Master of Great Calamity Chapter 946: People’s hearts are like chess

The situation of Tianyuan, as Di Xu said, looks precarious.

Even if it is the magical powers of immortals, it will come to Tianyuan along with the great calamity, it will not be a day to save the defeat. These immortal scriptures and magical methods are all the crystallization of wisdom born during the most prosperous time of the great immortal world. , But also correspondingly, the more advanced the method, the more time it takes to comprehend. Perhaps that time is very long. But in today’s Tianyuan, the shortest thing is time. In the eyes of many people, the overthrow of Tianyuan is nothing more than It’s just one night and two nights, it’s over…

At this time, Fang Yuan looked at Di Xu calmly.

He also admitted that what Di Xu said made sense, but he never spoke.

It seems to be using this attitude to express opposition to Di Xu.

Di Xu’s aura was heavy, and after a long time, he also looked into the phantom cast by the heavenly mirror.

From here, he saw Da Tian Yuan, and they were all different. Originally, he saw the Great Tribulation coming, but it was a carnival of the Cross-Tribulation Demon Dolls. Those Cross-Tribulation Demon Puppets saw the Great Tribulation as if they were watching When it comes to endless good fortune, they know that the time has come for them to go further. Knowing that they have seen the catastrophe, they have seen their hope, so they are crazy, rampant, and roaring everywhere.

The Tianyuan creatures at this time showed despair.

But as the endless fairy tale fell from the sky, it caused endless changes. Some were excited and mad, some were foolish, and some thought that Tianyuan had been gifted by God, but no matter what, they were all in despair. Hope was born out of thin air…

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

In the west of Kyushu, a dark monster roars, rushing towards it with endless magic breath.

They are all powerful monsters that were gradually born during these seven years of battle. Their strength is not even weaker than the first ten demon puppets, and what makes them feel wronged is that their endless strength , But in the past seven years, he has been suppressed by Donghuangshan Daozi in this corner of Kyushu. He has repeatedly played in battles, but has not been able to escape, and has accumulated endless anger in his heart.

At this time, they saw the catastrophe coming, but their thoughts were different.

They have already seen that the future of the world must be the world of magic dolls, so they can no longer hold on to this place. They want to rush out here to meet the purest and strongest dark demon breath. Only in this way can they Evolve yourself faster!

At that time, they can guarantee that they will become the most powerful reincarnation and become the king of the future!

So they desperately destroyed the dark magic breath and rolled forward overwhelmingly.

If you want to break through this cage, of course you must first kill the little Donghuang.

Without him, the world will inevitably collapse faster, and the three of them also have the opportunity to become stronger. More importantly, in this way, the three of themselves will become the most meritorious people among the dark creatures. With the capital to be king in the future…

“Are these monsters crazy?”

Those Tianyuan creatures standing in front are all stupid looking at the demon breath that flows like a tide.

They felt cold all over for a while.

I just repelled a wave of these monsters and didn’t even get a rest. Now, are you facing them again?

Do these monsters really refuse to give the world a chance to breathe, and want to bury the world directly?

No matter how tired and panicked, these Tianyuan creatures are still holding the swords and guns in their hands tightly.

But when the subordinates ran to inform Xiaodonghuang, they unexpectedly discovered that Xiaodonghuang had no intention to fight at this time. He was sitting cross-legged on the low mountain, holding in his hands. A scroll, looking at the words on it madly, the whole person seems to be in a kind of confusion, even if it is to him, it seems to be ignored, the whole person is no longer known to the outside world.

“Is that so?”

He looked at the words on the scroll, only muttering to himself.

“Daozi, those monsters have attacked…”

The subordinate yelled, trying to wake Donghuangshan Daozi.

But Donghuangshan Daozi just stared at the words on the scroll with nothing.

Finally, the subordinate gritted his teeth, picked up the weapon by himself, and rushed outside, because time was running out.

Only Donghuangshan Daozi was left, sitting alone on the low mountain.

Outside there are all killings, blood is flowing into rivers.

