Master of Great Calamity Chapter 959: Yongzhen Tianren Pass

“You turned into a dark creature?”

Di Xu looked at Fang Yuan’s unfathomable smile, and his heart jumped.

The appearance of this scene before him really surprised him. As a human race who wanted to protect Tianyuan, a creature like himself was innately hostile, so how could he suddenly give up the Taoist body and reincarnated? What does it look like? The most important thing is that since he has reincarnated like this, and there are more human beings like himself than human beings, are they still enemies?

Of course, thinking about it, he still attacked with endless violent power.

The demon breath is like a wave, heavy and heavy, rolling over towards Fang Yuan one after another.

“I am in the dark, my heart is on the road!”

Fang Yuan chanted softly in response to Di Xu’s demon breath, and said a word.

At the same time, he clapped back!


The surrounding devilish breath was also stirred at this time, like a big wave, directly hitting Di Xu.

Before it was like Emperor Xu fighting against the anger sea, now it seems that two people are both in the anger sea, carrying the waves to attack.

When Di Xu fought with Fang Yuanfu, he immediately felt wrong and was full of anger. He was obviously much higher than Fang Yuan in the control of the devil’s breath. After all, he was a creature born in the demon’s breath, Fang Yuan It’s just a rebirth, but in any case, Fang Yuan experienced this rebirth, and it was very different from before. It was originally a rootless, fish out of water, but now it seems to have returned to the sea!

The two palms struck each other, and the emperor was so angry that he triggered endless magical breath, rolling like a sea.

But it wasn’t until the endless demon breath dissipated that he realized that Fang Yuan was still standing there, and he didn’t step back for half a step.

Even behind him, the whirlpool is still spinning, still devouring more magical breath, and at the same time, the magical intent on his body is getting heavier and heavier, like a mountain is constantly increasing Rise, become towering and terrifying, extremely terrifying……

“Swallowing so many magical breaths at once, why do they still…”

The emperor was humbly frightened and angry, already a little bit confused.

Fang Yuan’s method of controlling the devil’s breath is different from him. He can directly control the devil’s breath around him, and even extract the most essential part from it, turning it into an existence like Taoism, but Fang Yuan But he was incorporating these demon auras into his body and became his mana, but the problem was that demon auras could invade everything, how did Fang Yuan avoid being affected by his mind?

Even if he has some kind of human principles to protect his mind, how can he mix mana and magic breath?



“Everything seems to have a certain number…”

What Di Xu didn’t know was that Fang Yuan, who was forced to reincarnate and turned into a half-devil now, was also emotional.

He didn’t expect that he would pursue this kind of completion in this situation.

He has reversed the number of days in thirty-three days, achieved a half-travel foundation, and swallowed the origin of the world of three heavens and outer heavens, making himself a world, and his cultivation base is endlessly close to the great road, close to the original emperor clan, but This is only close, as Di Xu said, his technique was derived by himself, that is, it is incomplete, and it is far from the real Emperor…

It is precisely for this reason that neither he nor Di Xu can do anything about it.

Di Xu is a natural celestial being, but he hasn’t grown to the strongest time yet, so he can’t help himself.

Because of this part, I can’t help him.

So, if you want to win this battle, repel Emperor Xu, and protect this divine gate, you have to find another way.

The only method Fang Yuan can think of now, or the method he had prepared long before the start of this battle, is to reincarnate into a demon. In this way, he can forcibly supplement with the dark demon breath One’s own mana fought with Emperor Xu.

The method of rebirth and enchantment, he has, comes from the Lord of Darkness.

With Fang Yuan’s current cultivation base, it is not too difficult to penetrate this reincarnation method and perform it instantly.

It’s not easy to keep your heart after rebirth.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan’s “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”!

In the past, Fang would have felt that the most important thing in “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie” was the technique of Tianyan, not the scripture body.

Now that he has found out, this may be wrong.

The truth in “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie” is the most important thing that protects one’s heart.

He dared to reincarnate because of “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”!

