Master of Great Calamity Chapter 936: It’s all a dead end

   Boom! boom! boom!

   Everyone knows that Tianyuan’s Great Tribulation Demon Breath comes from the demon aura guided by the Six Reincarnation Array, then, if the Six Reincarnation Array is destroyed, at least it will be destroyed by the three Heavens and Beyond. With the hands and feet, the part of the formation used to channel the devil’s breath into Tianyuan, Tianyuan will of course not face this 3,000-year calamity again. In this way, Tianyuan will have enough time to separate from the Demon Crossing Demon. Victory, there is enough time to grow up a batch of great monks, and have the strength to deal with everything.

   Although the Thirty-Three Days is full of demonic breaths, the Heavenly Human Wall between Tianyuan and the Great Immortal Realm still exists. Therefore, the one o’clock in thirty-three days will not affect Tianyuan. Tianyuan will have enough time and energy to come. Consider whether to intervene for thirty-three days…

  …After all, what is lacking today is time!

   Therefore, although Fang Yuan’s current practice is crazy, it is also unexpected.

   After the earthquake that day came, it didn’t take long for the Hate God and Worry-Free God to realize the problem. Both of them looked shocked. When they looked up, they could see the whole world. Following the roar and shaking, it seemed that there was an invisible big hand shaking all of this. It was the root of this universe, and the most basic thing was shaking.

   Their faces have become extremely worried.

   Because what Fang Yuan is doing now is more than just destroying the Six Paths of Samsara.

   In their consciousness, they can even perceive their Lihentian and Wuyoutian heavens and earth, shaking like a candle in the wind, and they have been surrounding the two heavens and outer heavens, looking for a gap. The demon and darkness demon breath that entered, at this time, also seemed to smell the blood of ants. They were already excited, flocking to each other, gnawing at each other, trying to squeeze into those two worlds.

   “That kid…”

   “That day, Yuan Xiaoer, he was going to ruin the foundation of our entire outer sky…”

  Worry-free God raised his head, his voice was desperate, and he yelled hastily.

   Li Hate God is not as ghoulish as him, but at this time, his face is also pale and cold sweat is shed.

   Both of them made the same choice. They both rushed to destroy the magical powers of the Immortal Treasure. They wanted to tear open the secret passage and rush to stop Fang Yuan from the past, but at this moment, Di Xu suddenly stopped. He just looked at them with a smile and waited slowly.

   The two gods were surprised and reacted: “He is waiting for us to pass?”

   For a while, they were depressed, and they didn’t know how to choose.

   Behind him, Di Xu looked eagerly at him. If they desperately wanted to stop Fang Yuan, then they would undoubtedly give their backs to Di Xu, which is equivalent to handing their little life to this person. More importantly, Looking at Di Xu’s appearance, he clearly didn’t just want his two lives and immortal treasures, he even coveted the Six Paths of Reincarnation Array. How terrible if he succeeded?

   But if you don’t care about him, can you let the child ruin the six reincarnation formations?

   The two of them looked at each other, both in despair.

   Is it really necessary to desperately summon all the power of Xianbao, and then jointly suppress Emperor Xu?

  With the immortal realm of the two of them, coupled with the power of the complete immortal treasure, together, they can be invincible in the world. No matter where the Emperor Xu comes from, how powerful he is, he will be defeated in their hands, but They just thought about it, and soon became desperate again, because they all knew that if they really did this now, the two worlds of Lihentian and Wuyoutian would be ruined!

  The dark magic breath and the endless monsters put too much pressure on these two worlds.

   Once there is no suppression of Xianbao, the dark magic breath and the endless monsters will surely rush into their world in the first time.

   Now countless thoughts flashed in their hearts, and a touch of sadness was born in their hearts!

   “Could it be…”

  ”…Before and after, there is no way to make it?”




   In their endless deep eyes, filled with sadness, the Emperor Xu double-sleeved hall came.

   He was like an outsider. He wanted to see if these two gods would go directly to the Six Paths of Reincarnation to stop Fang Yuan, but he didn’t expect that these two men would hesitate, so he was not polite. Immediately smashed the boundless sea of ​​bitterness and the vast mighty force, and suppressed the two of them head-on with the infinite darkness demon breath, sounding in the depths of the darkness demon breath with endless ridicule:

  ”One three thousand years, another three thousand years, for your own selfishness, it is enough for you to harm the Tianyuan. For example, today the Yuansheng spirit is going to avenge it, it is just righteous and unhappy with the retribution, why do you show such grief What does it look like?”

   He laughed, and in the abyss of bitterness, he reached out two big hands and grabbed them straight to the two gods.

