Master of Great Calamity Chapter 968: His disciple

Chapter 970 His disciple

“What is he doing?”

Originally, all the attention was focused on the practitioners of the four demon masters. Suddenly, he saw the next step of the Langya Pavilion Master Bai Youran unexpectedly going to the sky, and reached out his hand to grab the scene of Xuan Tianzhan.

This incident happened off guard. Whether it was inside or outside, the monks and protoss of all parties were stunned. They raised their heads and looked at him. There were many people who subconsciously thought that Langya Pavilion. The main purpose is to control the mysterious heavenly cup, so as to dissolve the devil’s breath faster.

Flying came to the pavilion Bai Youran, the lord of Langya next to the Xuantian lamp, with big sleeves fluttering, spreading his five fingers, and gently pressing towards the Xuantian lamp. On the big hand, there was Taoism entangling, which seemed true and illusory. It seems to have caused a huge whirlpool, enough to contain everything, just such a light grasp, it has revealed his extraordinary cultivation base, has a certain meaning to control the universe!


But as he grabbed this palm, the Xuan Tianzhan suddenly had a certain reaction.

Above the lamp, the white glow is like a spring, rushing to the surroundings to shake his palm.

Even the surrounding void was shaken and trembling. The ripples were like endless dark magic breath, and it surged like a frenzy. I don’t know how many monsters that were held in the magic breath were The power of this tremor shredded into pieces that would not bleed.

Not only is it a treasure created by the thousands of years of hard work by the Kunlun Mountains, it also has its own power.

This Xuantian lamp seems to be flying in the mid-air with no one to control, but it also has a terrible power of its own. Whenever there is some kind of power approaching, its own power, and it can The magical breath force that was triggered was all triggered.

Ban Feiyuan, the master of Yilou, sacrificed it in the air instead of holding it in his hand, for this reason.

The original reason for making this strange treasure look like this is to guard against the possibility that the Demon Lord will break it at all costs.

“You can only refine it to this level…”

However, Pavilion Master Langya was aware of the abnormal change of this Xuan Tianzhan, but his face was not waved.

It seemed that all the reactions of this Xuan Tianzhan had been expected by him, and the five fingers were still open, shaking slightly.

Each trembling is a talisman. Thousands of talismans were drawn from the front and back of the five fingers, and each talisman remained between his fingers. From a distance, he could see that he suddenly appeared in his hand. Numerous runes and divine lights, intertwined with each other, affect the laws of heaven and earth, making it seem that an endless void appeared between his five fingers, and the power of the mysterious heavenly lamp was introduced into that void…

The palm of his hand took advantage of the power of Xuan Tianzhan to be drawn away and grasped it.


He held the Xuantian lamp, the strange treasure buzzed, seeming to want to fly away from his fingers.

But how powerful his five fingers are. Born on the surface of this strange treasure, he pinched a deep five-finger mark.

Xuan Tianzhan could not escape, and was held in his hands.


Looking at this scene from a distance, the master of Yilou, Feiyuan, was full of anger and shouted.

If it’s someone else, of course it’s not so easy to take down Xuan Tianzhan, but the Lord Langya Pavilion Bai Youran can.

Because Langya Pavilion had helped a lot in the process of refining this Xuantianzhan, and also understood a lot of inside information.


At the next moment, the white light falling from the Xuantian Cauldron suddenly recovered quickly, and all of it was returned to the Xuantian Cauldron, and most of the devil’s breath that had been trapped around it was suddenly out of control again. The potential is more turbulent than before, like the sea water that has been set in the air. Now that it has fallen down so suddenly, its own power is already very terrible, and it has set off a huge wave…

The endless monsters, just freed, immediately fled to the surroundings with the scattered magical breath.

And those immortal disciples who were guarding the periphery and strangling all the monsters that escaped were also greatly changed by this sudden demon breath. Many disciples were directly affected by this demon without preparation. Coughing up blood…

“Haha, you finally got the shot…”

And the demon lord, who has been forced to the death by the four immortals, also let out an excited roar at this time, the devil’s breath is no longer held, his strength also rises, plus the four immortals I didn’t expect this change. I was slow to shoot, and he got the opportunity. The body changed and melted into the magic breath, hurriedly fled to the sky over the north, hiding in the magic breath and laughing proudly. .

“This is…what is going on?”

In the chaos, countless people looked urgently at the old man in the sky.

At this time, the Lord Langya was dressed in a white Confucian robe, holding a Xuantian cup in his hand, with an expressionless face, slowly scanning the surroundings.

The magic land that had been forced into the Jedi and completely wiped out had a turning point.

The plan went to waste only because of the old man’s action.

But no one can figure it out. He is the master of the dignified sacred land, Pavilion Master Langya, why would he make a move at this time?

Especially the four immortals, their expressions have become extremely embarrassing at this time.

The Nine Heavens Empress Senran took a step forward, coldly looked at Pavilion Master Langya, and shouted: “So it’s you!”

