almost completely invisible Leaving the existing cave, he sighed with shaking his head, “This Heaven-Swallowing Demon King has been in retreat for three thousand years. Our ancestors have passed on from generation to generation. When his elders leave, when will they come out?”

   On the sea, the celestial demon army drove away, causing layers of blue waves.

   Da Zi held the vase in the arms of the Heavenly Demon Lord, and sat alone on the blue waves, silent and quiet.

   In ten years, he only said one sentence to the skinny old man: “I always think there is a chance to use this knife again!”

  The skinny old man can only take a piece of pork head meat into his mouth with few teeth left, and say: “I can’t eat meat…”

   There are people waiting everywhere.

  If anyone can see their minds, they can see the sky above the peaceful Tianyuan, there are countless smoky spirits, pouring straight into the clouds and standing in layers. These essences contain extremely strong hearts. , Quietly, but extremely firm.

   But in this quiet, it is not that there is no change.

   In the Devil Land of Youzhou, the devil’s breath has been fixed for a long time, and no disaster has ever occurred.

   Not only that, but in the huge magical land, a very mysterious array has been laid down.

   The big formation, layer by layer, one after another, is like nine palaces and gossips, endlessly complex, and there are billowing magical breaths in it. As the big formation moves, it constantly rushes towards the core of the big formation, every One level inward, you can see that this magical breath is more refined. If you get to the innermost of the big array, you can even see that it has been completely refined, and it has been refined enough to surpass this power…

  ”This kind of magic breath is really terrible…”

   There are only three people who are qualified to spy on the power in the core position of the Great Array, the Eastern Emperor Dao Master, the Langya Pavilion Master, and the Supreme Evil Emperor, and they watched the Langya Pavilion Master deploy the large formation step by step. After destroying the devil’s breath to this level, although it can be seen that Pavilion Master Langya doesn’t seem to have the appearance of two hearts, he still feels involuntary fright and fear.

   When they want to come, they want to dissolve the dark magic breath, of course, step by step to fade, transform, and eventually disappear.

   But they didn’t expect that Pavilion Lord Langya and countless strange people and strangers would participate in the development for a long time. The final approach was just the opposite. Instead of trying to dilute the magical breath, he set up a big formation step by step. The devil’s breath destroyed a more terrifying degree…

   I don’t know what the Eastern Emperor Dao Master thinks, anyway, the Supreme Evil Emperor has wanted to draw his sword countless times.

  ”The truth has been explained to you many times…”

   Pavilion Lord Langya dismissed their worries, and looked a little disturbingly crazy.

   He looked at the turbulent, pure and terrifying magic breath in the depths of the great formation with affectionate eyes, and smiled and said: “The magic breath cannot be resolved, so it can only be guided, and the magic breath cannot be changed, because he There is a strong change in itself, no one can calculate all its changes and make it completely reversed, so the only thing we can do now is not to control it…”

  ”Not only do not control it!”

   he smiled and added: “I want to help it more!”

   When he said this, his eyes looked a little fanatical: “Since it changes endlessly, let it have more changes. Since it is extremely evil, then make it even more evil. The world’s affairs are probably one. At the two ends, the end of white is black, and the end of yin is yang. We can’t forcefully reverse the devil’s breath. Then, with our only strength, we can destroy its changes…”



   Seeing that the Lord Langya said this, he was going to destroy the great array to the extreme.

   Even the Eastern Emperor Daozhu couldn’t help being shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab his hand.

  ”Are you sure that this won’t ruin Tianyuan?”

   Langya Pavilion Master shook his head: “Of course not. Now I only cultivate a Dao Seed. No matter how strong it is, its power is limited. At most, it can only penetrate a hole through the Tian Yuan. Strength should be suppressed…”

  Emperor Daoist hesitated, but finally let go of his hand.

   Everyone has their own good points, and his cultivation base is invincible, but with the demon breath, he is not necessarily better than the Lord Langya.