While Donghuangshan Daozi didn’t listen at all, he looked at the words on the scroll, his expression finally changed from obsessive to solemn, and gradually became a little joyful. At the end, he sighed softly and looked up at the sky. Said: “It turns out that, no matter how hard I try to comprehend the Dao, it’s a little bit short. No wonder I can’t take that step anyway. I thought I was too weak and too stupid to comprehend the new. Dadao, fortunately, at this moment, you sent me the truth…”

As he said this, he slowly stood up.

Above the current front, the dark magic breath is rolling in and swallowing everything. The three big golems are almost crazy. They are already powerful. Except for the Daozi of Donghuangshan, almost no one can resist their fierce power. , And now, they face the great calamity, their strength is more powerful, but Donghuangshan Daozi did not take action, the human side, there is no master sitting in the town, facing their fierce might, they are even more vulnerable.

I can see that the dark magic breath covers the world, so I want to swallow this battlefield completely.

But at this moment, a person suddenly walked up into the sky alone.

It is the Daozi of Donghuangshan. He is still wearing iron armor and holding the scroll in his hand. From the low mountain, he slowly walks towards the high altitude step by step. The aura on his body is sometimes soaring, sometimes Invisible, flickering invisible, extremely mysterious.


The three dark magic puppets saw this scene and were shocked at the same time.

Then they were connected with each other, without hesitation, the three magic breaths merged into one, and the mad dragon rolled forward like a dragon.

Under the intertwined vertical and horizontal directions, the Donghuangshan Taoist will be completely submerged.

But facing such a terrible danger, Donghuangshan Daozi did nothing.

He just dangled his sleeves slightly, and then continued to walk forward.

It’s strange to say that, looking at the dark demon aura that was about to wrap him inside, it happened that at this moment, it wiped his body and swept over, as if it were the three big demon puppets, and made a mistake in calculation. It’s like not grasping the direction and strength…

“I always thought it was my problem, but it was not my problem!”

Daozi from Donghuangshan seemed to have done a very simple thing, he didn’t even pay attention, just step by step, walked to the position closest to the sky, and then his sleeves shook, and endless laws began to swept around him. Coming, this made his figure start to become extremely tall, as if he wanted to blend into the firmament, and his voice seemed to be rang from all directions at the same time.

“I thought that Tiandi Avenue has been changed. The original Tiandi Avenue is still there!”

When he said this, he suddenly laughed at himself: “In fact, I should have understood that the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth is there, who can change it?”

After saying this, he gently squeezed the seal.

The world around him suddenly seemed to shrink a lot, as if he had become the center of the world.

“How is this… possible?”

The eyes of the three reincarnation demon puppets suddenly became like needles.

The desperate Tianyuan creatures yelled out at this moment: “Little Donghuang…”

“You don’t have to call me Xiaodonghuang anymore!”

At this moment, Donghuangshan Daozi opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes, as if the world opened his eyes, looking down at the devastated world with pity.

“From today, I am qualified to become the new Lord of Donghuangshan!”

With his voice, his figure suddenly disappeared, as if in this moment, he was integrated into the world, and in the next moment, he appeared again, the process in the middle was fast, almost as if It’s just an illusion, but if you take a closer look, you can find that he who reappears is completely different from before, and his every move seems to blend with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

“For so many years of fighting life and death, you still can’t break through…”

The three demon puppets, at this time, were angry and unwilling, and shouted in a cold voice: “At this time, you have broken through the last step. Is it still useful? The world is bound to die. What if you are more than a Mahayana?”

In the roar of anger, they swept the endless magic breath, up against the sky, devouring everything.

They almost have the courage to swallow this whole world!

But facing the three reincarnation demon puppets who have been entangled with him for countless years, the Taoist of Donghuangshan became very calm at this time, he spoke very seriously, and did not know that he was talking to these three demon Occasionally, I still say it to people who believe that they are quietly looking at them somewhere now: “Since today, Tianyuan has a new Mahayana, and there will never be only one Mahayana…”

“With Mahayana, you can stay in Tianyuan without falling over!”