  ”Don’t you know the principle of the good circulation of heaven?”

   In this ridiculous voice, the two gods were instantly submerged by the sea of ​​bitterness, and both their bodies were smashed and they stood unstable.

   “Brother Wuyou Dao, there is only one way now…”

   In the endless sea of ​​suffering, the two gods managed to stabilize their bodies. Under the sadness and despair in their hearts, they also gave birth to some different minds, and they were the first to speak from the hate god, shaking their minds and breaking through. The water of the Bitter Sea of ​​No Abyss passed to the God of Worry: “Even at this time, we can still find a way to save a world… at least one!”

   “Keep one?”

  Worry-free God’s heart shook, and his eyes looked at Lihen God.

   The grief on the face of Li Hate God, white hair dancing wildly, eyes faint, looking at the Worry-Free God, and the divine consciousness swayed: “Yes, this is the end, we can no longer save the two worlds , If you want to be endless, you can only do this…”

   The expression in the eyes of the Worry-Free God suddenly became awe-inspiring.

  Of course he knows what Lihate God’s proposal is…

  This is the end of the matter. If you don’t want to truly go to a dead end, you have to sacrifice!

   One of the two of them, desperately, summoned the immortal treasure that suppressed his side of the world, confronted Emperor Xu, and created the opportunity for the other person to rush to the six reincarnation formations to stop Fang Yuan. There is still a silver lining…

   However, this method is also doomed to destroy one of the two worlds!

   For them, it’s not just the world. It’s their tribe, their descent, their disciples, and hundreds of millions of creatures who regard them as gods and masters. This is actually better than Tianyuan It is even more important to Fang Yuan, because to them, to some extent, the heaven and the earth are their fate, and their relationship with the heaven and the outer heaven is too deep, so deep that once the heaven and earth are destroyed, they too Will be backlashed, and may fall from the immortal realm forever!

   This is sacrifice, the real sacrifice!

   sacrifice one’s own world to protect the other’s world…



   Facing the proposal of the lord of hate, the worry-free **** of consciousness seemed to flash through endless thoughts in an instant, and it seemed that time was approaching, and even a single thought could not rise. His full knowledge of the sea, all in an instant He was filled with rage and unwillingness, his eyes were blood-red, and he looked at Lihen God like an angry lion, and roared, “Why?”

  ”Why should we sacrifice our Wuyoutian to protect you from Hengtian?”

   “Why don’t you sacrifice Li Hentian to protect my Wuyoutian?”



   In response to this resentful answer and full of anger, the heart of Li Hate God sank.

   At this time, she has endless things to say.

  For example, compared to Wuyoutian, Lihentian is more stable, larger, and more meaningful to exist.

   Moreover, Li Hentian is the least corroded by magic breath in the three outer heavens, so it is more convenient to defend it from behind. No matter from which point of view, the one who should be protected is Li Hentian, himself This suggestion is no problem!

   But she opened her mouth, but she didn’t say a word.

  Because I have millions of reasons to prove that what I said is right, but Worry-Free God rejected it with just one reason.

   Li Hentian is not his world, but worry-free genius is!

   At this time, what reasons can I use to convince him?



   “That’s it…”

   Li Heng God suddenly sighed in sorrow, madness, and rushed out of the abyss of suffering.

   Behind him, the ancient trees of Taichu exudes endless divine light, illuminating the black world, desperately suppressing the emperor.

   At the same time, the Worry-Free God also rushed out of the sea of ​​suffering, holding the power of the sacred mountain to the Emperor Xu.

   At this time, both of them are crazy and desperate!

   The only way is also impossible!

   In that case, you have to fight!

   Facing these two desperate and crazy gods like trapped beasts~ Only Di Xu was happy, he almost took their frantic attack as if playing with them, even if he looked like Under such an offensive, it is not easy, but the smile on his face is thick for a moment, and while setting up an earth-shattering battle with the two, he laughed: “Human, this is the man…”



   is within the distance between Hengtian and Wuyoutian.

  Billions of creatures are looking up, and they see the top of their heads, as if covered by a thick black cloud.

   was originally daytime, but at this time it turned into night.

   There is a feeling of despair and depression that passed down from the dark cloud.

   Now, everyone is eagerly waiting, praying and begging in secret.

   They knew that a catastrophe was imminent, but they refused to despair.

  Because they believe and believe in their own God, they will do everything they can to protect their own world!

   To some extent, their beliefs are correct.

   Lihate God and Worry-Free God are indeed protecting them at all costs and will never let them be harmed!

   But because of this, they lost their last hope!


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