Master of Great Calamity Chapter 933: The Great Tribulation is Coming

   At the moment when the sky collapsed and the earth split, the lord of hate was rushing towards Fang Yuan, wanting to pierce him with a shot, but now Fang Yuan just borrowed Xuanhuang to wrap his body and barely under that shot It’s not dying. Now there is still the power to take such a shot again. It seems to be unreasonable, but at this moment, on the dome of Forgotten Sorrow, suddenly there are many amazing auras pouring down.

   Li Hate God was taken aback for a moment, and looked up, his eyes instantly desperate.

   is below, taking advantage of her slight distraction, Luo Feiling, the white cat, and the Jiaolong all rushed over in a hurry, holding Fang Yuan’s head and feet, and rushing towards the distance. I don’t care about the other one at all, let’s run away first!

  ”This is…”

   turned his head and saw Di Xu and others standing outside the sky, both Li Hate God and Worry-Free God were also stunned.

   There was a moment of panic on the faces of the two of them, and then there was endless anger.

   “Sure enough… do you have to ruin my outer sky?”

   There is already some endless annoyance, even powerless sadness in their voices.

  ”Hiding in the turtle shell for so long, after all, you broke the turtle shell yourself!”

   Di Xu, standing outside the dome, looked down at Wangchou Heaven and Earth, smiled slightly, and pointed downward.


   There is no need for him to say anything. The Kunlun Mountains overhaul standing on the spot silently beside him, all swooped down, everyone displayed their tyrannical supernatural powers, and the light on their bodies shone on the fields, making them look like , It is like a meteor falling from the sky, and when there are endless meteors, it is like a violent storm, with a kind of energy to destroy everything.

  After the Kunlun Mountain was overhauled, it was a demon!

   The almost uncountable demon, faintly and faintly, like a ghost in the world, spinning and flying down like intertwined.

   After that, there are endless dark monsters.

   They came by the dark magic breath, seeming to smell the vitality all of a sudden, then they became excited, whizzing and whistling, in groups, rushing down, some The immortal army in the air war had been caught in the air before they could react. Before their screams dissipated, the devilish breath had suddenly dispersed, leaving only a clean skeleton. While falling from the air, they spread out, crackling like rain, and scattered all over the floor.

   only has a skeleton, not even blood.

   The whole piece of Forgotten Sorrow, turned into a piece of purgatory at this time.

   was a purgatory before. It’s just that those who are in the water and fire are the souls who have forgotten the sorrow, and those who impose water and fire are the immortal army of worry-free and lientian, but now, it’s fair, whether it is Both heaven and earth have become the existence in purgatory.

   These tripartite worlds have been passed down for a long time. In addition to the three gods, there are also many masters.

  Because these three heavens and earths must be completely in the hands of the three gods, they are destined to not appear in these three heavens, Mahayana, and no new immortality, but the monks of the highest order of God, There are quite a few, and the number is terrifying, but now, facing the mighty demon power, these top-tier cultivators seem to have become lambs to be slaughtered.

   Some of them were desperate, they knelt on the ground and cried, then they were torn to pieces by the swarming magic breath.

   some roar, waving weapons and magic weapons into the air, but facing the endless monsters, even the demon, no matter how powerful, it is just futile, but grief and helpless, with unwillingness and anger. Finally died in this world.

  In the midair, people of monks are beheaded and slaughtered all the time.

   Above the earth, countless creatures fled, cried, and were eventually caught up, swallowed, or demonized.

  Forget the sorrow of the heavens and hundreds of millions of creatures, and have always been peaceful and fertile, a bit stronger than Tianyuan, but now, once the world is destroyed, the devil’s breath has fallen for thousands of years, and the green fertile field is full of dead bones. The verdant green hills, sprinkled with blood, the peaceful world, is filled with endless screams and howlings, and the palace and loft halls of the fairy wind road are all covered by endless magic breath, as if they have fallen into the nether… …

  ”This is…”

   Today’s Fang Yuan was carried away by Luo Feiling and others, and hid in a slightly safe place. His body was full of cracks and his injuries were extremely serious, but he sat down and watched forgotten. In the horrible situation of the sky, my heart seemed to be choked, and I just felt very bored!

   What I saw before my eyes was like a scene from a nightmare.

   “…The Great Tribulation!”

  He was born in Tianyuan. He has heard of the Great Tribulation for a long time, but he has never seen the appearance of the Great Tribulation.