When his voice fell, so did his palms.

A palm fell, and the world seemed to tremble, squeeze, and shrink.

The three magic puppets had not rushed to him, they were already wrapped in endless laws. They struggled and resisted, but those laws were like maggots, wrapped them tightly, and combined their bodies with Supernatural powers, layer by layer, stripped, minced…

In this void, suddenly the dark clouds faded and the sun was shining brightly.

Daozi of Donghuangshan stood in the void, standing quietly for a long time under the scorching sun.

After that, he suddenly raised his hand, and several divine minds around him flew away, like a meteor, rushing in all directions of Tianyuan.

In his divine mind, it is his understanding of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

The direction of flying is those who he thinks have the hope of achieving Mahayana!

After doing this, he raised his head and slowly swept towards the sky, then his body disappeared.

There is only one Qi machine, which instantly traversed the endless void and rushed to the devil’s side, the most severe and important battlefield.



“Is this your hole card?”

For thirty-three days of broken, Di Xu has been watching with cold eyes. He saw the desperate Donghuangshan Daozi, got the scroll given to him by Fang Yuan, and watched Donghuangshan Daozi succeed in enlightenment and became the Tianyuan today. The first Mahayana also watched him destroy the three magic puppets with one hand, and then shared his understanding with the people of the world. In the end, without turning back, rushed to the devil’s edge…

His expression became a little cold, and he looked at Fang Yuan Senran: “What did you tell him?”

Fang Yuan’s expression is exactly the opposite of that of Di Xu. Di Xuyu is savage and ferocious, and he is calmer: “I’m just taking the heaven and earth as my teacher in the thirty-three days that I have understood. I told him some truths and let him see through the vain!”

Looking at Di Xu calmly, he said: “You keep saying that you have changed Tianyuan Dadao. Before, we thought this way, thinking that you have changed Tiandi Dadao, but in fact, you really have this Are you capable? If you really have this kind of power, you won’t wait any longer, but just swallow everything. You are just using the Heaven and Human Realm to blind the Tianyuan Dao…”

“You make all the Tianyuan creatures think that Tianyuan Dao has been changed, so that their Dao Hearts have a shadow, so they dare not take that step, and they belonged to the Mahayana monks before, because of you Blinded the avenue, and lost the sense of the avenue of heaven and earth, so they all fell into the realm. Perhaps, this is also the strategy you came up with by participating in the research of the human mind?”

“Fake is true when it is true!”

Fang Yuan’s voice seemed to contain a little emotion: “Those who have fallen to the realm, the real reason is not because the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth has been changed, but because the heart of Dao has a shadow, so they can’t really see the Dao. From this point, you are very smart!”

“Even so, it’s useless!”

Di Xu has been looking at Fang Yuan coldly, not admitting or denying his words.

Until he finished speaking, he said abruptly: “Like today, the general situation of the earth is in my hands, with luck and luck, and it can be prevented. How can a small Mahayana born in Tianyuan be able to change? I have mastered the treasure left by the emperor, and I have mastered the entire 33 days, no matter how many Mahayana Tianyuan is born, how about you spread the world?”

His figure has become extremely tall, as if anger swallows the world.

And his patience was finally exhausted at this time, and he decided to devour everything desperately.


Void trembles, and the outer sky in the distance is collapsing, and the two are struggling in the endless but the longer they struggle, the more the realm falls, the more the hatred of God and nothing Worrying God, finally reached the end of the crossbow, vulnerable…

“I have established the victory, and within a single thought, the Tianyuan will be destroyed, what is the difficulty?”

Facing his invincible power, Fang Yuan looked extremely small at this moment.

However, compared to Di Xu’s fierce and domineering, his expression looked extremely calm.

“You think you have seen through people’s hearts and played everything in your hands, but in fact you don’t understand…”

He looked at Di Xu and smiled gently.

Di Xu just stared sharply, staring at him coldly, his murderous intent skyrocketing.

“Do you know that Tianyuan has a game called Jinqi?”

Fang Yuan went on to say, “I am quite good at playing this!”

. m.


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