Master of Great Calamity Chapter 942: 1 child

New era creatures?

Fang Yuan discovered that Di Xu’s words contained some words that he couldn’t understand!

In fact, today’s Emperor Xu is in a state he has never seen before.

In just one thought, Di Xu’s appearance has changed drastically, not like the humble gentleman before, not like a living person, or even a creature in a normal sense.

His body shape is changeable, but he has some strange vitality. He floats in the dark and devilish breath, like a fish in water, as if life exists in the great spirit. From his body, Fang Yuan saw the shadows of some heavenly demons. Unlike the heavenly demons, he seemed to have a higher realm, with a mystery that ordinary people could not understand.

He is not a human, but he is also a creature!

Amidst the dark demon breath, is life still born?

Fang Yuan suddenly felt a little cold!

As early as Tianyuan, he knew that life can be born in the dark demon breath, those dark monsters that are endlessly killed and inexhaustible, spiritual demon puppets are born in the demon breath lake. Even those exotic flowers and plants with magical medicinal effects…

These are actually some dead things, born of their own lives due to the characteristics of the dark magic breath.

In the Great Immortal Realm, there is also such a life, just like a demon!

It’s just that these beings are all low-level, just like dark monsters. They only know **** wildly and swallow everything. To some extent, they are inferior to wild beasts, chaotic and unborn, even if they are Heavenly demons are born with incomparable power, but they are still dead, only knowing to act according to a certain law, without their own will and thinking ability…

…It’s just that this situation is gradually changing.

At that time, the old prince Lei of Tianyuan Leizhou made a demon sword and gave birth to his own life.

Although the magic puppets in the Demon Breath Lake were reincarnated from death, they also gave birth to their own spirituality.

These are all dependable, so is it possible to give birth to a life in the dark demon breath out of thin air?

Now Fang Yuan sees an answer!

Di Xu is also looking at Fang Yuan, his face is constantly changing, elongated or distorted, ever-changing, very weird, like a heavenly demon, the voice is coming from all directions from the dark demon breath. It seems that his whole person can melt into the dark demon breath at any time, forming the size of the world: “I was born from the Harmony, to welcome the arrival of the new era, and to bury the old era. According to your human records, I am the opening of the new era. Being like a god, I will become the eternal **** of the new era…”

Following his voice, Fang Yuan could feel the endless pressure, like a whole world suppressing himself.

In a sense, he is indeed a deity!

He was born in Hongmeng, born as a god!

This fact is terrible!

So Fang Yuan could only remain silent for the first time, and then slowly spoke up when his heart condemned the horror.

“So, what you told me before was false?”

Di Xu didn’t see the shock and fear from Fang Yuan’s face, so he was a little dissatisfied and ridiculed.

He smiled coldly and said: “It’s not necessarily a fake. I was born from the Emperor Clan, so of course I can be said to be a descendant of the Emperor Clan. I was born in Hongmeng, so I understand Hongmeng. For you, today’s The Hongmeng Dao Qi is the Dark Demon Breath, but for me, this is the real Dao Qi. I will repair this side of the broken 33 days into a place suitable for our living beings to live, so in this To a certain extent, I am also repairing for 33 days, but I am not repairing for you human races!”

Fang Yuan pondered for a long time, as if he had just figured out these questions.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the Kunlun Mountains major repairs. Now they are all fighting around the two gods. They are not afraid of death. Some people even carry a kind of Tianyuan creatures that can only have it. His hatred, roaring, killing intent…

It’s just that at this moment, the more you look at them, the more false it is.

“It’s not a long time since you were born!”

Fang Yuan looked at Di Xu and said softly: “Before you said that you had returned from outside Hua, it was only three thousand years ago. Now think about it, these three thousand years are actually the time you were born. For a life like you, Three thousand years, it should be very short!”

Di Xu looked at Fang Yuan coldly, and after a long time, he nodded.

“Three thousand years is really short!”

Fang Yuan continued, saying: “You are not like our human race. You have too long a history and heritage, so it is very easy to grow up. You are a brand new life. When you were just born I must be very scared and lonely. I don’t know how long it took you to learn these things, but I think you should have made a lot of mistakes in the process of learning!”

Di Xu looked at Fang Yuan’s eyes, somewhat surprised.

After a while, he laughed and said: “People are still interesting, you guessed it, even if I came into being, I still need to grow, and what I use to grow is what your human race left behind. Dianji, there are too many human remnants in Hongmeng Dao Qi. From them, I can get everything I want, but I still need to grow. I have to say that in the first thousand years of birth, I was very Fearful, because in this world, there is only me, my family, all dead creatures without spirituality…”

“But fortunately, I learned quickly, I soon knew who I was and what I should do!”