I even think about it. When he entered the Demon Breath Lake for the first time, he was almost swept away by the Demon Breath, and was buried in the Demon Breath. Later, he survived because of the scriptures in the “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie” , Protecting his mind, also at that time, in the Xuanhuang he cultivated, a part of the dark magic aura began to be mixed in, which made him more pure and pure.

He was able to build the foundation of the Heavenly Dao later, and it may not have nothing to do with those dark demon breaths.

After all, it is Hongmeng Dao Qi to reverse the previous dark demon aura.

Of course, it’s not that simple for him to forcibly reincarnate now. Now he refines the dark demon aura, enters his own black and yellow breath, becomes his own mana, and runs smoothly. This also requires an extremely difficult process, Fang Yuan At this time, he used the technique of heavenly growth to forcefully derive all possible changes, and then firmly control them within their own control.

All of this, in the end, formed such a result!



“It’s me!”

Di Xu made no effort with a single blow, gritted his teeth, furious.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan’s demon was swaying, and suddenly he spoke in a deep voice.

In Di Xu’s heart, there was a bad premonition suddenly, his arms shook, and the surrounding demonic breath rose like waves, like huge black walls, blocking him and Fang Yuan. And he himself has turned into a phantom and wants to escape into the magical breath!

But at this moment, Fang Yuan lifted his foot to step and punched out.

The power of that punch cannot be described, like a gray beam of light, appeared directly in the void.

The aura on Fang Yuan’s body has become extremely weird. Except for a pair of eyes, he is still calm and indifferent. The whole person is even more like a monster than a heavenly demon, but the punch he struck is dignified and full of a kind The endless grandeur of the avenue!

With the most evil power, he hit the punch closest to the highway!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

This punch pierced through the endless wall of magic breath one after another, like punching through pieces of tofu.


At this time, Di Xu had already escaped into the magic breath.

However, Fang Yuan’s punch broke the wall of endless magic breath, and still hit him. The force of this punch, the magic breath around the concussion was tumbling and rolling, and the waves were undulating, as if he was born. The fish in the sea couldn’t bear the turbulent waves inside. Di Xu was also forced out by the violently turbulent demon breath at this time, like a fish being forced out of the sea, staggering, with a grim face.

Fang Yuan’s eyes were fixed, he looked at Di Xu, raised his hand and grabbed it in the void, then waved his hand to cut it out.

During this grasp, the surrounding Xuanhuang gas turned into a sword.

It was an extremely evil sword, separated the void with a “chick”, and cut it in front of Emperor Xu.

“Even if you can refine the magic breath, this is my world…”

Di Xu opened his mouth sharply, and his hands were torn to his chest. Between these tears, he seemed to have torn his whole body, and the breath of endless darkness poured out from his chest, rolling and rolling. , Shao sharply, this seemed to be the most original aura of the dark demon aura, with a kind of natural strength, and even a kind of natural king’s meaning, enough to deter all monsters.

As soon as this breath appeared, it rolled and condensed, like a beacon like a column, rolling forward.

Everywhere I went, it seemed that even the void was directly ablated by this force.

“I said, you are a child born in the magic breath…”

Fang Yuan’s voice sounded in response to the demon’s breath, with a little contempt: “And I am a giant standing at the pinnacle of human civilization!”

Both of them are sounds made by divine consciousness shaking, so it doesn’t take much time.

When these words were passed into the opponent’s sea of ​​consciousness, that sword and demon breath had already met.

There was a loud bang, and the world was full of turbulence.

“I am unwilling…”

Di Xu’s voice resounded through the turbulence, mad and angry.

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s eyes were extremely calm, without sadness or joy.

The sword he slashed was at the extreme extreme, and at the extreme, just like that punch, with evil strength, it approached the main road, and it touched the dark demon aura that rushed out of the emperor’s body. , The power of this sword has been completely triggered, and endless edges roared, intertwined in the turbulence of the void, and the magic breath that rushed out of the emperor’s body was strangled in an instant.

The billowing void and endless magic breath suddenly seemed to have lost its vitality.

It was like a sea with raging waves, suddenly calming all the waves.

The endless magical breath is lying flat, and those violent monsters seem to have lost their backbone.

There were many monsters that were madly attacking the gate of God, and they were stunned on the spot and looked around in confusion.