All the cultivators around were unable to react for a while. Fortunately, the sword head of the white fox also spoke at this time, slowly saying: “This time the plan to encircle the Devil Land is made jointly by the Seven Holy Lands and the Immortal League. Not only to completely destroy the Demon Land, but also to minimize the loss of this battle, but I did not expect that the Demon Land was prepared before this battle had started. Just now we have been wondering why it was advanced. The news was leaked. I thought it was the work of the Protoss. It seems that I wronged them this time…”

On the western side, the protoss army’s expression is a little unnatural, but it also seems to be clear.

On the periphery, the Qingyang Sect disciples also looked slightly surprised at this time, and looked at the Lord Langya incomprehensibly.

Qingyangzong and Langya Pavilion have always made friends and helped each other a lot, waiting for an alliance.

Qingyangzong went deep into the magic land in this battle and wanted to make great merits, but because of the leak of the news, almost all the forward army was wiped out. Therefore, the Qingyangzong was also the first to guess that someone had leaked the secret. Who can guess that this leak is Langya Pavilion?

Why does Langya Pavilion do this?



“Yes, it is me who did these things!”

While facing countless skeptical gazes from the surrounding sky, the Lord Langya’s expression remained unchanged, and he slowly spoke. He didn’t even bother to explain, but only admitted the fact, then he raised his head and swept around. After a glance, suddenly the sleeves of the robe flicked slightly. Behind him, there were endless black scriptures manifesting, turning out a black book of Taoism, which seemed to float in the air.

With the manifestation of this volume of Taoism, the surrounding demon aura, like boiling water, suddenly gushes out endless power, and Gudong Gudong rolls over to the surroundings, and its power is even greater than the demon master It is even stronger when in control, this endless demon aura in his hands, as if it has become a real weapon, ever-changing, or swords, or spears, horribly, sweeping around.

Faced with this sudden change, all the cultivators around were surprised, and their faces were shocked.

The four immortals at the center of this battlefield are all eagerly teaming together, each casting magic power to protect themselves. In this case, they must not only guard against the magical breath of this abnormal change, but also Watch out for the demon lord lurking in the dark to attack…

For other traditions, they are anxious to protect their disciples back.

It’s just that this demon aura is so violent, but it’s obviously not something that ordinary monks can resist. Seeing the demon aura rush in front of him, it’s clear that all schools and factions will suffer heavy losses, especially the Protoss who bear the brunt. They were the closest when they were watching the battle, and now they don’t know whether Langya Pavilion Master Bai Youran is intentional or unintentional, more power is coming to them.

For a while, they were completely engulfed in, completely enveloped by the devil’s breath.

“Not good!”

Seeing that the Protoss will suffer heavy losses, but at this moment, three golden gods rushed out in time among the Protoss army.

They yelled in a deep voice, and they didn’t care if there was anything to hide. The three of them each raised a flag and spread it out in a whistling whistling. For a while, they saw golden light, extremely dazzling, like three huge streams of fire. , Covering most of the void around…

The endless magic breath rushed away, hit the banner, and was actually bounced back, spilling out to the four directions, converging with the surrounding magic breath, wave after wave, and more fierce Strong, rushed to the south forward mightily.

The first to bear the brunt of the South is the Qingyangzong disciple.

Langya Pavilion Master Bai Youran in the midair saw this scene, and his eyes changed slightly.

But when this time has come, he is not doing anything else.

“The disciples retreat quickly…”

At this time, Qingyang Sect Master Lu Qingguan’s face changed drastically, and he sternly screamed, taking a deep breath and rushing forward.

With arms outstretched, I clearly intend to protect the orthodoxy with myself…


But at this moment, a stream of light suddenly rushed in the southern sky.

The stream of light came extremely fast, and it rushed to Lu Qingguan in an instant. The stream of light diffused and changed, but it turned into a huge shield. Within that shield, the laws were intertwined, and it seemed like a world. Strongly blocking the Qingyang Sect’s Dao Tong, the endless and turbulent magic breaths all hit the shield, but they were all blocked, without a trace of breaking through the defense line…

Sect Master Lu Qingguan of Qingyang was almost alive, he was relieved, and turned around, his face was slightly startled.

The visitor is a middle-aged man with deep Wearing a gray robe and loose hair, he walked step by step, seeming to come to the front of the crowd and stand in the void. , It seems that the figure is already tall enough to surpass this world…


“…The Eastern Emperor, he is really here!”

The surroundings became depressed for a moment, and countless surprised voices rang out.

“Sure enough, you still made this choice!”

The Taoist Lord of the Eastern Emperor did not look at others. His sleeves were hanging down. His eyes only looked at the Lord Langya Pavilion Bai Youran. His voice was silent, but his eyes could not hide a little disappointment: “You are his student. Why did you make such a choice?”

It didn’t seem to be unexpected that the Eastern Emperor Dao Master appeared, and the Lord Langya Pavilion Bai Youran raised her head to look at him.

Then he smiled and said: “I am not only his student, I am also my father’s son…”

(End of this chapter)

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