Master of Great Calamity Chapter 939: Understand these 1 cuts

The overall situation is set!

Di Xu put his hands behind his back and walked among the dark magic breaths.

Everywhere I have passed, there have been 33 broken days, and in this despair, being torn apart by the dark demon’s breath, or the flesh changed in fear, falling into the heavenly creatures of the dark monster.

He walked in such despair and misery, and his fairy robe became more and more dazzling, as if it would never touch the dust, more and more like a celestial immortal, wandering, fairy wind Tao Yun, like He is the real king, looking at his own world, looking down at his own world…

As far as he can see, he can see the six reincarnation formations, the gods of Lihate and Worry-free are fighting fiercely among the endless dark monsters. They pushed the six reincarnation formations and forced Tian Yuan into it. The dead ends, but there is no remedy for their situation. Their world is already collapsing, and even they can’t stop this momentum, they can only roar and fight.

Their power still appears to be very powerful now. I don’t know how many demons have been torn apart and destroyed by them, as if they are boundless, as if the world is invincible, but Di Xu now has no interest in them at all, because the two of them have already lost. Up.

They are no longer the masters of heaven and earth, but two poor worms.

Now they are infinitely fierce, but they are only the last fierce.

As the two worlds collapsed, they have also begun to suffer backlash. The Tao Yun in their bodies has become more and more low, and the power of immortality has also begun to dim. The more weak they are, the more they control the immortal treasure. Weak, as this situation develops, the strength of the two of them will drop to an abnormally weak level. At that time, they will be taken down without any effort.

You don’t even have to shoot!

Tian Wai Tian has already lost.

Tian Yuan has also received the Great Tribulation and will definitely lose.

The dilapidated land of the ancestors of the immortals was already facing huge disasters and pressures. They didn’t have much hope of winning, let alone the catastrophe at this critical time? More importantly, because of the anger of the two gods, they led more catastrophes to the world, so the catastrophe Tianyuan faced this time was countless times stronger than before…

Under such circumstances, Tian Yuan is defeated!

If you lose, it means that all the creatures in this universe have lost…

So, he walked slowly, admiring everything, sitting on it.

From this crumbling, I feel heartfelt satisfaction.



At this moment, Di Xu raised his head slightly, and then saw a faint shadow appearing unconsciously in front of him on a rock floating in the void. It was a young person who looked Qingpao, his hair has been released, quietly hanging behind his head, which made him look a little depressed, pale face, with a touch of peace at this time.

Seeing this young man, Di Xu stopped and smiled lightly.

He admires this young man very much.

Because of the stupid principle that Tian Waitian had insisted before, he couldn’t do anything about them for so many years, so he has been waiting for the variables to appear, and then this young man appeared, he was actually short of numbers Within a year, he did something he couldn’t do, which made him feel a little bit emotional, man, it really has to be something like a creature to deal with…

He can see that this young man is not the real person, which is inevitable.

Whether it is the two gods of Tianwaitian, or this young man, they must not dare to show their true bodies in front of them now.

People are like this, even if there is no hope, they want to live.

Although the final result is often unsuccessful.

“Why is this so?”

Standing on the rock floating in the void, Fang Yuan looked at Di Xu and spoke softly.

Di Xu felt fatigue and despair in his voice.

But as a whole, he is still very calm and hides that emotion very well.

It’s probably because of this that we can keep some of the last decent.

“Because this is a human problem…”

Di Xu raised his head, admiring the expression of the young man, with a gentle smile on his face, and said softly, “No matter what the situation, you will make yourself like this. , Absurd, ridiculous, and very pathetic!”

Fang Yuan just looked up at him without speaking.

Di Xu continued speaking slowly, with a smile: “Think about the choices you face. As early as when you came to Tianwaitian for the first time, they could have chosen to promise you and let Tianyuan make a living. , Or to give you some hope. In this way, at least you will not be crazy, then in the three thousand years you can see now, there will be no accidents in the sky. Is this result good?”

He shook his head and continued: “But they didn’t, because they felt that there was a better and less risky way than this, so they rejected you, and you want the hope of going through the catastrophe safely. That’s it. At this time, you could have chosen to sit back and watch all this happen. In this way, Tianyuan is destroyed, Tianwaitian is still there, Human Race still exists…”

“But neither did you!”

