Master of Great Calamity Chapter 955: The white cat is laughing

“You are now in thirty-three days, facing the depraved power that can destroy the Great Immortal Realm. You are alone, isolated and helpless. Even mana is a source of waterlessness. No matter what you say, no matter what you say No matter how beautiful it is, I don’t believe it, but I want to see if I really attract all the power of destruction, how long can you last with your own ability…”

Di Xu’s voice came with that endless magic breath.

There are raging waves around the sky, like invisible trolls, shaking the foundations of the world and devouring everything.

This time, there was no anger in Di Xu’s voice.

Instead, it’s calm!

This time, he didn’t think of any anxious or tricky ways, but really, and guided all the dark magical breaths he could induce. Just before, he and Fang Yuan connected Fan Zhan had already brought the magical breath that had flooded the heavens and earth for thirty-three days. It was also with these magical breaths that he had ruined the three heavens and outer heavens, and put endless pressure on Fang Yuan.

Now, he has attracted more and more magical breaths, reaching the two sides of the world, and even more!

The thirty-three days inherently have endless magic breath, it can be said to be inexhaustible!

This is where his advantage lies. The more magical breath he attracts, the heavier the pressure on Fang Yuan.

Now, this is Di Xu’s plan.

The more he talked with Fang Yuan, the more he realized that he couldn’t say a word that Fang Yuan said.

He even felt a foolish look from Fang Yuan!

So he doesn’t want to talk anymore, he just wants to crush with his strength…

In any case, I still have the advantage.

This is the Great Immortal Realm, with dark demon auras that are beneficial to you everywhere, and heavenly demons everywhere.

These powers can be borrowed by myself.

Even if the amount of dark demon auras in one world cannot be suppressed by Fang Yuan, what about two worlds?

Two sides of the world can’t work, what about the three sides, or even the ten sides?

For myself, it’s just a matter of time!

He is a cosmopolitan creature, as long as he grows to a sufficient level, he can even arouse all the magical breath!

But Fang Yuan is only alone in this broken great fairy world!

No matter how high his supernatural powers are, he doesn’t even have a source of mana. Perhaps, for a while, the power and unpredictable methods he showed can put himself under threat and feel a thorny headache, but in the face of the general trend, He still looks trivial!

After all, this is a situation where even the emperor is helpless!

No matter how strong Fang Yuan is, he may not be better than Emperor Xian!



There is already darkness around, but when you look in the distance, you can see a darker frenzy rolling over.

Lay layer by layer, layer by layer.

That made the surrounding darkness more intense, almost turning into liquid, becoming a real wave.

In this wave, you can see endless dense monsters.

At this time, the number of monsters pouring in was more than ten times more than before.

Just like a stream can never be compared with a big river, the magic breath of the past cannot be the same as it is now.

The magic breath of the two heavens and the earth poured down towards Fang Yuan at this time.

In the midst of this devilish breath, Di Xu carried his hands on his back, looked at him coldly, and his pupils shrank slightly.

The Hongmeng creatures around him realized that the time had come, so they roared with rage, and drove their own demon aura, mixed in the violent and boundless demon aura, like commanding endless monsters. The generals of the army have formed countless spiral cones in this long void, coming from a distance, accumulating frightening power, and rushing towards that door.

Magic breath, monster, heavenly demon, great creature.

And in the middle of this endless frenzy, the imperceptible Emperor Xu!

Everything is like a monster with teeth and claws, enough to destroy everything.

Before this frenzy, even the large array of six reincarnations seemed very small.

What’s more, Fang Yuan, who is now guarding the Six Paths of Reincarnation Formation?

But facing this endless frenzy, Fang Yuan’s face looked calmer than ever!



“I guard the gate of heaven with one sword, and don’t teach darkness to fall into the world!”

He didn’t speak, but his spirit was full, but it shook the void, forming a clear and powerful voice.

This voice merged with the chanting sound in the void around him, and it seemed to have a long flavor and stir people’s hearts.

Even the portal made from the world oscillated faintly at this time, exuding an invisible flavor.

The golden light is brilliant, very dazzling.

When the sound of his chanting sounded, the demon-breath forward was already in front of this door.


Before the monstrous demon breath slapped on that portal, it could almost shatter a complete world, but this portal was made from Fang Yuan’s world, and the other world absorbed the three sides of the world. The origin of the sky, its background is almost infinite, now it has turned into a portal, sitting in the void, if it is eternal, no matter how strong the devil’s breath is, it will always stand and stay unshakable.

