Master of Great Calamity Chapter 943: The heart is hard to fake

Fang Yuan is less than fifty years old, and Di Xu has at least three thousand years of life.

But now Fang Yuan looks at Di Xu, but says he is a child.

This is not a joke, it’s serious!

Because the human race has a long civilization, under the influence of this civilization, people will grow up in less than 20 years, so Fang Yuan, now fifty years old, is an adult.

If there is no human civilization, Fang Yuan will be thrown into the den of beasts and he will grow to death, he will be just a beast.

It is like Emperor Xu, even if he has lived for three thousand years, but he does not have his own ethnic group or civilization, so in contrast to his long and long life, he is now a child!

A child who has not grown up yet!

Di Xu didn’t know if he wanted to understand Fang Yuan’s words, but he was clearly a little unhappy.

From Fang Yuan’s face, he didn’t see the corresponding despair, but a bottomless peace, which made him uneasy.

He looked at Fang Yuan and suddenly sneered: “You don’t seem to be surprised by all this?”

“Not surprised!”

Fang Yuan shook his sleeves and said, “Because I knew it a long time ago!”

Di Xu changed back to the gentle and elegant appearance of the Great Emperor, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, “Oh?”

“The first time I entered Taihuangtian, I knew you were a fake!”

Fang Yuan’s face looked very calm, and said: “Since you couldn’t directly erase me with the power of taboo, you should do everything possible to kill me instead of pretending to be clever and turning out those many Tianyuan The predecessors came to fool me and did that, instead of dispelling my doubts, it made me even more suspicious of you. You can’t just play tricks with this thing casually…”

Di Xu’s eyes were slightly cold, but his face was still very flat, he smiled softly, and said: “Those people are all made by me using their brand as the basis to instigate the celestial demons. The celestial demons are infinitely changing and bear their branding. The people who are shaped are no different from them!”


Fang Yuan nodded lightly and said: “No matter their appearance, appearance, voice, even mana and supernatural powers, they are exactly the same as those of the predecessors of Kunlun Mountain. No matter what methods are used to explore, they will not find flaws. But you are not human after all, so you don’t understand. Whatever is fake is fake anyway. There is something that can never be fake…”

Di Xu frowned and seemed to be really curious: “What?”

Fang Yuan smiled, and said: “You are the most contemptible, popular!”

Di Xu just looked at Fang Yuan without speaking.

Fang’s principle is to lazily smiled, and said: “The human heart is lacking, so the human heart is infinitely changing. It is the demon. You can give them the memories of those Kunlun Mountain predecessors, but they can’t make a corresponding No matter how they perform, they seem very blunt, so stiff that I don’t even bother to accompany them to continue the performance. It’s like a crippled child lying!”

Di Xu looked indifferent, and after a long time he said: “I have to admit that I don’t understand what you said!”

Fang Yuan smiled silently, and said: “If they are really the Kunlun Mountain group of seniors, how can they sit and watch the Tianyuan disaster infinitely, and An Xin stay here to help you reverse the devilish breath? If they are really the Kunlun Mountain group Seniors, everyone has their own temper and personality, how can they agree with your approach and stay in this broken world for your ideas for three thousand years?”

“You are too naive!”

Fang Yuan slowly got up and pointed to Di Xu: “If the real Kunlun Mountain seniors are by your side, they must have their own opinions. Maybe someone will promise to help you turn around for 33 days, but also There must be people who insist on returning to Tianyuan. Their opinions will not be so unified. This is the nature of human beings. However, they are all demonized by the sky, but each of them is willing to accept their own destiny and stay in the Emperor Tian to help you. , This in itself is a very false thing, I don’t want to notice it…”

“As long as they are people, they will not be so united, so if they are so united, they must be fake?”

Di Xu is indeed very smart. He condenses slightly and understands the key.

Then he raised his head and said to Fang Yuan: “That’s why you believe they are fake?”

“For those seniors in Kunlun Mountain, I have only heard of it, but I have never seen it!”

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “I’m sure those people are fake. I’m sure you are fake because of another person!”

Di Xu looked at Fang Yuan and motioned for him to speak out.

Fang Yuan turned his head to look, and saw a sword light crisscrossing the broken world.

It was a lame man. He walked slowly, facing countless creatures from the outside world, occasionally using a sword to startle the ghost.

“Everyone else is down, dignified Qingyang Jianchu, how can you be willing to stay in the Supreme Heaven to help you?”