“My Emperor…”

Many of the cosmopolitan creatures who have turned into the Kunlun Mountain monks screamed at this moment.

They have been rampant and domineering, and at this time they seem to feel some incredible panic.

The white cats, flood dragons, and Luo Feiling in the gate of God, at this moment, raised their heads anxiously and looked in this direction.

At this moment, Fang Yuan just slowly took his hand and carried the sword behind him.

He raised his head and looked into the endless darkness in the distance, with no emotion on his face.



“I…I’m not reconciled…”

A place far away from Fang Yuan, after a long silence, suddenly a very weak voice rang.

When I heard it, I felt very strange and even a little frightened.

Because this is Di Xu’s voice.

“Sure enough, this sword can’t kill you!”

Fang Yuan didn’t seem surprised, and said softly: “Naturally-born creatures, they still have some ability!”

“You really can’t kill me!”

Emperor Xu’s voice is weak, but it has a gloomy meaning: “I was born between the Hongmeng, and the Hongmeng will not die for a day. I will not die for a day. Not only will I not die, but I will become stronger. , I will eventually grow into a true god, dominate the world, and welcome the new era. You hurt me today, but it only slows my pace, but I will eventually grow to the day when you lose me, I will enlighten more The great creatures of the world, I will come with the army and get back everything that should belong to us…”

“You, after all, can’t stop us!”

The content of the words sounded crazy, but it was calm, like stating a fact.

“I know, you are telling the truth!”

Fang Yuan nodded after hearing these words, without refuting him.

Then he looked into the distant demon breath, then slowly turned around, and walked towards the **** gate. Wherever he passed, all the monsters seemed to be Shrouded in endless sword intent, it fell apart in an instant, even those cosmopolitan creatures and heavenly demons, at this time seemed to feel a kind of sincere fear from him, rushing to flee towards the distance…

Fang Yuan walked under the divine door and stood still slowly.

He raised his head and looked at the endless darkness before him, his expression very calm.

“I know that you will grow up indefinitely. If you force yourself day by day, I also know that if you don’t remove the devil’s breath, you can’t really kill you!”

His voice is very calm, and the blue robe around him is flying in the void with a strange black color: “I also know that as long as it is in these thirty-three days, you can enlighten countless human beings. Lead the endless army of monsters to strike…”

“But, it’s useless!”

Fang Yuan’s voice paused for a while, and slowly said: “I’m here for a day, and you won’t be able to break through!”

He suddenly turned around, raised his hand on the gate of God, and wrote the words “Tianrenguan”.

“It’s not me, it’s Tianyuan!”

Fang Yuan turned around, raised his eyes to look at the endless darkness, and said softly: “I can’t reverse the devil’s breath alone. That is something that even the emperor can’t do, and I can’t slaughter the thirties. All the monsters in the three days have turned things around, but what I can do is guard the Tianren Pass and give Tianyuan enough time. This time will be long enough for them to grow up!”

“Grow up until they have enough wisdom to dissolve the magic breath, and have enough power to fight against your monster army!”

Speaking of this, Fang Yuan smiled lightly and said: “This is what I plan to do!”


After listening to Fang Yuan’s words, Di Xu’s voice actually I don’t know if he was seriously injured, or because he was alarmed by the content of Fang Yuan’s words.

After a long time, he sneered in a low voice: “There is a lack of human heart, it will only be destroyed. If you place your hope on them, it will only end up…”

“There is a lack of people’s hearts, so they will not pursue it…”

Fang Yuan turned around and glanced in the distance. That was Tian Yuan’s direction.

Now that the viewing mirror has been destroyed, he doesn’t know what Tianyuan looks like, but he still looks at it, as if looking through the endless void and stars, seeing the people above the sky, seeing them working hard Desperate appearance.

After being silent for a while, he smiled and said: “I have also seen countless dark things and endless vicious hearts, but at this time, I am still willing to choose to believe that they will not be disappointed after all…”

“For this belief!”

He stiffened his chest slowly, and his voice seemed to penetrate for thirty-three days of destruction: “I will stay here forever!”

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