Di Xu in the devil’s breath in the distance, watching with cold eyes, just watching.

“It’s nothing to resist the impact of the magic breath…”

He watched the slight changes in the gate of the gods under the beating of the magic breath, and his eyes were slightly cold.

“Hongmeng is the most powerful, it is not the force of impact, but erosion!”



The portal on that side is naturally powerful, but the horror of the devil’s breath is not waiting. This world is decayed.

Even the Tianwaitian world that is suppressed by Xianbao will be corrupted in this way.

That’s why they will lead the devil’s breath to Tianyuan, and become Tianyuan’s catastrophe.

This is the most terrifying place of the Dark Demon Breath.

So far, there has never been anything that will not be corroded by the dark magic breath!

Now, he is observing this.

He doesn’t believe that there are immortal things in the world, so he doesn’t believe that there are things that the dark magic breath cannot corrode!


…The observation results made Di Xu’s eyes slightly cold, a little surprised!

He saw that after the demon breath slapped, it intertwined and clung to the door, but unexpectedly, on that door, there was golden light and water patterns, any ray of demon breath. None of them could be contaminated on the portal, and they were all washed away by the golden light, as if the golden light that appeared in the Yuanzhen solution had some kind of weird divine power, which could actually block the devilish breath.

“How could this be?”

This change made Di Xu’s eyes become a bit annoyed again.

He doesn’t know if this portal can never be tainted by the magic breath, but at least this time, it did it!

“The magic breath can soak everything!”

At this time, Fang Yuan was also paying attention to this, and he was satisfied with the result: “But this door is not just the transformation of the world, he also has the obsession of the Kunlun Mountain seniors, and has their minds. Only now has it been refined into the gods of today!”

“The human heart is the easiest to be tainted by the magic breath!”

He murmured to himself: “But it is also the least likely to be infected!”

The portal he created just now was transformed with the power of the true spirit hidden between the Dao Yuan Zhen Jie. Above this door, there is the Dao Yuan Zhen Jie’s power itself, and There are many explanations for the power in the Dao Yuan Zhen Jie, which can be said to be remnant spirits, or obsessions, but when it is bigger, it is Taoism, which is a kind of theory that is specially used to teach and cultivate oneself…

The Lord of Darkness once said that the catastrophe comes from the hearts of people.

It confirmed the source of the Hongmeng Dao Qi he saw in the stone tablet. Fang Yuan knew that it could also be said that the magic breath came from the human heart.

The devil’s breath is the power of the human heart, so Dao Yuan’s true understanding has implicitly restrained this power.

With the help of Dao Yuan Zhen Jie, he has created such a portal that is not afraid of demonic breath.



At this time, Di Xu still didn’t do anything, just let the more tyrannical demon breath rush towards Fang Yuan.

Those countless dark monsters, heavenly monsters, and cosmopolitan creatures all rushed to the door of the gods at this time, like an army after another, gritted their teeth and slammed into the door desperately , This is the second hole card retained by Di Xu, even if the magic breath can’t directly smash the portal, it can’t drench the portal, then it can tear it apart and destroy it!

All three heavens and outer heavens will be destroyed, let alone just a door?

At this time, Fang Yuan didn’t personally stop the monsters, letting them rush to the gate.


Under this kind of power, the gods finally shaken slightly.

The endless monsters and heavenly demons, the universal creatures, their power is indeed more condensed than the invisible demon breath. The gods can guard against the devil breath, but they cannot prevent their direct attack. Let them If the attack is about to go down, even a world will be torn apart. Of course, this divine gate cannot be kept forever unless Fang Yuan stays in front of this gate again…

This time Fang didn’t!

At this moment, he just raised his arms slightly and pinched the seal.

Above your a fairy seal flew out suddenly, purple intent, as if with some fierce aura.

The white cat on the ark in the distance, seeing the immortal seal, his eyes shrank slightly.

It was dim-eyed, and it seemed to have a certain spirit at this time.

Even the Flood Dragon suddenly raised his head at this moment and looked at it with concentration.

“My friends, it’s time for you to return!”

Fang Yuan looked at the Far Ark, and spoke softly, his voice resounding in this void, with a certain Taoism: “At the beginning, you indulged Dixuan and reversed the Harmony and caused such a disaster. For countless years since then, you have always been guilty of guilt and wanted to redeem your sins, but now, I come to give you such a chance to redeem your sins, and it is not worthy of your watch!

While speaking, the immortal seal was already surging, flying towards the **** gate!

At this moment, the white cat swayed its tail, his eyes sparkled, as if laughing! 2k reading network

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