Fang Yuan showed a helpless smile on his face, shook his head, and said, “He only has swords in his heart, and he only pursues kendo. No matter how big your idea is, he can’t be touched, so he saw you first. Eyes, they will only treat you as his grindstone, slashing the past with one sword, instead of being subdued by your ideas, obediently staying in the sky and obedient, this is the most fake thing…”

Di Xu’s face is already ugly.

Fang Principle’s expression became more calm, and he looked at Di Xu seriously, and said: “So from then on, I knew they were all fake, so you must be fake too. I don’t know what you use What method did they look like, but you don’t understand people’s minds at all. Since then, I have been thinking about who you are and what you want to do…”

His eyes are like a torch, and Fang Yuan’s voice also suppresses a sense of coldness.

“I pretended to believe what you said and came to Tianwaitian. One is to understand the truth and falsehood of your words. Second, I want to see what you all want. In the end, I understand Tianwaitian. After his purpose, he also guessed the truth!”

Di Xu’s eyes were faint at this time, as if it contained endless killing intent.

However, Fang Yuan ignored him, and just said to himself: “Tianyuan’s greatest enemy is not Tianwaitian, it’s you!”

“Tianwaitian, indeed led the Great Tribulation to Tianyuan, but you are the one who really covets Tianyuan!”

“It is you who have been afraid of what Tianyuan did, because you are worried that as the last place of hope that the Emperor Xuan had to keep back then, will the savior of the world be born, so when you understand After the situation, you have been monitoring Tianyuan. You have a foreboding that those seniors in Kunlun Mountain may have derived some truths, so you lower the calamity and erase them!”

“You are worried that Tianyuan will give birth to some powerful people again, and even this will affect Tianyuan’s road!”

“You saw Jianchi’s sword, and you were frightened, so you erased him…”

Fang Yuan finally gave the answer: “You have always been afraid of Tian Yuan, so you have been targeting Tian Yuan!”



Di Xu Jiang Fang Yuan has heard everything.

His look has also become stranger than ever before. He seems to want to sneer, and also seems to want to ridicule, and he can see a certain emotion similar to anger, but he is not a person after all, so this emotion, finally They all flashed by.

He nodded calmly, and said, “You’re right. I have always been worried about Tianyuan. I don’t know what is special about this land of immortals, but Di Xuan will It must be his own reason to protect him as the birthplace of hope!”

He said softly, but he seemed to applaud: “Moreover, this place is really unusual. Tomorrow Tomorrow, Outer Heaven will direct the catastrophe to the world in order to protect itself. As a result, instead of just being destroyed, Tian Yuan will be destroyed. The robbery has survived. Every generation has people who die, and some people are on the top, and even in the process, they have accumulated experience and are ready to start to derive the truth…”

“So I erased those people in Kunlun Mountain, and correspondingly erased your accumulated experience, and even used the Treasure of the Emperor of Heaven to influence the Dao of Tianyuan, so that you no longer appear Mahayana, I was thinking, At least it will give me peace of mind for a few years, right?”

“But in less than a thousand years, Tianyuan had another sword idiot!”

“The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth has been affected, but he still touched the taboo…”

“So I erased him again!”

While speaking, Di Xu’s mouth gradually showed some helplessness: “But how long has passed since then, there is another you, I can’t even kill, this is really a very absurd thing. , Even if it’s the cautious, rock-hard Tianwaitian, it just gives me a headache how to win it. How can such a weak Tianyuan produce so many things?”

He lightly shouldered his hands and looked at a distant place, before sighing for a long time: “How can we stay in this world?”

At this moment, Fang Yuan also looked at that place, and seemed to be a little bit emotional.

The low meaning on the emperor’s face quickly dissipated, and then he laughed and said: “But fortunately, the human heart did not disappoint me. After all, everything is realized according to my ideas, you Even if you saw my hard spot at the time, you would still fight against Tian Wai because the catastrophe was indeed led by Tian Wai Tian, ​​and if you fight with Tian Wai Tian, ​​I will definitely Will seize the opportunity, so these things cannot be decided without seeing through. This is a dead end…”

He slowly opened his big hand, and his two large sleeves dangled gently on his side.

“Now that Tianwaitian has been destroyed, Tianyuan has suffered a great disaster, and it is absolutely difficult to resist. I have mastered the victory!”

He looked at Fang Yuan earnestly, slightly mocking: “So, even if you see these things, what can you do?”

Fang Yuan just remained silent.

Di Xu’s face is even more smiling: “You just said so much just to save the remaining face?”

“You look confident like a person!”

Fang Yuan greeted his ridiculous smile with only calm on his face. He suddenly said: “Since you have a mirror of heaven and can monitor everything in the world, why don’t you take a good look at it now, Tian Yuan , Is it defeated as you think?”


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