He has a strong smile on his face, and said: “You have chosen to do whatever it takes to destroy the sky, and you have succeeded!”

“When the chaos appeared in Tianwaitian, the three old guys finally realized the fear, so they bowed their heads to you. They have promised to help you keep Tianyuan, and even condemn people to help Tianyuan overcome the catastrophe. At that time, If you are willing to swallow this breath and carry the humiliation on your back, then Tian Yuan is still safe, at least this time the catastrophe can still survive, but you…”

He looked at Fang Yuan with a smile, and gently shook his head: “Neither do you!”

“Is that because you want the creatures of Tianwaitian to taste the despair of being shrouded in a catastrophe like Tianyuan?”

“Or is it because you think they will betray Tianyuan even if they agree?”

Di Xu spoke, looked at Fang Yuan, nodded, and said: “No matter what you think, I understand!”

Fang Yuan just looked at him quietly, and was not relieved by his understanding.

“Your choice is also very reasonable!”

Di Xu continued: “You want to take advantage of the chaos outside the sky and completely destroy the six reincarnation formations. In this way, Tianyuan is indeed safe. At least in a short time, no one will have the ability to affect Tianyuan. Tianyuan will have more time to deal with everything, and for Tianyuan, time is hope, but you did not guess that the anger of the two gods is so strong, right?”

“They also faced a choice. They could sacrifice one world and save the other, but they didn’t…”

Di Xu chuckled softly: “They found that their world was shrouded in despair. They could have made another choice, which is to follow the general trend and release Tianyuan on a horse, so that at least Tianyuan will exist and the ancestral land will remain. The hope of the human race still exists…”

Some regrets generally shook his head, and said: “But they didn’t. Their first reaction was to die with Tian Yuan!”

Speaking of this, Di Xu could no longer conceal the smile on his face. He looked at Fang Yuan seriously, and said: “Look at so many choices and so many irritating intersections, it seems that you have come to this point. , Just because of some accident, but if you think about it yourself, even if you do it again, will you really make a different choice than before? Will the final result be different?”

The expression on Fang Yuan’s face solidified, and he was silent for a long, long time.

Then he shook his head slowly!

He really thought that this result would not be any different.

Di Xu smiled with satisfaction and said, “So what can you complain about when all this happened?”

“Humans are like this!”

“Today’s despair is no different from the previous despair!”

“There is a lack of people’s hearts, so they will definitely die!”



As if it was a hammering, Di Xu came to a conclusion on this matter.

This despair is already doomed.

Don’t change because of foreign objects, just a fate that has already written cause and effect, ushered in his end!

Fang Yuan seemed very calm at this time.

Or lonely!

Di Xu doesn’t know if he understands it. If he understands it, he might feel better.

Because these things happen, they have nothing to do with individuals.

As a human, you can only accept what you can do.



Fang Yuan was silent for a long time, and finally his expression changed.

He raised his head, looked at Di Xu, and said, “I still have something to understand!”

Di Xu smiled and said: “Understanding is to change the result. Now that the result is already there, is it useful to figure it out?”

Fang Yuan shook his head, and said: “Maybe it’s just because I’m unwilling!”

“This is also one of the human problems, there is always curiosity!”

Di Xu sighed slightly, turned his head to look, and the two gods were still fierce and mighty, still struggling in the endless darkness and demon aura and the encirclement of the demon, it is not time for him to take ~So he looked at Fang Yuan and said: “I don’t understand this curiosity, but you are human after all, so I can satisfy your desire. There are some things you should know…”

As he spoke, his big sleeves raised slightly.

Behind him, there was endless magical breath rotating and changing, and finally a portal appeared.

In this portal, a broken stone flew out slowly, floating quietly in the air…

When he saw this stone tablet, Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly shrank slightly.

Is this the ninth stele that records the final secret?

Since I left Tianyuan, I have been searching for these steles, wanting to understand what the secrets on the steles are, and also wanting to figure out how to resolve the catastrophe by understanding these secrets, but I didn’t expect, He has now seen the last stone tablet, but the timing of seeing this stone tablet was after Tianyuan was completely desperate and the catastrophe came…

Always figure it out!


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