   But now, he saw it.

  The scene of Wangshoutian today is the appearance of the catastrophe that cannot be clearer.

   Luo Feiling by his side just looked at him worriedly, but the white cat and the water dragon were thoughtful. The white cat looked tired and desperate at the great changes between the world and the earth, while the water dragon looked at him. It was thoughtful. This familiar scene finally touched something deep in its memory, some things that hadn’t been remembered for a long time, at this time, it was faint and there was a possibility of coming out.

  Just, it’s still very distressed.

   spent so long together with Fang Yuan’s white cat, it actually knows where the problem is.

  He lost his immortal seal!

  If it can find its own immortal seal, then it must be able to easily remember the past.

   But now that I can’t even remember what happened before, how can Xianzhuan get it back?

  Where did you lose your immortal seal?

  ”The trend has gone…”

   “The trend has gone…”

  In this chaotic world, Li Hate God and Worry-Free God, both angry and helpless, rushed to the sky, holding magic weapons, sweeping the monsters that flooded between heaven and earth. With their cultivation bases, ordinary monsters are naturally not their opponents. Under the sweep of the Qi machine, they fell one by one to the ground, even if it was the magic breath, they couldn’t get close for a while.

   But soon, they were all entangled.

  Besides the Lord of Lihen, more and more demons gathered. They rushed over one by one, transforming into a variety of mysterious appearances, fighting with the Lord of Lihen, but one by one. Hate God is still not afraid, but there are more and more demons around her. In the end, there are seven or eight, even more than a dozen, dozens of them, and they are haunting her…

   These celestial demons are born mysterious and different from living beings. They are entangled together. They are like one. The power increases greatly. Under the superposition, there are almost endless possibilities of power. You can easily remove them from the beginning of hating God. Knocked back, but one can be repelled, and two rushed forward, smashing one, but the other demon swallowed those fragments, became stronger, and rushed up again.

   And the Worry-Free God on the other side was trapped by the Kunlun Mountain overhaul.

  ”If the Tianyuan Jingjie is so many years old, it is because of you…”

   “Now that you also have a taste of the great catastrophe, it is considered the reincarnation of the heavenly path?”

   These major repairs are all immortal, very stylish, but now they are full of cold and stern colors, rushing towards the God of Worry, and God of Worry is shocked and angry. He swung his sword away, but Stopped by a crippled man with a sword and wanted to use his magical powers, but was faintly restrained by a few other people with extremely subtle means, and wanted to directly sacrifice the mountain to suppress it, unexpectedly found that he was trapped.

   These Kunlun Mountain major repairs, their supernatural powers are incomparably weird. They are different from the monks of their worry-free Heavenly Transformation God realm, and several of them seem to have the Mahayana cultivation realm, and there are many more unsolved accumulations. The taste made him worry-free God, even at this time, he could not easily get rid of it. Perceiving the hatred emanating from them, it made worry-free God upset.

  After a long time of fighting, both of them felt a sense of evil in their hearts.

   “My world, my people…”

   And at this moment, in the abyss of suffering, the God of Forgiveness, looking at this dilapidated world, is crying in grief and indignation.

   He was wounded by the Worry-Free God. Although he barely saved his, he was seriously wounded and awaiting death. He had been hiding in the depths of the sea of ​​suffering just now. Now he was moved by the vision of heaven and earth, so he stuck out Seeing it, the whole person seems to be crazy, completely desperate…

   “Actually, in your hearts, you have expected such a day for a long time. Why are you too sad now?”

   Behind him, a faint voice sounded.

  Wangshou God turned his head in horror, and saw Dixu’s wide robe and slow sleeves, standing on the surface of the sea of ​​bitterness, behind which the magic breath descended from the sky.

   “All of this…… All this is your arrangement?”

   Wangshou God felt a touch of despair, and suddenly he drank to Di Xu.

   “I have always wanted to break the heavens!”

   Dixu put his hands behind him, smiling but not smiling, and said: “But I really didn’t do anything…”

  The God of Forgotten Sorrow held a breath in my heart, and it took a long time to shout: “Who are you?”


  Di smiled falsely, stretched out his hand to the God of Forgetfulness and grabbed it, his eyes looked very clear and bright at this time, and said: “I’m just a bystander, the most fair position, I’m just waiting by the side Now, after the grievance between you and Tianyuan erupts, come and get back what I need. This is now, let me first give me the sea of ​​suffering that you own as your own!”


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