  It’s just that such a big event always makes people uneasy…

   However, when he saw the surrounding big formation, countless people are occupying the front of the big formation. Now the eagerly awaited strangers and strangers from all sides saw that their eyes showed nothing like the Lord Langya When Er’s eyes were frenzied, he finally lost his heart, and took a step back slowly, seemingly unbearable, don’t open his eyes, and watched the pavilion master Langya throw a banner!


  In the moment the flag was thrown into the formation, suddenly the operation of the formation became crazy countless times.

  When you are in the formation, you can feel the turbulent and terrifying, as if it is the turbulent Yangtze River like a big river. It is running crazy at an urgent to extreme speed, and this also makes The devil’s breath at the core of the big formation has been destroyed and produced endless changes, becoming purer and more terrifying, and this momentum is constantly intensifying…


   An unknown voice sounded, and everyone in the array was shocked to vomit blood and their faces were pale.

   But correspondingly, their eyes brightened up!

   “If there is no death, how can there be life?”

   “Death comes from life, and death arises from birth!”

  Langya Pavilion Master, as the heart of the formation, received a strong and boundless impact, which made half of his body have been dyed red with blood, but his face was firmer, even excited, hissing loudly Writing: “If you don’t experience the last madness, how can you understand peace, if you don’t encounter true despair, and where can you see hope? This is the magic breath, this… is the human heart!”

   When he roared these words, his arms suddenly shook, and three more formation flags were thrown into the formation.


  The large formation has been operating to a frenzied level, and the huge waves rolled outward one after another, shocking Tianyuan.

   I don’t know how many sublime cultivators are running their spiritual consciousness and looking at this place, they thought that the catastrophe had come.


   And the Eastern Emperor Dao Master and the Supreme Evil Emperor both flew into the sky at this time, one holding the Xuantian lamp and staring at the group of demon aura at the core of the big formation, and the other holding the demon knife. Staring at the neck of Pavilion Master Langya…

   But at the next breath, this square array has reached its limit.

   That kind of extreme is the extreme that surpasses this world and this magical land!

   Boom! boom! boom!

   Starting from the core position of the big formation, the big formation collapsed inch by inch.

   An indescribable frenzy, starting from the core of the big formation, whizzing toward the periphery.

   guarded the important position of this large array, even if they saw such a dangerous, the strange men and strangers who were still inseparable, they were all torn to pieces by the violent devil’s breath.

   They didn’t even leave a divine thought in their last sentence, they just accepted their death so silently and quickly.

  No one knows, when these people set up the big formation, have they ever thought that this is their home.

   But it cannot be denied that they accepted this result willingly.

   “I will help you the most!”

Pavilion Master    Langya looked at the collapsed formation, but there was a calm and content smile on his face. He suddenly stepped forward, and behind him a dark book spread out in the air. In the middle, the mysterious is very mysterious, and he himself, with his big sleeves fluttering, does not seem to be thrown into destruction, but ascending into a fairy, his body flutters gently, straight into the heart of the formation, and rushed over.

   This change, even the Eastern Emperor Dao Master and the Supreme Evil Emperor, never expected it.

   In their horrified eyes, they just saw that the Lord Langya plunged into the heart, slowly turned around, smiled and changed his mouth, as if they were teasing, and said softly: “This time , Sir will never be willing to hit me again, right?”

  When the Eastern Emperor Daozhu and the Supreme Evil Emperor understood what he meant, he had fallen into the heart of the battle.

   also at this moment, the dark demon aura that has changed to the extreme, suddenly shrank violently, as if the sound had reached the extreme, but it turned into tranquility, and it was like a heart that was agitated to the extreme, but suddenly Calm down…

   A ray of light suddenly appeared in the endless darkness.

   A touch of white is born in the dense black!

   The light on the first floor is still very faint, but it is like a candle in the endless dark night.

   A little light is enough to illuminate three thousand worlds and the whole world.



   When this gleam of light appeared, the Eastern Emperor Dao Master and the Supreme Evil Emperor suddenly became quiet.

   The whole Tianyuan suddenly calmed down.

   thirty-three days away, when a little light of this existence appeared, he suddenly opened his eyes.

  His voice is calm, with only a little relief: “Is the time yet?”

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