Master of Great Calamity Chapter 932: The sky is broken, the ground is cracked

   Looking at the Lord of Li Hate, his silver hair was dancing wildly in the air, Fang Yuan’s expression was slightly condensed at this time.

   is an endless world on one week, and the laws inside are revealed, slowly rotating.

   Before this, no matter if it is Lihate God or Worry-free God, she did not dare to exert all her power in this outer sky. The reason is simple, whether it is her own immortal power or the ancient tree of the early days. The strength is already strong to the extreme, almost close to the carrying limit of the world of sorrow, and it is precisely because of this that I can use the current cultivation base to remain unbeaten under her hands, and even drag it forever, but it is obvious, Now that this woman couldn’t help it, she decided to defeat herself in one fell swoop.

   She carried around 70% of the power of the ancient trees of the early primordial age, which was still within her range, but she decided to summon more power of the fairy!

   A ray of divine light came from Li Hentian.

   And this worrisome world is like a ball that has reached the limit, approaching the limit step by step.

  All the creatures in the outer sky, at this moment, felt a dangerous deep intuition, and looked up in amazement.

  ”The Tianyuan must be destroyed, and you must die!”

   There are layers of unspeakable and terrifying power around the Lord of Li Hate. That power entangles her with the shadow of the ancient tree behind, making her seem to have been with the ancient tree Fusion together, it is not clear whether it is a person or a tree. It just makes people feel that the treasure tree, which is already open to the sky, suddenly grows endlessly, upwards, almost to break through the sky, downwards, then To drill through the earth, the laws and Dao patterns above will become bright and dazzling, like layers of electric light!

   Fang Yuan, who was in front of Li Heng God, suddenly felt extremely dangerous.

   He could feel that above the sacred tree, he was looking at him with cold eyes.

   “This is going to be real…”

   Fang Yuan’s heart sank slightly, and then he calmed his mind and broke more laws.

   Since Lu Xinyao entered the outer world, he has been preparing, accepting the immortal seal gifted by the white cat, and worshiping for thirty-three days as a teacher to participate in the road, all for this moment, whether he can take this Hit is the key to your success…

  …If you die, Yuan might really lose that day!

   In the dark, I don’t know what force pushed me here, but now I do bear the destiny of Tianyuan!

   “咻” “咻” “咻”

   There was a very strange sound suddenly in the void.

   Like a poisonous snake vomiting condolences, and like a silk dancing empty.

   On the ancient tree of the primordial age, there began to be bright divine patterns that fell off. The divine patterns flew in the air, and they made that sharp sound. Every sound was like a sword light. Sharp and sharp, there were countless scattered white clouds floating in the surrounding void. Fang Yuan clearly saw that several of them were cut in half by the sharp sound…

   “I have told you the best solution, but you refuse to…”

   Above the ancient tree of the early days, the voice of Li Hate God came out: “Isn’t this seeking a dead end?”

   As her voice fell, the countless **** patterns that had fallen off from the ancient trees of the primordial age were suddenly entangled in the air. They were uncountable and entangled together, forming a dazzling gun, traversing It’s the same in time and space, pointing to Fang Yuan.

  ”Beyond the power of immortality…”

   Fang Yuan took a deep breath and clenched his silver teeth secretly.

   is not far away from him, hiding in a space gap in the canal, Luo Feiling can’t help but worry when seeing this scene, as if he can’t help stepping forward to help. But the old white cat suddenly stretched out its paw to stop her.

   Luo Feiling looked hesitant, looked at the white cat’s eyes, but could only bear it temporarily.

   and the dragon has plucked up the courage several times, but reluctantly sat back, persuading himself.

   “No way, I can’t plug in…”

   “I’m not in Tianyuan anymore, I’m a cheerleader at my current level…”



   “In that case, just let go of your hands and feet!”

   Seeing that the plan to hate the **** has been decided, he even directly summoned 80% of the power of the ancient tree of the early beginning, and he is about to break through the limits of this world. The worry-free **** also felt cruel, and at the same time, his arms shook his spirit The skyrocketing, unexpectedly summoned more power from Wuyoutian, the radiant and endless, blessings on his body, making his whole person become unpredictable, something that can almost be transformed into a substantive horror Powerful, the python is generally in the air, peeping its head and uttering condolences, it is terrible…

   “You did it too, and he did it too, what does it take me to forget me?”

   felt the horror around him, and the God of Forgotten Sorrow was full of bitterness and shouted in despair.

   He is different from the Lord of Lihen and the Lord of Worry-free. Those two of them are worried that they have broken the limit of Wangchoutian, so they did not dare to summon too much power of Xianbao before, but he was because he was so easy Wounded by Wuyou God, he can’t exert more power of Wuyuan Kuhai. Otherwise, based on his home court advantage, Wuyou God and Lihate God alone are not his opponents.