He laughed, smiling like a person, with his hands in his hands, arrogantly: “And I did it too!”

Fang Yuan ignored what he said, but just continued with him, saying: “If this is the case, then you must be very worried that your life will die, and it is even more unlikely that someone who might find you will come to you. Come on, then the so-called soaring…”

Di Xu looked at Fang Yuan with a sneer.

Fang Yuan shook his head and said, “You really wiped them out!”

The emperor laughed silently, and said: “The so-called dark demon aura is our Hongmeng Dao Qi. Of course I will not allow him to change again. I was born in the Immortal Emperor Palace, and I was born with endless refinements. The remnants of the Emperor’s family naturally know how to master the things left by the Emperor’s family, such as the most important one, the Mirror of Heaven, which was originally used by the Emperor’s family to monitor the world and fell into my hands. I can’t use it to cover the dust, I want to pass through this realm, monitor the world and understand the current situation, so…”

“I saw the sky outside the sky, and also the Kunlun Mountain on earth!”

“Tian Wai Tian is too careful. No matter how hard I try, he still refuses to give me a chance to meet, but I gradually understand that Tian Wai Tian is not threatening, at least for the time being, because they live in Tian Wai Tian. When you are alive, you will not be too anxious to resolve the problem of the dark breath, but the world is different, you have been thinking about how to resolve the devil’s breath…”

“I even feel that they seem to be about to succeed…”

Fang Yuan’s eyes were cold: “So you brought down the catastrophe and erased them!”

Di Xu said indifferently: “That’s a punishment from heaven, it was a unique method of the Di clan back then!”

Fang Yuan shook his head and looked at the Kunlun Mountains overhaul: “What are they now?”

Di Xu looked into Fang Yuan’s eyes, and his face seemed to have a faint smile: “I was the first creature born in Hongmeng, but with the first one, the rest is easy. , I can’t wait forever, waiting for the second creature to appear, but I can enlighten. Every one of the demon born in this Hongmeng Dao Qi is a life waiting for me to enlighten, and after God’s punishment, I can stay The Taoist seals of those who have been erased, with these, I will recreate a group of Kunlun Mountain monks. Why is it difficult?”

Fang Yuan was silent for a long time, and said: “Then the sword idiot opened the sky with a sword, but also threatened you, so I took it away!”

Di Xu did not deny it, and said lightly: “All taboos should not be born!”

“What about me?”

Fang Yuan suddenly smiled and looked at Di Xu, and said: “I also touched Taboo!”

Di Xu just looked at him quietly without speaking.

Fang Yuan continued with a smile, and said: “As I said earlier, you have only been born for three thousand years, so now you are not strong enough. You have borrowed the means of the Emperor to erase your feelings. It threatens everything, but you may not be able to use those methods casually, so after you just wiped out the sword idiot, you want to wipe me, it’s not that simple…”

Di Xu looked at Fang Yuan for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said: “Yes, it’s better to use it than to erase it!”

He lazily smiled: “I have changed Tianyuan’s road, thinking that I have cut off the future of the Tianyuan monk, but I did not expect that there will still be one after another freaks, and I can’t keep you wiped. Go, and then I want to understand. Since the human heart is so interesting, why must it be erased? It’s better to follow you. The facts are as I thought. You did not disappoint me. Tianwaitian and Tianyuan are originally me. The two most troublesome places, but after you met together, actually…”

He deliberately paused for a while, then laughed: “We solved it together!”

He stretched his body slowly and looked extremely tall, looming in the dark demon breath.

Just like a true god!

“Now have the overall situation in hand!”

“Now, Tianyuan and Tianwaitian are both destroyed, and all the treasures are in my hands!”

He leaned over to look at Fang Yuan, his eyes suddenly showed some jokes, and said: “The arrival of the new era is unstoppable. All human races will become the past. Make way for our birth. No exception. However, since you are the last person who represents the human dialogue with me, I may be able to save your life and let you witness my great cause!”

When he said this, his eyes were bright as the sun, falling on Fang Yuan, as if to see through everything.

“You think you are born in the omnipotent god, but do you know how I look at you?”

But at this moment, Fang Yuan was very calm and calm.

He turned around slowly and looked at Di Xu’s face, with a faint expression: “You are just a child who has not grown up!”


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