   Now seeing that both of them seem to be crazy, he is angry and resentful.

  What is angry is that these two people have completely ignored the existence and death of hundreds of millions of creatures.

   hates the fact that both of them can be desperate, but he doesn’t even have the idea of ​​desperately.

   One step wrong, step wrong!

   From the very beginning, the Worry-Free God was first to take advantage of himself, and he had already lost too many active advantages.




   Suddenly, Li Hate God and Worry-Free God, and shot at the same time.

   A sharp spear that seems to penetrate time and space, collapses the world and hits Fang Yuan.

   And an endless and majestic sacred mountain, it fell to Jiuyou, suppressed to the sea of ​​infinite agony.

   This kind of power cannot describe his power, because to some extent, this is a power that surpasses the heaven and the earth itself.

   It is enough to suppress the law, break the world and destroy everything!

   also when this kind of power is destroyed, everything is expected, and the unforgettable sky shatters.

   Where the gunshot passed, the cyan world was squeezed by the aftermath, forming layers of folds, and when the folds reached a certain limit, I suddenly found the sound of broken glass, which was just more dull. , And then saw a clear black trace appearing and spreading continuously, like a black snake wandering in the air, and soon it has traversed hundreds of feet of sky!

   and starting from this crack, the spider web generally spreads around.

   The whole world of Forgotten Sorrow, like an ice surface, was hit with black cracks.

   On the side of Wuyou God, the sacred mountain was suppressed and collided with the blue waves set off by the abyssal sea, and an annihilation halo spread to the surroundings centered on the point of their collision. Wherever they passed, the sky and the earth were thriving. The vitality faded suddenly.


   Facing these two heavy blows, Fang Yuan and Wangshou God both looked pitiful.

   Fangyuan faced the sharp spear, but desperately supported the world he had made and stood in front of the sharp spear.

   With a earth-shattering sound, the world in front of Fang Yuan was broken like colored glaze. He borrowed thirty-three days and intertwined the rules. At this time, it seemed so fragile. The gun, almost instantaneously, had penetrated his world, and then, with the indescribable power and murderous intent, he wanted to penetrate his body.

   But fortunately, at this moment, Fang Yuan’s cultivation of the mysterious yellow energy surged up layer by layer, and the vortex was generally densely covered in front of him. This kind of power, endless purity, seems Everything can be born, just like a cushion blocking the gun, so he was not pierced by the gun, but he was shocked by the boundless power of the gun.

When    flew into the distance, many glass-like cracks appeared on his body, which was almost horrible.

   On the other hand, the sacred mountain was suppressed on the Bitter Sea of ​​No Abyss. The God of Forgotten Sorrow, hiding in the Bitter Sea of ​​No Abyss, let out a desperate cry. The huge power shook all the wilds and the sea of ​​Bitterness. With endless power, it will not be quashed by the mountain, but the huge force sinks, but it will swell the world of Forgotten Sorrow, like floating ice, suddenly shattered.


   Above nine days, a torrential rain began to pour, mixed with fire, death stones, and endless darkness.

   The sky fell apart!

   Above the earth, bright lava, spring water, and the void of black holes poured out.

   The ground is cracked!

   The beings who were fighting to death, all turned their heads in horror to look at all this.

  ”Our world…”

   The Forgotten Heavenly Immortal Army, monks and ordinary creatures, watching this scene, until I feel despair.

   How shocking is it to see my world crumble?

   The immortal army and creatures who are away from Hengtian and are also in fear at this time, and subconsciously stop their hands.

  ”This time has come, what else can I keep?”

   At this time, it is more murderous than Hate God and Worry-Free God.

   They all yelled loudly and rushed up step by step. The sharp spear hung in the sky and the sky, straight to Fang Yuan who was stunned by her tens of thousands of miles away, but they wanted to take advantage of this blow. The advantage of playing directly killed Fang Yuan who had been seriously injured in one go.

  Worry-free God is driving the sacred mountain, flying into the abyss of suffering, and killing the Worry-free God!

  The world is long and the wind is endless!

   At this time, some people are sluggish, some are desperate, and some are crying.

   Some people are murderous, anger burns their hearts, and some people are unclear about their lives and their hearts are ashamed.

   But above the nine heavens, outside the broken firmament, there was a face with excitement.

   Di Xu, wearing a purple robe and a purple crown, is extremely large, looking down on this broken world, with an expected but contemptuous smile on his face, and behind him, he can Seeing the shadows, there are countless silent and terrifying figures. In those figures, there are the Kunlun Mountain overhaul from Tianyuan, and there are endless, dense dark monsters…

   “Human heart, it really didn’t disappoint me…”


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